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化学发光测定示踪剂罗丹明B的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然河流水质模型的扩散系数通常采用罗丹明B作示踪剂来测定。囚此,河水中罗丹明B测定的准确度对水质模型的建立和精度至关重要。本文建立了化学发光分析罗丹明B的新方法,从而消除了河水浊度的影响。  相似文献   
木薯皮堆肥过程中酶活性的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以木薯皮为原料进行高温堆肥发酵,研究了堆肥化过程中理化性质和酶活性的变化情况.结果表明:在堆肥发酵过程中.温度变化呈先上升后下降趋势,到后期已趋近于初始温度;而含水率在堆肥处理过程中变化不大.各处理的pH值在发酵结束时为7.3~7.5.过氧化氢酶活性初期较高,随后迅速降低,并维持在较低水平.纤维素酶和脲酶活性在堆肥初期增加,之后逐渐降低.由于堆肥原料不同,不同处理的酶活性变化趋势表现出一定的差异.考虑到堆肥腐熟度受多方面因素的影响,判断堆肥腐熟度时应根据多种指标(包括生物学、化学、物理学指标)综合判断.  相似文献   
The San Rossore Natural Park, located on the Tuscany (Italy) coast, has been utilized over the last 10 years for many remote sensing campaigns devoted to coastal zone monitoring. A wet area is located in the south-west part of the Natural Park and it is characterized by a system of ponds and dunes formed by sediment deposition occurring at the Arno River estuary. The considerable amount of collected data has permitted us to investigate the evolution of wetland spreading and land coverage as well as to retrieve relevant biogeochemical parameters, e.g. green biomass, from remote sensing images and products. This analysis has proved that the monitoring of coastal wetlands, characterized by shallow waters, moor and dunes, demands dedicated aerospace sensors with high spatial and spectral resolution. The outcomes of the processing of images gathered during several remote sensing campaigns by airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral sensors are presented and discussed. A particular effort has been devoted to sensor response calibration and data validation due to the complex heterogeneity of the observed natural surfaces.  相似文献   
Approximately 52% of the 380,000 tons of fish landings in Iran come from the northern Persian Gulf, with a total of 108,000 fishermen and 8900 fishing vessels (2003 data). The fishery in the region is very important for the local economy, but the major problems facing the Iranian fisheries are an uncertain availability of fish and over-fishing. The Persian Gulf is a sensitive marine ecosystem. The Gulf is a partially enclosed sea with an average depth of 35 metres and replacement of waters take some three to five years. Environmental factors have a major effect on fish stocks and fisheries in such a sensitive ecosystem. This study examines the influence of environmental changes in water temperature, rainfall, wind and sea level pressure on fish stocks in the northern Persian Gulf and estimates the maximum sustainable yields for fisheries management. Multivariate data and surplus production bio-economic models with environmental parameters are used to determine optimal harvest and forecasting. The study found that rainfall, water temperature and wind had significant positive effects whereas sea level pressure had a negative effect on the fisheries in the northern Persian Gulf. It is concluded that environmental parameters should be monitored concurrently with the fisheries to allow a greater understanding for fisheries management in the Persian Gulf.  相似文献   
Construction practices tend to have an adverse impact on the environment through their contribution to CO2 emission, increased waste and energy consumption. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has launched many initiatives to encourage green design over the past years and to work towards a sustainable community. Nonetheless, such initiatives require a considerable amount of time to penetrate the professional psyche and showcase real results that are easily utilised by the construction community. The aim of this research was to study the current degree of use of Green Design Parameters (GDPs) in the UAE construction projects and to identify the main constraints that hinder their application. To achieve the study's objective, a survey was designed and distributed to engineering design professionals in different consulting and contracting companies in the seven emirates of the UAE. Feedback from 112 projects was examined and statistically analysed. The analysis showed a degree of awareness and use of some key GDPs. Moreover, the data showed no correlation between the degree of using GDPs in a project and its cost and schedule. Not surprisingly, the lack of knowledge about green parameters and the lack of trust in recycled materials are the main constraints that featured in the responses.  相似文献   
Indicators to distinguish between fecal coliforms of human and animal origin were investigated in water from storm sewer outfalls to a coastal lake during wet and dry weather. The ratio of fecal coliform relative to fecal streptococci count was used as the microbiological indicator. Concentrations of human-activities originated caffeine, anionic surfactant, fluoride, and fluorescence whitening agent (FWA) were used as chemical indicators. The ratio of fecal coliform to fecal streptococci ranged from 0.2 to 3.0, during wet weather making it difficult to interpret the origin of fecal pollution. However, concentrations of caffeine, anionic surfactant, fluoride, and FWA in storm water outflow during wet weather were much higher than those in the lake water during dry weather, indicating the presence of human waste at storm water outfall. Strong correlation between fecal coliform counts and chemical parameter values further indicated the human contribution to the fecal coliform count. In addition, a strong correlation among the chemical parameters suggested that only one of them is needed as chemical tracer to detect the presence of human input.  相似文献   
为研究破碎带对断层活化的影响,选取破碎带宽度、岩石内摩擦角、粘结系数及抗拉强度作为破碎带的特征参数,采用FLAC3D模拟工作面推进对断层的影响,借助正交表确定模拟方案,通过对正交试验结果进行方差分析,以此研究影响断层活化的破碎带特征参数敏感性。结果表明:破碎带特征参数对断层活化的敏感性主次顺序为破碎带宽度﹥岩石内摩擦角﹥岩石粘结系数﹥岩石抗拉强度,且断层破碎带宽度越大,岩石内摩擦角越小,断层活化可能性也就越高,而岩石粘结系数与抗拉强度对断层活化影响较小。  相似文献   
为了采取合理的瓦斯抽采技术,实现矿井安全高效开采,对朱集矿13-1煤瓦斯基本参数进行了现场和实验室测定,得出了瓦斯含量、瓦斯压力、放散初速度,透气性系数、坚固性系数等参数,并对测定结果进行了理论分析,得出了这些参数的基本规律.结果表明:随着开采深度的增加,在一定深度范围内,其瓦斯压力、瓦斯含量呈线性增长,瓦斯压力与瓦斯含量都比较大;煤层钻孔瓦斯衰减系数较大,该煤层的透气性系数较小,D、K值小于其临界值,可判断出该煤层为难抽煤层且有突出危险性.  相似文献   
顶板走向高位钻孔瓦斯抽采技术的研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决由于采空区及邻近煤层瓦斯的涌人而造成的工作面上隅角瓦斯超限问题,提出了运用顶板走向高位钻孔瓦斯抽采技术,对采空区及邻近煤层瓦斯进行抽采,进而解决上隅角瓦斯超限问题的方法。利用分源预测法对工作面瓦斯涌出源进行了分析,并理论计算了采空区冒落带和裂隙带的高度范围,结合矿井具体情况,确定了合理的高位钻孔参数,并对作用效果进行了现场考察。研究表明:高位钻孔瓦斯抽采技术,能有效地解决工作面上隅角瓦斯超限问题,降低回风流中瓦斯体积分数,并提高了工作面的推进速度,有效地保证了工作面的安全回采。  相似文献   
The grass trimming machine is a widely used agricultural machine for cutting grass by the roadside and in other areas in Malaysia. Hand-arm vibration (HAV) syndrome is very common among workers operating power tools and performing similar work for extended periods. Grass trimming involves the use of a motorized cutter spinning at high speed, resulting in high levels of HAV among its operators. The existing D-shape handle causes HAV-related stress and operational load in operators. This research proposes a new design of a handle of the grass trimming machine. When this new design was compared with the old one, it was found that the new handle resulted in 18% lower HAV. To find the lowest HAV, 3 critical parameters of the new handle (length, angle and material of the cap of the handle) were optimized using the Taguchi quality tool. Appropriately selected parameters of the new handle significantly reduced the occurrence of HAV among grass trimmers.  相似文献   
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