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气温对长江上游巴塘站年径流的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入分析气温对长江上游年径流的影响和解释青藏高原冰川融水再冻结现象的物理机制,采用对位置、尺度、形状的广义可加模型(简称GAMLSS)建立控制因素降水、气温、ATD与年径流量之间的关系。在GAMLSS框架下,气温影响因子可以用两种形式表示,一种是直接采用气温,另一种是采取ATD指数(累积气温亏损值)。通过比较不同解释变量组合下的GAMLSS模型,进而研究气温对长江上游巴塘站1960~2012年的年径流影响。结果表明:基于ATD的回归模型,在年径流序列服从对数正态分布假设的条件下拟合效果最优。与气温值相比,ATD指数能更有效地解释长江上游径流变化的特征和冰川产流的物理机制。研究成果对长江上游年径流预报、高原气候下的产流特征分析具有理论意义。  相似文献   
A stormwater management system utilizing the mechanisms of sedimentation and filtration/infiltration was developed and constructed for the immobilization of suspended solids and heavy metal constituents (Fe, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Cd, Ni) in runoff. Monitoring took place between May 2010 and November 2012 on a total of 24 storm events. This research on the fractionation of heavy metals in runoff and discharge of a stormwater system provided insight on the actual efficiency of the system and determined the implications for treatment of the particulate-bound and dissolved heavy metals in runoff. Results revealed that the partitioning of heavy metal load in runoff in either dissolved or particulate-bound were influenced by flow rate and total suspended solids load, and evident in high-intensity storm (rainfall-runoff event). On the other hand, the partitioning of heavy metal load discharge from the stormwater system was more apparent during the early period of discharge having higher variability in dissolved than particulate-bound heavy metal. Findings revealed that fractionation of heavy metals played an important role in the performance of the stormwater system; thus, must be considered in designing stormwater systems. For the stormwater system to be effective, it is recommended to design the system treating not only the early period of a storm (first flush criteria) rather until the peak part of the hydrograph (high flow rate where partitioning was greatest) from a load basis.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional (3D) porous structures facilitating cell attachment, growth, and proliferation is critical to tissue engineering applications. Traditional solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methods have limited capabilities in the fabrication of high resolution micro-scale features to implement advanced biomedical functions. In this work, we present a hybrid scaffold fabrication approach by integrating electrohydrodynamic (EHD) printing technology with extrusion deposition together to fabricate hierarchical 3D scaffolds with well controlled structures at both macro and micro scale. We developed a hybrid fabrication platform and a robust fabrication process to achieve 3D hierarchical structures. The melting extrusion by pneumatic pressure was used to fabricate 3D scaffolds with filaments dimension of hundreds of microns using thermoplastic biopolymer polycaprolactone (PCL). An electrohydrodynamic (EHD) melt jet plotting process was developed to fabricate micro-scale features on the scaffolds with sub-10 μm resolution, which has great potential in advanced biomedical applications, such as cell alignment and cell guidance.  相似文献   
通过前期盆栽模拟试验发现,汞污染土壤种植香根草木屑和腐殖土或者添加木屑和腐殖土后再种植香根草都能极大抑制汞通过地表径流迁移,但是尚没有开展野外试验进行验证。因此为了进一步验证其效果,本研究在贵州万山汞矿区大水溪村汞污染农田建立了地表径流小区,现场研究了种植香根草及添加木屑和腐殖土后种植香根草对土壤汞固定的影响,研究结果显示:(1)在所有处理小区的地表径流中,颗粒态汞占总汞的96%以上,是汞迁移的最主要途径;(2)在汞污染土壤中种植香根草或者土壤中分别添加木屑或者腐殖土后再种植香根草,都能显著降低地表径流中颗粒态汞含量(46%~67%),进而减少土壤汞通过地表径流向周围环境迁移,且香根草与木屑或腐殖土结合效果更佳;(3)不同处理均降低了地表径流中可溶态汞(13%~31%)的含量。本研究能为汞矿区汞污染土壤修复提供一定理论支持和技术指导。  相似文献   
