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ABSTRACT: A network of 225 recording raingages was operated over an area of 5200 km2 in the St. Louis region during 1971-1975, in conjunction with an extensive investigation of urban effects on precipitation. Study of urban-induced effects on the frequency of heavy rainstorms has revealed a pronounced increase in the occurrence of storms producing 25 mm (1 inch) or more of rain. The increase is greatest in an area that is frequently in the path of storms passing across two urban-industrial regions. Analyses of raincells (rain intensity centers) within heavy convective storms shows a pronounced increase in water yield from cells exposed to potential urban effects, compared with those exposed only to the surrounding rural environment. Naturally-occurring heavy cells tend to undergo the greatest enhancement from urban exposure. Other analyses indicate an above-average frequency of excessive rain rates for periods of five minutes to two hours downwind of the urban-industrial complex. It is concluded that urban-induced intensification of short-duration rainstorms is sufficient to merit inclusion in the design and operation of urban-area hydrologic systems that control the flow of surplus storm water.  相似文献   
根据北京市环境保护监测中心发布的PM2.5和O3小时质量浓度及气象、卫星遥感数据,分析了2013年7月2日至10日北京典型PM2.5及O3重污染过程的质量浓度特征及在大气边界层过程各个阶段的质量浓度演变.结果表明,北京夏季O3质量浓度先于PM2.5达到峰值,而天气型演变是导致这一现象的主要原因.具体过程为:1)重污染初始阶段,高压天气型利于前体物积累,PM2.5及O3质量浓度升高;2)在反气旋中部,由于各种污染物质量浓度较低,对大气紫外波段辐射的吸收较弱,导致该阶段紫外辐射强,因而加快了O3生成的光化学反应,O3质量浓度最先达到峰值;3)在反气旋后部,随PM2.5质量浓度增加,辐射变弱,因此O3质量浓度增加速度下降,而受高压后部影响,区域内PM2.5经东南风输送通道进入北京,导致北京PM2.5质量浓度相继达到峰值;4)在重污染清除阶段,在北方反气旋前部的冷锋清除作用下,PM2.5及O3质量浓度同时降低至谷值.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Water from the Missouri River Basin is used for multiple purposes. The climatic change of doubling the atmospheric carbon dioxide may produce dramatic water yield changes across the basin. Estimated changes in basin water yield from doubled CO2 climate were simulated using a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) and a physically based rainfall‐runoff model. RegCM output from a five‐year, equilibrium climate simulation at twice present CO2 levels was compared to a similar present‐day climate run to extract monthly changes in meteorologic variables needed by the hydrologic model. These changes, simulated on a 50‐km grid, were matched at a commensurate scale to the 310 subbasin in the rainfall‐runoff model climate change impact analysis. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) rainfall‐runoff model was used in this study. The climate changes were applied to the 1965 to 1989 historic period. Overall water yield at the mouth of the Basin decreased by 10 to 20 percent during spring and summer months, but increased during fall and winter. Yields generally decreased in the southern portions of the basin but increased in the northern reaches. Northern subbasin yields increased up to 80 percent: equivalent to 1.3 cm of runoff on an annual basis.  相似文献   
重庆近11年大气混合层厚度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据新闻颁国家标准GB/T13201-91的规定,计算了重庆地区近11年大气混合厚度,分析结果表明,重庆地区大气混合层厚度有明显日变化和季节变化,大气稳定度是混合层厚度的主要决定因子。  相似文献   
