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于洪  钱翌  郑江  王灵 《干旱环境监测》2015,(2):70-75,96
基于乌鲁木齐市多年监测的降尘数据,对乌鲁木齐市城区的降尘量进行了统计分析,得出了乌鲁木齐市近10年来降尘的总体变化规律;利用方差分析方法检验了不同季节降尘的显著性差异,发现采暖期的降尘量明显大于非采暖期;按行政区分析降尘量的分布变化,结果为不同行政区存在差别;利用秩相关系数法对其进行了趋势分析。结果表明,乌鲁木齐市的降尘呈下降趋势。利用Arc GIS9.3中的普通克里格插值方法绘制了乌鲁木齐市城市自然降尘的空间分布图。  相似文献   
Seepage from Hg mine wastes and calcines contains high concentrations of mercury (Hg). Hg pollution is a major environmental problem in areas with abandoned mercury mines and retorting units. This study evaluates factors, especially the hydrological and sedimentary variables, governing temporal and spatial variation in levels and state of mercury in streams impacted by Hg contaminated runo . Samples were taken during di erent flow regimes in theWanshan Hg mining area in Guizhou Province, China. In its headwaters the sampled streams/rivers pass by several mine wastes and calcines with high concentration of Hg. Seepage causes serious Hg contamination to the downstream area. Concentrations of Hg in water samples showed significant seasonal variations. Periods of higher flow showed high concentrations of total Hg (THg) in water due to more particles being re-suspended and transported. The concentrations of major anions (e.g., Cl??, F??, NO3?? and SO4 2??) were lower during higher flow due to dilution. Due to both sedimentation of particles and dilution from tributaries the concentration of THg decreased from 2100 ng/L to background levels (< 50 ng/L) within 10 km distance downstream. Sedimentation is the main reason for the fast decrease of the concentration, it accounts for 69% and 60% for higher flow and lower flow regimes respectively in the upper part of the stream. Speciation calculation of the dissolved Hg fraction (DHg) (using Visual MINTEQ) showed that Hg(OH)2 associated with dissolved organic matter is the main form of Hg in dissolved phase in surface waters in Wanshan (over 95%).  相似文献   
三峡水库主要入库河流氮营养盐特征及其来源分析   总被引:18,自引:29,他引:18  
以2004~2005年的三峡水库3条主要入库河流(长江、嘉陵江、乌江)中的水文、水质的调查数据为依据,研究了三峡水库入库河流中主要的水文变化特征、氮营养盐的季节性分布规律及其形态组成.结果表明,3条入库河流的流量、流速呈现季节性变化,三峡水库入库河流的主要水文特征值已处于水华暴发的危险范围内,很容易发生水华.3条入库河流中总氮含量年均值都在1.55~2.15 mg/L之间,总体偏高,乌江武隆断面的总氮浓度最高,嘉陵江北碚断面次之,长江朱沱断面最低,并且3条河流丰水期水体中总氮含量均高于枯水期,说明非点源对氮污染影响较大;溶解态无机氮(DIN)是总氮的主要存在形式,而其中又以硝酸盐氮(NO3--N)为主,平均占到DIN的70%以上.氮素污染多以还原态氨氮(NH4 -N)的形式排入水体,经过硝化作用,NH4 -N氧化成亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N),然后再氧化成稳定的NO3--N,并且消耗掉水体中大量的氧.入库河流水体中的NO3--N主要来自农田径流、城市污水、城市径流以及淹没土壤的释放,NH4 -N的来源主要是城市污水、工业废水以及少量的生活垃圾和船舶废水.  相似文献   
Variations in the parameters of the life cycle in freshwater prawns of the genus MacrobrachiumBate and some populations of the species Macrobrachium nipponense(De Haan) were analyzed comparatively. Using factor analysis, these parameters were systematized and expressed through two factors. The first factor is related to the parameters of larval development and the dimensions of an egg, and the second, to the length of adults and their fecundity. The greatest differences in the values of intrageneric and intraspecific variation of parameters are noted for the dimensions of larval stages. It is assumed that the formation of a species proceeds primarily through the appearance of adaptations at larval stages.  相似文献   
