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优化混凝处理低温低浊黄河水及对余铝的控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
考察了4种混凝剂,高效聚合氯化铝(HPAC),聚合氯化铝(PACl),硫酸铝(Al2(SO4)3),混合PACl和氯化铁(FeCl3),对低温低浊黄河原水的混凝效果与沉后水残留铝含量的关系。结果表明,当采用Al2(SO4)3或PACl做混凝剂时,在取得较好浊度去除的投药量下,水中余铝浓度会超过国家标准(0.2131g/L)。而采用HPAC或FeCl3和PACl复配药剂,在取得与Al2(SO4)3或PACl类似的浊度去除效果的同时,也能较好地控制水中的余铝含量。当HPAC投加量为21mg/L时,沉后水浊度降至1.3NTU,残留铝含量为0.147mg/L。复配投加PACl 15mg/L和FeCl3 12mg/L后,沉后水浊度为1.18NTU,残留铝含量为0.074mg/L。PACl和氯化铁的复配比例需要精确的调控,否则容易导致出水余铁余铝含量增加。而HPAC投加量小于21mtg/L时出水余铝浓度均低于国家标准。因此,在这4种混凝剂中,就混凝效果及余铝控制而言,HPAC更适合充当低温低浊水源水的混凝处理药剂。 相似文献
Adsorption and desorption characteristics of diphenylarsenicals in two contrasting soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anan Wang Shixin Li Ying Teng Wuxin Liu Longhua Wu Haibo Zhang Yujuan Huang Yongming Luo Peter Christie 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2013,25(6):1172-1179
Diphenylarsinic acid(DPAA) is formed during the leakage of aromatic arsenic chemical weapons in soils,is persistent in nature,and results in arsenic contamination in the field.The adsorption and desorption characteristics of DPAA were investigated in two typical Chinese soils,an Acrisol(a variable-charge soil) and a Phaeozem(a constant-charge soil).Their thermodynamics and some of the factors influencing them(i.e.,initial pH value,ionic strength and phosphate) were also evaluated using the batch method in order to understand the environmental fate of DPAA in soils.The results indicate that Acrisol had a stronger adsorption capacity for DPAA than Phaeozem.Soil DPAA adsorption was a spontaneous and endothermic process and the amount of DPAA adsorbed was affected significantly by variation in soil pH and phosphate.In contrast,soil organic matter and ionic strength had no significant effect on adsorption.This suggests that DPAA adsorption may be due to specific adsorption on soil mineral surfaces.Therefore,monitoring the fate of DPAA in soils is recommended in areas contaminated by leakage from chemical weapons. 相似文献
针对北京某水库水在冬季呈现低温低浊特性,以此为原水的某水厂在该期间常会出现出水余铝超标现象的问题,通过烧杯实验研究不同投药量下聚合氯化铝(PAC)以及它与三氯化铁(FeCl3)不同复配比形成混凝剂对冬季北京某水库水的处理效果。结果表明,复配药剂存在最佳的Fe/Al摩尔复配比为1/5,此时余铝、有机物去除效果较其他配比混凝剂高。在此配比下,当PAC投药量为0.03 mmol/L时,水中残余铝量取得最低值0.0063 mg/L。相同投药量复配药剂的浊度去除效果比单独使用PAC的浊度去除效果略弱。当投药量为0.06 mmol/L时,Fe/Al摩尔比为1/5的复配混凝剂,能使浊度降至0.4 NTU左右。此外,复配药剂的投药量小,投药范围更宽,易于实际投药操作;同时复配药剂还适于常温及偏中性水源水的处理。规模为5 m3/h中试实验也证明,采用铁铝复配混凝剂连续运行,可获得良好的浊度、余铝去除效果。 相似文献
IntroductionCokingwastewater,especiallythecokingresidualammoniawater(ahugevolumeandheavypollutedwastewaterincoking)isahighconcentrationorganicindustrywastewaterofdifficultforthebiochemistrydegradation.Ofwhich,BOD5/CODisusuallyabout30%.Atpresent,bythetreatm… 相似文献
