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传统概念的地气测量是指地下上升到地表并扩散到大气空间的天然状态气体 ,如CO2 、CH4 、Rn、Hg、H2 等。近十多年的研究证实地气还包含着新的内涵 ,即地壳岩石以及地表土壤中还存着痕量的金属与非金属气体 ,通过捕集这些气体 ,可以获得更多的深部地质构造、矿床信息。据报导 ,国内外的研究主要是在已知矿床上做的正演研究。本文是在已知隐伏断层构造上方地表 ,试验金属与非金属地气存在的可能性。  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to identify and quantify particles emitted from railway traffic. For that purpose PM10 samples were collected near a busy railway line using a wind direction and speed controlled sampling equipment consisting of five devices. Measurements taken perpendicular to the railway lines at 10, 36 and 120 m distance enable an identification and separation of particles caused by the railway traffic from background particles. Morphology and chemistry of more than 11,000 particles were analysed by computer controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM). Based on chemical composition five particle classes are defined and assigned to their sources. The mass of the individual particles is determined by multiplying their volumes, calculated based on their morphology with a density assigned specifically to each particle class. The density of the particle classes is derived from their chemical composition. To estimate the PM10 contributions of the railway lines, the mass of PM10 at 120 m (background, not influenced by the railway lines) is subtracted from the mass of PM10 at 10 m. The emissions of the railway lines are dominated by ‘iron’ particles, which contribute 2.9 μg m−3 or 67% to the railway related PM10. In addition, ‘aluminium’ and ‘calcium’ particles contribute also to the railway related PM10 (1.0 μg m−3 or 23% for the ‘aluminium’ and 0.4 μg m−3 or 10% for the ‘calcium’ particles). These particles are assigned to abrasion of the gravel bed and re-suspension of mineral dust.Long-term gravimetric results of the contribution of iron to the mass of railway related PM10 from a study performed earlier at the same site are in good agreement with the data presented in this study.  相似文献   
PAH deposition to snow surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The urban snowpack effectively acts as a collection device for atmospheric-deposited PAHs. When these PAHs are flushed out in a short time interval along with springtime snowmelt, these cause shockloading to receiving waters. In order to assess the PAH deposition and accumulation in urban snowpacks, a deposition survey of PAH for the winter months of 1991-92 from the city of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada was undertaken. The results of the survey are interpreted in view of prevailing meteorology and various emission sources in the study area. The relative PAH deposition levels (to BaP) are compared with relative source emission fingerprints to examine consistency in sampling and analysis. While analyzing the PAH samples using the ASTM (1987) method, the problem of concentration levels being below the detection level was encountered. The ASTM method for PAH analysis was modified to enhance the detection limit of the PAHs by concentrating the PAH extract to very low volumes, on the order of 200-300 microL.  相似文献   
Sakurai T  Suzuki N  Morita M 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1359-1365
Past dioxin (coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl (Co-PCB), 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF)) fluxes recorded in dated aquatic-sediment cores were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The data set consisted of samples from four cores collected from the Kanto region of Japan. Time trends and spatial differences in the dioxin flux were examined, and the potential relationship to emission sources was investigated. Twenty-five compounds and 58 core slices, corresponding to the later half of the 20th century, were subjected to the analysis. The PCA of both