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A tracer model, the DREAM, which is based on a combination of a near-range Lagrangian model and a long-range Eulerian model, has been developed. The meteorological meso-scale model, MM5V1, is implemented as a meteorological driver for the tracer model. The model system is used for studying transport and dispersion of air pollutants caused by a single but strong source as, e.g. an accidental release from a nuclear power plant. The model system including the coupling of the Lagrangian model with the Eulerian model are described. Various simple and comprehensive parameterizations of the mixing height, the vertical dispersion, and different meterological input data have been implemented in the combined tracer model, and the model results have been validated against measurements from the ETEX-1 release. Several different statistical parameters have been used to estimate the differences between the parameterizations and meterological input data in order to find the best performing solution.  相似文献   
依据《电力设施抗震设计规范》(GB50260-96)中的设计反应谱,对随机地震动功率谱参数的取值进行了具体研究。首先,采用时间包络函数考虑地震的非平稳特性,给出了地震动持时的取值;然后,根据加速度峰值等效原则,迭代计算得到地面的加速度功率谱密度曲线;最后,选定Clough-Penzien修正过滤白噪声模型作为拟合函数,通过非线性拟合技术拟合了与《规范》中的地震烈度、场地类别相对应的谱参数。研究结果表明,Clough-Penzien修正过滤白噪声模型能较好地拟合其曲线形状。本文给出了相对于规范中的地面加速度功率谱参数值,可供这种模型作为地震地面运动输入时选用。  相似文献   
基于光谱分析的生物结皮提取研究——以毛乌素沙地为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用典型地物高光谱数据和TM遥感影像,对毛乌素沙地处于旺盛生长期(7-9 月)的由苔藓结皮主导的生物结皮进行了提取研究.结果表明:① 苔藓结皮在生长期具有与绿色植物相似的光谱曲线变化趋势;红边参数显示,二者除红边位置非常接近外,红边振幅、红边宽度和红边面积差异均较大;在近红外区域,苔藓结皮比绿色植物的反射率低很多;苔藓结皮无明显的553 nm反射峰;低盖度苔藓结皮(33%)、藻类结皮和植被枯落物在整个波段光谱曲线比较接近,与裸沙相比,三者反射率均较低.② 基于TM影像,用生物结皮指数(BSCI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、监督分类和坡度分级相结合的方法提取生物结皮,发现苔藓结皮的像元面积为0.72×104 km2,占研究区总面积的6.43%.  相似文献   
The consequence modelling package Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to the far-field dispersion including the modelling of rainout and subsequent vaporisation. The original Phast discharge and dispersion models allow the released substance to occur only in the vapour and liquid phases. The latest versions of Phast include extended models which also allow for the occurrence of fluid to solid transition for carbon dioxide (CO2) releases.As part of two projects funded by BP and Shell (made publicly available via CO2PIPETRANS JIP), experimental work on CO2 releases was carried out at the Spadeadam site (UK) by GL Noble Denton. These experiments included both high-pressure steady-state and time-varying cold releases (liquid storage) and high-pressure time-varying supercritical hot releases (vapour storage). The CO2 was stored in a vessel with attached pipework. At the end of the pipework a nozzle was attached, where the nozzle diameter was varied.This paper discusses the validation of Phast against the above experiments. The flow rate was predicted accurately by the Phast discharge models (within 10%; considered within the accuracy at which the BP experimental data were measured), and the concentrations were found to be predicted accurately (well within a factor of two) by the Phast dispersion model (UDM). This validation was carried out with no fitting whatsoever of the Phast extended discharge and dispersion models.  相似文献   
运用毒害区计算方法对本部贮存的氯气泄漏后扩散的半径进行估算,同时以扩散的半径作参考,提出氯气泄漏的处置方法.  相似文献   
