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目的 筛选西沙试验站大气环境优势菌种,进行西沙试验站装备敏感菌研究。方法 采用撞击法进行大气霉菌采样,用统计学法计算出不同试验场地真菌数量,结合形态学法与ITS1-5.8S-TIS2或26SrDNA D1/D2区序列分析法鉴定菌种,并用SPSS初步探讨大气真菌与环境因素的关系,分析西沙试验站装备敏感菌。结果 西沙试验站优势种为Aspergillus aculeatus、Penicillium citrinum、Pithomyces sacchar、变红镰孢霉Fusarium incarnatum、Cladosporium oxysporum和Cladosporium oryzae,影响西沙试验站大气霉菌群落结构的重要环境因素是相对湿度和风速,贮存在西沙试验站的装备容易长霉,多种材料有不同的敏感菌,尤其是涂层样件和橡胶类材料。结论 西沙试验站大气环境中存在种类繁多的霉菌。  相似文献   
太湖梅梁湾水体组分吸收特性季节差异分析   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
利用2006年8月、11月和2007年3月太湖梅梁湾水样实验室测定的水体组分固有光学特性数据和水质分析数据,分析水体中各组分在不同季节的吸收特性,并讨论不同季节光谱吸收的主导因子.结果表明,各组分在不同季节其吸收特性存在一定的差异,总悬浮吸收系数在夏季最大,在440 nm平均吸收系数为(7.49 4±3.0)m-1,春季最小,440 nm平均吸收系数为(2.86±0.73)m-1,且不同季节其吸收类型不同;非藻类颗粒吸收特性的季节性差异相对较小,其吸收系数和S值的差异主要是由于无机悬浮物含量和组成的不同导致的;由于藻类含量的差异导致浮游藻类吸收系数在夏季最大,675 nm平均吸收系数为(5.49±3.5)m-1,秋季次之675 nm平均吸收系数为(2.03±1.14)m-1,春季最小,675 nm平均吸收系数为(0.62±0.25)m-1;而有色可溶件有机物(chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)吸收系数和S值的季节差异性主要是由于其来源的不同,导致其浓度和成分的不同形成的.春、秋季由于无机悬浮物含量较高,非藻类颗粒物对总吸收的贡献大于其他组分,是水体总吸收的主导因子,而夏季由于浮游藻类含量较高,使其成为水下光谱的主要影响因素.  相似文献   
In accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act, most US counties have a hazard mitigation plan (HMP) to reduce future disaster losses. HMPs are important as they can be used to proactively assess risk, direct future development, raise awareness and build consensus. Using a population-based sample, we interviewed residents of Bertie County, NC, about their awareness of and participation in the HMP process to determine if demographics, social vulnerability or hazard vulnerability were associated with increased awareness or participation. We also assessed whether these factors were associated with knowledge of policy changes and investments that were adopted in the HMP. Overall, the unemployed were the only group less likely to report awareness of or participation in HMP development. African-Americans, mobile home residents, the poor, short-term residents and those with less disaster experience were less likely to be aware of policies and investments prioritised in the HMP. Targeted efforts to increase awareness could potentially improve disaster outcomes among vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
The endemic species Lagotis uralensisis characterized with regard to the stages of ontogeny, population structure and dynamics, and the ways of species adaptation to growing in the form of small isolated populations in high mountains.  相似文献   
The distribution pattern of the gastropod Bradybaena fruticum has been studied in a forest-steppe landscape. Analysis of the frequencies of polymorphic biochemical and conchological characters has yielded preliminary results on the characteristics of the species population structure whose formation was determined by a set of natural and anthropogenic factors.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 1, 2005, pp. 39–47.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Snegin.  相似文献   
海岛是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,保护海岛生态环境是推进海洋生态文明建设、保护海洋生态环境的重要方面。海岛居民是保护海岛生态环境的主体之一,研究海岛居民环境友好行为的影响因素,引导和鼓励海岛居民主动采取环境友好行为是改善海岛生态环境的有效途径。本研究在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上,对海岛居民环境友好行为的概念、类型及影响因素进行理论分析,建立包含生态管理行为、消费行为、说服行为、公民行为四个环境友好行为变量,环境态度、环境保护知识、环境经历、社会政策、行为约束五个影响因素变量在内的理论模型。结合海岛生态环境和海岛居民的特点,设计海岛居民版环境友好行为测量量表,并在长岛县进行问卷调查,运用描述性统计分析、结构方程模型分析探究海岛居民环境友好行为的影响因素及影响因素间的内在关系。研究发现:①海岛居民环境友好行为总体水平差异较大,难度较低的环境友好行为实施较好,而难度较高的实施较差;影响因素变量中,环境态度积极,环境经历丰富,环境保护知识掌握较好,相关社会政策较为不利,行为约束偏中性。②环境态度、环境经历、社会政策对海岛居民环境友好行为具有显著正向影响。③环境保护知识对环境态度具有显著正向影响,但对海岛居民环境友好行为无显著影响,存在“知易行难”现象。行为约束对海岛居民环境友好行为无显著影响。④环境经历不仅直接影响海岛居民环境友好行为,而且通过环境态度对海岛居民环境友好行为施加间接影响。基于研究结论,提出了改善海岛居民环境友好行为的对策建议。  相似文献   
