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岳晓英  李忠勤  张明军  周平  樊晋 《环境科学》2013,34(10):3764-3771
基于2007年4、8和10月这3个时段不同季节的野外考察取样和实验室分析测试,探讨了天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川区气溶胶样品中水溶性离子成分的浓度组成、变化特征及其可能来源.结果表明,气溶胶水溶性离子平均浓度为2.76μg·m-3,化学组成以Ca2+、NO-3和SO2-4为主.Ca2+、SO2-4、NH+4、Na+、Mg2+、Cl-在春、夏、秋这3个季节的变化趋势与总离子浓度的变化趋势一致,均为夏季最高、秋季次之、春季最低,而K+与NO-3却呈现出秋季最高、夏季和春季浓度次之的季节变化特征.分析认为,气溶胶中Ca2+、Na+、Mg2+、K+和Cl-主要可能来自陆源矿物;而NO-3和NH+4则很大程度上以人为源为主.并且发现,SO2-4可能同时受陆地源与人类活动来源的影响.  相似文献   
野生马齿苋种子发芽试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对野生马齿苋种子的发芽特性进行了初步研究,结果表明,马齿苋种子发芽受温度、浸种时间、种子贮藏时间等因素影响.温度低于20℃时,不发芽,20℃时开始发芽,发芽适温为25~30℃,温度超过35℃时发芽受到抑制,在25℃下催芽,其发芽时间集中在24~48h内.温水浸种有利于发芽,浸种时间以12~24h为宜.马齿苋种子存在3~4个月的生理休眠期,用清水浸种可打破休眠,野外播种马齿苋时覆盖塑料小拱棚可明显提高发芽率和出苗率.  相似文献   
Background, Aims and Scope Secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA), i.e. particulate sulphate (S(VI)), ammonium and nitrate (N(V)) is formed from gaseous precursors i.e., sulfur dioxide (S(IV)), ammonia and nitrogen oxides, in polluted air on the time-scale of hours to days. Besides particulate ammonium and nitrate, the respective gaseous species ammonia and nitric acid can be formed, too. SIA contributes significantly to elevated levels of respirable particulate matter in urban areas and in strongly anthropogenically influenced air in general. Methods The near-ground aerosol chemical composition was studied at two stationary sites in the vicinity of Berlin during a field campaign in summer 1998. By means of analysis of the wind field, two episodes were identified which allow to study changes within individual air masses during transport i.e., a Lagrangian type of experiment, with one station being upwind and the other downwind of the city. By reference to a passive tracer (Na+) and estimates on dry depositional losses, the influences of dispersion and mixing on concentration changes can be eliminated from the data analysis. Results and Discussion Chemical changes in N(-III), N(V) and S(VI) species were observed. SIA i.e., N(V) and S(VI), was formed from emissions in the city within a few hours. The significance of emissions in the city was furthermore confirmed by missing SIA formation in the case of transport around the city. For the two episodes, SIA formation rates could be derived, albeit not more precise than by an order of magnitude. N(V) formation rates were between 1.4 and 20 and between 1.9 and 59 % h-1 on the two days, respectively, and S(VI) formation rates were > 17 and > 10 % h-1. The area south of the city was identified as a source of ammonia. Conclusion The probability of occurrence of situations during which the downwind site (50 km downwind of Berlin) would be hit by an urban plume is > 7.4%. Furthermore, for the general case of rural areas in Germany it is estimated that for more than half of these there is a significant probability to be hit by an urban plume (> 8%). The S(VI) formation rates are higher than explainable by homogeneous gas-phase chemistry and suggest the involvement of heterogeneous reactions of aerosol particles. Recommendation and Outlook The possible contribution of heterogeneous processes to S(VI) formation should be addressed in laboratory studies. Measurements at more than two sites could improve the potential of Lagrangian field experiments for the quantification of atmospheric chemical transformations, if a second downwind site is chosen in such a way that, at least under particular stability conditions, measurements there are representative for the source area.  相似文献   
湖南马尾松种实害虫有七种,松梢小巷蛾和微红班螟是主要害虫。主要危害二年生球果,被害率高达46.49-47.76%。害虫天敌有三种。种实病害主要表现在一年生幼果大量脱落,落果率达33.35-36.12%。发病原因经室内病原茵诱发试验和分离培养,尚未获得致病茵,初步诊断为一种生理病害。病虫发生高峰期均在4-6月份,此时为防治关健时期。氧化乐果等防治马尾松种实害虫效果可达70%以上。无性乐间搞虫性略有差异。九二0生长激素和钼酸钠微肥防治生理落果有较明显防治效果。  相似文献   
种子大小在森林更新过程中的生态学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就种子大小与个体发育、种群动态和群落组成、结构与动态的相互关系进行综述,着重阐述了不同大小的种子在个体发育过程中的生态学意义。  相似文献   
南京市大气气溶胶中二元羧酸昼夜变化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2002年3月14-19日在南京大学校园内进行了为期1周的采样,用以研究大气气溶胶PM2.5中的低分子量(C2~C10)二元羧酸的昼夜变化规律.结果表明,南京市大气气溶胶中二元羧酸的夜间质量浓度(平均为460ng/m3)普遍高于相应的白天质量浓度(平均为350 ng/m3).草酸是含量最高的二元羧酸,其次是丁二酸与丙二酸,这3种二元羧酸占所检测到的水溶性有机酸总量的89%.由C3/C4(ρ(丙二酸)/ρ(丁二酸))(平均为1.00)可以判断采样期间气溶胶中有机酸主要来源于大气的光化学氧化反应,从C6/C9(ρ(己二酸)/ρ(壬二酸))(平均为0.88)可以认为生物源是有机酸的一个重要来源.   相似文献   