城市污泥电渗脱水实验研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
电渗脱水是一种能有效去除污泥中水分以实现减量的处理方法.本文采用自制电渗脱水装置进行了城市污泥的电渗脱水实验.通过监测脱水过程中电渗流量、电压梯度与剩余含水率的变化,考察了电压梯度、电极间距和处理时间的影响,并进一步分析了电渗处理过程中脱水效果变化的原因.处理中随着脱水效果由阳极向阴极发展,污泥可划分为已脱水污泥与未脱水污泥,已脱水污泥内电渗停止,电渗与水分的脱除发生在未脱水污泥内,并由未脱水污泥的电压梯度决定.已脱水污泥阻值上升,使未脱水污泥电压梯度逐渐降低,造成了电渗流量与脱水效果的衰减,并使得污泥剩余含水率由阳极至阴极逐渐增加.电渗脱水的整体效果随加载电压的增加而提高,脱水能耗亦随之增加,选取较小的电极间距时电渗脱水能效较高. 相似文献
碘化钾-淀粉试纸法测定余氯 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于余氯对碘化钾的氧化作用和碘淀粉反应,本文提出了测定余氯的碘化钾-淀粉试纸法。研究了最佳测试条件,用于测定医院污水中的余氯,获得满意结果。测量范围为1.0-10.0mg/L。 相似文献
Munique G. Guimarães Rafael Benjamin Werneburg Evaristo Nádia A. Viana Filipe R. Malafaia Yuu Itai Augusto. C. M. Brasil 《International Journal of Sustainable Engineering》2018,11(1):32-39
This work evaluated the sludge potential of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (ETA) in the city of Brasília to be used as a fuel by gasification. It is known that ETA sludge is a significant environmental liability, since current legislation restricts its final disposal. For this, the chemical characterisation of ETA sludge was performed by immediate and elemental analysis. No traces of heavy metals were observed, and the moisture (ω) and ash contents were 31.17 and 51.77%, respectively, different from those already reported in the literature because the composition depends on the water treatment technology employed. The gasification process was numerically simulated; once dry, it constitutes a residue with an energy content (HHV) of 22.4498 MJ kg?1, comparable with other types of biomass currently used for large-scale energy generation by thermochemical processes (e.g. agricultural residues, wood and sugar cane bagasse). For the numerical simulation with an equivalence ratio (Φ) near 3, higher concentrations of CO and H2 can only be achieved with ω lower than 15%. The results showed that gasification can be an attractive option for the disposal and use of a renewable waste resource, such as ETA sludge, in an environmentally safe way, and it is allowed by local legislation. 相似文献
为在硫酸生产中快速准确分析SO2含量,根据有关公式/模型的推算,将SO2分析公式简化为余气体积、余气温度等因素。 相似文献
探明煤层的展布情况和隐伏的地质构造对煤矿的安全生产至关重要。基于大量的瓦斯抽采钻孔的数据,提出了利用瓦斯抽采钻孔预测煤层隐伏构造的方法。通过现场记录钻孔基础数据,运用全角全距法求出钻孔在煤层(顶)底板控制点三维坐标,并建立数据库;利用Surfer数据内插和图形处理功能,绘制煤层顶(底)板三维模型、等值线图和残差图,实现煤层的可视化;根据等值线的疏密异常变化圈出煤层中存在的隐伏构造位置,采用数学地质分析方法判断隐伏构造的类型。通过在古汉山矿1603工作面的试验,证明该方法预测煤层隐伏构造切实可行。 相似文献
考察酪氨酸在不同投氯量条件下氯化后的余氯,紫外吸光度值和荧光光谱,以及消毒副产物对羟基苯乙腈(4-HBC)的生成特性。结果表明,随着投氯量的增加,余氯呈现先增加再减小再增加的趋势。在投氯量为0~0.5 mmolCl2/L时,增加投氯量可提高氯化后溶液的UV254、UV274和UV280值以及4-HBC的生成量,表明低投氯量时氯化可提高溶液中不饱和键的含量;而投氯量为0.5~1 mmol Cl2/L时,增加投氯量降低UV254、UV274和UV280值以及4-HBC的生成量,表明过量的氯亦可破坏溶液中的不饱和键。荧光光谱测试实验亦发现:在投氯量为0.05 mmol Cl2/L时,酪氨酸溶液氯化后的荧光峰强度明显增加,表明氯化可生成荧光强度较高的产物。过量的氯(0.5~1 mmol Cl2/L)则可破坏溶液中的荧光结构,降低荧光峰强度直至未检出。 相似文献