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随着人类社会的进步,经济文明的发展,全球的环境问题日益严重,建设绿色的家园成为全世界人民的迫切愿望和各国政府的责任。我国作为一个发展大国,如何保护环境,解决环境污染问题,笔者认为解决环境问题的基本思路是首先政府要转变观念,通过立法、税收等强制性手段来保护环境,通过技术创新来解决环保中的技术问题,将环境污染的程度降到最低。  相似文献   
The hybrid policy is a flexible policy tool that combines features of carbon trading and carbon taxation.Its economic and environmental effects under China's background are still not studied in detail.Given the exogenous carbon reduction targets,carbon prices,and carbon tax-rates,by computable general equilibrium modeling methods and factor decomposition methods,this article investigates direct and cascaded effects of the hybrid policy on economic growth,energy utilization,and carbon emission on the national level and the sector level,with China's national input-output data-set.Stepwisely,policy scenarios with irrational estimated results are selectively excluded based on comprehensive evaluation among economic,carbon reduction and other policy targets.As a result,against national economic conditions in 2007,the hybrid policy,with a carbon reduction target of -10%,a carbon tax-rate of around $10,and a ceiling carbon price of $40,is highly recommended,because of its significant lower economic loss,lower energy utilization cost,and practical robustness against fluctuation of energy market and carbon market.Furthermore,by decomposition analysis,carbon reduction-related costs are decomposed into a direct part that includes carbon allowance price and carbon tax,and an indirect part as the energy price incremental induced by direct carbon costs.Gross carbon reduction may be decomposed into three parts such as energy intensity,economic scale,and technical progress.And,carbon taxation is the main policy tool that stimulates to improve the energy efficiency.  相似文献   
征收环境税对经济和污染排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资源短缺、环境容量有限已经成为我国国情新的基本特征,而我国经济总量将继续扩大,资源环境压力将持续加大。开征环境税被认为是减少污染排放和促进发展方式转型的有效经济政策之一。本文利用GREAT-E模型分析环境税改革后不同税率水平对宏观经济、污染减排、收入水平、产业结构、贸易结构和要素需求的影响,为制定相关的环境税制度和政策提供决策支持依据。模拟结果表明,征收环境税对中国宏观经济的影响非常有限,GDP的下降在可承受的范围之内;相对而言,征收环境税对污染物的减排作用远大于对经济发展的抑制作用,较高税率的环境税能够较大幅度的减少污染物的排放。模拟结果表明,征收环境税有利于产业结构优化调整,重污染行业受到抑制,而清洁产业反而加快发展。征收环境税会抑制重污染产品出口,提升清洁行业的出口竞争力,降低贸易顺差对我国环境的影响。这主要是因为重污染行业因为成本的增加,减少了生产规模,释放出的资本和劳动力等要素资源被转移到了清洁产业,从而促进了这些产业的发展。征收环境税在增加政府收入的同时会对居民福利产生一定的负面影响,但是考虑到污染减排能够带来环境质量的改善,进而产生正面的居民福利效应和社会效应,环境税征收产生的社会负面影响实际上要小于模拟结果。为了促进环境成本内部化,建议提高污染税/费标准。由于现有排污收费标准偏低,远低于污染治理成本,很多企业宁愿缴纳排污费也不愿意治理污染。因此未来开征环境税应将税率应至少与治理成本相当,通过将环境成本完全内部化,达到促进污染者减少污染排放的目标。另一方面,建议政府通过减免所得税或者向弱势群体提供补贴等方式减少环境税征收的负面影响。  相似文献   
我国个人所得税制实施至今,对国民经济的发展起到了不可替代的作用,同时也日益暴露其不足之处。本文就如何改进现行税制,提出五种改进方法,以期使个人所得税真正成为良税。  相似文献   
Despite the concerted efforts by the researchers, government and NGOs to arrest land degradation problems, most agricultural lands of developing countries are still suffering from massive degradation. This study introduces a new strategy, called differential land taxation (DLT), where rural lands are subject to different taxation rates. DLT is determined by rating the magnitude of accord or discord between the recommended and the implemented land management practices. To appraise DLT, opinion of stakeholders, drawn from sample localities of central Ethiopia, were assessed. Most respondents proved that DLT could bring about sustainable land management practices through encouraging conservation-minded peasants while systematically discouraging land abusers.  相似文献   
