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Photosynthetic sulfur bacteria oxidize the sulfide produced by dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, thus preventing the occurrence of pollution by these compounds in the oxygenic zone of aquatic systems. Zinc is one of the most abundant heavy metals. Its toxic effects have been documented in various organisms that can photosynthesize, but a lack of information prevails in this respect, about photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of zinc on green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae) and purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) in a microcosm as well to explore the possible relationships between the bacterial population growths with the physicochemical properties of the metalimnion of Zimapan Reservoir (Mexico) during a 1-year period. Hydrosoluble organic carbon (HOC) and light availability in the metalimnion were the limiting factors for growth in these bacteria. Higher HOC levels occurred in Spring, at the end of the wet season and in Winter. Current zinc levels in the reservoir seem to elicit toxic effects. At lethal zinc concentrations, the best concentration-response relationship was shown. The biomarker for purple sulfur bacteria was the bacteriochlorophyll content, while total reducing sugar was the best biomarker for green sulfur bacteria. At sublethal concentrations, zinc alters adenosine triphosphate levels, total reducing sugar, total protein content, and bacteriochlorophyll content. The observed responses indicate that green sulfur bacteria are more sensitive than purple sulfur bacteria and are suitable target organisms for use in establishing the accepted threshold concentration of zinc (NOEC 0.056–0.097 mg L?1 of Zn) in anoxic deep water.  相似文献   
依靠科技进步 发展低碳农业   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在全球携手应对气候变暖、减少温室气体排放的背景下,发展低碳经济是解决气候变化与经济发展矛盾的有效途径。通过描述气候变化、固碳减排对粮食安全、土壤碳汇、森林固碳、资源循环利用等影响和促进作用,深入分析发展低碳经济与可持续发展的关系,探讨如何在农业领域内开发高效循环生产体系,从而实现农业生产过程的固碳减排目的。由此,提出发展低碳农业是实现低碳经济的目标之一,它是一个复合技术体系,涉及了绿色农业、循环农业、生态文明、可持续发展理念。必须通过科学技术的突破,改造、提升低碳农业技术,改变农业现有的"高能耗、高污染"的生产状况,实现低碳生产、生活方式的转变。最后提出发展现代的低碳农业产业经济的对策和思考。  相似文献   
Although it has long been recognized that significant amounts of nitrogen, typically in the form of ammonia (NH(3)) applied as fertilizer, are lost to the atmosphere, accurate estimates are lacking for many locations. In this study, a detailed, bottom-up method for estimating NH(3) emissions from synthetic fertilizers in China was used. The total amount emitted in 2005 in China was estimated to be 3.55 Tg NH(3)-N, with an uncertainty of ± 50%. This estimate was considerably lower than previously published values. Emissions from urea and ammonium bicarbonate accounted for 64.3% and 26.5%, respectively, of the 2005 total. The NH(3) emission inventory incorporated 2448 county-level data points, categorized on a monthly basis, and was developed with more accurate activity levels and emission factors than had been used in previous assessments. There was considerable variability in the emissions within a province. The NH(3) emissions generally peaked in the spring and summer, accounting for 30.1% and 48.8%, respectively, of total emissions in 2005. The peaks correlated with crop planting and fertilization schedules. The NH(3) regional distribution pattern showed strong correspondence with planting techniques and local arable land areas. The regions with the highest atmospheric losses are located in eastern China, especially the North China Plain and the Taihu region.  相似文献   
刘洪涛  陈同斌  郑国砥  高定  雷梅 《生态环境》2010,19(4):1000-1003
