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随着我国水电事业的飞速发展,鱼类资源正面临着极大的威胁,鱼类救护工程越来越受到重视。从增殖放流、过鱼设施、栖息地保护等三个鱼类救护工程的角度,浅谈了我国鱼类救护工程的现状:增殖放流工程备受关注,放流规模与投入资金大幅度上升,但实际效果不够突出;过鱼设施建设近年来呈快速发展态势,初期监测过鱼效果较好,但是否达到设计要求尚无定论,缺乏过鱼效果评价的科学体系且相关管理法规不到位;鱼类栖息地保护工程开始被重视,在研究尝试之后已经取得一定的效果。建议相关部门审慎对待对增殖放流的投入、加强放流鱼种鱼苗及实际效果的研究评估;增加过鱼设施投入资金并加强过鱼设施的建设和研究,完善实际过鱼效果评估方法,加大鱼道运营管理执法力度;加大对栖息地保护方式的研究投入,使被破坏的鱼类栖息地得到恢复。  相似文献   
黄浦江是连接太湖与长江口的一条多功能平原感潮河流,流经上海市中心城区,干流长113.4 km。为从生态学角度揭示其污染程度,采用鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)对其水生态系统的健康状况作了评价。2013年11月和2014年7月,采用地笼网、三层刺网和拖网对黄浦江7个断面作了相同努力量的样本采集,共获鱼类8 816尾。经鉴定有38种,隶属于6目12科,其中鲤形目24种,鲈形目7种,鲇形目4种。通过区分度分析和关联度筛选,构建了由9个指标组成的F-IBI评价体系。结果表明,黄浦江上游水生态系统总体上处于"好"状态,中游及河口处于"一般"至"差"之间,而下游则较"差"。春季各有3个江段"好"或"差",1个江段"一般";秋季有4个江段"一般",2个江段"差",仅有1个江段"好"。评价还表明,黄浦江上游的3大支流中,由于承接太湖来水的斜塘呈"差",导致了为上海市提供约30%原水的松浦大桥断面呈"差"或"一般"状态。因此,保护淀山湖乃至太湖水质,是确保黄浦江上游水源地原水安全的关键。  相似文献   
New approaches to modelling fish-habitat relationships   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecologists often develop models that describe the relationship between faunal communities and their habitat. Coral reef fishes have been the focus of numerous such studies, which have used a wide range of statistical tools to answer an equally wide range of questions. Here, we apply a series of both conventional statistical techniques (linear and generalized additive regression models) and novel machine-learning techniques (the support vector machine and three ensemble techniques used with regression trees) to predict fish species richness, biomass, and diversity from a range of habitat variables. We compare the techniques in terms of their predictive performance, and we compare a subset of the models in terms of the influence each habitat variable has for the predictions. Prediction errors are estimated by cross-validation, and variable importance is assessed using permutations of individual variable values. For predictions of species richness and diversity the tree-based models generally and the random forest model specifically are superior (produce the lowest errors). These model types are all able to model both nonlinear and interaction effects. The linear model, unable to model either effect type, performs the worst (produces the highest errors). For predictions of biomass, the generalized additive model is superior, and the support vector machine performs the worst. Depth range, the difference between maximum and minimum water depth at a given site, is identified as the most important variable in the majority of models predicting the three fish community variables. However, variable importance is highly dependent upon model type, which leads to questions regarding the interpretation of variable importance and its proper use as an indicator of causality. The representation of ecological relationships by tree-based ensemble learners will improve predictive performance, and provide a new avenue for exploring ecological relationships, both statistical and causal.  相似文献   
藻毒素对鱼类肝脏的毒理学效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以鱼类肝脏为靶器官,研究了藻毒素对鱼类的毒性影响.结果表明,藻毒素在注射和口服两种不同的染毒方式下,均可引起受试鱼类发生急性中毒死亡.对中毒鱼类进行解剖分析发现,受试鱼类的肝/体重比高于对照组.说明无论哪种给药方式,藻毒素都会迅速地、专一地作用于鱼类肝脏,引起鱼类肝脏充血红肿,出现血斑.通过对鱼类肝脏组织碱性磷酸酶(ALP)同功酶谱的分析,可以发现在两种不同染毒条件下藻毒素各剂量组的ALP同功酶谱与对照组相同,均有ALP11~ALP55条带,只是高剂量组较低剂量组ALP1~ALP3 3条带的着色深,并可使ALP同功酶各组分的相对活性上升.试验结果显示,藻毒素具有极高的细胞选择性和专一生物活性,其在生物机体内所引发的许多细胞学变化主要是对生物体肝脏酶系统的破坏所致,必须引起人们的重视.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The relation offish community composition to riparian cover at two spatial scales was compared at 18 streams in the agricultural Minnesota River Basin. The two spatial scales were: (1) local riparian zone (a 200 meter wide buffer extending 2 to 3 kilometers upstream of the sampling reach); and (2) the upstream riparian zone (a 200 m wide buffer on the mainstem and all perennial tributaries upstream of the sampling reach). Analysis of variance indicated that streams with wooded‐local riparian zones had greater fish species richness (means = 20 and 15, respectively) and Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores (means = 40 and 26, respectively) than streams with open‐local riparian zones. Streams with wooded‐upstream riparian zones tended (were not statistically significant) to have greater numbers of species (means = 19 and 15, respectively) and IBI scores (means = 33 and 28, respectively) than streams with open‐upstream riparian zones. There was no significant interaction between the riparian zone conditions at the two scales. This study suggests that maintenance of wooded riparian cover along streams could be effective in maintaining or improving fish community composition in streams draining heavily agricultural areas.  相似文献   