为探讨南京秋季霾污染过程发生的主要影响因素,利用南京信息工程大学太阳光度计观测霾污染发生天气下AOD(aerosol optical depth,气溶胶光学厚度)数据,计算AE440-1020(?ngstr?m Exponent,波长指数)以及a2(光谱曲率),结合CALIPSO(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations)卫星气溶胶组分分析以及MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)火点数据,对2015年10月南京霾污染过程进行分析.结果表明:2015年10月出现的两次霾污染过程期间南京地区AE440-1020均高于1.0并且a2呈负值,其中10月16日AQI达到峰值(201),AOD500达1.51,AE440-1020达1.37,a2达-0.77;这两次较为严重的霾污染过程均主要由人为因素(工业污染、城市建设、生物质燃烧、汽车尾气排放等)产生的细粒子所致.后向轨迹分析发现,2015年10月16日南京地区霾污染天气发生的主要原因是区域型污染,同时受长距离输送影响,大量携带人为因素产生的细粒子以及少量沙尘等污染物的空气团途经内蒙古、山东等地到达南京,加剧了当日的污染程度;2015年10月23日南京地区霾污染天气的发生则主要受长距离输送影响,同时也受到区域型污染影响,加剧了当日的污染程度.研究显示,在稳定的气象条件下,较高的相对湿度、较低的地表风速、低混合层高度以及贴地逆温的出现是诱发霾污染天气产生的有利气象条件.   相似文献   
通过分析重庆市主城区2015~2019年O3浓度和气象要素观测数据,发现主城区O3超标日数、超标日O3中位值和90百分位浓度值均呈现逐年升高趋势,O3与温度成正相关、与相对湿度成负相关,高O3浓度对应每日最高温度区间为35℃以上以及相对湿度区间70%以下.采用T-mode主成分分析法(PCT)对2015~2019年的4~9月850hPa低层位势高度场和风场进行分型,总结出重庆市O3污染期间主要有8种天气类型,其中有利于出现高浓度O3现象的天气类型分别是低压西北侧型(T1)、低压后部型(T4)和高压西侧(T3),对应O3平均超标率分别为34.6%、17.0%和14.2%.利用HYSPLIT4模型后向轨迹聚类方法和潜在源贡献算法(PSCF),计算得到O3污染日的气团主要以中短距离输送为主,主要传输轨迹来自北、东北、南以及西南四个方向,从2015~2019年,主要污染来源有一个明显的从北转南的趋势,O3污染的潜在源贡献分析结果与全市工业源NOx、VOCs排放量空间分布的一致性较高.  相似文献   
Coastal catchments in British Columbia, Canada, experience a complex mixture of rainfall‐ and snowmelt‐driven contributions to flood events. Few operational flood‐forecast models are available in the region. Here, we integrated a number of proven technologies in a novel way to produce a super‐ensemble forecast system for the Englishman River, a flood‐prone stream on Vancouver Island. This three‐day‐ahead modeling system utilizes up to 42 numerical weather prediction model outputs from the North American Ensemble Forecast System, combined with six artificial neural network‐based streamflow models representing various slightly different system conceptualizations, all of which were trained exclusively on historical high‐flow data. As such, the system combines relatively low model development times and costs with the generation of fully probabilistic forecasts reflecting uncertainty in the simulation of both atmospheric and terrestrial hydrologic dynamics. Results from operational testing by British Columbia's flood forecasting agency during the 2013‐2014 storm season suggest that the prediction system is operationally useful and robust.  相似文献   
黑龙江省影响水稻安全生产的气象要素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在分析水稻安全生产条件的基础上,探讨了有关气象因素及灾害对水稻生长发育和产量的影响。重点分析了地区冷害的发生状况及干湿条件,在充分考虑黑龙江省地区气候特征、农业生产区域及品种熟性的基础上,确定了影响水稻安全生产的灾害和气象指标。利用多年气象资料,计算了黑龙江省各地的冷害发生机率及稻田干燥度指数等,通过指标对比分析,初步提出了黑龙江省水稻安全生产的区域划分,为水稻生产的防灾减灾提供了科学的气象依据。  相似文献   
通过分析2013—2015年上海地面PM_(2.5)质量浓度观测资料,发现11、12、1月3个月对PM_(2.5)年总浓度的贡献达到36.4%,对总污染日数的贡献达到50.4%,对PM_(2.5)环境质量的影响最显著.采用T-mode斜交旋转分解方法(PCT),对2012—2015每年11月、12月和次年1月的海平面气压场和10 m风场进行大样本客观分型研究,揭示了4种秋冬季上海PM_(2.5)易污染的天气环流类型,分别为冷锋(Cw)、高压后部弱气压场(WGh)、高压前部弱气压场(WGl和WGf).对上海而言,冷锋、高后弱气压、高前弱气压分别表现为有利于上游污染输送、本地静稳累积、以及本地积累和上游输送相叠加的天气学特征.对比2个典型污染月(2013年1月和12月)和清洁月(2014年11月和2015年11月)的逐日分型结果发现,Cw环流控制下污染输送对秋冬季上海PM_(2.5)环境质量影响显著,高前弱气压的维持是导致上海3次连续重度污染的重要原因.  相似文献   
1992~2012年福州市和厦门市酸雨变化特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郑秋萍  王宏  陈彬彬  隋平  林文 《环境科学》2014,35(10):3644-3650
利用1992~2012年福州市和厦门市的酸雨观测资料、天气形势和大气污染物浓度资料,分析酸雨变化特征及酸雨可能的影响因素.结果表明,福州市非酸雨和酸雨频率分别为38.1%和61.9%,厦门市分别为40.6%和59.4%;福州市年均降水pH值在4.1~5.5之间,2007年之后酸雨污染减轻,厦门市2006年之后酸雨污染减轻;冬、春季节酸雨污染重,夏、秋季节酸雨污染轻.降水强度能改变降水的酸性程度;福州市在东南(SE)、西南(SW)、西(W)、西北(NW)风向下酸雨污染较严重,厦门市在东北(NE)、SW、W、NW风向下酸雨污染较重;变性冷高压下酸雨污染最重,台风(热带辐合带)及其外围的天气形势下酸雨污染最轻;福州市大气污染物SO2、NO2、PM10浓度与降水pH值呈负相关关系.  相似文献   
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