Measuring the welfare cost of climate change policies is a real challenge, raising difficult issues of micro- and macro-economics: cost-benefit analysis on the one hand, foreign trade and international specialization on the second hand. At the domestic level the possible existence of distortions, in particular in the fiscal system, may either increase or alleviate the welfare cost of a climate change policy, as illustrated by the debate on double dividend. Effects on the prices in international markets and distorted competition between countries committed to abate (Annex B) and uncommitted countries affect both the sharing of the burden, in particular through the change in the terms of trade, and the allocation of activities with the frequently waved threat of delocalization. Based on a companion theoretical analysis, the present paper aims at putting order in the welfare analysis of climate change policy and to present and compare various estimations, issuing from macro- or computable general equilibrium models. Beside the global welfare cost, the paper focuses on the marginal abatement cost and its relation to the carbon price.Most present conceptual and applied analysis is based on the case of a single domestic household-consumer. Taking into account several consumers raises new challenges, concerning equity but even more fundamentally the mere definition of fiscal distortion, which have not yet been really addressed.  相似文献   
During the 1970s and 1980s the main concern of mining policies was to attract investment whilst at the same time balancing the interests of governments and companies. By the turn of the century a new spectrum of challenges faces governments and companies in the mining sector. The need for fiscal regimes to adapt to price cyclicity is to some extent superseded by the requirement that they adapt to a long-term decline of metal prices. The growing importance of environmental and community affairs in the mining sector will force governments to design coherent and comprehensive tax regulations to complement the wide range of initiatives being taken in these fields. Finally, the age-old problem of tax collection continues to raise its head in transition and developing economies.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop a model of international trade and climate change in which emission discharges arising from production have a feedback effect on national production sectors by impacting upon effective factor endowments. With this context, the objectives are, first, to provide a general characterization of Pareto-efficient climate and trade policies and, second, to examine the possibility – starting from non-Pareto-efficient equilibria – for Pareto-improving environmental policies. We provide conditions under which several particular reforms of carbon taxes are welfare improving.  相似文献   
《环境保护税法(草案)》已经初次审议并公布草案全文征求意见,本文对草案中有关问题进行了探讨,期望这些建议能为修改法律草案条文提供参考。关于水污染物环境保护税的纳税人,建议按照直接向环境排放污水的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者、城镇污水集中处理设施、园区污水集中处理设施等三类区分;关于大气污染物、水污染物的征税范围与方法,建议近期将大气污染物中的重金属项目也纳入应税污染物,与水污染物征税范围保持一致,远期考虑与排放标准脱钩,重新审视、确定应税污染物的范围、筛选原则与当量值;关于综合利用固体废物征收环境保护税问题,建议对综合利用过程在满足环保标准要求条件下,免征环境保护税,而综合利用形成的原材料或产品则不适用本法。另外本文还提出了未来环境保护税应覆盖产品全生命周期的生产、使用、废弃等环节的观点。  相似文献   
排污费改革为环境税是环境保护领域的重大课题,环境税开征必须充分协调好与环境保护制度之间的关系。为协调与环境污染总量控制等环境行政管控制度的关系,应注重加强环境税的合作征管和联合执法,为行政管控提供较为顺畅的信息机制。为协调与排污权交易等环境经济制度的关系,应加强成本效益分析,妥善分配部门间权力与利益,并根据经济社会发展情况处理好地区发展和结构性配置等问题。  相似文献   
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