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论长江上游水土保持与农业持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江上游广大山丘区社会发展的历史证明:水土流失严重破坏了人类赖以生存的水土资源,影响了当地农业生产的发展。从1989年开展实施的长江上游水土保持重点防治工程,6年来以其显著的经济、生态和社会效益说明:水土保持不仅控制土壤侵蚀,改善生态环境,而且维护了自然资源的永续利用,成为支持长江上游山丘区农业持续发展的重要基础工程。  相似文献   
O3是一种强氧化剂。利用臭氧处理带色有机废水。可以脱色,而且可以降低废水COD。采用O3氧化脱色速度快,效果好,对废水的脱色废可达80%以上,这是通常的混凝处理通信以达到的。如果采用通臭氧和混凝联合处理,处理效果会更好,脱色率可提高到95%以上。  相似文献   
SBR法处理中药材有机废水工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用SBR法对中药材有机废水进行了研究。考察了CODCR、BOD5、SS、NH3-H的处理效果,以及PH、水温、污泥负荷等条件对去除率的影响。运行结果表明,PHO 6.0-9.0、t为15-30℃、污沁荷0.3kgBOD5/kgMLSS.d,运行程序:进水0.5h(限制曝气)、曝气10h、脱氮1.5h,沉降0.5h,排水0.5h、闲置11h,周期时间24h时CODCR去除率88%、BOD594%、  相似文献   
Like many federal statutes, the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) contains vague or ambiguous language. The meaning imparted to the ESA's unclear language can profoundly impact the fates of endangered and threatened species. Hence, conservation scientists should contribute to the interpretation of the ESA when vague or ambiguous language contains scientific words or refers to scientific concepts. Scientists need to know at least these 2 facts about statutory interpretation: statutory interpretation is subjective and the potential influence of normative values results in different expectations for the parties involved. With the possible exception of judges, all conventional participants in statutory interpretation are serving their own interests, advocating for their preferred policies, or biased. Hence, scientists can play a unique role by informing the interpretative process with objective, policy‐neutral information. Conversely, scientists may act as advocates for their preferred interpretation of unclear statutory language. The different roles scientists might play in statutory interpretation raise the issues of advocacy and competency. Advocating for a preferred statutory interpretation is legitimate political behavior by scientists, but statutory interpretation can be strongly influenced by normative values. Therefore, scientists must be careful not to commit stealth policy advocacy. Most conservation scientists lack demonstrable competence in statutory interpretation and therefore should consult or collaborate with lawyers when interpreting statutes. Professional scientific societies are widely perceived by the public as unbiased sources of objective information. Therefore, professional scientific societies should remain policy neutral and present all interpretations of unclear statutory language; explain the semantics and science both supporting and contradicting each interpretation; and describe the potential consequences of implementing each interpretation. A review of scientists’ interpretations of the phrase “significant portion of its range” in the ESA is used to critique the role of scientists and professional societies in statutory interpretation.  相似文献   
Hexavalent chromium-tolerant (1500?mg/L) bacterium MW1 was isolated from harbour water of Paradip Port and evaluated for Cr(VI) reduction potential. The isolate was identified as Exiguobacterium indicum by biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence methods. Salt tolerance of the bacterium was evaluated in a wide range of NaCl concentrations (0.5–13%, w/v). The Cr(VI) reduction of the strain was evaluated and optimised with varied Cr(VI) concentrations (100–1000?mg/L), pH (5.0–9.0), temperature (30–40°C) and shaking velocity (100–150?rpm) in two different minimal media (M9 and Acetate). Under optimised conditions, after 192?h of incubation nearly 92%, 50% and 46% reduction in the M9 minimal medium and 91%, 47% and 40% reduction in the acetate minimal medium were observed for 100, 500 and 1000?mg/L of Cr(VI), respectively. The exponential rate equation for Cr(VI) reduction yielded higher rate constant value, that is, 1.27?×?10?2?h?1 (M9) and 1.17?×?10?2?h?1 (Acetate) in case of 100?mg/L and became lower for 500 and 1000?mg/L Cr(VI) concentrations. Further, the association of bacterial cells with reduced product was ascertained by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, UV–Vis–DRS and field-emission scanning electron microscope–energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. The above study suggests that the higher reducing ability of the marine bacterium E. indicum MW1 will be suitable for Cr(VI) reduction from saline effluents.  相似文献   