log-transformed and maximum-value-standardized data successfully divided the dioxin compounds into a small number of groups, and three similar clusters of Co-PCBs, PCDDs and penta- to hepta-CDFs were identified. PCB formulations used in the past are judged to have been responsible for the major part of the Co-PCB flux recorded in the sediment cores. However, the relationship to emission sources needs further investigation. It is suggested that most 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs are different from Co-PCBs in their emission sources or movements in the environment. The subcore clusters obtained from the PCA of log-transformed data show that the cores from different sampling areas exhibited distinct dioxin fluxes and compositions. Common time trends among the cores were more effectively summarized by the PCA of maximum-value-standardized data focusing on relative time trends. PC scores show that recently the flux of each dioxin compound in the four cores has been generally declining after having reached a peak.  相似文献   
氧化镁FGD脱硫过程的建模及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
氧化镁烟气脱硫是以氧化镁为脱硫反应剂的一种湿法烟气脱硫技术,目前国内外应用甚少,但开发前景广阔。以实验室小试为基础,从气液传质入手,利用双膜理论建立脱硫过程的数学模型,从而对中试脱硫效率进行预测并进行参数敏感性分析。结果表明,模型预测的脱硫效率与实际脱硫效率有很高的吻合度,其计算参数能反映出实际运行参数对脱硫效率的影响,对实际工况中操作条件的变更以及运行参数的调试有很高的指导意义。  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to quantify variability for pulp industry wastewater effluent, pulp and sludge analyses. Intralaboratory variability studies indicated that there is a potential for greater between batch variability in results than for within a batch. Intralaboratory relative standard deviations for replicate analyses ranged from 6% to 60%. Interlaboratory studies, using standard reference materials showed relative standard deviations from 4% to 135%. There appeared to be little dependance of variability on concentration, suggesting matrix effects were very important. In general, effluent variability was greater than observed for pulps or sludges. Analysis of reference standards indicated that 13% to 17% variability can be attributed to differences in calibration standards. A limited study of full congener PCDD/PCDF analysis variability showed it to be greater than observed for TCDD/TCDF.  相似文献   
炭化温度对废旧布袋制备活性炭性能的影响及其表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以水泥厂废旧除尘布袋为原料,KOH为活化剂制备了活性炭.利用热重分析法(TG-DTG)对废旧布袋热解过程进行分析;重点考察了不同炭化温度(400、450、500、550和600℃)对废旧布袋制备活性炭的产率及活性炭的碘吸附值和亚甲基蓝吸附值的影响;同时采用N2吸附等温线对最佳工艺条件制备的活性炭孔隙结构进行了表征.研究结果表明,500℃为最佳炭化温度.最佳炭化温度下制备的活性炭,碘吸附值、亚甲基蓝吸附值和产率分别为1350.72 mg·g-1、97.5 mg·g-1和20.16%.活性炭比表面积高达1228.51 m2·g-1,总孔容达0.7134 cm3·g-1,孔径分布以微孔居多,N2吸附等温线为I型.  相似文献   
对2003年7月15~9月28日间中国第二次北极科学考察沿线所采集的气溶胶样品进行分析,获得了Na 、NH4 、K 、Mg2 、Ca2 、Cl-、MSA、SO2-4、NO3-、C2O2-4和CH3COO-11种离子的浓度.离子组成表明,气溶胶主要以海盐颗粒为主,其中(Na Cl-)的贡献平均为60.2%;其次为硫酸盐.根据因子分析,11种离子归为4个因子,解释方差为83.7%.因子1包括Na 、nss-Mg2 、nss-Ca2 、Cl-和nss-SO2-4,代表陆地和海洋混合源,解释方差为41.2%;因子2包括NH 4、nss-K 和NO3-,来源于化石燃料燃烧和生物质燃烧所释放的二次污染物,解释方差为18.9%;因子3只有MSA,来源于海洋表层浮游植物排放的二甲基硫(DMS)的氧化,解释方差为11.9%;因子4包括CH3COO-和C2O2-4,主要来源于高纬度的北温带北部森林大火,解释方差为11.6%.  相似文献   
利用西北地区东部98个气象站的沙尘暴日数、持续时间资料,采用经验正交分解(EOF、REOF)、滑动t检验、Mann-Kendall突变检验及小波变换,对其时空分布规律进行了诊断分析。结果表明:整个区域沙尘暴日数大致呈北多南少型分布;受大尺度气候异常的影响,全区一致的沙尘暴异常是该区域最主要的表现形式。西北地区东部沙尘暴日数空间异常可分为4个沙尘暴气候区:河西走廊—阿拉善区、鄂尔多斯—乌兰布和区、柴达木—茶卡寒旱区、陕甘宁黄土高原区。河西走廊—阿拉善区沙尘暴频次最高,陕甘宁黄土高原区频次最少;近40多年来西北地区东部沙尘暴日数呈减少的态势;沙尘暴日数在20世纪80年代中期到末期发生气候突变,突变起源于沙漠及相邻地区,并由外围沙漠区向中间地带传播。沙尘暴持续时间最长的不是高频区河西走廊—阿拉善区,而是鄂尔多斯—乌兰布和区,最短的也不在频次最低的陕甘宁黄土高原区,而在柴达木—茶卡寒旱区;沙尘暴高发的河西走廊—阿拉善区、鄂尔多斯—乌兰布和区,持续时间没有发生明显的突变,这两个区域20世纪80年代中期以后沙尘暴持续时间变率增大;90年代以后沙尘暴持续时间有增长的趋势。  相似文献   
我国因燃煤导致的SO2污染危害十分严重。从清洁生产角度出发,通过比较锅炉烟气脱硫各种方法的优缺点,确定氨法脱硫作为化工企业处理锅炉烟气的工艺。介绍了氨法脱硫机理,工艺各系统结构组成,进行了经济及社会效益分析。氨法脱硫工艺可以去除93%的SO2,处理后的烟气达到了国家排放标准,脱硫副产品硫酸铵可以转交给同区域的企业,深加工为优质化肥。说明发展清洁生产和循环经济是企业预防和控制污染的有效途径,是实现可持续发展战略的必然选择,有利于企业技术进步,提高管理水平,增强综合竞争能力。  相似文献   
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