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ABSTRACT: The Dakota aquifer, composed of the Dakota Sandstone and stratigraphically equivalent sandstone units of Cretaceous age, is the upper-most regional aquifer underlying the extensively developed High Plains aquifer of the midwestern United States. The concentration of dissolved solids in ground water of the Dakota aquifer ranges from less than 500 milligrams per liter in calcium bicarbonate type water in the eastern outcrop area to more than 100,000 milligrams per liter in sodium chloride type oilfield brine in the Denver Basin to the west. Preliminary maps showing the distribution of dissolved solids confirm the complex nature of the Dakota aquifer as inferred from stratigraphic and hydraulic evidence. Extensive vertical leakage through confining layers, local recharge at the truncated eastern boundary, and a barrier to recharge along the western edge of the Denver Basin are consistent with the distribution of hydraulic head and dissolved solids.  相似文献   
The Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA, is an extensive wetland and coastal estuary system of great economic and intrinsic value. Although high rates of wetland loss along the coastal margin of the Barataria Basin have been well documented, little information exists on whether freshwater wetlands in the upper basin have changed. Our objectives were to quantify land-cover change in the upper basin over 20 years from 1972–1992 and to determine land-cover transition rates among land-cover types. Using 80-m resolution Landsat MSS data from the North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) data archive, we classified images from three time steps (1972, 1985, 1992) into six land-cover types: agriculture, urban, bottomland hardwood forest, swamp forest, freshwater marsh, and open water. Significant changes in land cover occurred within the upper Barataria Basin over the study period. Urban land increased from 8% to 17% of the total upper basin area, primarily due to conversions from agricultural land, and to a lesser degree, bottomland forest. Swamp forest increased from 30% to 41%, associated with conversions from bottomland hardwood forest and freshwater marsh. Overall, bottomland forest decreased 38% and total wetland area increased 21%. Within the upper Barataria, increases in total wetland area may be due to land subsidence. Based on our results, if present trends in the reduction of bottomland forest land cover were to continue, the upper Barataria Basin may have no bottomland hardwood forests left by the year 2025, as it is subjected to multiple stressors both in the higher elevations (from urbanization) and lower elevations (most likely from land subsidence). These results suggest that changes in the upper freshwater portions of coastal estuaries can be large and quite different from patterns observed in the more saline coastal margins.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Water resource management in West Africa is often a complicated process due to inadequate resources, climatic extremes, and insufficient hydrological information. Insufficient data hinder sustainable watershed management practices, one of the top priorities in the Volta River Basin. This research properly fills in missing data by modeling the hydrological distribution in the Volta River Basin. On average, discharge gages across the basin are missing 20 percent of their monthly data over 20 years. Two methods were used to supplement missing data: a statistically linear model and a conceptual hydrological model. A linear equation, developed from the regression of precipitation and runoff, was used to evaluate the quality of existing data. The hydrological model separates the system into root and groundwater zones. Measured values were used to calibrate the hydrological model and to validate the statistical model. The quality of existing data was analyzed and organized for usability. Accuracy of the hydrological model was also evaluated for its effectiveness using R2 and standard error. It was found that the hydrological model was an improvement from the linear model on a monthly basis; R2 values improved by as much as 0.5 and monthly error decreased. Monthly predictions of the hydrological model were used to fill gaps of measured data sets.  相似文献   
