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This paper is concerned with a preliminary experimental investigation of the interaction between large turbulent structures, generated in the wake of a circular cylinder, and the rough-wall turbulent boundary layer separated flow immediately downstream of a simple street canyon type geometry represented by backward-facing step. The motivation for the work was to provide some initial data for the validation of a 3-D k- turbulence model used for the prediction of flows and pollutant dispersion within the urban canopy. The aim has been to assess the extent of the perturbation of a simulated street canyon caused by regular large-scale eddies generated upstream. The research has involved the use of thermal anemometry to determine mean velocity and turbulence characteristics both upstream and downstream of the step, together with the mean reacttachment length for the recirculating flow. The results indicate that the presence of the cylinder in the flow reduces the reattachment length. In addition, the periodic structures generated in the cylinder wake are rapidly mixed with the turbulence in the step shear layer such that no periodicity is detected at the reattachment zone.  相似文献   
应用火焰原子吸收光谱法,对长春市14条主要街路交通密集地段两侧绿化带中采集到的12种代表性植物叶片的铅含量进行了分析。结果表明,植物叶片的铅含量范围在8.20 mg/kg~58.5 mg/kg之间,平均值为19.7 mg/kg。木本植物叶片的平均铅富集能力略低于草本植物,并且木本植物叶片平均铅含量的空间变异性较大;木本植物中杨树叶片的平均铅富集能力最强而榆树最低,草本植物中绣线菊的叶片平均铅富集能力最强而八宝景天最低;草本植物中绣线菊的叶片在所有供试植物叶片中平均铅富集能力最强,其次为木本植物中杨树的叶片,而草本植物中八宝景天的叶片平均铅富集能力最低。不同植物在同一街路以及同种植物在不同街路之间其叶片的铅含量都不同。  相似文献   
Total pollution effect of urban surface runoff   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
For pollution research with regard to urban surface runo , most sampling strategies to date have focused on di erences in land usage. With single land-use sampling, total surface runo pollution e ect cannot be evaluated unless every land usage spot is monitored. Through a new sampling strategy known as mixed stormwater sampling for a street community at discharge outlet adjacent to river, this study assessed the total urban surface runo pollution e ect caused by a variety of land uses and the pollutants washed o from the rain pipe system in the Futian River watershed in Shenzhen City of China. The water quality monitoring indices were COD (chemical oxygen demand), TSS (total suspend solid), TP (total phosphorus), TN (total nitrogen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). The sums of total pollution loads discharged into the river for the four indices of COD, TSS, TN, and TP over all seven rainfall events were very di erent. The mathematical model for simulating total pollution loads was established from discharge outlet mixed stormwater sampling of total pollution loads on the basis of four parameters: rainfall intensity, total land area, impervious land area, and pervious land area. In order to treat surface runo pollution, the values of MFF30 (mass first flush ratio) and FF30 (first 30% of runo volume) can be considered as split-flow control criteria to obtain more e ective and economical design of structural BMPs (best management practices) facilities.  相似文献   
石家庄裕华路西段道路尘与表土重金属污染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王芳  魏芳 《环境科学与管理》2009,34(10):131-134
城市道路尘与土壤表土是现代化城市环境变化的重要载体,记载了城市工业、交通和人类活动的环境影响。在城市化不断加快的背景下,重金属污染对人体潜在的危害越来越大,重金属污染监测已日益引起人们高度重视。磁化率在一定的环境中可作为重金属的替代指标,磁性测量成为城市环境污染监测的新途径新方法。通过对石家庄裕华路西段道路尘土与土壤表土样品的低频磁化率分析得出结论:裕华路西段道路尘磁化率自市中心向郊区逐渐降低,道路尘重金污染程度由市中心向郊区逐渐减弱;不同区位的道路尘与土壤表土重金属污染程度分别为中心区〉二环以内〉三环以内〉郊区和三环以内〉二环以内〉郊区〉市中心;同一区域的道路尘比土壤表土的重金属污染更严重。  相似文献   
