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杂质对硝酸铵水溶液临界爆炸温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自制装置对含杂质的硝酸铵水溶液临界爆炸温度进行测试研究.结果表明,Cl-单独作用在一定程度上抑制硝酸铵溶液的热分解,提高了其临界爆炸温度;pH值一定时,随着Cl-浓度的增大,硝酸铵水溶液的临界爆炸温度呈指数形式降低;Cl-浓度一定时,pH值越小,硝酸铵水溶液的临界爆炸温度越低;油脂会降低硝酸铵溶液的热稳定性.该结果...  相似文献   
分析总结了氧气钢瓶物理爆炸和化学爆炸的原因。针对2009年某市发生的一起氧气瓶内含油脂爆炸事故,系统分析了国内曾经发生的几次因油脂导致气瓶爆炸事故。油脂进入到氧气瓶内大都是由于误操作。油脂与高压纯氧接触会发生剧烈的自燃氧化放热,使瓶内的氧气迅速升温升压,超出气瓶承压极限导致爆炸破裂。分析比较发现由油脂导致的气瓶爆炸,其破坏程度不如混入可燃气体导致的气瓶爆炸剧烈,一般不是粉碎性爆炸。在正常的充氧过程中,氧气瓶温度会升高,采用变质量热力学中的方法,计算说明气瓶在充装过程中氧气温度的具体变化。充氧温度计算为充氧工作人员提供参考,如发现异常情况,可以及时地控制和预防。由现场压力表可知氧气瓶在充装至12MPa时发生爆炸,而氧气瓶最小爆炸压力为37.6MPa,油脂燃烧放热,计算可知致使钢瓶爆炸破裂所需要的最小油脂量,为66.4-79.6g。不同的充装压力下发生爆炸,所需要的最小油脂量不同,充装压力越高,爆炸所需要的最小油脂量越少。  相似文献   
A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A study on the variation of the gas explosion characteristics caused by the built-in obstacles was conducted in enclosed/vented gas explosion vessels. It has been well known that the obstacles in pipes and long ducts would accelerate the flame propagation, and cause the transition from deflagration to detonation. In this study, the explosion characteristics and the flame behavior of vented explosions and constant-volume explosions were investigated. Experiments were carried out in a 270-liter and 36-liter hexahedron vessels filled with LPG–air mixture. The explosion characteristics of the gas mixture were determined by using a strain-responding pressure transducer. The flame behavior was recorded by using a high-speed video camera. The shape and the size of the obstacle, and the gas concentration, were adjusted in the experiments.

It can be seen from the experimental results that, instead of being accelerated, the flame propagation inside the explosion vessel is decelerated by the plate obstacles fixed at the bottom of the vessel. Also, the characteristics of the enclosed explosion are not so affected by the built-in obstacles as those of the vented explosion are. It is believed that the eddy-induced turbulence behind the obstacle decelerates the flame propagation.  相似文献   

A novel apparatus for testing the minimum ignition energies of flammable dusts is introduced. Unlike the conventional apparatus (the Hartmann tube), this new apparatus employs a vibrating mesh to produce a dust cloud. Using three kinds of powders, namely lycopodium, anthraquinone and polyacrylonitrile, which are designated as the samples for calibration by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, 1994) standards, fundamental characteristics were experimentally investigated. Concerning the minimum ignition energies (MIEs), the new testing apparatus worked well for two samples, lycopodium and polyacrylonitrile. The MIE for anthraquinone, however, was by far larger than the expected value. We concluded that the aggregation of anthraquinone particles is the main cause of the difference and is attributable to both the tribo-charges acquired by the particles when passing through the mesh and the filamentary shape of the crystal. Other essential factors for characterizing the testing apparatus, such as the concentration of dust, the shape and spacing of the sparking electrode system, and the impedance of the sparking circuit are discussed.  相似文献   
水雾对气体火焰传播特性影响的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用自行设计的传播火焰喷雾抑制实验系统研究了水雾对甲烷火焰传播特性的影响.结果表明,在一定范围内水雾对甲烷火焰传播的抑制效率随着水流量和火焰前方流场中水雾区流体速度的增加而增加.在甲烷爆炸反应过程中,水作为第三体或惰性液滴破坏其中的链载体,从而降低了甲烷爆炸的反应能力.  相似文献   
徐曼  郁楠  刘建平 《环境技术》2012,37(1):49-52
分析了目前常用的机械撞击式响应谱试验机的特点和存在的一些问题,设计了一种以压缩空气作为锤头动力的新型气动式冲击响应谱试验机,给出了锤头速度计算公式和响应谱最大值的估算方法,为大型产品的冲击响应谱试验提供了一种手段。  相似文献   
The air over major cities and rural regions of the Nile Delta is highly polluted during autumn which is the biomass burning season, locally known as black cloud. Previous studies have attributed the increased pollution levels during the black cloud season to the biomass or open burning of agricultural waste, vehicular, industrial emissions, and secondary aerosols. However, new multi-sensor observations (column and vertical profiles) from satellites, dust transport models and associated meteorology present a different picture of the autumn pollution. Here we show, for the first time, the evidence of long range transport of dust at high altitude (2.5-6 km) from Western Sahara and its deposition over the Nile Delta region unlike current Models. The desert dust is found to be a major contributor to the local air quality which was previously considered to be due to pollution from biomass burning enhanced by the dominant northerly winds coming from Europe.  相似文献   
论述了土介质炸点痕迹特征参量及其控制影响因素,通过对国内外现有研究成果的再分析和有效利用,得到爆源特征与炸点痕迹特征参量之间的关系。在此基础上,建立利用土介质上的炸点痕迹反演爆源特征的方法,并实现编程计算。通过实例分析说明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
The coupling of gas explosion flame and shock wave is analyzed. In the gas explosion process, shock wave is affected by the flame directly, and shock wave also induces the flame. Inhibiting explosion can be achieved by the interference between the flame and shock wave propagation. If the coupling effects can be damaged, the adverse effects caused by the explosion should be mitigated and controlled. According to the structure characteristics of foam ceramics, the coupling effects mechanism of ceramic foam on gas explosion flame and shock wave is researched. When the explosion goes through the structure of foam ceramics, the flame can be quenched and the shock wave be attenuated. After the flame is quenched, the supply of precursor shock wave energy is cut off. Due to lack of energy supply, the destructive effects of blast wave will be reduced effectively. Coupling effects of the flame and shock wave can be damaged by the special structure of foam ceramics. Studies suggest that a certain function to represent the structure characteristics of foam ceramics must exist. For a certain material of foam ceramics, the sure porosity δ and the pore diameter d also can be get, which is the key to research and develop foam ceramic suppression technology of gas explosion.  相似文献   
火电厂液氨储罐单元存在大量高纯度的液氨,一旦发生火灾、爆炸,后果极其严重。为了研究液氨储罐的火灾爆炸危险性及毒性,在对火电厂液氨储罐危险性辨识的基础上,依据液氨储罐单元的主要参数,运用蒙德法分别确定评价中需要的各种危险性系数,从而进行各项指标计算,查询危险性等级表,将各项指标进行等级划分,结论表明各项危险等级都很高。在得出结论基础上,进行安全措施补偿评价,补偿后的各种危险等级均降低,可见采取补偿措施后能够一定程度的降低火灾、爆炸、毒性的危险性,防止事故的发生。  相似文献   
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