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调查了神东矿区23个单位附属绿地的绿化结构,测定并评价了绿地的各种功能效益和蒸腾耗水量,最后选择绿地持续稳定、功能效益、蒸腾耗水量、整体美景度4个方面10个指标,用主成分分析法综合评价了不同绿地配置模式的优劣顺序,筛选出较好的配置模式。评价分析表明:上湾小学总体表现最好,神东煤矿职工生活小区总体表现普遍较差;绿量是决定城市绿地功能效益的关键因素,城市绿化不仅要增加绿化覆盖率,还要注重提高单位面积绿地绿量;乔木树种不仅绿量和发挥的功能效益最大,蒸腾耗水量也很大,因此,干旱半干旱地区城市单位附属绿地在提高节水乔木树种(如新疆杨Populus alba var.pyramidalis)比例的同时,还应注重配置花灌木树种(如玫瑰Rosa rugosa、紫丁香Syringa oblata),并适当地用自然杂草代替人工草坪覆盖地表,以适应干旱地区水分短缺的需求。  相似文献   
利用常规气象观测资料、颗粒物监测数据,并结合污染源溯源,采用天气学原理和轨迹分析等方法对2019年5月青海东部一次沙尘重污染天气的主要成因及沙尘传输特征进行了分析.结果表明,此次沙尘重污染天气主要由贝加尔湖低槽东移携带的强冷空气沿河西走廊东移下滑,沿湟水河谷自东向西倒灌入青海东部导致,污染物随着强劲的东风影响青海东部....  相似文献   
Annually, millions pounds of antibiotics are released unmetabolized into environment along with animal wastes. Accumulation of antibiotics in soils could potentially induce the persistence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotics such as tetracyclines and tetracycline-resistant bacteria have been previously detected in fields fertilized with animal manure. However, little is known about the accumulation of tetracyclines and the development of tetracycline resistance in semi-arid soils. Here we demonstrate that continuous land application with swine effluent, containing trace amounts of chlortetracycline, does not necessarily induce tetracycline resistance in soil bacteria. Based on the testing of more than 3,000 bacteria isolated from the amended soils, we found no significant increase in the occurrence and level of chlortetracycline resistant bacteria in soils after 15 years of continuous swine effluent fertilization. To account for a possible transfer of tetracycline-resistant bacteria originated from the swine effluent to soils, we analyzed two commonly found tetracycline resistant genes, tet(O) and tet(M), in the swine effluent and fertilized soils. Both genes were present in the swine effluent, however, they were not detectable in soils applied with swine effluent. Our data demonstrate that agronomic application of manure from antibiotic treated swine effluent does not necessarily result in the development of antibiotic bacterial resistance in soils. Apparently, concentrations of chlortetracycline present in manure are not significant enough to induce the development of antibiotic bacterial resistance.  相似文献   
以硫丹为研究对象,利用三级多介质逸度模型,对硫丹在半干旱的兰州河谷盆地大气、水体、土壤、沉积物和植物相中的浓度分布进行模拟研究;对硫丹在研究区环境多介质问的迁移通量进行分析,确定其在环境中的主要迁移过程;并结合实际监测数据,对模型的可靠性进行验证;此外,还对除常数之外的20个模型参数进行灵敏度分析,并对较高的模型灵敏度影响因素进行不确定性分析.研究结果表明:土壤、植物和沉积物相是硫丹在兰州河谷盆地环境污染的主要储库;大气平流输入和农药施用是研究区硫丹的主要输入源,沉积物降解和大气平流输出为研究区的主要消耗和输出途径;亨利常数、辛醇-水分配系数等化合物理化性质参数,以及沉积物、土壤有机碳含量等环境参数对模型的灵敏度影响比较显著;模拟浓度与实测浓度相差在一个数量级之内,吻合较好,表明建立的三级多介质逸度模型适用于半干旱的兰州河谷盆地α-硫丹和β-硫丹的环境多介质迁移及归趋行为模拟.  相似文献   