我国营养体产业发展及种植业结构调整   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据我国气候的基本特征,提出了发展营养体产业是高效利用我国土地资源和气候资源的有效途径的观点,比较了营养体产业和传统农业在光能利用和产量等方面的差别,指出了营养体产业和技术关键是科学利用S-型生长曲线。  相似文献   
探索植物区系过渡性的地理分布格局,对于理解植物区系的起源、迁移和分布具有重要意义。本研究利用620个植物群落样方,探讨了云南地区植物区系过渡性的地理分布格局及其生物地理意义。研究结果表明,随着纬度、海拔的升高,温带区系成分所占比重呈显著递增趋势,但在经度梯度上呈递减趋势;热带区系成分所占的比重在地理梯度上则表现为相反的变化趋势。地形格局较好地反映了区系成分的地理分布格局;热带区系成分所占比重与温带区系成分所占比重的比值从南到北呈递减趋势。区系过渡性的低值主要出现在滇西北地区和包括滇西南、滇东南与滇南在内的云南南部地区,而高值主要出现在云南中部地区和中海拔地区,这可能与区系迁移过程和海拔梯度有关。热带区系成分在云南地区基带植被中占主导地位;热带区系成分占优势地位的区域主要集中在低海拔地区,占云南土地面积的60%左右,而温带区系成分占优势地位的区域主要集中在高海拔的北部地区,占土地总面积的40%左右。本研究从基带植被的区系性质和温、热带植物区系成分占优势地位的土地面积的构成证实了云南地区可能是一个“热带山原”的假说。区系过渡性随着年平均温度的升高,呈先增强后减弱的单峰格局。当年均温在13.1℃左右时,出现区系平衡点。相对水平分布而言,云南地区植被的垂直分布可能更值得注意。  相似文献   
The Canadian Acid Aerosol Measurement Program (CAAMP) was established in 1992 to gain a better understanding of the atmospheric behaviour of fine particle strong acidity (“acid aerosols”) and to facilitate an assessment of the potential health risks associated with acid aerosols and particles in general. During 1992. 1993 and 1994, annular denuder and filter measurements were taken at four sites in Ontario, two in Quebec, three in the Atlantic Provinces and one in the greater Vancouver area. Mean fine particle sulphate concentrations (SO42−) were highest in southern Ontario (annual average ranged from 40–70 nmol m−3), lowest at a site in the Vancouver area (average = 16 nmol m−3) and second lowest in rural Nova Scotia. However, mean fine particle strong acid concentrations (H+) were geographically different. The highest mean concentrations were at the east coast sites (annual average of up to 30 nmol m−3). Acidities were lower in areas where the fine particle acidity experienced greater neutralization from reaction with ammonia. This included the major urban centres (i.e. Toronto and Montréal) and areas with greater amounts of agricultural activity, as in rural southern Ontario. On average, ambient concentrations of fine and coarse particle mass were larger in the urban areas and also in areas where SO42− levels were higher. All the particle components were episodic. However, compared to SO42− and fine particles (PM2.5 or PM2.1, depending upon inlet design), episodes of H+ tended to be less frequent and of shorter duration, particularly in Ontario. Saint John, New Brunswick, had the highest mean annual H+ concentration, which was 30 nmol m−3. H+ episodes (24 h concentration > 100 nmol m−3) were also the most frequent at this location. The high levels in Saint John were partially due to local sulphur dioxide sources and heterogeneous chemistry occurring in fog, which, on average, led to a 50% enhancement in sulphate, relative to upwind conditions.There was a substantial amount of intersite correlation in the day to day variations in H+, SO42− , PM2.5 and PM10 (fine + coarse particles) concentrations, which is due to the influence of synoptic-scale meteorology and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of fine particles. Sulphate was the most regionally homogenous species. Pearson correlation coefficients comparing SO42− between sites ranged from 0.6 to 0.9, depending on site separation and lag time. In many cases, particle episodes were observed to move across the entire eastern portion of Canada with about a two-day lag between the SO42− levels in southern Ontario and in southern Nova Scotia.  相似文献   
研究了不同质量浓度Cu、Cd胁迫对荻(Triarrhena sacchariflora(Maxim.)Nakai)种子萌发及其幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:随着胁迫质量浓度的增大,Cu、Cd对荻种子萌发和幼苗生长的抑制作用增强。就发芽率来看,影响荻种子萌发的Cu的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为20.81、67.37 mg·L-1,Cd的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为16.30、42.79 mg·L-1。Cu、Cd对荻幼苗根的抑制作用大于对芽的抑制作用;芽的生长表现为低促高抑。影响荻幼苗芽生长的Cu的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为52.32、96.11 mg·L-1,Cd的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为33.55、55.88 mg·L-1;影响荻幼苗根生长的Cu的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为42.33、85.03 mg·L-1,Cd的临界质量浓度和极限质量浓度分别为26.18、50.45 mg·L-1。  相似文献   
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