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Among the key issues of concern to the Climate Convention is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations and the minimization of impacts to global agriculture, natural ecosystems and economic development. The purpose of this paper is to couple these issues in consistent, integrated scenarios, using the IMAGE 2.0 model as an integrating tool. Scenarios of gradual stabilization of atmospheric CO2 at 350 and 450 ppm are compared to a baseline of no policy action in which CO2 concentration increases to 777 ppm. Under the stabilizaton scenarios substantially smaller areas of wheat and millet, as well as nature reserves, are threatened by climate change, especially in temperate regions. The amount of sea level rise is also reduced under the stabilization scenarios. However, climate continues to change under the stabilization scenarios and therefore some ‘residual’ climate impacts occur. Hence the integrated scenarios indicate that stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations at or slightly above current levels will lessen impacts as compared to baseline levels, but not eliminate them. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
东北三江平原土壤氧化CH4研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
三江平原土壤不同深度氧化大气浓度CH4和高浓度CH4的速率具有明显的垂直差异 .2个非淹水土壤整个剖面都具有氧化大气浓度CH4的潜力 ,以表层土的速率为最大 .非淹水的耕作土壤残留的有机质层仍保留了较强的氧化大气浓度CH4潜力 ,氧化CH4速率是耕作层的 2 0倍 .淹水土壤的大部分层次不具有氧化大气浓度CH4的潜力 .所有供试土壤均能消耗高浓度CH4,泥炭含量较高的土壤层次比矿质层氧化高浓度CH4的速率高  相似文献   
Data from the US Department of Energy show that single-family detached homes consume about 17% more energy per year than attached homes and roughly double that of units in large multi-family structures. While greater use of these compact housing types could reduce a community's energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, most local climate action plans (CAPs) do not quantify those potential savings. This article describes how the climate action planning process in the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia has addressed residential sector GHG emissions and demonstrates a methodology applied in that community for estimating potential GHG reductions from compact housing. It finds that in an aggressive compact housing scenario GHG emissions from new housing could be decreased by as much as 36%, without factoring in additional energy conservation or efficiency measures. The article concludes with a discussion of the opportunities and challenges related to implementing compact housing in future residential development.  相似文献   
李建辉  张莹莹  黄魁  夏慧 《中国环境科学》2021,40(12):5375-5382
为判定蚯蚓粪作为微生物肥料的潜力,本研究采用宏基因组学的方法,对污泥、牛粪与蔬菜蚯蚓粪样品抽提的DNA进行测序,并将结果进行物种注释及功能注释,以揭示不同蚯蚓粪中功能性微生物的种群结构.结果表明:污泥、牛粪和蔬菜蚯蚓粪分别检测到117505、81182、81104条scaftigs.变形菌门、拟杆菌门、疣微菌门与放线菌门为3种蚯蚓粪的优势菌门.氮磷代谢途径分析表明,蚯蚓粪中富含固氮菌(Rhizobium、Mesorhizobium、BradyrhizobiumAzospirillum)、硝化菌(Nitrosomonas、Nitrosospira、NitrosococcusNitrospira)和溶磷菌(FlavobacteriumPseudomonas、Arthrobacter、Streptomyces)等肥料功能菌.相比而言,蔬菜蚯蚓粪微生物肥料潜力较高.相对于蔬菜蚯蚓粪(371条Unigenes),污泥(2461条Unigenes)和牛粪(965条Unigenes)蚯蚓粪中存在较多的病原菌.而且,污泥、牛粪与蔬菜蚯蚓粪中耐药基因相对丰度高达0.93×10-3、0.32×10-3和0.32×10-3,主要为β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类、大环内酯类及四环素类耐药基因等.研究结果显示,蚯蚓粪中有益的功能菌群和有害微生物同时存在,其生物污染物的环境风险值得关注.  相似文献   
深圳市温室气体排放清单研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根据深圳市相关统计资料收集到的活动水平数据,参照《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》温室气体核算方法,建立了深圳市温室气体排放清单,并且与其他城市的温室气体排放水平进行了对比. 结果表明:2008年深圳市温室气体总排放量(以CO2排放当量计)为6 569.4×104 t,能源部门的温室气体排放量占总排放量的比例最大,达80.8%;工业过程、废物处理处置部门和农林和其他土地利用(AFOLU)部门排放所占比例分别为16.5%、5.1%和-2.4%. 深圳市温室气体人均排放量为7.49 t/人,单位GDP的温室气体排放量为0.84 t/104元,二者均低于北京、上海、天津和无锡的平均排放水平,但高于重庆市.   相似文献   
