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在广西桂林市全州县中等肥力土壤上的5年试验结果表明:水稻栽培增施N、P、K三要素肥料均具有增产效果,增产增幅N〉K〉P;全州县水稻栽培推荐的最大施肥量分别为N12.7 kg·666.7 m^-2,P 4.0 kg·666.7 m^-2,K 9.5 kg·666.7 m^-2;最佳施肥量分别为N11.7 kg·666.7 m^-2,P 3.5 kg·666.7 m^-2,K7.5 kg·666.7 m^-2。本研究结果为全州县测土配方施肥成果应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Originating in the UK in 2006, the Transition movement is oriented to local grassroots citizen-led efforts that prepare for and support a societal energy transition to a low-carbon future in response to climate change, peak oil, ecological degradation, and economic instability. Overlapping significantly with relocalization, degrowth/slow growth, local food, and related movements, and based on permaculture principles and a distributed network model, it embraces the opportunity to turn crisis into an opportunity to build more resilient, convivial, and vibrant local communities, declaring that “if it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable”. The Transition approach has spread rapidly around the world, including initiatives in over 100 communities and cities in Canada. This paper reports on the methods and results of a Canadian community-based research study aimed at understanding how and where the movement has taken root across the country, what Transition practice looks like, challenges and opportunities encountered, and lessons learned that could be applied within the movement and by others interested in the role of citizen-led initiatives for sustainability transition. Utilising a practice theory lens, drawing on an extensive web-scan of the movement’s online presence, a survey and interviews with initiative (co)founders, an e-survey of Transition members/participants, regional “structured story-dialogue” workshops, and key informant interviews, and informed by input from a Movement Advisory Group, we describe the research process and explore what success and impact mean to those most active in the movement.  相似文献   
Portovelo-Zaruma, Ecuador is an artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) region with approximately 6000 gold miners working with mercury and cyanide. Although artisanal gold mining (AGM) has taken place in Portovelo-Zaruma for centuries, highly mechanized small-scale gold mining (SGM) processing plants capable of increased throughput began being built in the 1990s. While there are benefits associated with ASGM, there are also negative impacts experienced by the miners and the surrounding communities. To take advantage of ASGM as a poverty-alleviating mechanism while reducing unwanted externalities, the cumulative impacts must be understood. Numerous challenges to measuring, monitoring, and addressing ASGM impacts result from the complexity of the impacts themselves, the nature of the gold mining as an informal industry, and the shortfalls in the current regulatory framework. These are discussed in the context of ongoing, unresolved issues including efforts to address trans-boundary water pollution, management of mining waste, and conflicts regarding priorities, ambiguities, and enforcement of existing regulations and policies. Internationally, interventions to address both AGM and SGM impacts have typically focused almost exclusively on technological changes through the elimination of mercury use. Our analysis suggests that to better address ASGM and their cumulative impacts in Ecuador, it will be beneficial to revisit the legal definitions of AGM and SGM. Additionally, promotion of information-based strategies including educational outreach programs and cross-scale and cross-level mitigation methods may also be beneficial. The success of these strategies to reduce ASGM-related cumulative impacts will depend on sufficient funding and the commitment of stakeholders.  相似文献   
金刚石钻进规程的实验室模拟及参数校核   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金刚石钻进的钻进规程决定了钻进效率和钻头的使用寿命,也决定了钻进的安全性、可靠性和经济效益。因此,选择最佳的钻进规程尤其重要。本文通过智能微钻实验台对金刚石钻进的模拟钻进参数及其变化曲线、参数值,以及对应的钻进速度、进尺变化曲线、参数值进行分析,得到相应岩石条件下的最优钻进规程。  相似文献   
沙漠公路驾驶员心理、生理特性初探   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
针对沙漠公路交通安全现状,采用动体视力、速度估计、复杂(选择)反应、处置判断、血压脉搏检测仪等驾驶适宜性检测仪器,就长期从事沙漠公路运输活动的驾驶员群体进行了包括视觉、速度估计、反应、判断等在内的心理、生理特性的实地测试。检测结果初步表明,沙漠公路特殊的线形布设和修筑技术特征以及沿线的自然环境条件,使得驾驶员表现出有别于一般绿洲公路的驾驶心理和行为特性,其主要表现在在沙漠环境中,驾驶员的动体视力要较静体视力受到更大的影响;急躁心理影响,沙漠公路驾驶员的速度估计和复杂反应时间相应指标值均小于全国平均水平;沙漠公路驾驶员复杂反应错误次数和处置判断错误次数均高于绿洲公路。  相似文献   
基于矿井涌水量计算及水资源评价需要,首先运用注水试验代替抽水试验,求取了太原组灰岩含水层的渗透系数.根据后期同一含水层井下放水试验资料,利用VISUAL MODFLOW建立了水文地质三维非稳定流数值模型,通过分区拟合调参,获得了含水层各分区的渗透系数.通过对渗透系数及其空间分布规律的对比研究,发现渗透系数随含水层埋深增大而逐渐减小.注水试验比放水试验所得渗透系数值小,前者是后者的35.6%-50.8%.  相似文献   
热防护服是热环境下人体安全防护的主要装备,其标准的科学性和系统性对热环境下的人体安全防护具有重要的支持作用.国外对热防护服相关的技术标准予以充分重视,以性能测试技术方法为主体,建立了较为科学、完善的标准,并体现出新的发展趋势.通过对国外热防护服技术标准的调研,总结性能测试标准的共性内容,包括主要性能测试方法、实验设备、实验步骤、烧伤评估、人体模型和测试报告等.整套防护服装的性能测试技术及标准是研究的重点,出汗暖体假人将在防护服装性能测试领域被更为广泛的应用.最后,提出我国研制热防护服性能测试技术标准的建议.  相似文献   
通过对容积为504.94m3的某型号压力容器出厂前水压试验的声发射检测,分析了其在升压和保压过程中的声发射信号特征及其来源。结合AE信号参数、波形及定位图分析,对该容器进行了声发射活性评价,确定需要后续复检的强活性区域。文章为压力容器的声发射检测和安全评价提供了理论指导和参考数据。  相似文献   
The acute-toxic-class method (ATC) is an alternative to the classical LD50 test. Four substances were tested with an ATC testing procedure. The results were compared with LD50 data obtained from the literature. Great importance was attached to the observations of toxic signs following administration. The results of this study have shown that the ATC method allows allocation to toxicity classes in the same manner as on the basis of the classical LD50 tests. The ATC method uses fewer animals and yields the same information on toxic signs. Introducing the ATC method into the quality system allows estimating the acute oral toxicity of chemicals according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; OECD, 1992, 1996).  相似文献   
During the past 20 years of research in occupational safety and health (OSH), major contributions have been made by psychology in general, foremost German work and organizational psychology. This is the result of an empirical study with 216 scientific projects that were analyzed by content, and 32 interviews on OSH with experts on science, as well as in professional occupations and federations. Its sound methodological and theoretical approach has helped work and organizational psychology to embody itself as a driving force of OSH. The research focuses on the development of tools for job analysis, striving for the valid diagnosis of occupational hazards and mental load. Consequently, work and organizational psychology provides a solid foundation for deriving human and personality ameliorating organizational measures. Among the predominant means of intervention are training in coping with stress, behavioral training and modeling, health circles, and the arrangement of environments sensitive to occupational load. Major deficits in the field of research show up within evaluation and transfer as well as within quality control of the developed diagnostic and devices regarding intervention. Future scientific effort by means of application-orientated methods is vital to detect and overcome effectively a mounting mental load in the occupational world.  相似文献   
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