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WhenPseudomonas oleovorans (GPo1) is grown on sodium octanoate under ammonium limiting conditions, it is able to accumulate a copolyester consisting of medium chain length 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (PHAm). 3-Hydroxybutyrate is only incorporated in trace amounts. WhenP. oleovorans is equipped with the PHB biosynthetic genes ofAlcaligenes eutrophus (GPo1[pVK101::PP1]), it forms a polyester containing major amounts of 3-hydroxybutyrate. The resulting polymer however is a blend of PHAm and PHB, rather than a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate and medium chain length 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids [11]. To establish whether PHAm and PHB molecules are stored in the same or separate granules by this recombinantP. oleovorans strain, we studied polymer forming cells by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. This approach is possible because previous freeze-fracture electron microscopy studies on PHAm and PHB accumulating strains have shown that PHAm and PHB granules can be distinguished from each other: PHAm granules from mushroom-like structures, whereas PHB granules from needle structures during freeze-fracturing. In this paper we show that stationary phase cells of GPo1[pVK101::PP1] contained both mushroom and needle-like structures, indicating that PHAm and PHB chains were stored in separate granules. To be able to determine whether the separation of PHAm and PHB is complete, the respective granules were separated on sucrose gradients. A total cell extract of GPo1[pVK101::PP1] which was subjected to sucrose gradient centrifugation revealed two white bands of different densities: the upper band with a density of 1.05 g/mL consisted exclusively of PHAm granules, while the lower band with a density of 1.19 g/mL consisted of PHB granules only. Thus, when bacteria synthesize both PHAm and PHB, the resulting polymer chains are segregated completely and stored in separate granules.  相似文献   
Periodic wildfire is an important natural process in Mediterranean-climate ecosystems, but increasing fire recurrence threatens the fragile ecology of these regions. Because most fires are human-caused, we investigated how human population patterns affect fire frequency. Prior research in California suggests the relationship between population density and fire frequency is not linear. There are few human ignitions in areas with low population density, so fire frequency is low. As population density increases, human ignitions and fire frequency also increase, but beyond a density threshold, the relationship becomes negative as fuels become sparser and fire suppression resources are concentrated. We tested whether this hypothesis also applies to the other Mediterranean-climate ecosystems of the world. We used global satellite databases of population, fire activity, and land cover to evaluate the spatial relationship between humans and fire in the world's five Mediterranean-climate ecosystems. Both the mean and median population densities were consistently and substantially higher in areas with than without fire, but fire again peaked at intermediate population densities, which suggests that the spatial relationship is complex and nonlinear. Some land-cover types burned more frequently than expected, but no systematic differences were observed across the five regions. The consistent association between higher population densities and fire suggests that regardless of differences between land-cover types, natural fire regimes, or overall population, the presence of people in Mediterranean-climate regions strongly affects the frequency of fires; thus, population growth in areas now sparsely settled presents a conservation concern. Considering the sensitivity of plant species to repeated burning and the global conservation significance of Mediterranean-climate ecosystems, conservation planning needs to consider the human influence on fire frequency. Fine-scale spatial analysis of relationships between people and fire may help identify areas where increases in fire frequency will threaten ecologically valuable areas.  相似文献   