Distinct from the case with width-dominated shallow wetland flows, the longitudinal evolution of contaminant concentration in the most-typical pattern of wetland as dominated by free-water-surface-effect is characterized by a multi-scale analysis in the present study. An environmental dispersion model for the evolution of the mean concentration is deduced as an extension of Taylor's classical formulation by Mei’s multi-scale analysis. Corresponding environmental dispersivity is found identical to that determined by the method of concentration moments.  相似文献   
陈越  陈红敏 《中国环境科学》2013,33(8):1518-1528
投入产出分析中重要的影响力系数和感应度系数被引入到我国的产业环境关联研究中,但采用的计算方法却多是存在缺陷的传统公式,对指标的政策意义解读也有待深入.在梳理2项指标前沿发展的基础上,以部门最终产品构成系数为权数,改进了表征产业碳关联的碳影响力系数和碳影响诱导系数(代替原碳感应度系数)的计算公式,并指出前者主要对应产业政策,对部门划分水平较不敏感,而后者主要对应节能减排政策,对部门划分水平较敏感.将改进的指标应用于2010年上海市,结果表明,其产业政策应扶植服务业和先进制造业,鼓励重化工业和专用设备制造业转型,逐步淘汰多数传统中低端制造业,节能减排政策的重点实施部门则应扩大到部分高能耗服务业.  相似文献   
在超低频段(2-5~26Hz)内,研究了铬污染土壤复电阻率在不同含水率、铬含量和孔隙率下的幅值及相位频散特性. 结果显示,铬污染土壤复电阻率的幅值随频率的增大呈单调递减趋势,但相位随频率的变化曲线呈平放的S形. 含水率、铬含量和孔隙率的变化均会引起土壤复电阻率的幅值和相位大小的改变,而相位峰值的位置只对含水率及孔隙率的变化较为敏感,与铬含量变化的关系不大. 含水率从0.08增至0.24时可导致相位峰值的位置产生约8Hz的右移;而当w(Cr6+)从0.5g/kg增至4.0g/kg时,相位峰值的位置基本不发生变化. 表明铬含量和含水率的增大均会引起电阻率减小的异常现象,若单纯地使用电阻率很难区分引起这2种异常现象的原因,但结合土壤复电阻率频散特性特别是相位峰值的位置可以进行有效判别,进而可判定铬污染场地的铬含量分布.   相似文献   
In order to simulate the impact of mesoscale wind fields and to assess potential capability of atmospheric Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM) as an emergency response model for the decision supports, two different simulations of LPDM with the mesoscale prognostic model MM5 (Mesoscale Model ver. 5) were driven. The first simulation of radioactive noble gas ((85)Kr exponent) emitted during JCO accident occurred from 30 September to 3 October 1999 at Tokai, Japan showed that the first arriving short pulse was found in Tsukuba located at 60km away from the accidental area. However, the released radioactive noble gas was transported back to the origin site about 2 days later due to the mesoscale meteorological wind circulation, enhancing the levels of (85)Kr with the secondary peak in Tsukuba. The second simulation of atmospheric dilution factors (the ratio of concentration to the emission rate, chi/Q), during the underground nuclear test (UNT) performed by North Korea showed that high chi/Q moved to the eastward and extended toward southward in accordance with the mesoscale atmospheric circulations generated by mesoscale prognostic model MM5. In comparison with the measurements, the simulated horizontal distribution patterns of (85)Kr during the JCO are well accord with that of observation in Tsukuba such as the existence of secondary peak which is associated with the mesoscale circulations. However, the simulated level of (85)Kr anomaly was found to be significantly lower than the observations, and some interpretations on these discrepancies were described. Applications of LPDM to two mesoscale emergency response dispersion cases suggest the potential capability of LPDM to be used as a decision support model provided accurate emission rate of accident in case of a large accident.  相似文献   
基于实测光谱分析和MODIS数据鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于遥感的大面积水体监测技术为水环境监测提供了一种有效手段。以鄱阳湖为研究区,以反映水体营养状态的重要指标叶绿素a为研究对象,在测定研究区水体光谱及叶绿素a浓度和收集了相应时间的MODIS数据的基础上,采用浮游藻类指数法(Floating Algae Index,FAI)提取鄱阳湖水体范围,对鄱阳湖水体实测光谱数据进行剔除异常、归一化及光谱微分处理,构建波段差值、比值、归一化差值等光谱指数,利用最小二乘原理迭代分析水体叶绿素光谱响应特征,得出敏感波段范围:673~680 nm与650~665 nm、680~710 nm与650~670 nm、662~671 nm与700~720 nm光谱区间组合。选择最佳通道组合,建立基于MODIS影像的鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度反演模型,相关系数为067。应用该模型得到2011年秋季鄱阳湖的叶绿素浓度估算值,反演结果显示湖区水体叶绿素浓度总体不高,且在空间分布上湖区水体周边与陆地交界处比湖中心区浓度偏高。分析认为:通过对实测光谱的定量分析,获得对鄱阳湖地区水体叶绿素浓度的光谱特征认识,揭示出其反射光谱的长波漂移现象,为鄱阳湖这一富营养化程度底,且水体分布不均匀区域建立一种叶绿素浓度反演方法,可为该区域长期的水环境管理提供方法借鉴  相似文献   
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