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通过对塔河上游阿拉尔地区天然植被的物种多样性的特征分析,并结合实际情况,得出了该地区天然植被生态系统在人类干扰下普遍存在退化现象,尤其在绿洲—荒漠过渡带,这种现象更为严重。应采取有效措施对天然植被特别是过渡带的植被进行生态恢复。另外还讨论了本地区植被恢复与重建的对策。  相似文献   
基于标准化降水蒸散指数的陕西省近50 a干旱特征分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
基于陕西省18 个气象站点1961-2010 年实测气象资料,利用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),通过计算各站历年逐月的SPEI 指数值,统计近50 a 各站点出现的干旱过程,分析了陕西省历年、历年各季及月尺度上的干旱发生频率、覆盖面积和干旱发生强度,揭示了陕西省干旱发生的时空和强度演变特征。研究结果表明,近50 a 来陕西省干旱发生频率呈明显的增长趋势,尤其是1990 年以来的近20 a;陕西省在年、春、夏、秋、冬及月尺度上均有干旱发生。其中,秋季干旱最为严重,春季次之。在年代际变化方面,全省以20 世纪90 年代干旱最为严重,2000 年以来的干旱次之;干旱出现既有全省性的大范围干旱,也有区域性的局部干旱,分布极不均匀,总体分布特征是北多南少;干旱发生强度分布呈现出关中最强、陕南次之、陕北最弱的特点。  相似文献   
基于GIS的东辽河流域生态安全空间差异评价研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态安全建设是协调经济开发与生态保护的重要战略.区域生态安全评价与预警研究具有空间特性、非线性、随机性,研究过程中必须处理大量的空间信息,而空间分析和空间数据管理正是GIS的优势,它使各环境要素的分布态势及彼此间的拓扑关系一目了然,并且图文并茂地展示全流域的生态安全格局.在充分研究辽河流域生态环境状况基础上,选取东辽河流域11个县市区,借助GIS格网赋值技术,讨论了基于GIS的东辽河生态安全空间差异的评价方法.首先,拟定"压力-状态-响应"(P-S-R)指标体系,实地调查并收集资料;然后,数字化流域,运用模糊AHP法赋权并量化计算;最后,建立东辽河流域生态安全指数GRID数据库,进行GIS的空间Interpolate运算和Assembly分析.结果表明,公主岭市是生态安全区,约占全流域面积的10.78%;西丰市和东辽县是生态不安全区,约占流域面积的13.07%;其余8个地区为生态安全中等区,约占全流域面积的76.15%.评价结果与各地区现状生态环境评价基本-致.提出了相应的生态保护建议.  相似文献   
从煤炭主体专业教育具有的公益性属性分析入手,指出煤炭主体专业的办学经费日紧和煤炭主体专业边缘化与去煤化,公益性日渐式微。建议从国家、高校、企业、个人家庭等各个层次全方位重构煤炭主体专业教育的公益性,加强国家利益至上,强化政府主渠道作用,在政策与教育投入要向其倾斜,优先发展与保障煤炭主体专业的教育,制定相关法规确保煤炭专业生源与人才培养质量,并在该领域就业。国家、企业、高校与个人家庭利益相关者都应在制度上强化各自应有的责任,从而形成一个多层次全方位良性互动发展的培养与吸纳人才的机制,确保煤炭主体专业教育的公益性,促进煤炭主体专业健康发展,满足安全生产的人才需求的供给,从而为煤炭安全生产提供重要保障。  相似文献   
本文讨论了通过建立奖励与惩罚相结合的检验理念,采取全面检验与重点检验相结合的检验方式,使选择优质维保单位的电梯使用单位可支付更少的电梯检验费,而选择劣质维保单位的电梯使用单位则须支付更多的电梯检验费,从而促使电梯使用单位自觉选择优质维保单位.希望通过这种方式能够呈现择优汰劣的电梯维保市场,保证电梯的维保质量和安全质量.  相似文献   
Vertical and temporal distributions of N and P in soil solution in aquatic-terrestrial ecotone (ATE) of Taihu Lake were investigated, and the relations among N, P, ORP (oxidation reduction potential), TOC, root system biomass and microorganism were studied. As a whole, significant declines in TN, NO3^--N, DON (dissolved organic nitrogen) and TP concentration in soil solution have occurred with increase of the depth, and reached their minima at 60 cm depth, except for NH4^+-N, which increased with depth. The concentration of TP increased gradually from spring to winter in the topsoil, the maximum 0.08 mg/L presented in the winter while the minimum 0.03 mg/L in spring. In the deeper layer, the concentration value of TP fluctuated little. As for the NO3^--N, its seasonal variation was significant at 20 cm depth, its concentration increased gradually from spring to autumn, and decreased markedly in winter. Vertical and temporal distribution of DON is contrary to that of NO3^--N. The results also show that the variation of N and P in the percolate between adjacent layers is obviously different. The vertical variation ofTN, TP, NO3^--N, NH4^+-N and DON is significant, of which the variation coefficient of NO3^--N along the depth reaches 100.23%, the highest; while the