街道峡谷型交叉口内气态污染物扩散的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对大气边界层内大气湍流和建筑物对道路交叉口处机动车排放气态污染物扩散的影响进行了研究.在计算区域内建立了三维街道峡谷型道路交叉口及其内部机动车排放的模型,并在中性层结条件下,采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)稳态κ-ε湍流模型和被动标量的输运方程模拟了模型内外的流场和CO浓度场.结果表明:① 在相同高度条件下,交叉口处与处于下风向的街区内CO浓度明显高于其他街区;②风向对污染物的输运起决定性作用,在不同高度平面内CO浓度最大值均出现在平行风向的街区内;③外部大气湍流的驱动使得垂直风向的街区内产生强烈涡旋,涡旋的输运作用导致相同高度下上风向CO浓度较高;④交叉口处气流的掺混导致气流速度降低,使得平行风向的街区内CO可以向两侧垂直风向的街区内扩散,起到了稀释交叉口处地面附近CO浓度的作用.模拟结果与风洞实验结果符合较好,验证了方法的可靠性.   相似文献   
The determination of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban street dust has been done. Samples were collected from 12 sampling locations in a city centre location (Newcastle upon Tyne, north east England) and extracted using in situ pressurised fluid extraction followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. From the results it was possible to identify three groups, with respect to PAH concentration, with PAH contents ranging between 0.6-2.3 mg kg−1, 15.6-22.5 mg kg−1 and 36.1-46.0 mg kg−1. The total PAH content of samples from these sampling sites has been compared to 22 urban locations around the world; comparable levels were found in these samples compared to the other cities around the world.The potential source of PAHs has been investigated by investigating the proportion of pyrogenic and petrogenic material in urban street dust using specific individual PAH ratios. The results indicate that the PAH content of urban street dust from the chosen sites are more likely to be due to pyrogenic sources i.e. vehicle exhaust emissions. The particle size fractions (<63 μm; 63-125 μm; 125-250 μm; 250-500 μm; 500-1000 μm; and 1000-2000 μm) of individual PAHs in three selected sampling sites was investigated. In two of the selected sites the PAH content was independent of particle size whereas in sampling site 10 elevated PAH levels are noted in the <63 μm size fraction. Sampling site 10 is located at the junction of three road tributaries which are used as major access points to the east of the city centre. Finally, the potential health risk for unintentional consumption of PAHs was assessed in terms of a mean daily intake (based on an ingestion rate of 100 mg d−1). It was found that all 4-6 membered ring PAHs had concentrations in excess of the mean daily intake thereby reflecting a potential health risk, particularly in the smallest size particle fractions.  相似文献   
兰州市街道尘埃磁学特征及其环境意义   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
兰州市是全球大气污染最为严重的城市之一,为城市颗粒物污染研究的理想场所.分析了兰州市街道尘埃样品的磁学参数(包括磁化率、无磁滞磁化率、等温剩磁、磁滞回线和热磁曲线)变化特征.结果表明,兰州市街道尘埃中磁性矿物含量较高,主要磁性矿物是铁磁矿、磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,并伴有少量顺磁性矿物;磁性矿物粒度主要是准单畴(PSD);市区污染春季较夏季严重,春季高频率的强沙尘暴可能带来了更多的磁性矿物;兰州市污染物的沉积和分布在很大程度上受到气象条件和地形地貌格局的影响,市区每个盆地东端高于其它地区;兰州市污染以人为活动产物为主,人为活动贡献约为81.9%,其中包含交通约22.6%的贡献,自然降尘贡献约为18.1%;特殊的地形和气象条件,使得兰州市区的大气环境容量比平原城市的环境容量小得多,进而导致严重的大气污染.  相似文献   
北京市街道灰尘粒度特征及其来源探析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
刘春华  岑况 《环境科学学报》2007,27(6):1006-1012
对北京市2005年4月和11月2次采集的街道灰尘样品进行了粒度分析.结果表明,北京市街道灰尘粒度呈双峰分布特征,第一众数为45~100 μm,第二众数为5~20 μm,平均粒径分别为75 μm(春季)和100 μm(秋季);峰态中等偏窄且不对称,分选差,属轻亚粘土到中亚粘土,与黄土和现代尘暴降尘的粒度分布模式相似;街道灰尘沉积是由大气环流对远、近不同距离粗细颗粒物的混合搬运的结果,应是风积作用的继续.街道灰尘样品秋季平均粒径较大,且有由北西至南东逐渐减小的趋势,而春季样品无此变化特点.道路及建筑物工地附近样品呈现大于250 μm的第三众数,可以看出大规模的建设对街道灰尘的贡献.在适当的大气动力条件下,北京市街道灰尘颗粒有60%~80%可以进入大气悬浮搬运.  相似文献   
街区污染物扩散的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对街区峡谷内交通污染扩散规律的研究是城市空气质量预测的主要内容之一。应用现代流体力学数值模拟方法进行大量算例的计算和分析,研究了城市街区峡谷污染物二维扩散的规律。包括比较各种条件下污染物的扩散浓度,考察来流风速、街区特征比例和日照等因素对扩散的影响,通过研究流场及湍流强度分析其扩散的动力学原因,为改进工程预测模式提供依据。  相似文献   
为有效控制深谷型湖泊内源污染,构建底泥活性覆盖系统,以脱碱赤泥为主料,粉煤灰、黏土和Ca CO3为辅料,制作了不同配比的底泥覆盖材料,并评价其在厌氧条件下对湖泊内源污染物的控制效果。结果表明:底泥覆盖后上覆水体水质总体趋于稳定,DO水平能够得到改善,TP和COD的释放受到抑制,对NH3-N虽有一定控制作用但短期效果不理想;3种材料覆盖后,上覆水体中均低检出或未检出Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd,Fe、Mn、Ca、Mg的含量也较对照组低,削弱了金属元素的释放迁移;结合底泥内源污染物的控制效果和上覆水体水质的稳定性两方面因素,3种材料中,材料2(配料为赤泥38.9%,黏土14.4%,粉煤灰38.9%,Ca CO37.8%)最适于深谷型湖泊底泥覆盖。该覆盖方法原料获取方便、材料制作简单、经济成本低廉、操作方法简易、污染控制效果优良,可用于深谷型湖泊底泥原位控制。  相似文献   
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