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热水活动在岩石圈中是一种非常重要的地质和成矿作用,热水作用的动力学类型主要有深部岩浆作用、碰撞挤压作用和沉积物自生高压脱水作用。根据热水成矿的特点,在传统的三种成矿作用分类范围之外列出热水成矿作用,并进行了次级分类。我国南方主要发育有四期热水沉积作用.其特征是:在演化方式上从震旦纪到二叠纪有从沉积作用向交代和充填作用演化的趋势,在元素组成上有从稳定元素向活泼元素演化的趋势。在时空分有模式上,热水沉积矿床主要发育于张性构造背景中裂陷盆地充填层序碳酸盐岩向细碎屑岩的过渡部位.这个过渡时期正是盆地演化到深部与表层物质和能量强烈交换的时期,也是盆地海平面最高、陆源物最少的时期,同时由于盆地沉积基底碳酸盐岩的较早因此共产生裂隙和层间空隙,有利于形成热水集中供给的通道。  相似文献   
研究不同人工林型下上壤微生物区系的差异与变化.定期采样测定结果表明,不同林型下的土壤微生物总数顺序为混交林>豆科纯林>纯桉林;其数量在一年中随季节变化很大,各种林型均以秋季最大.其次是春、冬季,夏季最小;三大类随中又以细菌所占比例最大,其次为放线菌、真菌;它们各自的优势种群在组成上各林地间差别不大,而且全年都保持较稳定的比例.无论是微生物种类还是其数量,都以混交林多于纯林,而在纯林中又以豆科纯林多于桉林.  相似文献   
运用RS/GIS(遥感)技术、GPS技术与实地监测相结合的方法,以环境统计数据为基础,对牡丹江市生态环境质量状况进行评价分析。  相似文献   
For policy decisions with respect to CO2-mitigation measures in the agricultural sector, national and regional estimations of the efficiency of such measures are required. The conversion of ploughed cropland to zero-tillage is discussed as an option to reduce CO2 emissions and promises at the same time effective soil and water conservation. Based on the upscaling of simulation results with the soil and land resources information system SLISYS-BW, estimations of CO2-mitigation rates in relation to crop rotations and soil type have been made for the state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany). The results indicate considerable differences in the CO2-mitigation rates between crop rotations ranging from 0.48 to 0.03 Mg C ha−1 a−1 for winter cereals–spring cereals–rape rotations and winter cereals–spring cereals–corn silage rotations, respectively. The efficiency of the crop rotations is strongly related to the total carbon input and in particular the amount of crop residues. Among the considered soil types, highest CO2-mitigation rates are associated with Cumulic Anthrosols (0.62 Mg C ha−1 a−1) and the lowest with Gleysols (−0.01 Mg C ha−1 a−1). An agricultural extensification scenario with conventional plowing but conversion of the presently applied intensive crop rotations to a clover–clover–winter cereals rotation indicated a CO2-mitigation potential of 466 Gg C a−1. However, the present high market prices for cereals and increasing demand for energy production from biomass encourages an intensification of the agricultural production and an excessive removal of biomass which in future will seriously reduce the potential for carbon sequestration on cropland.  相似文献   
传统除尘器卸灰、输灰系统存在工艺繁杂、能耗大、输送速度慢、设备故障率高、系统难以维护及二次扬尘等问题,采用新型粉料无尘装车技术可有效简化工艺,提高生产速度和系统运行、维护可靠性,很大程度上减少能耗并彻底根除二次扬尘。  相似文献   
介绍了喷淋式凉水塔结构、工作原理及冷却效果的影响因素.与机械通风式凉水塔的冷却效果比较表明,该凉水塔具有冷却效率高、运行成本低、操作简单等优点,值得推广应用.  相似文献   
污水流量测量中流量计的选型与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环保产业对污水流量的测量和控制的精确度、可靠性要求已越来越高 ,介绍了电磁式、涡街式、节流式等几种流量计的选型设计 ,结合水处理工艺 ,从理论和实践两方面阐述各自的特点  相似文献   
太湖渔业环境优化技术初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据对东太湖养殖区主要水化学指标进行的跟踪监测结果,系统分析研究了N、P等主要营养物质的变化趋势。结果显示,TP网围内的周年平均值为0.034mg/L,网围外周年平均值为0.042mg/L,TN网内周年平均值为0.72mg/L,网外周年平均值为0.73mg/L。并依据试验及监测结果,估算了太湖养殖渔业对水体的营养贡献份额(N、P),现有养殖状况每年通过水产品可带出湖中19.51tN和6.62tP。通过调整、优化养殖模式,大力推广应用轮牧式网围养殖,大幅降低放养量,合理搭配滤食性鱼类,在养殖区普及种植太湖优势水生植物,移植本湖底栖动物,利用水生植物和底栖动物既可有效净化养殖环境,又能作为养殖对象的适口饲料这种作用和功能,同时充分利用湖区低值鱼资源作为河蟹的饲料,最终将水草、螺、低值鱼等转化成水产品,并通过水产品的形式将营养物质带出湖区,从而达到优化改善渔业环境的目的。  相似文献   
Whereas it is recognized that management of plant diversity can be the key to reconciling production and environmental aims, most grassland models are tailored for high-value grass species. We proposed to adapt a mono-specific grass model to take into account specific features of species-rich permanent grasslands, especially over the reproductive phase. To this end, we used the concept of plant functional type (PFT), i.e. the grouping of plant species according to plant traits determined by the response of plant species to different management practices (land use and fertilization) and characterizing of agronomic properties of the corresponding species. In the model, weather and nutrient availability act upon rates of biophysical processes (radiation capture and use, plant senescence). These rates are modified over times due to PFT-specific parameters determined experimentally which represent the different strategies of plant species regarding growth. The integration of these parameters into the model made it possible to predict herbage biomass accumulation rate under different management practices for a wide range of plant communities differing in their PFT composition. The model was evaluated in two steps, first by analyzing separately the effects of PFT and an indicator of nutrient availability on herbage accumulation and then by conducting a sensitivity analysis. It was validated using two independent datasets; a cutting experiment running over the whole growing season to examine the consistency of the model outputs under different cutting regimes, and a monitoring of meadows and pastures in spring over a whole growth cycle to assess the model’s ability to reproduce growth curves. Although a good fit was observed between the simulated and observed data, the few discrepancies noticed between field data and predicted values were attributed mainly to the potential presence of non-grass species. More specifically, we noticed that nutrient (mainly nitrogen) availability is the main driver of plant growth rate, and that PFT determines the times at which this rate changes in relation to the phenological characteristics of species present. We concluded that integration of the PFT concept into the initial mono-specific growth model is especially suited to evaluating the consequences of management practices on species-rich permanent grasslands to meet feed production targets.  相似文献   
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