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通过CMB模型计算各类尘源对TSP、PM10的影响时发现,二次颗粒物对尘源解析起到了不容忽视的作用,因此就二次颗粒物源成分谱进行了专门解析研究,并把二次颗粒物解析也纳入到模型中来,从而完善了源解析结果。  相似文献   
以广州市近7a的硫酸盐化速率年平均值为基础,运用灰色系统理论,建立了广州市硫酸盐化速率年均值的灰色预测模型.用该模型对广州市2005年、2006年、2007年硫酸盐化速率年平均值进行预测,所得结果分别为0.4228、0.4149、0.4070mgSO3/100cm2·碱片·d.  相似文献   
南黄海鳀鱼产卵场大型底栖生物次级生产力研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据2001至2003年南黄海鳀鱼产卵期在鳀鱼产卵场33个站考察采集的大型底栖生物定量样品资料,利用Brey's(1990)的经验公式对调查海区进行了大型底栖生物栖息密度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值的研究计算.结果表明,该海域大型底栖生物平均栖息密度为194.3 ind.m-2,平均生物量以去灰干重计,为4.08 g m-2,平均次级生产力以去灰干重计,为4.09 g m-2a-1.研究表明,生物量和次级生产力受水深的影响.平均P/B值在研究海域为1.32a-1.对研究结果与整个南黄海、渤海和东海的结果进行了比较与讨论,证明生产力随水深的加大而降低,P/B值随水温升高而升高.图2表1参25  相似文献   
Background, Aims and Scope Secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA), i.e. particulate sulphate (S(VI)), ammonium and nitrate (N(V)) is formed from gaseous precursors i.e., sulfur dioxide (S(IV)), ammonia and nitrogen oxides, in polluted air on the time-scale of hours to days. Besides particulate ammonium and nitrate, the respective gaseous species ammonia and nitric acid can be formed, too. SIA contributes significantly to elevated levels of respirable particulate matter in urban areas and in strongly anthropogenically influenced air in general. Methods The near-ground aerosol chemical composition was studied at two stationary sites in the vicinity of Berlin during a field campaign in summer 1998. By means of analysis of the wind field, two episodes were identified which allow to study changes within individual air masses during transport i.e., a Lagrangian type of experiment, with one station being upwind and the other downwind of the city. By reference to a passive tracer (Na+) and estimates on dry depositional losses, the influences of dispersion and mixing on concentration changes can be eliminated from the data analysis. Results and Discussion Chemical changes in N(-III), N(V) and S(VI) species were observed. SIA i.e., N(V) and S(VI), was formed from emissions in the city within a few hours. The significance of emissions in the city was furthermore confirmed by missing SIA formation in the case of transport around the city. For the two episodes, SIA formation rates could be derived, albeit not more precise than by an order of magnitude. N(V) formation rates were between 1.4 and 20 and between 1.9 and 59 % h-1 on the two days, respectively, and S(VI) formation rates were > 17 and > 10 % h-1. The area south of the city was identified as a source of ammonia. Conclusion The probability of occurrence of situations during which the downwind site (50 km downwind of Berlin) would be hit by an urban plume is > 7.4%. Furthermore, for the general case of rural areas in Germany it is estimated that for more than half of these there is a significant probability to be hit by an urban plume (> 8%). The S(VI) formation rates are higher than explainable by homogeneous gas-phase chemistry and suggest the involvement of heterogeneous reactions of aerosol particles. Recommendation and Outlook The possible contribution of heterogeneous processes to S(VI) formation should be addressed in laboratory studies. Measurements at more than two sites could improve the potential of Lagrangian field experiments for the quantification of atmospheric chemical transformations, if a second downwind site is chosen in such a way that, at least under particular stability conditions, measurements there are representative for the source area.  相似文献   
二次风口的合理布设是实现炉膛内气体混合均匀、反应完全的有效措施之一,运用CFD技术进行二段往复炉排焚烧炉二次风口的辅助设计,借助PHOENICS软件模拟二次风口对炉内流场的影响。通过模拟发现,二次风口的布设可明显提高烟气的湍流程度.前后墙各设一排直径为0.04m的二次风口可以实现最佳的炉膛流场工况。  相似文献   