近年来世界各国大力发展生物能源用于替代化石燃料.通过全生命周期评价的方法,对四种主要生物能源的温室气体减排量进行了比较.结果表明,同种生物能源净能比(NER)和温室气体净减排量(GGENR)与原料相关.纤维素燃料乙醇的GGENR(52 603 kg CO2/TJ)高于玉米乙醇(10 660 kg CO2/TJ).而巴西生产的甘蔗乙醇GGENR则达到最大值,61 418 kg CO2/TJ.大豆生物柴油的GGENR比微藻高出86%,分别为36 121 kg CO2/TJ和19 399 kg CO2/TJ.对于生物燃气和生物质直燃,由于全生命周期过程中外源能量输入很少,其GGENR分别达到56 100 kg CO2/TJ和98 300 kg CO2/TJ.  相似文献   
将水生植物材料(凤眼莲叶和茎、大薸叶)作为新型吸油材料,与传统植物材料(水稻秸秆、夏威夷坚果壳、甘蔗渣)的吸油性能进行比较。通过研究各材料的表面结构特征、表面基团特征、吸油能力和表面疏水性,来对比各材料的吸油性能。结果表明:水生植物材料具有较大吸油容量,且其叶子部分疏水性很强,适合作为水上浮油原位处理的吸附剂;水稻秸秆疏水性稍弱,但也是一种良好的水上浮油吸附剂;凤眼莲茎吸水性较强,与夏威夷坚果壳、甘蔗渣一样具有浮力较小、疏水性较弱的特点,但对正己烷的吸附速率非常快,可考虑作为填充滤料处理含油废水。  相似文献   
万州老城区楼顶菜地土壤重金属污染特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究万州老城区菜地土壤重金属污染状况,运用ArcGIS地统计分析模块分析了万州老城区楼顶菜地中5种重金属元素Cr,Cd,Cu,Ni和Mn的空间分布特征,并采用地累积指数法评价了楼顶菜地土壤中重金属的污染状况.结果表明:w(Cu),w(Ni)和w(Mn)属于中等变异,w(Cr)和w(Cd)属于强变异,说明楼顶菜地重金属的来源受外界干扰明显,空间变异较大;在空间分布上,这5种重金属存在一个相同的高值区A,位于研究区西北部;w(Cr),w(Ni)和w(Mn) 另一高值区在研究区中西部部分重合,表明Cr,Ni和Mn元素之间可能存在一定的复合污染,与相关性分析的结果一致;根据地累积指数法评价结果,万州老城区楼顶菜地土壤Cd为重度污染,Cr为轻度污染,Cu,Ni和Mn未受污染.   相似文献   
施用畜禽粪便堆肥品的蔬菜地CH4、N2O和NH3排放特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
农田是重要的温室气体排放来源之一,其中蔬菜地的温室气体排放日益受到人们关注.以北京市郊某温室种植的油麦菜地为研究对象,通过大棚试验,考察和比较了油麦菜地施用不同类型畜禽粪便堆肥产品的CH4、N2O和NH3排放特征及其影响因素.结果表明,油麦菜地NRM、RM、CF处理的CH4排放系数分别为0.2%、0.027%、0.004%;N2O排放系数分别为0.18%、0.63%、0.74%;NH3排放系数分别为2.00%、3.98%、2.53%.CH4排放通量与土壤温度和地表湿度相关,N2O排放通量与土壤温度、地表温度和湿度相关,CH4、N2O和NH3排放通量均受土壤含水率影响,而温室中的气温不是影响CH4、N2O和NH3排放的主要因素.  相似文献   
Three full-scale wastewater treatment processes, Orbal oxidation ditch, anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic (reversed A^2O) and anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic (A^2O), were selected to investigate the emission characteristics of greenhouse gases (GHG), including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Results showed that although the processes were different, the units presenting high GHG emission fluxes were remarkably similar, namely the highest CO2 and N2O emission fluxes occurred in the aerobic areas, and the highest CH4 emission fluxes occurred in the grit tanks. The GHG emission amount of each unit can be calculated from its area and GHG emission flux. The calculation results revealed that the maximum emission amounts of CO2, CH4 and N2O in the three wastewater treatment processes appeared in the aerobic areas in all cases. Theoretically, CH4 should be produced in anaerobic conditions, rather than aerobic conditions. However, results in this study showed that the CH4 emission fluxes in the forepart of the aerobic area were distinctly higher than in the anaerobic area. The situation for N2O was similar to that of CH4: the N2O emission flux in the aerobic area was also higher than that in the anoxic area. Through analysis of the GHG mass balance, it was found that the flow of dissolved GHG in the wastewater treatment processes and aerators may be the main reason for this phenomenon. Based on the monitoring and calculation results, GHG emission factors for the three wastewater treatment processes were determined. The A^2O process had the highest CO2 emission factor of 319.3 g CO2/kg CODremoved, and the highest CH4 and N2O emission factors of 3.3 g CH4/kg CODremoved and 3.6 g N2O/kg TNremoved were observed in the Orbal oxidation ditch process.  相似文献   
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