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将注入式低温等离子体技术应用于烟厂制丝排潮和制丝除尘排放气体异味处理中,研究了注入式低温等离子体发生器参数对臭味浓度、非甲烷总烃和可检出典型有机物去除率的影响规律。结果表明:注入式低温等离子体发生器工作电压越高,注入处理烟道的氧化活性物种浓度越高,注入量越大,臭味浓度、非甲烷总烃和可检出典型有机物去除率也越高。选取合理的工作电压,臭味浓度去除率可达90%以上,非甲烷总烃去除率分别达到了83.8%(制丝排潮)和78.1%(制丝除尘)。  相似文献   
Expansion of the distribution of exotic rainbow trout is thought to be a leading cause for the decline of native brook trout since the 1930s in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. An experimental rehabilitation project was conducted from 1976 to 1981 using backpack electrofish shockers on four remnant brook trout populations sympatric with rainbow trout. The objectives were to evaluate the effectiveness of the technique to remove the exotic rainbow trout, to determine the population responses by native brook trout, and to evaluate the usefulness of the technique for trout management in the park.Rainbow trout populations were greatly reduced in density after up to six years of electrofishing, but were not eradicated. Rainbow trout recruitment, however, was essentially eliminated. Brook trout populations responded by increasing in density (including young-of-the-year), but rates of recovery differed among streams. The maximum observed densities ir each stream occurred at the end of the project.The findings suggest that electrofishing had a major negative impact on the exotic species, which was followed by positive responses from the native species in the second and third order study streams. The technique would probably be less effective in larger (fourth-order) park streams, but as an eradication tool the technique may have its highest potential in small first order streams. Nonetheless, the technique appears useful for population control without causing undue impacts on native aquatic species, although it is labor intensive, and capture efficiency is greatly influenced by fish size and stream morphology. To completely remove the exotic fish from selected streams, different technologies will have to be explored and developed.  相似文献   
Biological Pollutants: Alien Fishes in Mountain Lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many lakes in the national parks of the Canadian Rockies were stocked with alien fish species in the early to mid 20th century. Changes to Parks Canada's mandate require the original communities of these lakes to be restored. We document the changes to invertebrate communities caused by the stocking of alien fishes into three fishless alpine lakes, and describe the results of two restoration experiments, one the reintroduction of Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, a planktonic predator that had been eliminated from Snowflake Lake by stocked fish, and the other the removal of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from Bighorn Lake. In both cases, there were great changes to the zooplankton communities, which required several years to complete, probably because of the cold water and unproductive nature of the lakes. Many of the invertebrate species extirpated by stocked alien fishes co-exist with native fish species in nearby lakes. Possible reasons are discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of global warming can increase the risk of exotic species introductions in eastern Canadian Arctic waters by reducing surface ice cover and allow increased access to commercial vessels. Ballast water discharged by incoming overseas vessels is an important means for introducing species on a global scale. Analyses of air temperatures at Churchill, Manitoba between 1943 and 2002 indicated an increase in mean temperature within the past decade. Churchill is the only major northern port in this region where grain has been exported on a limited basis due to the short navigation season. Economic analyses of grain exported from Canadian and U.S. ports indicated some cost advantages for using northern ports. The Hudson Bay region is vulnerable to increased exotic species introductions because of its southerly location. Current ballast water exchange measures to reduce the risk of introductions may not be effective because most vessels enter the region with ballast, and the ballast exchange zone is located relatively close to coastal areas where the habitat could be favorable for an introduced species to become established. The probability of a large crab species introduced to this region from northern European waters is discussed. The risk of ballast water–related exotic species introduction to this region may be reduced by expanding the types of cargo handled and developing a strong import market. This approach would accommodate an increase in the number of vessels with cargo, and substantially reduce the volume of ballast carried to this region.  相似文献   
