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文章在介绍我国化学工业排放三废的严峻现状后,阐述了通过工艺改造和综合回收途径来推进三废资源化的技术对策,以及从宏观和微观上看深化三废资源化的意义和光明前景。  相似文献   
本文论证了湖北稻区冬半年的农业资源及其特点,讨论了开发本区冬季农业的意义、发展方向及其关键措施。  相似文献   
森林资源在生态系统的保护中有着多方面的功能,保护森林资源对于环境保护、经济发展和科学研究有着重要意义。我国森林资源破坏严重,其中重要原因之一就是有关森林资源保护法律中存在着许多不完善之处。本文指出我国《森林法》关于法律责任规定存在的问题,提出了违法砍伐林木者应当承担远期保护责任的立法建议。  相似文献   
对生态补偿政策的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立生态补偿政策是实现“三个转变”和制度创新的需要。环境资源价值理论、经济外部性理论和公共产品理论是生态补偿政策的理论基础;“破坏者付费,保护者受益原则”、“受益者补偿原则”、“公平性原则”、“政府主导、市场推进原则”和“分步推进”是生态补偿的基本原则。目前,我国事实的生态补偿政策主要包括财政补偿、流域内部补偿、征收生态环境补偿税费、市场方式补偿、异地开发补偿和国家间补偿。中国的生态补偿政策存在观念障碍、法律障碍、技术障碍,需要采取有效措施,尽快完善我国的生态补偿政策。  相似文献   
介绍了国内外碳酸钙行业生产、应用技术发展现状和池州市碳酸钙资源开发现状,找出了池州市碳酸钙资源开发中存在的问题和解决措施,提出了池州市碳酸钙工业发展需要实施的各种措施。  相似文献   
人口、资源、环境是城市和谐发展的三大基本支撑要素。通过计算广州适度人口、验证库兹尼茨曲线、计算生态足迹等,分析了广州人口、资源与环境三者之间的关系。通过分析可以看出,支撑广州城市可持续发展的三大基本要素——人口规模、资源承载力和环境容量基本都已接近峰值,城市发展面临着有史以来的最大压力,而且资源支撑经济社会发展的能力在弱化,但环境总体质量趋向于好转,库兹尼茨曲线正在向其倒U形的右半部分过渡。为实现城市的可持续发展,广州要处理好经济社会发展与人口、资源、环境的关系,更加关注自然资本。  相似文献   
Few disputes in the annals of US environmentalism enjoy the pedigree of the conservation-preservation debate. Yet, although many scholars have written extensively on the meaning and history of conservation and preservation in American environmental thought and practice, the resonance of these concepts outside the academic literature has not been sufficiently examined. Given the significance of the ideals of conservation and preservation in the justification of environmental policy and management, however, we believe that a more detailed analysis of the real-world use and understanding of these ideas is needed. In this paper, we describe the results of a qualitative, semantic study of the concepts of conservation and preservation undertaken in the context of the Chattahoochee National Forest (CNF), located in northern Georgia (USA). Thirty in-depth interviews were conducted with scientists and north Georgia residents either interested or involved in the future management of the forest. Respondents were asked to define conservation and preservation in their own words and to indicate which approach they felt was more appropriate for the management of the CNF. Qualitative content analysis was used to elicit a set of recurring themes for each foundational concept. Taken together, these themes help to flesh out the meaning of conservation and preservation for citizens and scientists today, and illustrate the evolving nature of two of the more significant and venerable ideas animating US environmental policy and management.  相似文献   
The United States and other developed countries are faced with restoring and managing degraded ecosystems. Evaluations of the degradation of ecological resources can be used for determining ecological risk, making remediation or restoration decisions, aiding stakeholders with future land use decisions, and assessing natural resource damages. Department of Energy (DOE) lands provide a useful case study for examining degradation of ecological resources in light of past or present land uses and natural resource damage assessment (NRDA). We suggest that past site history should be incorporated into the cleanup and restoration phase to reduce the ultimate NRDA costs, and hasten resource recovery. The lands that DOE purchased over 50 years ago ranged from relatively undisturbed to heavily impacted farmland, and the impact that occurred from DOE occupation varies from regeneration of natural ecosystems (benefits) to increased exposure to several stressors (negative effects). During the time of the DOE releases, other changes occurred on the lands, including recovery from the disturbance effects of farming, grazing, and residential occupation, and the cessation of human disturbance. Thus, the injury to natural resources that occurred as a result of chemical and radiological releases occurred on top of recovery of already degraded systems. Both spatial (size and dispersion of patch types) and temporal (past/present/future land use and ecological condition) components are critical aspects of resource evaluation, restoration, and NRDA. For many DOE sites, integrating natural resource restoration with remediation to reduce or eliminate the need for NRDA could be a win-win situation for both responsible parties and natural resource trustees by eliminating costly NRDAs by both sides, and by restoring natural resources to a level that satisfies the trustees, while being cost-effective for the responsible parties. It requires integration of remediation, restoration, and end-state planning to a greater degree than is currently done at most DOE sites.  相似文献   
目前,高校资产管理工作在管理意识、管理方法和管理手段等方面都明显滞后,难以适应高校建设与发展的要求。切实加强高校固定资产管理,就要树立全新的固定资产管理理念,建立科学、合理的保障制度,充分发挥财会、审计部门的重要作用,实现资源共建和共享,同时也要建立可行的资产管理绩效考核制度。  相似文献   
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