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从煤矿生产作业环境的安全性出发,结合机械化、自动化技术的发展趋势,提出煤矿主提胶带运输系统远程自动化集中控制的技术方案,并以成功实例验证了方案的可操作性,节能效果显著。  相似文献   
2020年7月1日,粤北地区出现了一次O3污染过程,其中韶关市录得全省最高值162μg·m-3.本文利用常规观测资料以及再分析资料对影响此次韶关地区O3污染过程的主要气象场特征进行分析,结果表明:6月28日—7月2日天气形势总体处于静稳状态,地面受到均压场控制,同时副热带高压较强,脊线位于韶关上空,导致中高层有下沉气流,抑制了垂直方向污染物的扩散.6月28—30日(污染积累阶段),风速较大,韶关在外来输送和污染扩散条件的共同作用下,O3浓度上升但未超标.7月1日(污染持续阶段),韶关和清远两地风速减小,污染扩散条件不利;同时气温有所上升,光化学反应作用增强,有利于O3浓度攀升;同时广州和佛山两地的风向从偏南风转为偏北风,韶关市维持偏南风,主导风向的差异是全省只有韶关O3超标的主要原因.7月2日(污染消散阶段),O3外来传输及本地生成作用减弱,全省O3浓度下降.进一步利用HYSPLIT后向轨迹以及WRF-CMAQ空...  相似文献   
近年来,海洋微塑料污染已成为全球关注的重要环境问题。海洋中广泛存在的微塑料可被藻类吸附、微生物定植,亦可被海洋动物摄食并蓄积。生物与微塑料之间的相互作用必然会改变微塑料的物理、化学性质,及其在海洋中的迁移转化。因此,本文系统地阐述了海洋生物对微塑料的吸附、摄入、蓄积与排泄等关键过程;重点总结了微塑料在海洋生物过程(如排泄、与海洋雪团聚、形成生物膜以及生物扰动)影响下的沉降-埋藏等迁移过程;深入讨论了海洋动物对微塑料的摄食、消化过程以及微生物的分解作用导致的微塑料破碎、降解以及塑料添加剂和吸附污染物的释放过程及其机理。本文阐明了海洋生物对微塑料迁移转化的调控作用,为理解海洋微塑料的环境归趋提供理论依据。  相似文献   
基于三峡水库香溪河库湾汛期(2017年8月4—10日)水动力、气象和藻类漂移监测数据,运用数理统计方法,分析汛期香溪河浮游植物叶绿素a(Chla)浓度空间分布特征及其影响因素,探究分层异重流背景下藻类的水平输移和垂向掺混作用过程。结果表明:1)汛期香溪河库湾水动力具有明显的分层异重流特性,监测期间雷诺数均大于4 000,水体呈现紊流状态,对藻类的运动输移产生水平输运和垂向掺混2种影响。2)表层藻类水平漂移速度受到风速和水流流速的影响,响应关系式为V=0.035V+0.461V+0.034 (R2=0.917,P<0.01)。3)分层异重流对高浓度藻细胞库湾原水的稀释作用和环流对高浓度藻细胞的携带作用,导致水柱Chla总浓度呈直线下降趋势,此时干流水体从中上层倒灌进库湾,上游来水以底部顺坡异重流方式流向河口,在中上游相遇形成环流,在库湾中部倒灌水体一分为二,分别从底部和表层输出库湾,Chla浓度分布特征为表层>底层>中层;当倒灌水体与库湾原水形成环流并从底部输出库湾时,Chla浓度分布特征为表层>中层>底层或者中层>底层>表层。因此,Chla浓度的水平分布主要受到风速和异重流的水平流速的影响,而垂向分布受到异重流所形成的水体循环模式的影响。  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的和田绿洲为研究区域,使用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模型和NCEP的GDAS全球气象要素数据,将和田绿洲西北部的墨玉县城作为模拟受点(79.72°E,37.26°N),对2004—2018年墨玉县发生的2 891次沙尘天气进行36 h的后向轨迹模拟,并通过k-means聚类分析法,定量分析沙尘天气期间气流的传输路径及气象特征。结果表明:2004—2018年,研究区沙尘天气的发生频率变化幅度不大,没有明显的增减趋势;年内沙尘天气主要集中在春季和夏季(3—7月),占全年沙尘天气总数的70.23%,5、6月是强沙尘暴最活跃期。在沙尘天气期间气流的移动高度和轨迹相差较大,按照气流的起源地和到达墨玉县的方向将沙尘暴分为NW-W簇、N-N簇、NE-E簇和E-ES簇4簇轨迹类型,其发生天数占比分别为18.9%、12.3%、60.1%和7.8%。由东向西的沙尘天气发生天数占比最高(60.1%),但主要以浮尘天气为主;由西北向东南方向的沙尘发生频率不高,但移动速度最快,强沙尘暴和扬沙主要来自西北和西部方向;由北向南的沙尘暴速度最慢(1.36 m/s),空气湿度最低(26.4%),但气温最高(292.58 K)。定量印证了墨玉县沙尘暴不同传输路径,可为绿洲区沙尘暴研究提供参考。

Accurately quantifying the concentration and transport flux of atmospheric fine particulate matter(PM2.5) is vital when attempting to thoroughly identify the pollution formation mechanism.In this study,the mobile lidar measurements in Beijing on heavily polluted days in December from 2015 to 2018 are presented.The lidar was mounted on a vehicle,which could perform measurements along designated routes.On the basis of mobile lidar measurements along closed circuits of the 6 th Ring Road...  相似文献   
为实现风送管道物料静电监测与控制,预防料仓静电燃爆事故,提高聚烯烃装置料仓安全水平,基于非平衡式双极性离子风消电技术,开发了双极性离子风消电器;基于离子风消电器和静电监测器,探讨了石化粉体料仓用离子风消电控制系统组成、电路、气路布局;对非平衡式双极性离子风消电系统进行现场应用测试。结果表明:基于此管道粉体消静电技术,合理调节正、负侧控制电压,可有效控制管道物料荷质比稳定在±0.3 μC/kg以内,保障聚烯烃装置料仓安全、稳定运行。  相似文献   
