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农田施用水葫芦对水稻干物质生产与分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为促进农田养分循环利用和农业生态环境健康,以粳稻品种运2645为供试材料,设计农田施用水葫芦(将晒干水葫芦按4 500 kg hm-2农田施用)和不施用水葫芦处理(对照),施N量为120 kg hm-2(LN)、240 kg hm-2(NN),研究其对水稻物质生产与分配的影响.结果表明:1)农田施用水葫芦使水稻移栽~分蘖中期、分蘖中期~拔节期、拔节~抽穗期、抽穗期~穗后20 d和穗后20 d~成熟期平均分别比对照8.6%、9.8%、12.2%、15.9%和3.1%,使得成熟期生物产量显著增加(+9.0%);2)与干物质生产量相似,水稻平均叶面积指数(LAI)和净同化率(NAR)对水葫芦处理的响应呈相似的季节性变化趋势,但NAR在穗后20 d~成熟期有所下降;3)农田施用水葫芦对水稻不同生育时期叶片、茎鞘和稻穗占地上部干重的比例影响不大;4)增加施N量能够明显增加水稻的干物质生产量;水葫芦×N的互作效应对水稻干物质生产与分配无明显影响.5)农田施用水葫芦使水稻生育前、中期干物质生产量增幅较大,对生育后期影响相对较小.图5表3参15  相似文献   
作为秦岭山脉的东延余脉,伏牛山山地效应研究意义重大。文章基于ArcGIS9.3空间分析功能,对伏牛山南北两侧的水热因子、土地覆被和净初级生产力时空格局变化进行了对比分析,结果表明:北坡极端低温和均温明显低于南坡(-2.88℃和-1.7℃)、极端高温明显高于南坡(+1.35℃),而年降水量北坡则比南坡低14.41%;伏牛山北坡部分常绿针叶林转换为落叶阔叶林,2001—2004年间的落叶阔叶林面积比重分别为:52.4%、55.2%、63.0%和70.9%;2001—2004年间的净初级生产力有增大趋势,尤其是东部区域。研究结论丰富了秦岭-伏牛山作为主要气候区和生态区分界线的理论依据,同时也丰富了山地生态学理论。  相似文献   
Grassland is one of the most widespread vegetation types worldwide and plays a significant role in global carbon cycling. Understanding the sensitivity of grassland to climate change and the effect of climate changes on the grassland ecosystems is a key issue in global carbon cycling. One of the goals of this study was to evaluate the three net primary productivity (NPP)–climate models, i.e. the Miami model, the Schuur model and the classification indices-based model. Results indicated that the classification indices-based model was the most effective model at estimating large-scale grassland NPP. In this research, changes in the spatial pattern of global potential grassland from recent past (1950–2000) to future (2001–2050) A2a scenario were analysed with the integrated orderly classification system of grassland (IOCSG) approach in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. NPP was evaluated with the classification indices-based model. Results indicate that under recent past climatic conditions, the main parts of global grassland are the savanna and tundra and alpine grassland and will be converted into the savanna, steppe and semi-desert grassland in A2a scenario. As a whole, areas of grassland will increase by 31.76 million hectares. The classification indices-based model estimated a 12.40% increase of total NPP in grassland from recent past to A2a scenario. It will impose a new issue for future grassland researches to support sustainable development and to provide action relevant knowledge to meet the challenge of climate change.  相似文献   

The dwindling forests of the Central Himalaya are suffering from serious losses, threatening the subsistence population of the region. This study analyses the rate of consumption of fodder and firewood in a Central Himalayan catchment and estimates the carrying capacity of the catchment for these resources. Estimates indicate that the carrying capacity of the natural ecosystems and agroecosystems, in terms of availability of fodder and fuelwood resources, has already been exceeded.