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目的目的振动试验是力学环境试验中的重要组成部分,在固定待试产品时,螺杆是连接振动台台面和产品固定夹具的关键受力部件,目的在于研究振动环境对螺杆螺纹磨损变形的影响。方法以螺杆的螺纹在使用过程中的形态变化为关注点,通过改变振动量级、螺杆紧固力矩及试验次数等途径,借助图像处理方法,分析了螺纹齿峰的变化规律。结果果通过控制相关变量,振动量级、试验次数等因素对螺纹的磨损程度影响较小,而紧固力矩对螺纹的磨损程度影响突出。结论在振动试验中,较大的紧固力矩可引起螺杆螺纹发生明显磨损及变形,是螺杆螺纹发生机械损伤的主要因素。 相似文献
Lawrence J.H. Schulze Edward Stanton Anupam Patel Maurizio Cheli 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2013,19(1-2):31-40
Hand cranks are used in a variety of industries to actuate valves and in other gear-operated applications. In order to evaluate these types of operations and their compatibility with operator strength capabilities, a rotational dynamometer was used to measure torque production capability of operators using a hand crank at different heights and angles (with respect to the coronal plane). The tests were conducted for both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations using the dominant arm of each test participant. A total of 18 tests were completed by each of five male right-handed test participants. A 0° declination angle, counterclockwise operation, and both 40.65 cm and 60.96 cm heights were found to be associated with the greatest torque production capabilities. 相似文献
Lawrence J.H. Schulze David Goldstein Anupam Patel Edward Stanton James Woods 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2013,19(3-4):109-118
Opening and closing valves in industrial facilities often requires operators to use bars and wrenches as levers (cheaters) in order to overcome initial actuation forces. In order to determine more appropriate operational specifications, the maximum torque production capability was measured when 12 male participants used 4 different valve handwheels at 3 different heights and 2 different angles (in relationship to the coronal plane). The results indicate that the participants produced significantly greater torque when the largest of the 4 wheels (40.6 cm diameter) was used than when the medium (22.9 cm), small (20.3 cm), and handled (17.8 cm) handwheels were used. Although the main effect of heights was found to be statistically significant, post-hoc analyses between the heights found them to be, essentially, equal. In addition, the vertical and horizontal wheel orientations were not found to be different. The results are applicable to all industries where handwheels are used and applicable to valve manufacturers for designing operational torque specifications below the values found in this study. 相似文献
Simultaneous measurement of the tool torque, traverse force and axial force during friction stir welding process is of great significance to the understanding of the underlying process mechanism and the optimizing of the process parameters. Different from the traditional measurement methods using load cell or rotating component dynamometer, an indirect but economical methodology is used in this study for the simultaneous measurement of the traverse force, axial force and tool torque by monitoring the output torques of the servo motors and main spindle three-phase AC induction motor inside the FSW machine. The values of the traverse force, axial force and tool torque are determined under different welding conditions, and the influencing factors are examined. The measured results in friction stir welding of AA2024-T4 aluminum alloys at different combinations of tool rotation speed and welding speed lay foundation for process optimization. 相似文献
目的 研究典型螺栓/螺母装配件在湿热海洋大气环境下的适应性.方法 在万宁大气环境试验站开展螺栓/螺母装配件为期24个月的户外暴露试验,通过环境扫描电镜(SEM)、电化学试验、力矩测试,研究螺栓/螺母装配件在我国湿热海洋大气环境中的腐蚀行为和力矩变化规律.结果 装配件组合30CrMnSiA镀镉钝化螺栓与30CrMnSiA镀镉钝化螺母(组合A)、30CrMnSiA镀镉钝化螺栓与30CrMnSiA镀锌钝化螺母(组合B)、30CrMnSiA镀镉钝化螺栓与0Cr16Ni6钝化螺母(组合C)对应的电偶腐蚀电流分别约为0.6、37、100μA,装配状态下组合C户外暴露24个月后最大拧出力矩增加53%.结论 装配导致的电偶腐蚀效应对螺栓/螺母紧固件的性能变化具有明显影响,非装配状态下30CrMnSiA镀镉钝化螺栓在万宁户外暴露期间没有出现基体腐蚀现象,而装配状态下组合C在万宁户外暴露期间出现较为严重的基体锈蚀,造成在户外暴露期间最大拧出力矩呈不断增加趋势. 相似文献