variation coefficient of DON is 41.14%, the smallest. The results of correlation analysis show that the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus correlate significantly with TOC, ORP, root biomass and counts of nitrifying bacteria. Most nutrients altered much from 20 to 40 cm along the depth. However, DON changed more between 60 and 80 cm. Results show that soil of 0-60 cm depth is active rhizoplane, with strong capability to remove the nitrogen and phosphorus in ATE. It may suggest that there exists the optimum ecological efficiency in the depth of above 60 cm in reed wetland. This will be very significant for ecological restoration and reestablishment.  相似文献   
东亚春季边界层臭氧的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用嵌套网格空气质量模式系统(NAQPMS)对2004年4月东亚边界层(距地面.km以下)臭氧进行了数值模拟.并评估了东亚边界层光化学反应的活性.结果表明.东亚春季臭氧呈带状分布,其高值.〔φ(O3)>55×10-9.主要集中在30°N~40°N.受东亚季风气候控制.沿蒙古、中国东北以及日本一线有一强臭氧输送通道.输送通量达3×10-.mol/(m2·s).通过计算边界层O3光化学净生成率可知.光化学影响主要集中在高污染源排放地区.其与水平输送对臭氧影响的分布具有负相关性.说明光化学生成的O3可被输送至下风地区,而不仅限于局地.   相似文献   
“一带一路”沿线国家粮食生产的时空格局分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
“一带一路”倡议是新时代下全球化发展的必然结果。粮食作为一种重要的战略资源,其生产对“一带一路”沿线国家乃至全球粮食安全意义重大。通过对沿线国家粮食生产数量、结构等方面的深入剖析,揭示了“一带一路”沿线国家近40年来粮食生产的时空格局。结果表明:(1)“一带一路”沿线国家是世界粮食的重要产区,粮食产量占全球比例50%~60%左右,1977-2016年粮食产量呈增长趋势,单产是其粮食总产增长的主要影响因素。1995-2016年人均粮食产量有所提高但国别差异显著,人粮关系逐步改善,区域粮食保障程度整体增强。(2)“一带一路”沿线国家粮食生产存在明显的地域差异,空间格局相对稳定,中国、印度、俄罗斯是其主要粮食生产国,东南亚和南亚国家的粮食产量普遍较高,阿拉伯半岛国家的粮食产量相对较低。(3)稻谷、小麦和玉米是“一带一路”沿线国家主要粮食作物,稻谷对粮食总产变化的贡献最大,1977-2016年玉米占比不断增加,三大作物区域分布特征明显。  相似文献   
The distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and As) in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary was investigated. The spatial distribution of heavy metals displayed a decreasing pattern from the turbidity maxima to both upstream and downstream of the estuary, which suggested that suspended sediments played an important role in the trace metal distribution in the Pearl River Estuary. In addition, metal concentrations were higher in the west part of the estuary which received most of the pollutants from the Pearl River. In the sediment cores, fluxes of heavy metals were consistent with a predominant anthropogenic input in the period 1970-1990. From the mid-1990s to the 2000s, there was a significant decline in heavy metal pollution. The observed decline has shown the result of pollution control in the Pearl River Delta. However, it is noteworthy that the metal concentrations in the most recent sediment still remained considerably high. Taken together, the enrichment of heavy metals in sediments was largely controlled by anthropogenic pollution.  相似文献   
国外环境政策评估体系研究——基于美国、欧盟的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了进一步明确环境政策评估体系在识别环境政策实施绩效、评价环境政策社会经济影响、推进环境政策改革与创新中的作用,文章以美国、欧盟的环境政策评估体系为研究对象,建立了评估主体、评估对象、评估标准等要素的基本分析框架,分析总结了国外环境政策评估体系的基本构成要素及运行模式,在此基础上,结合我国环境保护现状与形势,对推进我国环境政策评估工作提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
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