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: The majority (67%) of hospitalized injuries among Alaska commercial fishermen are associated with deck machinery. This paper describes the "Prevention Through Design" process to mitigate one serious machinery entanglement hazard posed by a capstan deck winch. METHODS: After observing that the capstan winch provides no entanglement protection and the hydraulic controls are usually out of reach of the entangled person, NIOSH personnel met with fishermen and winch manufacturers to discuss various design solutions to mitigate these hazards. RESULTS: An emergency-stop ("e-stop") system was developed that incorporated a momentary contact button that when pushed, switches a safety-relay that de-energizes the solenoid of an electro-hydraulic valve stopping the rotating winch. The vessel owners that had the e-stop installed enthusiastically recommend it to other fishermen. NIOSH entered into a Proprietary Technology Licensing Agreement with a company to develop the system for commercial use. CONCLUSIONS: This is an example of a practical engineering control that effectively protects workers from a hazardous piece of equipment by preventing injuries due to entanglement. This solution could reduce these types of debilitating injuries and fatalities in this industry.  相似文献   
回顾安全投资理论的发展历程,分析研究现状,归纳相关研究文献,指出理论研究方面主要存在的"安全投资决策评价方法亟待创新;安全投资评价方法忽略了外部竞争性、未来不确定性、不可逆性、长期性和潜在性等因素;实物期权博弈理论还未形成完整的体系"3个问题。提出解决问题的对策:给出安全投资战略期权博弈分析的思路,建立不确定条件下安全投资战略项目的价值模型,概括出安全投资战略实物期权博弈分析的理论框架以及理论依据、分析工具和分析步骤。指出了安全投资理论的研究趋势。基于实物期权博弈的安全投资决策,使安全投资项目的管理柔性价值和战略价值得到准确的衡量。  相似文献   
可持续发展的生态评估是当前国际生态经济学与可持续发展研究的前沿问题之一,净初级生产力的人类占用从生态系统初级生产力的角度可以定量评估一个国家或地区发展的生态持续性程度,是近年来国际上一种重要的生物物理量衡量方法。论文简要介绍了净初级生产力人类占用的基本理论与核算方法,分析了该方法应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的基本原理。综合国外相关研究的最新进展,研究认为,定量表征区域可持续发展的生态上限是净初级生产力人类占用方法的最大优点,而该方法应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的不足之处则主要表现在关键参数的不确定性、可持续性的评价阈值、研究数据的缺乏和生物量进出口问题等4方面。  相似文献   
讨论基于BP神经网络一体化AmOn污水处理工艺数学模型的构建。在分析神经网络和一体化AmOn污水处理工艺各自特点的基础上,建立了具有11个输入层节点、5个输出层节点以及包含两层隐含层的BP神经网络,并确定了各隐含层的节点数、网络的权值和阈值。对模型的验证结果表明:BP神经网络模型基本反映了AmOn一体化工艺的主要特点,网络预测出水结果与实测结果相差不大,神经网络模型具有较好的泛化能力。  相似文献   
研究了水翁在人工湿地的生长特性及其对污水的净化效果.结果表明:生长在人工湿地的水翁具有发达的侧根系,能保持正常的净光合速率((19.2±2.1)μmol/(m2·s))、蒸腾速率((23.5±2.3)mmol/(m2·s))、气孔传导率((657.5±53)mmol/(m2·s))、根系活力((20.9±3.2)μg/(g·min))和生长速率((9.9±0.5)mg/(g·d)).水翁人工湿地对TN,TP,C0Dcr和BOD5的去除率分别为55.6%,44.2%,75.7%和73.2%.其中水翁对N,P的吸收量分别占人工湿地对N,P去除量的16.4%和12.6%.水翁为常绿乔木,可考虑与灌木和草本植物结合起来,建立乔、灌、草自然湿地系统,达到改善水质的目的.   相似文献   
为了探讨地膜覆盖和不同施氮处理对菜地生态系统CO2净交换通量(Net CO2 Ecosystem Exchange,简称NEE)、生态系统呼吸通量(Ecosystem Respiration,简称ER)及总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity,简称GPP)的影响,以辣椒-萝卜轮作菜地为研究对象,采用静态明/暗箱-气相色谱法,进行了为期1 a(2014年5月-2015年4月)的田间原位观测.试验设置8个处理,分别为常规无氮(CN0)、覆膜无氮(MN0)、常规低氮(CN1)、覆膜低氮(MN1)、常规中氮(CN2)、覆膜中氮(MN2)、常规高氮(CN3)、覆膜高氮(MN3).结果表明,辣椒季累积NEE最大值分别为CN3和MN3处理下的-30.96和-29.83 t·hm-2,累积ER排放量最大值分别为CN1和MN1处理下的40.18和39.16 t·hm-2,累积GPP最大值分别为CN3和MN3处理下的70.60和68.61 t·hm-2;萝卜季累积NEE最大值分别为CN3和MN3处理下的-22.25和-24.88 t·hm-2,累积ER排放量最大值分别为CN2和MN2处理下的17.00和19.43 t·hm-2,累积GPP最大值分别为CN3和MN3处理下的37.92和43.80 t·hm-2.在两个生长季中,覆膜及覆膜和施氮的交互作用只对辣椒季中ER有显著影响,对于NEE和GPP均无显著影响(p>0.05);施氮显著提高了菜地生态系统NEE和GPP而降低了辣椒季ER(p<0.05),并且这种增加或降低效应随着施氮量的提高而逐渐增强.本研究中菜地呈现碳汇并随着施氮水平的提高碳汇逐渐增强,而覆膜对CO2固定无显著影响,表明常规高氮的农田管理措施能够提高西南地区代表性的辣椒-萝卜轮作菜地的固碳潜力,对该地区农田生态系统碳的源/汇功能具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   
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