随着干早区草场非平衡态理论的提出和发展,退化草场封育的时间、方式与草场恢复间的关系已成为目前研究的主要课题之一:作者选择完全封育、季节封育和未封育3种措施进行对半干早沙地草场的植被特征及其生物量进行比较研究,结果表明,在封育处理的年份中,不同封育措施(放牧压力)是决定植被差异的主要因子。完全封育区和季节封育区植物以一年生草本为主,在植物种数量、生物多样性上差异并不显著,未封育区植被则以多年生草本为主,且Simpson和Shannon多样性指数与前两者差异均显著;完全封育并未导致一些牲畜喜食植物种的完全消失,但一些饲用价值差的植物如平卧碱蓬等大量出现在完全封育的群落中,同时旱生和强旱生植物的比例明显增加。尽管3种措施地上部分总生物量差异并不显著,但各群落中主要植物种的地上部分生物量则存在这一定的差异,从3种措施植被的饲用价值来看,季节封育区植被的饲用价值较高,表明季节封育可以促进并提高草场的放牧利用价值。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to establish the water resources of thenon-perennial streams in providing supplementary water needs inLaikipia district. This district has undergone remarkable land usechanges resulting in water use stress of perennial river abstractions andgroundwater exploitation in the semi arid environment.Over a three year period extending from January 1989 to December1991, hydrological variables were monitored in four non-perennial flowcatchments within the district. These catchments have been shown tohave potential of about 8000 m3/km2/year except forlong dry spells during the observation period and high sediment lossesand evaporation rates calling for proper conservation measures in orderto exploit productively the water resources potential of such catchments.  相似文献   
A geochemical study of stream sediments near Rodalquilar (South-east Spain) was undertaken to investigate the impact of processing activities associated with nearby gold mining. Despite the semi-arid nature of the area, visual inspection of tailings indicates that considerable fluvial erosion occurs during rainfall events. Geochemical analysis demonstrates that Mo, Sb, Te, Bi and As are all found at elevated levels in stream sediments downstream of the tailings site. Elevated levels of Pb, Cu and Zn were also noted in stream sediments. Statistical analysis demonstrates that four factors control trace-element distribution. Factor 1 displays a strong association of Mo, Sb, Te and Bi and As and is attributed to the mine tailings. Factor 2 displays an association of Pb and Cu, and is most easily attributed to anthropogenic pollution. Factor 3 distinguishes Au and reflects the selective nature of ore-processing methods employed at the site. Factor 4 only highlights Zn, reflecting that it is derived from several, probably unrelated, sources.  相似文献   
在半干旱地区,利用腾发盖层代替传统盖层,在相同的防渗效果下可以减少垃圾填埋场设计过度造成的浪费。以兰州地区为例,实验测试得到兰州黄土的土水特征曲线,求得田间持水量和萎蔫含水量;结合兰州地区2007—2008年气象资料,利用Hydrus-1D软件,模拟了透过盖层的降水入渗量,分析了黄土盖层替代传统盖层的可行性。研究结果显示,31 cm厚的黄土盖层理论上可以满足阻止降水入渗的要求,与传统盖层相比,具有成本低、施工简单的优点。  相似文献   
半干旱区春季沙尘气溶胶谱分布的观测研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为研究半干旱区沙尘细粒子的粒谱特征,利用WPS粒谱仪对内蒙古朱日和地区春季粒径为0.01~10.0mm的沙尘气溶胶进行了40多天的连续观测,得到不同天气条件下的气溶胶谱分布.研究表明,沙尘气溶胶有明显的日分布规律,不同天气背景下的沙尘气溶胶浓度变化特征不同,受气象要素影响较大.非沙尘日和沙尘日均有浓度变化较稳定的粒径段,沙尘日出现稳定粒径段的粒径小于非沙尘日,2种天气背景下的平均谱在0.07~0.20mm;非沙尘日、沙尘日和沙尘时段的气溶胶谱型在0.01~0.1mm、0.1~1.0mm和1.0~10mm 3个粒径段分布明显不同,分别符合对数正态分布、Lorentz分布和负指数分布.  相似文献   
半干旱地区黑碳气溶胶和含碳气体特征及来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用2009年9月~2010年6月兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)多角度吸收分光光度计(MAAP-5012)观测数据、CO和CO2气体成分混合比数据,分析了西北半干旱地区黑碳气溶胶和含碳气体特征、影响源地,以及影响黑碳浓度的排放物类型.结果表明BC、CO、CO2平均浓度分别为1.75μg/m3、601.71×10-9、387.78×10-6.利用后向轨迹模式将从观测站西部和东部输送过来的气流区分开,气流从东部来时,BC、CO、CO2浓度分别为1.38μg/m3、462.79×10-9、383.03×10-6;气流从西部来时,BC、CO、CO2浓度分别为2.2μg/m3、768.38×10-9、393.47×10-6.对500m、1500m、3000m高度气流来向的发源地进行聚类分析,发现3个高度上气流从中东、中亚及欧洲区域传输过来时,BC、CO、CO2浓度较高,△BC/△CO、△CO/△CO2值较大,说明燃料燃烧效率较低;气流从我国华北华中地区传输过来时,BC、CO、CO2浓度较低,△BC/△CO、△CO/△CO2值较小,表明燃料燃烧效率较高.  相似文献   
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