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构造了卷绕式及管束式两种膜组件,采用均质硅橡胶膜,以氢氧化钠溶液为萃取液来萃取邻甲酚废水.通过考察邻甲酚初始浓度、两相流动状态、两相压差(△P)和温度等因素对传质过程的影响,研究了邻甲酚废水的膜萃取过程与机制.结果表明,初始质量浓度为21.93 g/L的邻甲酚废水很适合直接进行膜萃取;当△P<0.07 MPa时,总传质系数(Kov)随△P的增大而略有减小.当△P>0.07 MPa时,Kov随△P增大而显著增大,由实验数据拟合得到总的膜萃取传质模型.且该模型的实验值与理论值的相对误差在5%以内,满足工业设计要求. 相似文献
Dalibor Broznić Čedomila Milin 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2013,48(11):906-918
In the present laboratory study, persistence of imidacloprid (IMI) as a function of initial insecticide concentration and soil properties in two Croatian soils (Krk sandy clay and Istria clay soils) was studied and described mathematically. Upon fitting the obtained experimental data for the higher concentration level (5 mg/kg) to mathematical models, statistical parameters (R 2, scaled root mean squared error and χ 2 error) indicated that the single first-order kinetics model provided the best prediction of IMI degradation in the Krk sandy clay soil, while in the Istria clay soil biphasic degradation was observed. At the lower concentration level (0.5 mg/kg), the biphasic models Gustafson and Holden models as well as the first-order double exponential model fitted the best experimental data in both soils. The disappearance time (DT50) values estimated by the single first-order double exponential model (from 50 to 132 days) proved that IMI can be categorized as a moderately persistent pesticide. In the Krk sandy clay soil, resulting DT50 values tended to increase with an increase of initial IMI concentration, while in the Istria clay soil, IMI persistence did not depend on the concentration. Organic matter of both experimental soils provided an accelerating effect on the degradation rate. The logistic model demonstrated that the effect of microbial activity was not the most important parameter for the biodegradation of IMI in the Istria clay soil, where IMI degradation could be dominated by chemical processes, such as chemical hydrolysis. The results pointed that mathematical modeling could be considered as the most convenient tool for predicting IMI persistence and contributes to the establishment of adequate monitoring of IMI residues in contaminated soil. Furthermore, IMI usage should be strictly controlled, especially in soils with low organic matter content where the risk of soil and groundwater contamination is much higher due to its longer persistence and consequent leaching and/or moving from soil surface prior to its degradation. 相似文献
Dry atmospheric deposition contributes a significant amount of phosphorus to the Everglades of South Florida. Measurement of this deposition is problematic, because samples often are contaminated to varying degrees by bird droppings and other foreign materials. This study attempted to detect and remove the outliers in phosphorus (P) flux rates measured from dry deposition samples. Visual inspection of the samples, recorded in field notes, found that 30.1% of the samples contained animal droppings and frogs. Some of the samples with droppings and frogs (2.3%) had P values greater than 884 μg P m−2 d−1 (a value twice the standard deviation of the raw data mean), and were removed from further analysis. Outlier detection statistics based on a linear regression were then used for additional data screening. Eight stations in the network of 19 were removed because high contamination precluded the use of the regression model. Of the remaining samples, 15.7% were identified through the regression procedure as contaminated and were removed. The 11 station mean for P dry deposition was 85.8±79.0 μg P m−2 d−1, prior to the regression analysis, and 74.8±75.1 μg P m−2 d−1 after removal. 相似文献
Pacheco AM Freitas MC Baptista MS Vasconcelos MT Cabral JP 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2008,151(2):326-333
Samples of Platanus hybrida Brot. bark and Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale thalli, from a clean area in northern Portugal (Bai?o), were transplanted into an exposure location at the south-western Atlantic coast, impacted by urban-industrial emissions (Sines), for a 10-month long experiment. Bark pieces were confined into nylon bags (2-mm mesh), and lichen thalli kept with their bark substrate (Pinus pinaster (Ait.) Sol.). Every two months, a double set of transplants (one for bark, one for lichens) was brought back into the laboratory, together with native samples of Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. Following suitable cleansing and preparation procedures, field samples were put through INAA for elemental assessment. The results indicate that, regardless of signal magnitude, (1) concentrations in bark and lichen transplants are significantly correlated with atmospheric deposition for an appreciable number of elements; (2) there are a number of significant correlations between transplanted and native samples, and again between the latter and the deposition; and (3) the elements with biological patterns that follow the deposition in either transplanted or native samples (Co, V) are the very ones whose bioaccumulation seems to benefit from an alternation of wet-dry periods, which fits the precipitation record of the test site during the exposure term. 相似文献
为深入了解膜生物反应器(MBR)中微生物代谢产物(SMP)的生成降解以及利用情况,研究了以NH4Cl为惟一能源物质的硝化MBR反应器中SMP浓度以及分子量(MW)变化情况,并运用活性污泥模型3(ASM3)准确地计算出微生物利用底物相关的溶解性产物(UAP)和微生物死亡相关的溶解性产物(BAP)的量分别是多少,最终证明硝化系统中产生的SMP可作为能源物质被异养菌进一步利用,而且相较于BAP而言UAP更易于被生物降解,得出结论BAP是SMP中的主要污染成分。 相似文献
嘉陵江流域洪水区域分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
嘉陵江流域位于长江上游 ,是长江流域面积最大的支流 ,也是长江洪水的主要来源之一。用一种新的洪水区域分析方法———标度分析法对年最大洪峰流量区域变化的性质进行了研究。标度分析法的基本思想是认为在具有相似的地理、地质和气候条件的区域内洪水的空间变化满足标度不变性 ,将不同的地区划分成不同的区域 ,在同一子区域内用标度变换来对洪水资料进行处理 ,这种思想具有现实的普遍意义。对嘉陵江流域洪水资料研究的结果表明标度不变性在一定程度上确实存在 ,且表现出多标度性 ,也就是说不同频率 p下的标度指数θ(p)有不同的值。因此用标度分析法进行洪水区域分析是可行的。为了实际应用 ,最后还计算了嘉陵江流域不同频率p的标度指数θ(p)值 ,由这些结果可以实现由有资料地区的洪水资料对无资料地区洪水进行粗估 相似文献
Zubareva O. N. Skripal'shchikova L. N. Greshilova N. V. Kharuk V. I. 《Russian Journal of Ecology》2003,34(6):375-380
In this study, we have analyzed the degradation of pretundra forests and distinguished the levels of pollution using ground-based and remote-sensing data. The study region is located in the area exposed to emissions from the Norilsk Mining and Smelting Works. The main components of emissions are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and heavy metals. Currently, the zone of damaged forests extends for more than 200 km. The comparison of the zones of degradation of pretundra vegetation distinguished in satellite images with the results of ground-based observations yielded high similarity coefficients (0.73–0.83) of the Kappa statistics. The zones of vegetation state were classified by NDVI values. The images from the NOAA/AVHRR satellite may be used for delimiting the zones of vegetation degradation by the proposed method. 相似文献
环保产业划分的理论探讨及其相关统计问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
赵玉川 《中国人口.资源与环境》2000,10(2):19-23
本文分析了传统经济学与可持续发展经济学关于产业划分的内在根据和区别 ,阐述了环境产业的地位 ,提出了建立环保产业统计指标的初步构想。 相似文献
提高环境统计质量措施刍议 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对环境统计数据与环境监测数据不相符的现象,着重对污染废水的采集及监测数据统计处理存在的问题进行分析,提出可行的解决方法。 相似文献