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目前国内外处理含铬废水的微生物仅局限于酸性或中性环境,且处理Cr(VI)的浓度仅为200mgL-1左右,难以工业化应用,尤其是不可能处理诸如铬渣渗滤液之类的碱性含铬废水及铬渣.本研究从铬渣堆埋场附近取得菌样,经富集、分离、驯化,得到能在碱性介质中高效还原Cr(VI)的无色杆菌属(Achromobactersp.)菌株,该菌为G-,具有周身鞭毛及可运动性.对其生理及还原Cr(VI)的特性进行了研究,结果表明:该菌嗜碱,好氧,耐盐及高Cr(VI),在有氧、pH为10.30、30℃等条件下,含Cr(VI)1570mgL-1的废水经该菌处理16h后浓度降至0.6mgL-1.处理后的沉淀物中铬以Cr(OH)3的非晶形态存在,其中总铬含量为21.44%,Cr(VI)检测不出,具有很大的回收价值.图4表3参16 相似文献
生物质碳源组合型生态浮床系统脱氮效果研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用农业废弃物和水生植物,结合水下空间与水面景观,构建集成脱氮技术的新型立体组合式生态浮床系统用以地表水体中氮的脱除以净化水质。立体生态浮床运行2个月之后的结果显示,NH3-N、TN和CODMn的去除率可分别达到96.77%、95.51%和77.75%,本浮床具有较高脱氮能力,水体净化效果明显;同时,整个生态浮床系统的生物多样性较为丰富,原水分别为Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类的池2和池5中分别鉴定出6种和8种主要氨氧化菌谱带,位于系统中部的玉米芯和稻草表面微生物多样性丰富程度较高;稻草和底泥中氨氧化菌的谱带种类最多。与池2相比,池5中除了存在共有谱带外,还存在特有谱带h和j带,表明可能有特殊氨氧化菌群的存在。本组合型生态浮床具有同步硝化与反硝化作用,利于沉水植物生长,并能促进水生态系统构建。 相似文献
以聚乙烯醇与海藻酸钠为载体,包埋固定氨氧化细菌(AOB),研究温度、DO、初始游离氨(FA)、有机物等影响因素对其短程硝化稳定性的影响。结果表明,25~30℃时载体中氨氧化细菌占优势;DO宜控制在4.0~5.5 mg/L之间,既能满足细菌生长所需,又不至过度曝气,造成载体间的摩擦增大,减少其使用寿命;载体耐氨氮负荷能力强,同时可以抵御有机物对氨氧化细菌的伤害;当初始FA>6.5 mg/L时,氨氧化细菌的活性将受到抑制;富集氨氧化细菌的污泥包埋后氨氮去除率降低了7.5%;包埋载体在确保短程硝化作用的同时,在内部形成的缺氧区可实现反硝化脱氮,提高了系统氨氮的处理能力。 相似文献
用低浓度SO2诱导驯化方法获得高效脱硫菌群,并用分离培养与16S rRNA基因测序技术相结合的方法鉴定菌群种属,分析驯化过程中种群结构的动态变化,同时研究分离纯菌种的脱硫性能。结果表明,从诱导驯化7 d和14 d菌液中分别分离出23株菌和22株菌,16S rRNA序列分析发现这些菌归属于13个种,其中有6个种(Rhodococcus erythropolis、Pseudomonas putida、Microbacterium oxydans、Sphingomonas koreensis、Acinetobacter junii、Acinetobacter johnsonii)对SO2-3有较强的降解能力,并在持续驯化过程中稳定的生长传代,降解产物以硫酸根为主,还有极少量的单质硫。与含混合菌的驯化菌液降解SO2-3的能力相比,单一脱硫菌的脱硫性能较弱。脱硫功能菌株及其基本特性的研究为微生物处理SO2烟气提供了丰富的菌源信息和理论基础。 相似文献
In this study, the occurrence and metabolic capacities of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) were studied in 36 water samples taken from cooling towers of 30 different buildings, such as hotels and business centres in Istanbul. SRB were present in 14 cooling towers out of 30 (46.6%) buildings and while the lowest concentration of SRB was 10 cells/mL, the highest concentration was determined as 104 cells/mL. After the distribution of SRB within cooling towers was determined, several strains of SRB were isolated and characterized metabolically. The isolated strains were composed of vibroid cells, growing anaerobically by using sulfate as electron acceptor and lactate or pyruvate as electron donor. They could be related to the genus Desulfovibrio. In addition, the recorded temperature of water samples was between 12 and 33C and a significant relationship between the number of SRB and the water temperatures was not found. 相似文献
A Multi-Channel Continuous Water Toxicity Monitoring System: Its Evaluation and Application to Water Discharged from a Power Plant 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A multi-channel continuous water toxicity monitoring system was, after confirming the systems' performance, implemented to
samples of water discharged from power plants to detect and classify their toxicity using several recombinant bioluminescent
bacteria. Each channel of the system is composed of a series of two mini-bioreactors to enable a continuous operation, i.e.,
without system interruption due to highly toxic samples. A different recombinant bacterial strain was present in each channel:
DPD2540 (fabA::lux CDABE), DPD2794 (recA::luxCDABE), and TV1061 (grpE::luxCDABE), which are induced by cell membrane-, DNA-, and protein-damaging agents, respectively. GC2 (lac::luxCDABE) is a constitutive strain, whose bioluminescence is reduced by an increase in cellular toxicity. Phenol and mitomycin C (MMC)
