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徐婷  王丽  吴军 《环境工程学报》2016,10(6):2840-2846
为考察pH值对短程硝化过程动力学的影响,采用SBR工艺,以人工模拟氨氮废水为研究对象,进行了不同pH条件下的硝化批次实验,对氨氮降解过程进行动力学分析。在Monod方程的基础上,分析pH值对氨氧化菌(AOB)和亚硝酸氧化菌(NOB)生长速率的影响,分别建立了AOB和NOB的生长数学模型。利用MATLAB软件,将模型与硝化阶段实测数据进行拟合,取得良好的模拟效果。在此基础上通过模型预测得到泥龄(SRT)为6 d,溶解氧为1.5 mg O2/L,pH值在7.3~8范围内有利于实现短程硝化。  相似文献   
胡彪  赵俊华  李健毅 《环境工程学报》2016,10(10):5855-5860
通过对近红外光谱(NIRS)识别分选混合废塑料的过程建立数学模型,将经过预处理的废塑料在传送带上的分布分为密集区和稀疏区两大类。以降低分选时间,提高分选效率为研究目的,对影响分选效率的因素进行分析,如分选机所能承受物料密集度上限值θ以及传送带的传输速度V等因素。比较不同θ和V的组合对总分选时间T的影响,通过数值计算并验证,求得最优组合解。研究结果表明:θ的大小影响密集区和稀疏区的面积在总面积中占有量的变化;分选总时间T在θ和V共同变化过程中存在极小值。  相似文献   


根据"新车新标准,老车老标准"的原则,双怠速法将是汽油车基本检测方法,简易工况法在全国范围内分步实施,柴油车将逐步采用不透光烟度计的测量方法.同时介绍了国外相关标准及检测方法.  相似文献   
以循环半干法烟气脱硫机理为基础,推导了脱硫效率的表达式。对主要影响因素与脱硫效率的关系进行了回归分析,建立了数学模型,为循环半干法脱硫装置的设计、运行和脱硫效率的预测提供依据。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Concentrations of 18 hydrophobic chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments from 100 sites throughout New Jersey were examined to determine (1) which compounds were detected most frequently, (2) whether detection frequencies differed among selected drainage basins, and (3) whether concentrations differed significantly among selected drainage basins. Twelve drainage basins across New Jersey that contain a range of land-use patterns and population densities were selected to represent various types and degrees of development. To ensure an adequate number of samples for statistical comparison among drainage basins, the 12 selected basins were consolidated into seven drainage areas on the basis of similarities in land-use patterns and population densities. Additionally, data for three classes of chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments from 255 sites throughout New Jersey were examined to determine whether the presence of these compounds in streambed sediments is related to the type and degree of development within the drainage area of each sampling site. Chlorinated organic compounds detected most frequently within the seven representative drainage areas were DDT, DDE, DDD, chlordane, dieldrin, and PCBs. DDT, DDE, and DDD, which were the most widely distributed organic compounds, were detected in about 60 to 100 percent of the samples from all drainage areas but one (where the detection rate for these compounds was about 20 to 40 percent). Chiordane and dieldrin were detected in about 80 to 100 percent of samples from highly urbanized and populated drainage areas; detection frequencies for these compounds tended to be smaller in less developed and populated areas. PCBs were detected in about 40 to 85 percent of samples from all drainage areas; detection frequencies were highest in the most heavily developed and populated areas. Analysis of variance on rank-transformed organic compound concentrations normalized to sediment organic carbon content was used to evaluate differences in concentrations among the seven representative drainage areas. Chlordane and PCBs were the chlorinated organic compounds with the most highly elevated concentrations in streambed sediments across the State. Median normalized concentrations of all six of the most frequently detected chlorinated organic compounds were highest in the most heavily urbanized and populated drainage area and lowest in the less populated, predominantly agricultural or forested areas. Concentrations of DDT and DDE, however, did not differ significantly among most of the drainage areas. Concentrations of DDD, chlordane, dieldrin, and PCBs differed significantly among drainage areas. The highest median normalized concentrations were found in samples from the most heavily urbanized and populated areas, and the lowest were in samples from the least developed, most heavily forested area. Logistic regression was used to examine relations between the presence of hydrophobic chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments at specified concentrations and variables that characterize the type and degree of development within the drainage areas of 255 sites across New Jersey. The explanatory variables found most useful for predicting the presence of chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments include total population and amounts (in square kilometers) of various land-use categories. Logistic regression equations were developed to identify significant relations between population and amounts of specific land-use categories within drainage areas and the probability of detecting chlorinated organic contaminants in streambed sediments. These relations can be used to assist in the identification of geographic regions of primary concern for contamination of bed sediments by chlorinated organic compounds across the State.  相似文献   
从提高安全生产职业培训有效性的角度,提出"安全本质"的哲学机理与数理机理,以及安全本质的认知对安全生产职业培训的积极意义。针对当前安全生产培训教育中,多限于事故案例警示教育、法律条文解释和一般安全生产管理知识的宣教的现状,提出深层认知安全本质的方法及其认知价值。通过安全本质的认知定义域划分,安全本质哲学机理和数理机理的定义,安全本质定义的认知价值,分析与探讨了安全科学体系中"安全本质"定义的构造。目的是在辩证认识中,既认知"事故发生可能性"存在的绝对性,又认知一定时空条件下,事故是可以预防的相对性,从而强化培训对象的安全生产管理意识,提升安全生产职业培训的实效性。  相似文献   
简要统计了2009年9-10月国内发生的各种环境事件94起,包括沙尘天气5起,污染事件13起,地震47起,山体滑坡和泥石流15起,旱灾3起以及其他自然灾害11起.  相似文献   
长江水系河流沉积物重金属元素含量的计算方法研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
采用长江水系约260个背景样点沉积物原样和小于63μm细粒沉积物中11种重金属元素(铜、铅、锌、镉、汞、钴、镍、砷、铬、锰和铁)含量的数据,研究了数据的频率分布特征和变异系数,比较了算术均值、几何均值和中位数与由Box-Cox变换而得到的对称均值间的大小关系,结果表明,大多数重金属元素含量服从对数正态分布;采用算术均值表示均值会有较大的偏差,且这种偏差随变异系数的增大而增大;采用中位数偏差较小,但  相似文献   
潘斌  张效刚 《交通环保》2003,24(6):25-27
通过试验方法对在用汽油车在稳态ASM工况、IG195瞬态工况下的排放特性进行研究,并与怠速/双怠速工况下的排放测试结果进行比较,分析车龄与排放、发动机燃油供给方式与排放的关系,以及探讨排放因子与车龄的关系。  相似文献   
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