1986—2015年青藏高原哈拉湖湖泊动态对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊是气候变化的敏感指示器,研究其动态变化对揭示全球气候变化具有重要意义。以哈拉湖流域为研究区,基于3S技术提取流域内湖泊面积、形状等信息,揭示近30年哈拉湖流域湖泊动态变化特征,并探讨其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:1986—2015年间,哈拉湖流域湖泊面积变化呈“V”型,其动态变化大致可分为两个阶段:波动下降阶段(1986—2001年)和波动上升阶段(2001—2015年)。其中1986—2001年湖泊面积由593.68 km2减少到584.83 km2(减少8.85 km2);2001—2015年由584.83 km2增加到614.31 km2(增加29.48 km2)。对湖泊面积变化量与冰川面积变化量及同期遥感数据阶段各气候要素相关分析发现,湖泊面积变化量与阶段降水量呈正相关,且相关显著性水平在0.01以上,进而降水量是湖泊动态变化的主导因素。  相似文献   
生态价值多元化实现是落实区域一体化生态保护格局的经济政策保障。针对当前生态产品交易制度不完善与市场活跃度问题,以天目湖流域水质净化服务产品为例,提出一条生态保护市场化与生态产品增值的双向促进道路:基于长序列监测数据与水文水质过程模型,提出流域生态保护基准概念及其约束下生态产品交易边界,精准核算基准年水质净化产品的可交易量为1.37 t,基准价格为1186.71万元/t/年;面向近10年产品实际供需主体的内在联系,揭示了“三类五种”生态产品交易机制类型,并选择设计了低端产品退出—高端产品激励的典型交易模式。生态产品交易实施为研究区生态价值实现提供市场化路径,为国内同类地区一体化生态保护格局保障提供思路。  相似文献   
基于复杂自适应系统理论构建了社会经济环境系统模型,采用计算实验方法模拟分析了太湖流域在经济优先和水环境保护优先2种管理模式下的动态演化过程,得到了农业与工业经济发展水平、就业状况和水环境改善情况的演化规律.结果表明,在综合考虑社会、经济、水环境的基础上,2种管理模式均能在一定程度上实现经济和就业的增长,同时改善水环境.环境保护优先模式虽能有效保护水环境,却会牺牲部分经济发展和就业保证.不同地区在演化过程中表现出差异性,常州和湖州经济获得较快增长;苏州、上海在就业方面做出较大贡献;无锡和苏州水环境改善效果最为明显.  相似文献   
大型水利工程对洞庭湖区水资源开发利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖区北靠长江,南汇湘、资、沅、澧四水,水资源总量相对丰富,然而近年来在气候变化与人类活动的双重驱动下,开始呈现"旱涝并存、旱涝交替"的特征,水资源供需矛盾逐渐加剧。为探讨上游大型水利工程(主要为三峡工程与四水流域控制性枢纽工程)的运行对洞庭湖区水资源开发利用的影响,结合近50a来长江干流及四水水位与水资源情势的演变规律和总体趋势,对比分析了不同时间节点下洞庭湖区水位与水资源总量的年际、年内变化特征,以期从众多的影响因子中辨识出大型水利工程的影响,为湖区水资源的合理开发与保护提供一定依据。结果表明:三峡工程建成运行初期,对于洞庭湖区的水资源开发利用产生了一定的不利影响,且影响主要集中在荆南三口地区,而四水工程的影响相较之下并不显著。  相似文献   
珠江流域下游地区降水空间分布规律研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
剧烈人类活动和全球气候持续变化双重影响下流域水文气象要素特征研究是目前水文水资源领域热点问题之一。论文以珠江流域下游地区为研究区域,根据该地区125个雨量观测站1956—2005年50 a逐月降水资料,利用信息论中有向信息传输指数定量分析各观测站点之间降水的信息传递,并结合聚类分析方法判断各观测站的所属关系,研究珠江流域下游地区降雨的空间分布规律。研究表明:受地形条件和沿海季风气候的共同作用,珠江流域下游地区降水具有自相似性特点,在空间分布上存在7个相似区域。  相似文献   
基于PMF模型的九龙江流域农田土壤重金属来源解析   总被引:7,自引:11,他引:7  
选取九龙江流域农田土壤为研究对象,运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和原子荧光光谱(AFS)测定了土壤中重金属含量,通过正定矩阵因子分析模型(PMF)解析农田土壤中重金属的主要来源.结果表明,研究区域农田土壤中大部分金属相对福建省土壤环境背景值已存在一定程度的富集,部分土壤中Cd、Zn、Pb和Cu含量超过农用地土壤污染风险筛选值(GB15618-2018),且各金属在研究区不同区域(北溪流域、西溪流域和河口区)分布存在中等变异.Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn和Cd的含量在北溪流域的龙岩区域较高,Pb的含量在西溪流域较高,而Co、Hg和As的含量在河口区域较高.正定矩阵因子分析模型(PMF)得出的源成分谱和源贡献率具有非负性质,土壤中重金属实测值与模型预测值拟合曲线呈现较好相关性,结果相对合理,能满足研究需要.正定矩阵因子分析模型(PMF)解析得出:研究区农田土壤中重金属主要来源有自然源、农业活动、燃煤释放和工业活动,其对农田土壤中重金属的综合贡献率分别为37. 0%、26. 7%、17. 6%和18. 7%.  相似文献   
Abstract: This work develops a methodology to project the future precipitation in large river basins under limited data and climate change while preserving the historical temporal and spatial characteristics. The computationally simple and reliable conditional generation method (CGM) is presented and applied to generate reliable monthly precipitation data in the upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia where rain‐fed agriculture is prevalent. The results showed that the temporal analysis with the CGM performs better to reproduce the historical long‐term characteristics than other methods, and the spatial analysis with the CGM reproduced the historical spatial structure accurately. A 100‐year time series analysis using the outcomes of the six general circulation models showed that precipitation changes by the 2050s (2040 through 2069) can be ?7 to 28% with a mean increase of about 11%. The seasonal results showed increasing wet conditions in all seasons with changes of mean precipitation of 5, 47, and 6% for wet, dry, and mild seasons, respectively.  相似文献   
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