Emissions of Hg, Pb, and Cd to air aretransported over wide areas in Europe and deposited far awayfrom their sources. About 80% of the atmospheric depositionof these metals in south Sweden originate from emissions inother countries. As a result of the increased anthropogenicdeposition the concentrations of Hg, Pb, and Cd in the morlayer of forest soils have increased considerably, mainlyduring the 20th century. Although the atmosphericdeposition of these elements has declined during the mostrecent decades, the reduction of the input of Hg and Pb isnot sufficient to prevent a further accumulation. Theconcentrations of Hg and Pb are still increasing by ca. 0.5and ca. 0.2% annually in the surface layer of forest soils.In contrast, the Cd concentration is currentlydecreasing in a large part of Sweden as a result of bothdeposition decreases and enhanced leaching induced by soilacidification. The accumulation factors of Hg and Pb,especially in the forest topsoils of south Sweden, arealready above those at which adverse effects on soilbiological processes and organisms have been demonstrated instudies of gradients from local emission sources andlaboratory assessment. There are also indications of sucheffects at the current regional concentrations of Hg and Pbin mor layers from south Sweden, judging from observationsin field and laboratory studies. There is an apparent riskof Pb induced reduction in microbial activity over parts ofsouth Sweden. This might cause increased accumulation oforganic matter and a reduced availability of soil nutrients.At current concentrations of Hg in Swedish forest soils,effects similar to those of Pb are likely. Increasedconcentrations of these elements in organs of mammals andbirds have also been measured, though decreases have beendemonstrated in recent years, related to changes inatmospheric deposition rates. As a result of current andpast deposition in south Sweden, concentrations of Hg infish have increased about fivefold during the 20thcentury. This implies risks for human health, when fish frominland waters are used for food. Although the concentrationof Hg in fish has decreased ca. 20% during the last decade,probably as a result of the reduced deposition, the levelstill exceeds the general limit (0.5 mg kg-1) in about half(ca. 40 000) of the Swedish lakes. In order to reduceconcentrations in fish to the level recommended, and avoidfurther accumulation of Hg in soils, the atmosphericdeposition has to be reduced to ca. 20% of the current deposition rate. This can only be achieved by international co-operation.  相似文献   
辽东半岛海域鱼贝中有机氯农药残留及其风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年1月-2012年5月间采集了辽东半岛海域11种鱼类和2种贝类样品,分析了其可食部位中22种有机氯农药的残留量,评估了其中DDTs和HCHs的残留对人体健康的风险。在所调查样品中HCB、HCHs和DDTs是主要的污染物,样品中OCPs残留量为57.12~546.15μg·kg-1。利用污染指数计算法评估,旅顺海域小黄鱼、鳙鱼、中国斗鱼和偏口鱼未受到HCHs的污染,棒花鱼受到HCHs轻度污染,其它鱼种样品均受到重度污染,而对于DDTs,只有鲫鱼未受到污染,其它鱼种样品均受到重度污染。大黄鱼、梭鱼、黑鱼和鳙鱼体内HCHs残留量明显高于国标再残留限值,DDTs残留量符合国标标准。α-HCH、γ-HCH、β-HCH、p,p'-DDE、p,p'-DDD和p,p'-DDT的致癌风险指数范围为0.32×10-6~49.57×10-6,均低于10-4,为可接受的致癌风险;α-HCH、γ-HCH、β-HCH、p,p'-DDE的接触风险指数ERI为0.01×10-3~153.28×10-3,均小于1,为可接受的接触风险,但2012年4月的黑鱼样品上述六种农药的CRI总值高于10-4,存在潜在的致癌风险,因此,建议黑鱼的日均食用量应控制在50 g以下较为安全。  相似文献   
硝基多环芳烃在鱼水系统中的归趋和生物浓缩因子的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了六种硝基多环芳烃(NO2-PAHs)在实验室鱼水系统中的归趋,水中NO2-PAHs的含量在24h内降低较快;鱼体中积累浓度达最大值的时间各不相同,但在48h内基本上都达到峰值。测得草鱼对五种NO2-PAHs的生物浓缩因子在90-820之间,并在生物浓缩因子与正辛醇-水分配系数以及与水溶解度之间建立了线性关系式。  相似文献   
长江上游特有鱼类受威胁及优先保护顺序的定量分析   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
根据本课题组1997~2002年野外渔获物调查数据并结合相关文献资料,运用濒危系数、遗传损失系数和物种价值系数对长江上游16种特有鱼类的优先保护顺序进行了定量分析.结果表明,达到一级急切保护的有达氏鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)、鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi)2种;达到二级急切保护的有宜宾鲴(Xenocypris fangi)、齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)、四川白甲鱼(Onychostoma angustistomata)及云南鲴(Xenocypris yunnanensis)4种;达到三级急切保护的有岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)、厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)、宽口光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus monticola)、黑尾近红鲌(Ancherythroculter nigrocauda)、华鲮(Sinilabeo rendahli)、短体副鳅(Paracobitis potanini)、圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)、长鳍吻鮈(Rhinogobio ventralis)及长薄鳅(Leptobotia elongata)9种;尚未达到急切保护,即处于四级保护的为异鳔鳅鮀(Gobiobotia boulengeri).  相似文献   
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