天然针阔混交林优势种群间联结关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用2 ×2 联列表,通过方差分析、χ2 检验、联结系数C、Ochiai 系数、Czekanowski 系数和Jaccard 系数等系列方法,测定了天然针阔混交林15 个优势种群间的总体联结关系,各种对间联结显著性和关联系数.研究表明:中亚热带针阔混交林的种间联结测定使用上述系列技术效果很佳.运用方差分析揭示出多物种整体间的联结关系;χ2 检验揭示出成对物种间联结的性质和程度;Ochiai、Czekanowski 和Jaccard 系数可表明种对的联结程度和相伴随出现的机率.结果表明:多物种间的整体联结关系为显著的正联结;χ2 统计量检验了105 个种对,其中9 个种对呈现极显著的正联结;2 个种对为显著的正联结;4 个种对呈现显著的负联结.马尾松( Pinus massoniana)与常绿阔叶林优势树种间的联结关系很弱,反映出天然针阔混交林的成熟性  相似文献   
京杭运河徐州段底栖动物与水质的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究利用生物监测方法,探明了京杭运河徐州段大型底栖无脊椎动物的生物种群及其分布。运用污染生物指数(Goodnight)和生物多样性指数(Shannon)统计表达,对京杭运河徐州段进行生物综合评价,同时,指出了该水体污染,将给徐州的两个地面饮用水厂及国家南水北调工程带来威胁和危险。通过生物指标与理化指标对比,综合分析研究,冲破了理化指标的限制,说明生物指标对水体污染的评价更全面、可靠而直观。  相似文献   
Utility of Mitochondrial DNA Barcodes in Species Conservation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract:  Molecular tools are a standard part of many conservation studies and can be informative at many different levels of analysis, although there are inherent limitations and strengths of different genes or parts of genes to inform specific questions. Animal DNA barcodes, 600- to 800-base-pair segments of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I, have been proposed as a means to quantify global biodiversity. Although mitochondrial (mt) DNA has a long history of use at the species level, recent analyses suggest that the use of a single gene, particularly mitochondrial, is unlikely to yield data that are balanced, universally acceptable, or sufficient in taxonomic scope to recognize many species lineages. Mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have different patterns of evolution and modes of inheritance, which can result in very different assessments of biodiversity. The ramifications of choosing a particular definition of species (species concept) need to be carefully considered because current efforts have designated DNA barcodes as the universal species concept without demonstrating its superiority over preexisting concepts. The results of such a barcoding paradigm may include a failure to recognize significant portions of biodiversity or nuclear/mitochondrial mixed lineages and could spuriously focus conservation resources on populations with relatively minor mtDNA divergence. DNA barcodes are most likely to provide potentially useful information for groups that are already well studied, and such taxa do not constitute the majority of biodiversity or those in most need of research attention. DNA barcode-length sequences are an important source of data but, when used alone or out of context, may offer only a fraction of the information needed to characterize species while taking resources from broader studies that could produce information essential to robust and informed conservation decisions.  相似文献   
Conservation Value of Non-Native Banteng in Northern Australia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  The global species extinction crisis has provided the impetus for elaborate translocation, captive breeding, and cloning programs, but more extreme actions may be necessary. We used mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome, and nuclear lactoferrin-encoding gene sequencing to identify a wild population of a pure-strain endangered bovid ( Bos javanicus ) introduced into northern Australia over 150 years ago. This places the Australian population in a different conservation category relative to its domesticated conspecific in Indonesia (i.e., Bali cattle) that has varying degrees of introgression from other domesticated Bos spp. The success of this endangered non-native species demonstrates that although risky, the deliberate introduction of threatened exotic species into non-native habitat may provide, under some circumstances, a biologically feasible option for conserving large herbivores otherwise imperiled in their native range.  相似文献   
马尾松纯林及其与阔叶树混交林的凋落量与养分通量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在25a生马尾松林下分别套种1a生火力楠、闽粤栲、苦槠、格氏栲、青栲和拉氏栲等阔叶树种的幼苗,16a后形成郁闭的针阔混交异龄林.通过定位监测和化学分析,对上述6种混交林类型及林下未套种阔叶树的马尾松纯林的森林凋落量及养分通量进行了研究.统计结果显示,6个混交群落的年凋落量分别为7137.3kghm-2、6741.1kghm-2、8041.7kghm-2、7151.3kghm-2、7533.2kghm-2和6149.1kghm-2,而马尾松纯林的年凋落量仅3442.8kghm-2.在所有林分的凋落物组成中,枯叶占绝对优势,占凋落物总量的49.7%~71.5%,其余依次为枯枝(5.7%~26.1%)、其它组分(5.5%~17.1%)、树皮(7.7%~18.9%)和果实(0.7%~2.0%).各混交林分中来自马尾松的凋落物占50.4%~58.0%,而来自阔叶树的凋落物占42.0%~49.6%,且两者的组成存在明显差异.各林分总凋落量的季节动态呈双峰型,第1次峰值出现在2~4月份,第2次峰值出现在8、9月份.凋落物中主要养分元素的含量依林分类型、凋落物组分和凋落时间不同而异,N、P、K、Ca和Mg的含量范围依次为3.25~12.98gkg-1、0.23~0.97gkg-1、0.42~4.02gkg-1、7.34~32.57gkg-1和1.34~5.58gkg-1.不同的林分类型,凋落物中各养分元素的年通量大小均为:Ca>N>Mg>K>P.马尾松纯林中,通过凋落物的5种养分元素的年流通量为142.01kghm-2;而在林下分别套种上述6种阔叶树后,其养分年流通量依次增加到204.95kghm-2、223.93kghm-2、304.12kghm-2、288.46kghm-2、213.77kghm-2、238.05kghm-2.图3表4参13  相似文献   
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