Macrophytes release allelochemicals, which affect pelagic cladocerans such as Daphnia. Using population growth experiments, we analysed the effects of allelochemicals from the macrophyte Egeria densa on the interaction between Daphnia mendotae and three littoral cladocerans (Diaphanosoma birgei, Macrothrix triserialis and Simocephalus mixtus). We found that allelochemicals from E. densa increased the abundance of all the tested cladocerans in spite of the presence of a competitor. This effect was stronger (nearly three to four times higher than in controls) for D. birgei and M. triserialis in the absence of D. mendotae. Independent of the presence of allelochemicals, S. mixtus, but not D. birgei and M. triserialis, reduced the abundance of D. mendotae as compared to controls. The rate of population increase (r) per day was significantly elevated due to the presence of Egeria’s allelochemicals (from 0.07–0.16?d?1 without allelochemicals against 0.12–0.24?d?1 with allelochemicals). In our competition experiments, the rates of population increase of the cladocerans were lower than those in single-species cultures when cultured in the absence of allelochemicals. However, in the presence of allelochemicals this trend was not consistent. Thus, the positive effects of Egeria’s allelochemicals over the cladoceran populations may enhance the grazing pressure on phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Textile dye effluents are believed to be toxic as they might exert various harmful effects on living organisms including genotoxicity. These effluents are the main source of direct and continuous input of pollutants into the aquatic ecosystems. In this study, dye effluents from a local silk dyeing industry were analysed for their genotoxic potential by the Allium cepa genotoxicity test. The A. cepa test is characterised as a genotoxicity test where the roots of A. cepa are grown in different concentrations of the test material. The macroscopic results clearly showed that the toxicity of the dye effluents prompted A. cepa root growth inhibition, and this effect increased with higher concentrations of the effluents. At the cellular level, no dividing cells were found at higher concentrations such as 60%, 80% and 100% of the effluents. However, at a lower concentration of 20%, dividing cells were identified, although the mitotic index was much lower than that of the control. Microscopic analysis showed that the dye effluents induced chromosomal aberrations at significant levels. Taken together, these results revealed that the textile dyeing industry effluents are toxic to eukaryotic cells and these dyes have genotoxic properties that can potentially lead to cancer development and adverse health conditions.  相似文献   
投菌生物接触氧化法处理洁霉素废水的机理研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
罗国维  杨丹青  林世光 《环境科学》1994,15(6):20-22,32
研究了“水解酸化-二段生物接触氧化-混凝”工艺处理高浓度洁霉素废水处理系统中好氧微生物膜特性,分布规律、降解作用,高效降解菌的选育,投加菌在反应器中能否保持优势等问题,以探讨用投菌生物接触氧化法处理洁霉素废水的机理,对本系统好氧微生物膜进行后仍存于反应器中并占有优势,最优势菌株经鉴定属气单胞菌属、通过对中试好氧处理出水进行定性定量分析,寻找其引起剩余CODcr值的原因。  相似文献   
以距离矩阵为基础,提出一种表征化合物分子结构的拓扑指数,并将其用于预报饱和链烃类、醇类和含氮芳香类化合物的性质和活性,获得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
广东、海南的玄武岩.在强烈的红土化过程中.元素在红土剖面中发生迁移和残留、贫化和富集。根据红土化过程中元素的地球化学性状,将元素划分为活泼元素和不活泼元素两大类。并首次采用了元素它集因子这个概念来探讨红土化过程中微量元素的地球化学行为。最后讨论了红土化过程小金的表生富集作用。  相似文献   
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