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中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,正经历着越发严重的农业污染问题;对农业污染防控的制度性约束因素进行深入分析,是实现有效污染防控的前提,具有积极的理论和现实意义。对中国农业污染防控的制度约束分析研究表明:农业污染及其防控涉及的利益主体关系及相关制度设计,对各利益主体形成了污染防控负激励,加重了农业污染;城乡"二元"结构及其衍生的一系列体制问题,导致"三农"在农业环境治理、农村公共物品提供等方面被严重边缘化,进而直接制约了农业污染防控;此外,高度分散的小规模农户经营模式也不利于农业污染防控。最后,针对中国农业污染防控的制度性约束因素,提出了有针对性的农业污染防控政策建议。  相似文献   
桓台县是华北平原的具有代表性的高产粮区,长期集约化的农业耕作模式,导致地下水硝态氮含量的大幅上升,威胁当地居民的身体健康。为更好地保护地下水,降低农业生产对地下水的污染,在2007年春季对桓台县323位农民进行了地下水保护意愿调查,分别对农民农业生产环保意识、改善地下水污染的意愿和农民的环境保护责任意识进行了分析,结果显示多数农民担心地下水污染会对人体造成伤害,但是仅少数的农民了解不合理的农业耕作会导致地下水的污染;大多数农民乐意接受新型环保肥料,但是接近一半的农民表示当地缺乏农技人员的指导;多数农民表示愿意加入农业生产协会以改善农业生产方式,但是农民对于农业所造成的地下水污染责任意识不强;受教育程度和收入状况越高的农民地下水保护意识越强,越容易接受改善农业生产模式,责任心相对也较强。建议在桓台县加大对地下水污染防治的宣传和投入力度的同时,加强农业技术推广体系建设和健全地下水水质监控与监管体系等措施。  相似文献   
The process of producing cement products from solid waste can increase the level of pollutants in the cement products. Therefore, it is very important to establish a pollution control standard for cement products to protect the environment and human health. This paper presents acceptance limits for the availability of heavy metals in cement products which have been produced from solid wastes and explains how the limits have been calculated. The approach and method used to formulate these criteria were based on EN 12920. The typical exposure scenarios used in this paper involve concrete being used for drinking water supply pipelines and concrete pavements and are based on an analysis of typical applications of cement in China, and the potential for contact with water. The parameters of a tank test which was based on NEN 7375 were set in accordance with the environmental conditions of typical scenarios in China. Mechanisms controlling the release of heavy metals in concrete and a model for that release were obtained using the leaching test. Finally, based on acceptance criteria for drinking water and groundwater quality in China, limit values for the availability of heavy metals in concrete were calculated.  相似文献   
A novel process for a simultaneous removal of ammonia and organics was developed on the basis of ion exchange and biological reactions. From batch experiments, it was found out that NH4+ could be removed effectively by combining cation exchange and biological nitrification showing 0.98 mg N/m2?s of a maximum flux. On the other hand, the removal of NO3 was 3.5 times faster than NH4+ and the maximum flux was calculated to be 3.4 mg N/m2?s. The systems for NH4+ and NO3 removal were combined for establishing the IEBR process. When the process was operated in a continuous mode, approximately 95.8% of NH4+ was removed showing an average flux of 0.22 mg N/m2·s. The removal efficiency of total nitrogen was calculated as 94.5% whereas that of organics was 99.5%. It was concluded that the IEBR process would be effectively used for a simultaneous removal of NH4+ and organics.  相似文献   
Material recovery processes are presented as the optimum option for recycling plastic wastes as a means of recovering hydrocarbon resources. There exist a large variety of automated material recovery processes for recycling of such wastes but each with significant limitations. Of these, the separation based on differences in densities is advocated as the optimum process either for producing recycled products or preparing wastes for subsequent recovery processing.Density separation processes based on cyclone type density media separation (DMS) is presented as an important, potential method for increasing plastics recycling process capacities. It is demonstrated to have the capacity to separate a significantly larger range of particle sizes than those presently processed industrially. The mathematical relationship for the prediction of quality of typical LARCODEMS type density media separations by particle size and density as expressed by the Ecart Probable is presented.A proposed device configuration is presented for density media separation to optimize the recovery and purity of both density fractions produced. It is also suggested that to be economically viable, a large scale of operation is required for industrial plastics recycling operations recovering and producing a number of different plastics with a purity to be used as a substitute for virgin material.  相似文献   
Confronting socially generated uncertainty in adaptive management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As more and more organizations with responsibility for natural resource management adopt adaptive management as the rubric in which they wish to operate, it becomes increasingly important to consider the sources of uncertainty inherent in their endeavors. Without recognizing that uncertainty originates both in the natural world and in human undertakings, efforts to manage adaptively at the least will prove frustrating and at the worst will prove damaging to the very natural resources that are the management targets. There will be more surprises and those surprises potentially may prove at the very least unwanted and at the worst devastating. We illustrate how acknowledging uncertainty associated with the natural world is necessary but not sufficient to avoid surprise using case studies of efforts to manage three wildlife species; Hector's Dolphins, American Alligators and Pallid Sturgeon. Three characteristics of indeterminism are salient to all of them; non-stationarity, irreducibility and an inability to define objective probabilities. As an antidote, we recommend employing a holistic treatment of indeterminism, that includes recognizing that uncertainty originates in ecological systems and in how people perceive, interact and decide about the natural world of which they are integral players.  相似文献   
在测井过程中,由于各种不可预见的复杂原因,测井事故不可避免。文章分析了形成测井事故的影响因素,如井径、钻井液性能、全角变化率、操作过程、套管鞋等。一旦测井事故发生,根据卡电缆、卡仪器、断电缆的事故特点来判断事故类型,再根据各种处理方法的优缺点来处理事故;提出一些注意事项,使测井事故防患于未然。  相似文献   
河南省是中部地区城镇化水平较高较快的省份,研究其城镇化格局与过程对提升河南省城镇化的质量具有重要的示范意义与应用价值.在时间进程方面,对建国后河南省的城镇化时间进程进行了阶段划分和原因分析;在空间进程方面,考虑到统计口径和有些年份数据的缺失,采用对比分析方法进行空间分析并通过kernel密度分析方法进行了辅助分析.研究表明,河南省城镇化时间进程存在明显差异,且在1949-2009年间不断扩大;河南省城镇化水平空间分布格局“中间密、外围疏”的基本倾向没有发生根本性变更;河南省城镇化水平发育逐渐趋于稳定的差异化发展;河南省城镇密集区1995年之后逐步形成,2000年后城镇密集区的集聚核心区逐步发育成长.  相似文献   
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