were used for evaluating the system's performance to detect toxic chemicals. These samples were injected into the second mini-bioreactor
according to a step or bell-curve manner. The field samples used in this study were obtained from the water discharged from
two different power plants in Korea – from a nuclear power plant and a thermo-electronic power plant, and were injected into
the second mini-bioreactor to initiate the toxicity test. Each channel showed specific bioluminescent (BL) response profiles
due to the toxic compounds present in the water samples. Comparing the BL signals between the standard toxic chemical samples
and discharged water samples, the equivalent toxicity of the field water could be estimated. Finally, it was proved that this
novel continuous toxicity monitoring system can be used as an alternative tool for the quick monitoring and control of water
quality, as well as aid in the setting up of a new monitoring strategy to protect the source of tap water and in the prevention
of polluted water discharge. 相似文献
As large numbers of ships either take in ballast from or discharge their ballast into the Mumbai Harbor region, it is pertinent to quantify microorganisms of health concerns and suggest on the suitability of water for ballasting purposes. To meet with this main aim, a selected set of general and pathogenic bacterial groups and their seasonal variations were studied from the Mumbai Harbor area. Sampling was carried out during postmonsoon (November 2001), pre-monsoon (April 2002) and monsoon (October 2002) periods. We quantified total coliforms and eight other groups of known human pathogenic bacteria from water, sediment, marine plant and animal samples collected in and around Mumbai Harbor. When compared with similar studies from other parts/harbors of the world, the Mumbai Harbor area has over 100-times higher levels of coliforms. The serotypes of Escherichia coli O157 and Shigella-Alkaligens Dispar group were abundant throughout the year. Even Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, Salmonella spp., campylobacters and aeromonads were present in large numbers. This comprehensive study, conducted with a view to quantify these bacterial groups and to evaluate the suitability of these waters for ballasting purposes, clearly suggests that both ballasting and deballasting be avoided in this region and alternative procedures should be developed for treating/handling ballast water. 相似文献
COD/SO42-值对硫酸盐还原率的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
研究利用 UASB反应器考察了 COD和硫酸盐浓度的比值对硫酸盐还原的影响 ,同时分析了硫酸盐还原菌和产甲烷菌对COD的竞争情况 .发现在 HRT为 3.8h,SO42- 负荷为 6~7kg·( m3· d)-1,SO42- 浓度为 1000mg·L-1 条件下 :1在 COD不足时 ,SRB与 MPB在竞争中占微弱优势 ;对于产甲烷活性比较好的厌氧污泥要经过较长的时间 ,SRB才能确立优势菌种的地位 .2 COD/ SO42- 比值决定了 SO42- 的去除率 .比值等于2时 ,SO42- 的还原率在 95%以上 ;当比值为 1.5时 ,SO42- 还原率为 75% ;当比值为 1时 ,SO42-的还原率为 60 % . 相似文献
水源水及底泥中细菌总数及其优势种群初探 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
经测定广州市西村水厂水源水及底泥中的细菌总数分别为2.3×10~3个/mL和2.7×10~6个/g。底泥中的NH_4-N降解菌总数为1.31×10~6个/g,占底泥中细菌总数的48.5%。从水中分离出优势菌41株,经鉴定分别为芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)、假单胞杆菌属(Pseudomonas)、气单胞杆菌属(Aeromonas)、亚硝化杆菌属(Nitrosococcus)、硝化杆菌属(Nitrobacter)、黄单胞杆菌属(Xanthomonas)、棒状杆菌属(Corynebactertium)、产碱菌属(Alcaligener)等8个属。用亚硝化培养基从底泥中分离了NH_4-N降解优势菌20株,经鉴定,分别为Bacillus、节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)、Pseudomonas、Xanthomonas、Nitrosococcus和Nitrobacter等6个属。 相似文献