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Yilei Yu Xianfang Song Yinghua Zhang Fandong Zheng Ji Liang Dongmei Han Ying M Hongmei Bu 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2013,25(9):1754-1763
Reclaimed water was successfully used to recover the dry Chaobai River in Northern China, but groundwater may be polluted. To ensure groundwater protection, it is therefore critical to identify the governing factors of groundwater chemistry. Samples of reclaimed water, river and groundwater were collected monthly at Chaobai River from January to September in 2010. Fifteen water parameters were analyzed. Two kinds of reclaimed water were different in type (Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-HCO3 or Na-Ca-Cl-HCO3 ) and concentration of nitrogen. The ionic concentration and type in river were similar to reclaimed water. Some shallow wells near the river bed had the same type (Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-HCO3 ) and high concentration as reclaimed water, but others were consistent with the deep wells (Ca-Mg-HCO3 ). Using cluster analysis, the 9 months were divided into two periods (dry and wet seasons), and all samples were grouped into several spatial clusters, indicating different controlling mechanisms. Principal component analysis and conventional ionic plots showed that calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate were controlled by water-rock interaction in all deep and some shallow wells. This included the dissolution of calcite and carbonate weathering. Sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfate in river and some shallow wells recharged by river were governed by evaporation crystallization and mixing of reclaimed water. But groundwater chemistry was not controlled by precipitation. During the infiltration of reclaimed water, cation exchange took place between (sodium, potassium) and (calcium, magnesium). Nitrification and denitrification both happened in most shallow groundwater, but only denitrification in deep groundwater. 相似文献
积融雪控制下土壤大气间汞交换通量特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
位于松花江上游流域的夹皮沟金矿曾是我国采金量最大的矿区,广泛使用的混汞法提金工艺导致了严重的区域环境介质汞污染.为研究稳定性季节积雪及融雪控制过程土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量特征,选择区域内典型"山-谷"地形结构单元,沿坡面等距进行布点,使用动态通量箱法测定了各采样点土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量,使用塞曼效应汞分析仪(LUMEX Zeeman RA915+)测定了各采样点近地面(0~150 cm)垂直方向上大气汞浓度分布,分析了同步气象因子、积融雪控制下地表性质和近地面大气汞的垂直分布各因素对土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量特征的影响.结果表明,冬季积雪和融雪期间,大气中汞均有沿山坡向谷底汇集的趋势,在积雪冷源性下垫面所致逆温层结控制下,汞交换通量表现为明显的由大气向土壤(雪)的沉降过程.融雪期间雪融后地表土壤大气间汞交换通量表现为释放与沉降过程交替,仍然积雪地表大气间汞交换通量沉降水平明显弱于积雪期.分析土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与其影响因素间关系发现,积雪期土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与大气汞浓度和大气温度间均具有显著的负线性相关关系;融雪期土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与大气汞浓度间具有明显的负线性相关关系,与大气温度间具有正线性相关关系;雪融后裸露土壤大气间汞交换通量与地温间呈现一定的正线性相关关系. 相似文献