长江近口段沿岸刀鲚生物量的时间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解长江刀鲚Coilia nasus资源的变动状况,探讨沿岸水域对刀鲚资源的保育作用,于2002~2013年间用定制张网对长江靖江段沿岸鱼类作了每月2~3个样本的采集。分析结果显示,12a采集的369份样品中,刀鲚的出现频率达94.6%,分别占总渔获数量和重量的5.18%和5.46%。刀鲚平均CPUEN和CPUEW有16.7±19.9尾和106.6±109.5g,是沿岸鱼类群聚的优势种或次优势种。但其年资源量并不稳定,最高的2010年是最低2002年的5.4陪。平均体长123.6±37.0mm,平均体重仅7.5±8.2g。0+龄组占78.9%,1+龄组占20.7%,2+龄仅出现在4、5月份,且仅占当月个体数的3.0%,幼体是沿岸刀鲚群体的主要组成成分。从0+龄个体的月度体长分布看,当年孵化的幼鱼大多栖息在河岸水域,沿岸生境在维持刀鲚幼鱼资源上具有重要作用。分析显示,4月1日至6月30日的长江禁渔期虽可保护约42.6%的幼鱼个体,但从保护效果看,还因适当延长沿岸水域的禁渔时间。维护沿岸水域的生境完整性,也是保护长江刀鲚幼鱼资源的重要措施。  相似文献   
Few studies have evaluated how effectively environmental contamination may reduce genetic diversity of a population. Here, we chose a laboratory approach in order to test if tributyltin (TBT) exposure at environmentally relevant concentrations leads to reduced genetic variation in the midge Chironomus riparius. Two TBT-exposed and two unexposed experimental populations were reared simultaneously in the laboratory for 12 generations. We recorded several life-history traits in each generation and monitored genetic variation over time using five variable microsatellite markers. TBT-exposed strains showed increased larval mortality (treatments: 43.8%; controls: 27.8%), slightly reduced reproductive output, and delayed larval development. Reduction of genetic variation was strongest and only significant in the TBT-exposed strains (treatments: −45.9%, controls: −24.4% of initial heterozygosity) after 12 generations. Our findings document that chemical pollution may lead to a rapid decrease in genetic diversity, which has important implications for conservation strategies and ecological management in polluted environments.  相似文献   
目的 探究不同环境下密闭容器内微环境的变化规律.方法 通过连续采集室内存放、户外遮盖、户外暴露3个包装容器内外11个监测点的温湿度数据,对比分析不同容器内温度、湿度的分布与变化规律.结果 户外容器日间温度梯度大,昼夜温差高达30℃,温度波动远大于室内容器的1.1℃,篷布遮盖能降低20%的温度波动.容器内相对湿度不受环境...  相似文献   
广州市大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中多环芳烃的季节变化   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
采集广州五山、荔湾(2002-06-12~2003-06-31)2个采样点共112个PM10样品进行了GC/MS分析,结果表明2采样点全年多环芳烃浓度范围为8.11~106.26 ng·m-3,呈现出夏季低冬季高的特征.PAHs化合物的相对分布也呈明显的季节变化,5~6环PAHs的比重夏季比冬季高,而3~4环PAHs的比重冬季比夏季高.冬季PAHs可分为2种模式,不同模式之间PAHs的浓度和分布特征有明显的差异.统计结果表明,广州市多环芳烃浓度变化主要受气象条件的影响,风速(当温度<20℃时)和温度(当温度>20℃时)是影响多环芳烃浓度最主要的因素.此外,本研究还表明,汽车尾气排放是广州市大气颗粒物多环芳烃污染最主要的污染来源.  相似文献   
为弄清饮用水O3-BAC深度处理工艺过程中细菌群落的时空分布和动态变化规律,本研究以我国南方某O3-BAC深度处理工艺水厂为研究对象,采用NovaSeq6000高通量测序技术对夏季和冬季各工艺单元出水及滤砂和活性炭生物膜等细菌群落进行解析.结果表明,出厂水pH、浊度、CODMn、菌落总数等指标均满足《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的要求.夏季细菌群落多样性明显高于冬季,活性炭生物膜的细菌群落多样性高于滤砂生物膜;混凝沉淀、臭氧化和消毒是影响细菌群落多样性的主要工艺单元.水样和生物膜样品绝对优势菌门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),且主要菌门组成大体相同,但细菌群落门水平相对丰度存在一定的时空差异,属水平上差异则更为明显.此外,检测到的条件致病菌属主要包括芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium),且其所占核心微生物OTUs数目不受季节性影响.水温和生物可降解溶解性有机碳(BDOC)是显...  相似文献   
官厅水库入库断面水质多指标评价与演变特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水体质量状况及其污染特征是流域水污染防治规划和治理措施制定的前提和基础。采用主成分分析和层次聚类分析等多元统计分析方法,选取溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量等10个不同类型的监测指标,综合评价了官厅水库入库断面八号桥2006—2017年丰水期和枯水期水质年际变化特征,识别了不同阶段关键污染指标。结果表明:各年份丰水期(9月)大多数水质指标均优于枯水期(5月),特别是粪大肠菌群和氨氮,但总磷和高锰酸盐指数的差异较小。根据水质指标年际变化情况,可将研究期分为污染严重阶段(2006—2007年)、污染改善阶段(2008—2015年)和污染全面好转阶段(2016—2017年)。大部分水质指标呈现逐年好转的趋势,特别是粪大肠菌群、氨氮和五日生化需氧量,但总磷仍是官厅水库入库河流的重要污染指标。  相似文献   
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