对硬硅钙石间歇培养颗粒污泥处理含铅废水进行了实验研究,通过单因素分析说明Pb2 、二次粒子投加量及颗粒污泥量三者间相互作用的最佳运行参数,结果表明,营养液为100 mL的条件下,污泥量为120 mL、铅浓度为60 mg/L、硬硅钙石投加量为4 g的条件下可保持颗粒污泥的活性,铅的去除率较高,为连续运行的反应器(容积负荷为18 g COD/L·d)提供了工艺条件.  相似文献   
植物次生代谢:功能、调控及其基因工程   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
植物次生代谢物具有多种重要的生物学功能 ,在工农业生产和人们日常生活中具有广阔的应用前景 .随着可持续农业的发展 ,植物次生代谢物的化学生态学功能及其对农产品品质的影响倍受关注 .植物次生代谢调控的生物化学、分子生物学和基因工程已成了当今国际生物界十分活跃的前沿研究领域 .本文仅就植物次生代谢物功能、代谢调控及基因工程研究进行简要的概述 .1 植物次生代谢物的功能1.1 植物次生代谢物的化学生态学功能植物次生代谢物按其合成方式可分为组成型和诱导型两种类型 ,它们在植物与植物、植物与微生物及植物与昆虫之间的关系中行…  相似文献   
静沉试验法是常用的二沉池设计方法 ,但是仍存在一些问题。在分析大量有关资料的基础上 ,对该法作了较深入的研究。结果表明 ,静沉试验法能够体现二沉池的实际沉降行为 ,但对浓缩时间的解法需要加以纠正。该设计方法可以更好地应用于优化设计之中。  相似文献   
Carbon Management in Agricultural Soils   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
World soils have been a major source of enrichment of atmospheric concentration of CO2 ever since the dawn of settled agriculture, about 10,000 years ago. Historic emission of soil C is estimated at 78 ± 12 Pg out of the total terrestrial emission of 136 ± 55 Pg, and post-industrial fossil fuel emission of 270 ± 30 Pg. Most soils in agricultural ecosystems have lost 50 to 75% of their antecedent soil C pool, with the magnitude of loss ranging from 30 to 60 Mg C/ha. The depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool is exacerbated by soil drainage, plowing, removal of crop residue, biomass burning, subsistence or low-input agriculture, and soil degradation by erosion and other processes. The magnitude of soil C depletion is high in coarse-textured soils (e.g., sandy texture, excessive internal drainage, low activity clays and poor aggregation), prone to soil erosion and other degradative processes. Thus, most agricultural soils contain soil C pool below their ecological potential. Adoption of recommend management practices (e.g., no-till farming with crop residue mulch, incorporation of forages in the rotation cycle, maintaining a positive nutrient balance, use of manure and other biosolids), conversion of agriculturally marginal soils to a perennial land use, and restoration of degraded soils and wetlands can enhance the SOC pool. Cultivation of peatlands and harvesting of peatland moss must be strongly discouraged, and restoration of degraded soils and ecosystems encouraged especially in developing countries. The rate of SOC sequestration is 300 to 500 Kg C/ha/yr under intensive agricultural practices, and 0.8 to 1.0 Mg/ha/yr through restoration of wetlands. In soils with severe depletion of SOC pool, the rate of SOC sequestration with adoption of restorative measures which add a considerable amount of biomass to the soil, and irrigated farming may be 1.0 to 1.5 Mg/ha/yr. Principal mechanisms of soil C sequestration include aggregation, high humification rate of biosolids applied to soil, deep transfer into the sub-soil horizons, formation of secondary carbonates and leaching of bicarbonates into the ground water. The rate of formation of secondary carbonates may be 10 to 15 Kg/ha/yr, and the rate of leaching of bicarbonates with good quality irrigation water may be 0.25 to 1.0 Mg C/ha/yr. The global potential of soil C sequestration is 0.6 to 1.2 Pg C/yr which can off-set about 15% of the fossil fuel emissions.  相似文献   
目的为了简化复合材料层合板冲击建模过程,节省模型处理时间,利用python语言进行ABAQUS二次开发。方法通过编写主控文本程序Damagemodel.py,图形界面编辑程序DamagemodelDB.py和衔接程序Damagemodel_plugin.py,实现系统建模界面定制,复合材料层合板和弹头的快速建模参数化,以及分析步和接触属性定义自动化。结果在快速建模完成的基础上,对冲击过程进行模拟。冲击过程中,层合板冲击面产生凹坑,背部凸起。仿真深度与实测深度误差为0.2 mm,损伤面积仿真结果与试验结果误差为4.2%。结论模拟结果与试验结果较为接近,表明快速建模可以为冲击模拟提供有效的支持。  相似文献   
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