Reservoirs are important for various purposes including flood control, water supply, power generation, and recreation. The aging of America's reservoirs and progressive loss of water storage capacity resulting from ongoing sedimentation, coupled with increasing societal needs, will cause the social, economic, environmental, and political importance of reservoirs to continually increase. The short‐ and medium‐term (<50 years) environmental consequences of reservoir construction and operation are well known and include an altered flow regime, lost connectivity (longitudinal, floodplain), an altered sediment regime, substrate compositional change, and downstream channel degradation. In general, reservoir‐related changes have had adverse consequences for the natural ecosystem. Longer term (>50 years) environmental changes as reservoirs enter “old” age are less understood. Additional research is needed to help guide the future management of aging reservoir systems and support the difficult decisions that will have to be made. Important research directions include assessment of climate change effects on aging and determination of ecosystem response to ongoing aging and various management actions that may be taken with the intent of minimizing or reversing the physical effects of aging.  相似文献   
地下水DNAPLs污染的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地下水有机污染特别是DNAPLs污染是当前国际上地下水污染控制的热点问题。本文综述了DNAPLs的监测技术、DNAPL在含水层的迁移及DNAPb污染场地修复技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

A secondary analysis of the British National Travel Survey for the years 2002–2010 shows that the composition of the group of carless households is a good indicator of the level of car dependence in a local area: indeed, while non-car ownership in peripheral and rural areas very often correspond to a marginal socio-demographic situation, this is less and less true as one moves towards larger urban areas. Similarly, while in sparse areas most households without cars are either virtually immobile or reliant on car lifts, in large urban areas the ‘mobility gap’ between car-owning and carless households is considerably smaller, as the latter are able to use modal alternatives to the car. These findings are interpreted with reference to an integrated theoretical framework, showing how changes in land use and the environmental and social impacts of increasing motorization are intimately linked. Notably, the consequences of the self-reinforcing cycle of car dependence on two forms of car-related transport disadvantage (car deprivation and forced car ownership) are highlighted. Overall, the article highlights how the socio-demographic composition and the travel behaviour of carless households vary systematically across different types of area: this has interesting implications for sustainable transport policy and research.  相似文献   
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