水热条件对粉煤灰沸石离子交换性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
沸石的离子交换性能是决定其应用价值的一个重要指标。为衡量粉煤灰沸石的应用性能,本研究主要考察了反应温度、反应时间以及添加剂等水热反应条件对合成粉煤灰沸石产品离子交换性能(CEC,Cation Exchange Capacity)的影响。结果表明,产品的CEC值随着反应温度和反应时间增加而增大,至120℃、6h达到最大。添加剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵和95%乙醇有效促进了NaP1沸石的结晶过程,均可使产品CEC值提高10%以上。合成NaP1型粉煤灰沸石的最佳水热反应条件为:反应温度120℃,反应时间6h,液固比(mL/g)为8,氢氧化钠浓度为2mol/L,95%乙醇作为添加剂。所得粉煤灰沸石产品CEC值达到最大值198.31cmol/kg。 相似文献
离子膜辅助电催化氧化法预处理焦化废水的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
焦化废水是属有毒有害、难降解的有机废水,常规的生物处理工艺对其去除效果不甚理想,从而导致出水中难降解污染物含量较高,COD和NH3-N不能达标。论文针对焦化废水的水质特点,采用离子膜电解技术进行预处理。对焦化废水中主要污染物苯酚降解效果的几种因素进行了研究,得出了苯酚降解的最佳工艺条件并在此工艺参数下,对模拟焦化废水电解2.5h,苯酚、COD的去除率分别为84%,45%,氨氮去除率和回收率别为99.5%和96.5%,总能耗27kwh/m3,可以为后续生化处理大大减轻负担,采用该方法作为焦化废水的预处理手段比较经济合理。 相似文献
基于博弈论的非点源污染控制模型探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着对工业和城市生活污水等点源污染治理能力的不断增强,农业非点源污染对水质环境的影响日益凸现.相对于点源污染,非点源污染发生的不确定时间、不确定途径、不确定量等特点给治理政策的制定带来很大难度.本文从著名的公地悲剧现象出发,着力从市场博弈及政府监督博弈两个模型分析非点源污染制造者之间的博弈格局,并提出以“集体表现”的形式对非点源污染进行管理和控制.市场博弈模型中以一定的排污削减目标为前提,确定以成本最优的原则进行点源-非点源排污权交易是可行且有效率的;而政府监督博弈模型的结果显示:合理的环境补贴和惩罚机制、政府对自身声誉及公众形象的重视及维护对非点源污染治理起正向促进作用. 相似文献
针对石化工业废水开展沸石强化脱氮处理试验研究,通过比较沸石浓度25mg/L与空白,以及沸石浓度25 mg/L与50mg/L两阶段脱氮效果,探讨沸石促进脱氮功能的机理,结果表明,曝气池中投加沸石可明显提高氨氮和总氮的去除率,硝化细菌总数和硝化功能也得到增强。与空白对照组相比, 沸石浓度25mg/L的试验组运行稳定后,氨氮去除率提高约10%~13%,总氮去除率约提高13%,出水中NO3--N含量约提高100%,氨氮与总氮之比下降6%,内源硝化耗氧呼吸速率可提高138%,硝化细菌总数是空白对照组2.2folds。沸石浓度提高到50mg/L后,试验组的脱氮效果略有增加,但效果不明显。通过对试验结果的关联分析,认为沸石提高系统脱氮能力的原因一方面是因为沸石对NH4+及硝态氮的交换吸附,另一方面NH4+离子富集于沸石表面及内部、沸石颗粒独特的好氧-缺氧微环境,以及沸石离解出CO32- 或HCO3-增加碱度等条件,促进了硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的生长,从而提高了系统脱氮能力。 相似文献
软弱结构面塑性程度高、强度低,在地下水长期作用下,很易导致岩体产生变形、形成集中渗漏通道及渗透破坏.软弱结构面的渗透稳定性,一直是水利水电工程的重要工程地质及水文地质问题之一,目前对其渗透破坏机理的认识还存在不少尚未解决的问题.针对已有对基岩软弱结构形成集中渗漏通道研究的不足,本文在软弱结构面内讨论渗透变形问题,主要探... 相似文献
Critical velocity in phosphorus exchange processes across the sediment-water interface 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Sediments are ultimate sinks of nutrients in lakes that record the pollution history evolutionary processes, and anthropogenic activities of a lake. However, sediments are considered as inner sources of environmental factor changes such as the variation in hydrodynamic conditions because of the nutrients they release. How does this process happen? This study investigates a typical nutrient phosphorus (P) exchange among sediment, suspended particle matter (SPM), and water. Compared with numerical and experimental studies, this study confirms that the critical velocity that occurs at a lower flow rate state exists in the range of 7 to 15 crn/sec. Critical velocity below the critical flow rate promotes the migration of particulate phosphorus (PP) to the SPM. On the other hand, critical velocity above the critical flow rate promotes the release of PP in water. 相似文献
ThebufferingeffectsofaquaticsedimentsagainstacidicdepositionLiaoBohan;TangHongxiao(ResearehCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSciences... 相似文献