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The assessment of the ecosystem health of urban rivers and lakes is the scientific basis for their management and ecological restoration. This study developed a three-level indicator system for its assessment. The results indicated that: Zhonghai and Nanhai are in the state of transition from unhealthy to critical state and all the other lakes are in unhealthy states. Water environmental quality, structure and function of the aquatic ecosystem, and the structure of waterfront areas were the constraints. Nanhai was ranked as poor and the others were all ranked as very poor. However, the ecological environment of Zhonghai and Nanhai were better than the others, the sums of the degree of membership to the healthy state and critical state were all close to 0.6. and the restorations of these lakes were moderate. The sums of the degree of membership to the healthy state and critical state of the other lakes were under 0.3, as it was difficult to restore these lakes. Some suggestions on scientific management and ecological restoration of the six lakes were proposed: ①To control non-point pollution and to improve the water quality of six lakes and the water entering into these lakes; ②To improve the hydrological conditions of six lakes; ③To rehabilitate the aquatic ecosystem and waterfront areas. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(11): 3019–3027[译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   
概括归纳了人工湿地在北方应用的局限性及其应对措施,提出对湿地保温、改良微生物及其处理过程、合理选择湿地植物和基质、减低负荷等措施,以期使人工湿地在我国北方的应用技术更加成熟,应用区域更加广泛。  相似文献   
No-till (NT) farming is considered as a potential strategy for sequestering C in the soil. Data on soil-profile distribution of C and related soil properties are, however, limited, particularly for semiarid regions. We assessed soil C pool and soil structural properties such as aggregate stability and strength to 1 m soil depth across three long-term (≥21 year) NT and conventional till (CT) experiments along a precipitation gradient in the central Great Plains of the USA. Tillage systems were in continuous winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on a loam at Hutchinson and winter wheat-sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]-fallow on silt loams at Hays and Tribune, Kansas. Mean annual precipitation was 889 mm for Hutchinson, 580 mm for Hays, and 440 mm for Tribune. Changes in profile distribution of soil properties were affected by differences in precipitations input among the three sites. At Hutchinson, NT had 1.8 times greater SOC pool than CT in the 0-2.5-cm depth, but CT had 1.5 times greater SOC pool in the 5-20-cm. At Hays, NT had 1.4 times greater SOC pool than CT in the 0-2.5-cm depth. Differences in summed SOC pool for the whole soil profile (0-1 m depth) between NT and CT were not significant at any site. The summed SOC pool with depth between NT and CT were only significant above the 5 cm depth at Hutchinson and 2.5 cm depth at Hays. At Hutchinson, NT stored 3.4 Mg ha−1 more SOC than CT above 5 cm depth. At Hays, NT stored 1.35 Mg ha−1 more SOC than CT above 2.5 cm depth. Moreover, NT management increased mean weight diameter of aggregates (MWDA) by 3 to 4 times for the 0-5-cm depth at Hutchinson and by 1.8 times for the 0-2.5-cm depth at Hays. It also reduced air-dry aggregate tensile strength (TS) for the 0-5-cm depth at Hutchinson and Hays and for the 0-2.5-cm depth at Tribune. The TS (r = −0.73) and MWDA (r = 0.81) near