针对目前国内肥料生产和施用现状,分别从能耗、成本和污染物排放等三个方面对有机肥和化肥进行比较分析。化肥生产呈现高能耗和高污染排放,而有机肥则表现为低能耗、无污染的特点,同时还可消纳废弃物,减轻污染负荷。从投入成本上分析,化肥相对于有机肥具有一定优势,其单位面积和折纯养分投入分别是有机肥的53%和26%。有机肥相对于化肥,其污染物排放负荷很低。从节能减排和降低投入的角度,提出支持基于废弃物资源化的有机肥产业化发展。  相似文献   
Aerobic composting is a method for the sanitary disposal of human feces as is used in bio-toilet systems. As the products of composting can be utilized as a fertilizer, it would be beneficial if the composting conditions could be more precisely controlled for the retention of fecal nitrogen as long as possible in the compost. In this study, batch experiments were conducted using a closed aerobic thermophilic composting reactor with sawdust as the bulk matrix to simulate the condition of a bio-toilet for the sanitary disposal of human feces. Attention was paid to the characteristics of nitrogen transformation. Under the controlled conditions of temperature at 60°C, moisture content at 60%,anda continuous air supply, more than 70% fecal organic removal was obtained, while merely 17% fecal nitrogen loss was observed over a two-week composting period. The nitrogen loss was found to occur mainly in the first 24 h with the rapid depletion of inorganic nitrogen but with an almost unchanged organic nitrogen content. The fecal NH4-N which was the main component of the inorganic nitrogen ( > 90%) decreased rapidly in the first day, decreased at a slower rate over the following days, and finally disappeared entirely. The depletion of NH4-N was accompanied by the accumulation of NH3 gas in the ammonia absorber connected to the reactor. A mass balance between the exhausted NH3 gas and the fecal NH4-N content in the first 24 hours indicated that the conversion of ammonium into gaseous ammonia was the main reason for nitrogen loss. Thermophilic composting could be considered as a way to keep a high organic nitrogen content in the compost for better utilization as a fertilizer.  相似文献   
郑煜基  林兰稳  罗薇 《生态环境》2001,10(3):204-206
通过采样分析,探明了荔枝的营养特点,并在此基础上提出了施肥技术.研究表明,叶片养分含量为N>K>P;各生育期叶片N变化不大,P、K则有逐步下降的趋势,显示后期需要补充P、K养分;花的发育必须有较多的P、K供应,果实发育后期必须有较多的Ca供应;中后期施用硫酸钾能提高荔枝的品质和产量.  相似文献   
利用中日合作建立的亚洲首个稻麦轮作开放式臭氧浓度升高(ozone-free air controlled enrichment,O3-FACE)平台,选取小麦品种(Tritcium aestivum)扬麦16为试材,研究了不同臭氧和氮肥水平下,小麦不同部位干物质量以及N、P、K质量分数的变化。结果表明,臭氧胁迫下,常氮水平小麦根、叶和穗干物质量以及根冠比与对照相比均显著降低,降幅分别为37.4%、17.4%、12.8%、29.8%,而增施氮肥后,小麦根叶穗及根冠比与常氮下相比均显著增加,增幅分别为60.5%、23.2%、10.7%、43.6%;常氮条件下,臭氧浓度升高明显降低N、P、K累积量及成熟期叶中N、P、K质量分数,降幅分别为10.93%、11.65%、7.64%、23.87%、14.81%、14.9%,而成熟期穗中N、P、K质量分数明显增加,增幅分别为6.15%、10.34%、13.12%,增施氮肥后,N、P、K累积量及小麦叶中N质量分数与常氮相比明显增加,增幅分别为15.58%、11.91%、9.00%、10.74%,叶中P、K质量分数也有所增加但增幅很小,而增施氮肥对其他部位的N、P、K质量分数影响不大。臭氧和氮肥对茎部干质量及N、P、K质量分数影响均不明显。总之,增施氮肥对小麦在臭氧胁迫下的生物量累积和养分累积有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   
通过对水稻盆栽试验,应用15N示踪测试技术和土壤农业化学分析方法,研究接种不同剂量固氮芽孢菌对当季水稻的供氮能力,结果表明:在施有机肥的基础上,接种固氮芽孢杆菌能为当季水稻提供氮素,而且,接菌剂量在0.60亿个?pot-1以内,其供氮能力随着接菌剂量的增加而提高;接种剂量从0.15亿个?pot-1增加到0.60亿个?pot-1,其对当季初的氮素供应从88.7mg?pot-1提高至109.7mg?pot-1,并减少水稻对肥料氮和土壤氮的吸收,增加茬后土壤的速效氮积累,接种量以0.15亿个?pot-1~0.30亿个?pot-1较经济。但在一定的施肥基础上,接种固氮菌对水稻的产生量和吸收氮素总量影响不明显。  相似文献   
科学施肥与农业生产可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何小霞  曾思坚 《生态环境》2005,14(3):443-444
化肥的施用,实现了农业的增产,一百多年来为解决中国人民的温饱问题做出了重大贡献。肥料仍然是粮食安全的重要保障。但不合理施用化肥造成环境污染和食品安全问题,使人们产生了对化肥的错误认识。文章认为必须树立起科学施肥的观念,努力提高化肥利用率,形成有机、无机肥料合理配合使用的格局,促进农业生产可持续发展。此外,还认为应加强肥料市场管理,使之有法可依,并能迎接入世的挑战。  相似文献   
采用自动连续测量系统,对不同施肥情况下稻田甲烷排放通量进行了监测。结果表明:施肥是影响稻田甲烷排放的重要因素。增施有机肥会导致甲烷排放量增加.应用化肥可降低甲烷排放,有机肥加倍处理,32d甲烷总排放量16.40gCH_4/m ̄2,是化肥加倍处理的1.56倍;常规施肥处理介于两者之间。略高于常规加倍处理。肥料种类对甲烷排放量也有影响。全施有机肥高于有机肥加化肥(1:1)组,施沼渣肥组次之,全化肥组排放量最低,不到全有机肥处理排放量的1/5.有机肥又以施人畜粪的甲烷排放率最高,绿肥次之,沼渣肥和稻草的甲烷排放率最低。有机肥的多级利用是减少稻田甲烷排放的一条重要途径。  相似文献   
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