通过模拟降雨强度50~80 mm的降雨实验,研究了3种常用基质(商业基质、火山岩基质和田园土基质)绿色屋面的径流滞留率和径流水质的特点.结果表明:商业基质的径流滞留率最高,达到48.6%,火山岩基质和田园土基质的滞留率分别为33.6%和30.4%;随着降雨历时的延长,3种基质屋面径流中各水质参数浓度呈现出逐渐降低的趋势,但是,随着降雨强度的加大,商业基质径流中TN浓度和COD呈现出逐渐升高的趋势,而火山岩和田园土基质径流水质参数未呈现出明显变化;田园土基质屋面径流EC、TN、COD、TP和TSS的浓度均值高达3973.54、36.96、503.67、2.64和92.02 mg·L~(-1),显著高于商业基质屋面和火山岩基质屋面;商业基质屋面能够有效地中和模拟降雨的pH,且径流中EC、TP和TSS浓度与火山岩基质屋面径流无明显差异.但是,这2种基质屋面径流中TN和COD的浓度(商业基质:17.47 mg·L~(-1)和87.99 mg·L~(-1),火山岩基质:10.95 mg·L~(-1)和157.85 mg·L~(-1))均超出国家地表水环境质量V类标准;通过综合分析3种屋面基质径流滞留率和径流水质,认为商业基质是我国北方地区较为适宜的绿色屋面基质.研究结果可为绿色屋面的科学构建和城市暴雨径流管理提供科学依据,并为我国海绵城市的建设提供重要的理论依据.  相似文献   
新疆雪豹种群密度监测方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2004-2010年间,前后累计270多天,新疆雪豹研究小组在新疆北塔山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山、天山东部和托木尔峰地区20多个地点(山谷),对雪豹(Uncia uncia)的痕迹进行了全面调查,共计完成150多条样线,总长度接近190 km,痕迹数平均为1~3个·km-1.记录到的痕迹有粪团、嗅痕(气味标记)、足迹链、刨痕(刨坑)、爪痕、卧迹、毛发、尿迹、血迹、剩余食物(动物尸体)和吼声等.通过痕迹学的分析,初步掌握雪豹的领域范围、分布规律和相对密度.之后开展了红外相机拍摄、雪豹食物资源普查、市场毛皮调查、贸易通道调查、杀戮案件搜集、民间问卷调查、非政府组织(NGO)社区服务与牧业冲突调研等工作.同期布设红外相机36台,约2094个照相日,计50 256 h,回收胶卷71个,回收清晰雪豹照片32张,平均拍摄率或"捕获率"(capture rate)达1.53%.确定在托木尔峰250 km2范围内有5~8只雪豹活动,密度为2.0~3.2只·(100 km2)-1.在比较分析各种监测结果的基础上,讨论了新疆雪豹种群密度不同监测方法的优点与局限性.  相似文献   
The quality of water in many urban rivers in Latin America is increasingly degrading due to wastewater and runoff discharges from urban sprawl. Due to deficits in sanitary drainage systems, greywater is discharged to the stormwater drainage network generating a continuous dry-weather runoff that reaches rivers without treatment. One of the main challenges in the region is to achieve sustainable management of urban runoff for the recovery of rivers ecosystem integrity. However, retrofitting conventional centralized wastewater drainage networks into the existing urban grid represents important social, economic and technical challenges. This paper presents an alternative adaptive methodology for the design of Nature-based Solutions for decentralized urban runoff treatment. Through this study, technical solutions commonly used for stormwater management were adapted for dry-weather runoff treatment and co-designed for the particular conditions of a representative study area, considering space availability as the main constraining factor for retrofitting in urban areas. The application of a co-design process in a dense neighbourhood of the Great Metropolitan area of Costa Rica brought to light valuable insights about conditions that could be hindering the implementation of NBS infrastructures in Latin America.  相似文献   
以3种典型植被缓冲带为研究对象,基于现场监测、质量平衡、相关分析等方法,探明缓冲带水分分配与降雨、土壤因子的关联性,确定水分及总氮(TN)污染负荷去除分配系数.结果表明,径流与降雨量呈高度正相关(0.980~0.987,P<0.01),渗流与降雨量、降雨历时呈显著正相关(0.595~0.828,P<0.01).植被缓冲...  相似文献   
To assess P losses to surface water by runoff during the rice season and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season, serial field trials were conducted in different types of paddy soils in the Tai Lake Region (TLR) during 2000 and 2001. Four P application rates were set as 0 (CK), 30, 150, and 300 kg P/hm2 for flooded rice trials and 0 (CK), 20, 80, 160 kg P/hm2 for winter wheat trials respectively. Field experiments were done in two locations with a plot size of 30 m2 and four replications in a randomized complete block design. A simplified lysimeter was installed for each plot to collect all the runoff or drainage flow from each event. Total P (TP) losses to surface water during rice season by runoff flow from four treatments were 150 (CK), 220 (T30), 395 (T150), 670 (T300) g P/hm2 in year 2000, and 298, 440, 1828, 3744 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Wuxi station, here the soil is permeable paddy soil derived from loam clay deposit. While the losses were 102, 140, 210, 270 in year 2000, and 128, 165, 359, 589 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Changshu station, here the soil is waterlogged paddy soil derived from silt loam deposit. During the winter wheat season, total P lost from the fields by drainage