the soil surface were more strongly correlated with SOC concentration at Hutchinson than at Hays and Tribune attributed to differences in precipitation input. Results suggested NT impacts on increasing SOC pool and improving soil structural properties decreased with a decrease in precipitation input. Changes in soil properties were larger at Hutchinson (880 mm of precipitation) than at Hays and Tribune (≤580 mm). While NT management did not increase SOC pool over CT for the whole soil profile, the greater near-surface accumulation of SOC in NT than in CT was critical to the improvement in soil structural properties. Overall, differences in precipitation input among soils appeared to be the dominant factor influencing NT impacts on soil-profile distribution of SOC and soil structural properties in this region.  相似文献   
唐志鹏  郑蕾  李方一 《自然资源学报》2017,32(10):1651-1663
论文基于2007—2010年中国30个省份区域间投入产出表数据,结合线性规划建立了多区域投入产出优化模型,研究了环境约束下中国八大经济区的出口结构优化。结果表明:2007—2010年需要提高服务业和农业的出口比重,同时降低煤炭开采和洗选业、造纸印刷及文教体育用品制造业、金属冶炼及压延业和电力热力生产供应业的出口比重,通过以上结构调整达到最优出口结构,可以实现在不增加碳、工业二氧化硫和工业废水排放的基础上促使全国GDP分别提高6.84%和8.17%。东北区域、黄河中游区域、长江中游区域、大西南区域和大西北区域需要降低的出口部门较多,且多集中在高能耗高排放产业;东部沿海区域、南部沿海区域、北部沿海区域需要提高的出口部门较多,主要集中在制造业和服务业,2010年东部沿海区域、南部沿海区域和大西北区域的总体出口结构优化度比2007年有所提高。在八大经济区中,东部沿海区域和南部沿海区域由于区位优势,其出口结构整体优化度相对较高,而东北区域则最低。地理区位对于区域出口结构优化具有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
利用2015—2018年四川盆地内18个城市的6种污染物逐日质量浓度监测资料、同期的常规气象观测资料,采用插值、相关分析等方法,分析了四川盆地3个区域6种污染物的时空分布特征,探讨了各个污染物质量浓度与气象要素之间的关系.结果表明:①O3在盆地中西部污染较重,PM2.5和PM10在德阳、成都、眉山、内江、自贡一带污染较重,在广元和巴中污染较轻,SO2在巴中、南充、绵阳、德阳一带污染较轻,在广元和盆地中南部污染较重;②NO2平均浓度呈先增后减的趋势,O3呈增加趋势,而CO、PM2.5、PM10、SO2均呈减小趋势;③CO、NO2、PM2.5、PM10、SO2呈"夏低冬高"的特征,O3则相反,CO、NO2、PM2.5、PM10均表现为"双峰双谷"型,O3和SO2则表现为"单峰"型;④偏东风有利于CO、NO2、PM10、PM2.5的稀释扩散,偏北风有利于O3、SO2的稀释扩散;⑤6种污染物质量浓度均与气压、气温、24 h变温、24 h变压、相对湿度、10 m风速、700 hPa散度、850 hPa高度显著相关.风速、相对湿度、混合层高度、逆温层平均高度的增加有利于大多数污染物的稀释扩散.  相似文献   
分析丘陵山区都市边缘的农村居民点土地利用空间特征,对于科学认识自然条件与社会经济发展交错影响下的新型农村人地关系具有重要意义。以重庆市两江新区为例,从居民点用地规模特征、居民点空间分异特征、居民点分形特征以及居民点空间格局四方面对农村居民点土地利用空间特征进行了分析。结果表明:两江新区农村居民点用地规模表现出明显的地域差异,在区域内部,受高程、坡度、地质灾害分布、水系、城镇和交通的影响,农村居民点用地表现出较强的空间分异特征,其中有相当一部分居民点的交通及基础设施条件亟待改善;两江新区内农村居民点分形维数介于1.12~1.53之间,由西南向东北方向逐步增大,围绕城市呈现"扇形圈层结构"特征,距离城镇越远农村居民点斑块结构越复杂;从居民点空间格局来看,两江新区镇域尺度上的农村居民点呈现出集聚、均匀与随机3种分布状态,图斑尺度的居民点受地形约束总体上呈条带状分布,在此基础上城镇发展的极化作用吸引农村居民点向城镇集中,形成若干聚集区。研究结果可为丘陵地区开展土地整治及模式探讨、土地利用规划筹提供参考。  相似文献   
常熟市农业和农村污染的优先控制区域识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
农业和农村污染发生的广域性、分散性和随机性等特征,使得农村污染治理难以抓住重点.在乡镇级单元尺度上,采用清单分析法,核算江苏省常熟市农田种植(化学肥料施用和作物秸秆遗弃)、畜禽养殖、水产养殖、农村生活(生活污水和人粪尿、生活垃圾)共4类6种农业和农村污染源的化学需氧量(COD)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)排放量和排放强度,采用聚类分析法,通过敏感性评价识别出农业和农村污染的优先控制区域和优先控制污染源,从而使得农业和农村污染控制与管理措施更具针对性.结果表明,2007年常熟市农业和农村污染源COD、TN和TP的排放量分别为5496.07、4161.03、647.54t.a-1,COD、TN和TP的排放强度分别为48.84、36.98、5.75kg.hm-2.COD的主要污染源是农村生活和水产养殖,贡献率在75%以上,TN和TP的主要污染源是农田种植和水产养殖,贡献率在80%以上.敏感性评价识别出古里镇和沙家浜镇是常熟市农业和农村污染的优先控制区域,农田种植和水产养殖是优先控制区域内要优先控制的污染源.  相似文献   
以宜昌市水环境保护规划研究专题为例,就长江宜昌段1993~2010年水环境保护规划进行了分析研究。首先对污染物排放量进行了预测,对长江宜昌段水环境容量进行了计算,然后划分出水环境保护功能分区和水质目标,提高综合治理水质污染符合实际的技术措施、工程措施和经济措施。  相似文献   
山地土壤—植物系统中汞污染问题的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查研究表明:在山地大气、水体质量较好的环境中,柑橘(含汞量)有超标问题,其土壤汞有超背景值现象;而蔬菜土壤则无此问题,其原因可能是由于多年生植物从大气和土壤中富积微量汞的时间较一年生植物长,以及土壤中砂粒结合汞粘粒结合汞具有更高的生物活性  相似文献   
近四十年来,由于种种原因,我国西北原本十分脆弱的生态环境愈加恶化,主要表现存:水土流失严重;绿色植被边培植、边破坏;草原退化,土地沙化;气候干旱,水资源短缺并遭受污染;大批珍稀动值物种群濒临灭绝。对此现状,我们认为,只有加强领导,强化生态意识,克服短期行为,大力植树种草,增加绿色覆盖,保护和合理利用水资源,才能改善大西北的生态环境。  相似文献   
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