人工马褂木林下草本植物物种多样性与林分郁闭度的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对崇明岛5年生人工马褂木林下草本植物分布及生长状况的调查,研究了不同郁闭度下草本植物物种多样性与林分郁闭度的关系.结果表明:在马褂木幼龄林中,随着林分郁闭度的增大,林下草本植物种数呈先增加后减少的趋势,郁闭度为0、(0,0.2]、(0.2,0.4]、(0.4,0.6]、(0.6,0.8]、(0.8,1.0]下的草本植物种数分别为16、16、19、15、9和7种;林下草本植物的平均盖度、平均密度与林分郁闭度在α=0.01水平上呈显著负相关(r盖度-郁闭度=-0.964 3,r密度-郁闭度=-0.981 5);林分郁闭度为(0.2,0.4]林下草本植物多样性指数最高,其中辛普森指数为0.754 8,香农-威纳指数为1.327 3,均匀度指数为0.880 6.  相似文献   
本文介绍了电磁屏蔽织物孔洞区域金属纤维排列对屏蔽效能的影响,通过提取孔洞区域金属纤维,并与正常织物中金属纤维的排列进行对比,给出了定量表述金属纤维特征的参数,如密度、取向度和整齐度等,描述了孔洞区域金属纤维的排列特征。根据定量表述参数,结合织物样品屏蔽效能测试结果,对比金属纤维参数不同的织物样品屏蔽效能测试结果,得出孔洞区域金属纤维的密度、取向度和整齐度不同,有孔洞织物屏蔽效能也不同的结论。  相似文献   
The increase in GHG concentration has a direct effect on global climate conditions. Among the possible technologies to mitigate GHG emissions, CCS is being accepted to gain emission reduction. Such technology also involves cryogenic CO2 capture processes based on CO2 freeze-out or where the formation of solid CO2 must be avoided. Captured CO2 is usually transported in pipelines for the reinjection.The risk associated to the release of CO2 is due to the changing temperatures and pressures the system may experience, which can lead to the deposition of solid CO2 where it must be avoided. Prolonged exposure to dry ice can cause severe skin damage and its resublimation could pose a danger of hypercapnia. It is, thus, necessary to build up a tool able to predict the conditions in which CO2 can freeze-out.A thermodynamic methodology based on cubic EoSs has been developed which is able to predict solid–liquid–vapor equilibrium of CO2 mixtures with n-alkanes or H2S which are usually found in equipment for acidic gas, mainly natural gas, treatment.The focus is a detailed analysis of the method performances when more than two components are present since, for such a case, literature does not provide significant modeling results.  相似文献   
2008年江苏持续性降雪中的水汽和动力抬升机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张备  尹东屏  严雯莲  孙燕 《灾害学》2012,(2):29-33,42
2008年1月下旬江苏省出现了历史罕见的持续性暴雪过程,研究发现,降雪量的大小与低空急流的日变化相对应,暴雪过程中700 hPa西南急流对水汽的输送起着重要的作用,作为大尺度天气系统,700 hPa急流的加速发生在降雪量增大之前,其值阈大小与6 h降雪量之间没有对应关系,急流减弱在暴雪结束以后;降雪的发生和发展与南北风的增大和冷暖平流有关,低层偏北风作为冷垫对暖湿气流的抬升和水汽的凝结起到了一定的作用;江苏降雪过程中水汽主要来源于700~500 hPa,低层东风气流对黄海南部的水汽输送非常有限;强降雪的发生与700 hPa水汽通量散度相对应,水汽通量散度辐合增大,降雪量增大;在降雪过程中垂直运动对降雪量的大小有很好的指示意义。  相似文献   
结构面对隧道围岩变形及稳定性起着决定性作用。运用三维离散元方法(3DEC)研究结构面分布特征,重点是结构面线密度1/λ、强度和倾角对隧道围岩变形的影响,总结了结构面分布与围岩变形特征的关系。结果表明,在结构面强度较低的情况下,结构面线密度对隧道变形的影响较大,其影响可分为两种情况:①λ≤0.2时,围岩的弯曲变形大于沿结构面的剪切变形,属于应力型大变形;②0.2<λ≤0.4时,沿结构面的剪切变形大于围岩的弯曲变形,属于结构型大变形。结构面倾角主要影响围岩大变形发生的位置。将数值模拟结果与国内工程实例实测变形资料相对比,发现一致性较好。本研究结果对隧道支护结构的设计以及施工设计具有借鉴意义与指导作用。  相似文献   
贵州龙场渡槽是我国目前最大的拱跨渡槽,其脉动风频率特性分析对设计工作具有极其重要的指导作用。计算了龙场渡槽在有水、无水工况下的前20阶自振频率,分析了相应的振型;采用极值Ⅰ型概率分布函数,计算得到龙场渡槽所在地的50年一遇最大设计风速为17.6m/s;针对1986~2010年间的3次强风风速和50年一遇最大设计风速,计算了龙场渡槽所在地典型高程处的脉动风功率谱密度。研究表明:在同一高度,随着年平均最大风速的增加,功率谱密度最大值逐渐增大,其对应的频率也在增大;对于同一风速,随着高度的增加,功率谱密度的最大值逐渐增大,其对应的频率也在增大。通过比较龙场渡槽自振频率与脉动风功率谱密度显著值所对应的频率,认为龙场渡槽在上述风速下不会发生共振现象。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Recurrent calls for integrated resource management urge that an understanding of human activities and populations be incorporated into natural resource research, management, and protection efforts. In this paper, we hypothesize that watersheds can be a valuable geography for organizing an inquiry into the relationship between humans and the environment, and we present a framework for conducting such efforts. The framework is grounded in the emerging field of landscape ecology and incorporates demographic theory and data. Demography has been advanced by technological capabilities associated with the 1990 Census. Employing Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, we couple Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) land cover data with census‐derived housing density data to demonstrate the operation of our framework and its utility for better understanding human‐landscape interactions. In our investigation of the Kickapoo Watershed and two sub‐ watersheds, located in southwestern Wisconsin, we identify relationships between landscape composition and the distribution and social structure of human populations. Our findings offer insight into the interplay between people and biophysical systems.  相似文献   
二氧化碳水合物储气特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用二氧化碳水合物小型实验装置分别在恒容和恒压条件下,研究了机械搅拌对二氧化碳气体溶解的影响以及温度与水-气比对二氧化碳水合物形成和储气密度的影响。通过实验结果发现,机械搅拌对二氧化碳的溶解有非常明显的促进作用,可以在3 min内完成溶解过程,促进溶解作用好于添加剂SDS。研究还发现,反应温度越低,二氧化碳水合物的生成速率越快,总的储气量越大,而水-气比越大,储气密度越小。在实验压力3 MPa、反应温度273.55 K的条件下,1体积的水生成水合物后可储存157体积的二氧化碳。  相似文献   
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