flow in the four treatments were 253 (CK), 382 (T20), 580 (T89), 818 (T160) g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 573.3, 709.4, 1123.2, 1552.4 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Wuxi station. While these were 395.6, 539.1, 1356.8, 1972.1 g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 811.5, 1184.6, 3001.2, 5333.1 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Changshu station. Results revealed that P fertilizer application rates significantly affected the TP concentrations and TP loads in runoff during the rice season, and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season. Both TP loads were significantly increased as the P application rate increases. The data indicate that TP losses to surface water were much higher during the winter wheat season than during the rice season in two tested sites. The data also reveal that the annual precipitation and evaporation rate affected the soil P losses to surface water significantly. Year 2000 was relatively dried with higher evaporation thus P losses to water by both runoff and drainage flow were less than in year 2001 which was a relatively wet year with lower evaporation. Results indicate that texture, structure of the soil profile, and field construction (with or without ridge and deep drains) affected soil P losses to surface water dramatically. Annual possible TP lost to water at the application rate of 50 kg P/hm2 year tested in TLR were estimated from 97 to 185 tones P from permeable paddy soils and 109–218 tones P from waterlogged paddy soils. There was no significant difference of TP lost between the CK and the T50 treatments in both stations, which indicate that there is no more TP lost in field of normal P fertilizer application rate than in control field of no P fertilized. Much higher TP lost in runoff or drainage flow from those other P application rates treatments than from the T50 treatment, which suggest that P losses to surface water would be greatly increasing in the time when higher available P accumulation in plough layer soil in this region.  相似文献   
Abstract: The capacity of a watershed to urbanize without changing its hydrologic response and the relationship between that response and the spatial configuration of the developed areas was studied. The study was conducted in the Whiteoak Bayou watershed (223 km2), located northwest of Houston, Texas, over an analysis period from 1949 to 2000. Annual development data were derived from parcel data collected by the Harris County Appraisal District. Using these data, measures of the spatial configuration of the watershed urban areas were calculated for each year. Based on regression models, it was determined that the annual runoff depths and annual peak flows depended on the annual precipitation depth, the developed area and the maximum 12‐h precipitation depth on the day and day before the peak flow took place. It was found that, since the early 1970s, when the watershed reached a 10% impervious area, annual runoff depths and peak flows have increased by 146% and 159%, respectively. However, urbanization is responsible for only 77% and 32% of the increase, respectively, while precipitation changes are responsible for the remaining 39% and 96%, respectively. Likewise, an analysis of the development data showed that, starting in the early 1970s, urbanization in the watershed consisted more of connecting already developed areas than of creating new ones, which increases the watershed’s conveyance capacity and explains the change in its response. Before generalizing conclusions, though, further research on other urban watersheds with different urbanization models appears to be necessary.  相似文献   
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