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为有效降低多车同时运输危险品时的潜在风险,针对危险品运输网络中2点间相异路径上多车运输问题,提出车辆安全出发时间间隔计算方法,通过路径选择和车辆调配,建立相异路径上多车同时运输车辆调度数学模型,并设计基于非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)的多目标优化算法求解。以8个节点13条边的危险品运输网络中运输10车危险品为例,根据所提方法获得单次运输风险约束条件的运输方案13种,运输总风险约束条件下运输方案15种,对比不同风险约束下的运输风险、运输距离和运输时间。结果表明:相比于运输总风险约束,单次运输风险约束更严格,适合道路管理者筛选安全的运输路径,而运输总风险约束适合承运企业在车辆调度时作出决策。  相似文献   
为揭示真实环境下输电线路山火隐患特征,提出基于中继-巡视协同作业的无人机巡查技术方案,在全国多个省市开展基于中继-巡视无人机的输电线路巡视作业,深入分析输电线路山火隐患特征。结果表明:输电线路隐患主要包括山火隐患、现场施工隐患以及线路主体隐患,山火隐患占比77.2%是影响输电线路安全的最主要因素。山火隐患从产生原因可分为焚烧杂草、燃烧秸秆、林地/防护林着火以及祭拜烧纸。山火隐患具有明显的时空分布特征,4月份的山火隐患主要集中于清明节祭拜烧纸,78.7%的山火隐患发生在距输电线路50 m以外的区域。山火隐患共包括122次单火源隐患和61次多火源隐患,多火源隐患中双火源隐患较多占比达45.9%,78.6%的多火源点间距位于0~30 m区间。山火隐患的火源面积分布广泛,最大火源面积26.4 m2,最小火源面积0.12 m2,整体上84.4%的火源面积小于4 m2。  相似文献   
In the United States, a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions are from personal vehicle use, and there are large differences in emissions between the most and least efficient vehicles. We use data from 2009 US National Household Travel Survey to characterize consumers who drive the most and least efficient vehicles. We calculate personal fleet efficiency based on all vehicles owned, reflecting the behavioral aspect of vehicle-use choices by owners. Though higher incomes provide the means to purchase more efficient vehicles, we find those with higher incomes more likely to drive low-efficiency vehicles. Higher education levels correlate with greater vehicle efficiency. While some efficiency differences are based on consumer characteristics such as family size, we find large differences that we attribute mostly to cultural preferences as observed by race, region, etc. From a policy perspective, these differences are of particular interest since they may be amenable to change.  相似文献   
纯电动汽车驱动电机全生命周期评价   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
基于生命周期评价(LCA)理论,运用Ga Bi 6软件建模,对荣威E50纯电动汽车驱动电机全生命周期环境排放和资源消耗进行了评价,对比分析在中国不同区域使用下驱动电机生命周期过程资源环境影响,并对驱动电机生命周期过程中的生产制造能耗、使用能耗和原材料回收率做敏感性分析.结果表明,驱动电机全生命周期过程各环境影响类型指数排序为APGWPPOCPEPODP,且对环境的影响主要发生在使用阶段,其次是原材料获取和制造阶段.各大区域电网下驱动电机全生命周期过程环境排放影响从大到小为华东电网东北电网西北电网华北电网南方电网华中电网.从敏感性分析结果可知,使用能耗对驱动电机生命周期环境排放影响的敏感度大于生产制造能耗;铜的回收率对矿产资源消耗影响的敏感度远大于钢和铝的回收率.  相似文献   
Environmental protection and sustainable development are getting increasing attention in the automobile industries. Environmental consciousness has increased, and sustainability has become an important requirement for the management of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). The proper management of ELVs can bring improved sustainability performance for any society or organisation. There are several alternative options for ELVs management such as reuse, repair, reconditioning, remanufacturing and recycling. Environmental legislation is forcing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to manage their products at the end of their life cycle to reduce their potential environmental impact. An appropriate selection model for sustainable ELV management alternatives in the dynamic, competitive and regulatory environment can enable a firm to satisfy economic, environmental, social and technological requirements. This study proposes an integrated model to select the dimensions and criteria for evaluating sustainable alternatives for the proper management of ELVs. First, the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method is used to select the most important dimensions and criteria for sustainable alternative selection. Next, a hierarchy has been constructed to develop a systematic technique to solve the alternatives selection problem. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and extent analysis method on the fuzzy AHP (FEAHP) model have been used based on the hierarchy to evaluate the most suitable alternatives from the sustainability point of view. The strength of the proposed model is that it compares the results of both methods, the imprecision of experts’ opinions is considered in the evaluation process and the model is easy to use.  相似文献   
We investigate the influence of a tradable credits scheme (TCS) on travel demand and vehicle emissions, based on the vehicle miles travelled (VMT). With a microeconomic quantitative analysis scheme, a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function is used as an approach to model the annual mileage for different travel purposes. An illustration is given for the effects of a TCS on emission mitigation based on historical data for Great Britain. A scenario analysis demonstrates that a TCS can achieve a target for reducing the number of private trips. Besides a movement of trips from the private car mode to public modes, there is also some trip restraint, with individuals choosing not to take some trips. Compared with Fowkes et al.’s research on road pricing in London, the research illustrates that a TCS can be designed to have similar effects to a road pricing scheme. We also demonstrate that a TCS could bring emission changes arising from changes in VMT.  相似文献   
应用IVE模型计算上海市机动车污染物排放   总被引:30,自引:7,他引:30  
为了解上海市机动车污染现状,建立上海市机动车源排放清单,分别选择上海市中心城区、商业区和收入相对较低区域中的主干道、快速道和次干道3种共9条典型道路,开展机动车技术水平参数、比功率(VSP)分布状况、启动状况等测试,并在此基础上将International Vehicle E-mission(IVE)模型本地化.调查结果表明,上海市区实际道路上轻型客车、出租车、公交巴士、卡车和摩托车(包含助动车)分别占道路总车流量的41.0%、30.8%、15.6%、6.9%和5.7%;从技术组成看,约85%的轻型客车和97%的出租车均安装有三元催化装置,约30%的公交巴士和90%的卡车没有达到欧Ⅰ标准;机动车的VSP分布主要集中在-2.9~1.2 kw·t-1.模式计算结果表明,2004年上海市机动车CO、VOC、NOx和PM排放量分别为57.06×104t、7.75×104t、9.20×104t和0.26×104t;20%的高排放车对总排放量的贡献占到25%~45%;启动过程中排放的CO、VOC和PM占总排放量的15%~25%,NOx仅占总排放量的4.5%.  相似文献   
针对简易瞬态工况法机动车尾气排放检测过程中层出不穷的违规检测现象,为对其检测过程实施有效监管,通过分析简易瞬态工况法的检测原理,筛选出可用于监管的车辆基准质量、(CO+CO2)浓度、O2浓度、实时检测尾气流量4个参数,分析其用于监管的原理和理由,并通过五气分析仪漏气实验和实测尾气流量异常案例验证其监管可行性,以期为监管...  相似文献   
在用车环检是机动车环保监督管理的有效手段,本文通过建立环检结果预测模型以达到事前管理的目的.研究使用通过简易瞬态工况法的数据库,采用决策树算法,建立了环检数据库数据预处理规则,证实了整数编码可用性和运算负荷小的优点,并采取过采样方法解决数据不平衡问题,通过ROC曲线确定子模型的超参数,建立了环检结果预警模型.结果显示,...  相似文献   
针对公众关注的电动汽车运行时车内电磁辐射的影响水平,选取国内外主流车企不同车型的纯电动汽车20辆,利用改进的监测系统开展了不同型号的电动汽车运行时不同工况、座椅、点位的低频磁场监测,同时获取时域和频域数据,了解车内磁场强度水平及频谱的变化及分布规律。通过SPSS软件对监测数据进行了单因素方差分析、相关性分析等统计分析,并对监测数据进行了分类数值统计,对频域数据进行了散点图和频点测值对标分析等。分析发现,车内电磁辐射频率主要集中在100 kHz以下;不同运行工况对电动汽车车内磁场强度的影响显著,加、减速时车内磁场强度最高,怠速时最低,匀速时随着速度提升,磁场强度随之增大;车内不同座椅的磁场曝露水平基本一致,但同一座椅自下而上磁场强度依次递减。  相似文献   
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