地质工程建设与环境的协调发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类为自身的发展而进行的各种工程地质建设与环境相互依存,相互影响。本文首先提出人与自然是工程地质工作的两个基本点,并且认为人类活动应与自然环境相协调。人类的各种工程活动必然影响到周边环境。建立整体性思维是解决工程建设与环境协调发展问题的有效方法。我国近年来表现最突出的工程地质建设与环境问题包括:(1)为西部大开发而进行的各种配套的工程建设将要遇到的工程地质及环境问题;(2)南水北调工程建设及环境问题;(3)东部及沿海地区工程建设及环境问题;(4)水土流失与我国北方大规模荒漠化问题及城市的环境破坏与污染控制问题等等。最后作者详细论述三峡库区地质工程建设与环境的相互影响。为实现可持续发展战略,工程地质建设必须与环境相协调。  相似文献   
In April 2013, a 7.0?Mw earthquake struck in Lushan County, Sichuan Province, China, causing serious housing damage. Housing reconstruction is a crucial part of disaster recovery, and resident participation has been recognized as a key part of reconstruction success. This paper examined housing reconstruction resident participation in the post-Lushan earthquake period as a multi-stage problem based on multi-stakeholder collaborative perspectives, which covered emergency shelter, temporary housing and permanent housing stages. Multi-stage field research was conducted in the affected areas, and the residents were found to be fully involved in the reconstruction with a ‘high – medium – high' distribution across the three stages. Resident participation experiences were summarized in terms of previous earthquake education, NGO participation and community-based organization functions, and the reasons discussed, such as civic awareness and civic rights. Problems regarding improper reconstruction and cultural conflicts were also examined and valuable suggestions given.  相似文献   
温度是导致水稻(Oryza sativa L.)遗传分化的一个重要环境因素,而海拔是导致环境温度差异的一个重要的地理因素。水稻的雄配子即花粉粒的活性极易受环境温度的影响。研究用来自云南2 670 m海拔的粳稻地方品种小麻谷与具籼稻细胞质背景的籼粳交后代品系南34正反交产生的F1,然后将其分布种植在海拔高低相差达1 800 m的4个海拔点并与育性稳定的1个滇Ⅰ型细胞质不育系杂交产生了8个测交群体,用SSR标记检测发现海拔因素和细胞质背景都对测交群体的遗传分化产生了影响。结果表明:同一海拔产生的正反交群体(合系42A//小麻谷/南34)间的遗传多样性具有比较明显的差异。正交组合F1(小麻谷×南34)在1 860 m的海拔产生的群体的遗传多样性最高,在1 600 m的海拔产生的群体的遗传多样性最低。在反交组合F1产生的群体中,群体的遗传多样性随产生群体海拔(400 m海拔除外)的升高而降低。利用Nei′s遗传距离评价各群体间的遗传分化,正反交组合F1产生测交群体间的遗传分化均高于同一组合在不同海拔下产生的测交群体之间的遗传分化,同一组合在4个海拔产生的测交群体间的遗传分化总体趋势是随海拔差异的增加而增大。研究证实了环境温度差异及细胞质背景导致F1产生的雄配子基因型发生选择,导致雄配子基因型的遗传比例偏离孟德尔规律,影响其后代群体的遗传多样性和遗传分化。  相似文献   
Local rural and indigenous communities have assumed increasing responsibility for conservation within and between areas buffering the impacts of agricultural or resource‐extraction zones and protected areas. Empowering local communities as central partners in conservation and climate‐change mitigation has allowed many people to gain access to land and citizenship rights but has provided limited improvements in access to social services and economic opportunities even as expectation about their role as environmental stewards grows. These expectations, however, are inconsistent with reality. We conducted multiple field studies in Brazil since the mid‐1980s to illustrate the discrepancies between conservation programs and local conditions and expectations. We suggest that public policies and conservation programs should not delegate responsibility for managing protected areas to local and indigenous communities without considering local needs and expectations and locals’ attitudes toward conservation. In other words, behavior that maintains or improves the environment should not be treated as traditional based on the expectations of outsiders. Framing local populations as traditional environmentalists creates contradictions and frustrations for local populations and for conservation professionals and policy makers.  相似文献   
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