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基于在线离子数据,对淄博2021年元宵节一次PM2.5污染过程进行成因分析,分析了水溶性离子组分污染特征,探讨了二次无机离子(SNA)的形成机制,并对比分析了污染前后颗粒物液态水含量(LWC)及pH值的变化特征.结果表明,元宵节前污染期间(T1)和元宵节夜间污染期间(T2),ρ(WSIIs)分别为46.83μg·m-3和71.18μg·m-3,分别是清洁时段的2.3倍和3.6倍.其中,T1时段SNA的增长倍数(2.7倍)大于PM2.5的增长倍数(2.1倍),可见SNA浓度增加是引起T1时段PM2.5浓度上升的主因;而T2时段Cl-、 K+和Mg2+浓度增加显著,分别是清洁时段的4.0、 14.8和16.5倍,反映出烟花爆竹燃放对T2时段PM2.5浓度快速增长的影响.污染期间LWC为49.37μg·m-3,是清洁期的2.9倍;T1时段LWC主要受RH和NH+  相似文献   
乔月珍  陈凤  赵秋月  刘倩 《环境科学》2019,40(5):2062-2068
采用GC-FID自动在线监测系统对南京市2015年环境大气中56种VOCs开展了为期1a的连续观测.结果表明,南京市城区大气VOCs小时平均体积分数为(17.49±11.35)×10-9,其中4月最高(22.21×10-9),7月最低(12.39×10-9),日均体积分数变化特征不明显.烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃和乙炔占比分别为56.51%、11.06%、24.62%和7.81%,丙烷(15.26%)、乙烷(14.14%)、乙炔(7.81%)、甲苯(6.97%)、正丁烷(6.23%)、乙烯(5.23%)、异丁烷(4.34%)、丙烯(4.13%)、异戊烷(4.12%)和间/对-二甲苯(4.06%)是含量最丰富的VOCs物种.T/B(甲苯/苯)均值为2.02,表明南京市城区大气VOCs主要受机动车尤其是汽油车排放的影响.E/E(乙烷/乙炔)均值为2.24,表明观测站点区域大气老化程度较严重.利用·OH消耗速率(L·OH)和臭氧生成潜势(OFP)评估了大气VOCs的反应活性.南京市城区大气VOCs冬春季大气反应活性较夏秋季强.芳香烃和烯烃的活性最高,对L·OH和OFP的贡献依次为46.96%和41.58%、33.73%和39.86%,丙烯、乙烯和二甲苯等苯系物是活性最高的VOCs物种.  相似文献   
采用菌剂挂膜,活性污泥挂膜和自然挂膜3种不同方式形成生物滴滤塔,考察挂膜方式对生物滴滤塔去除H2S恶臭气体的影响。结果表明,当进气H2S浓度为5 mg/m3时,菌剂挂膜、活性污泥挂膜、自然挂膜形成的生物滴滤塔出气H2S浓度分别为15.7~17.4、11.6~14.8和15.0~15.9 μg/m3;塔内压降分别为3~4 mm水柱、6 mm水柱和4~5 mm水柱;喷淋后滤出液中硫酸根的浓度分别为14、22和17 mg/L,硫的转化率分别为45%、60%和50%。当进气H2S浓度增大至7 mg/m3时,3个塔经过7 d的调整后,均能达到稳定状态,稳定后3个塔中出气H2S浓度和压降基本没变,喷淋后滤出液中硫酸根浓度依次增大至25、31和30 mg/L左右。采用活性污泥挂膜形成的生物滴滤塔处理H2S的能力比菌剂挂膜和自然挂膜的高。  相似文献   
基于城市机动车保有量和高速公路交通流量,结合行驶里程和VOCs源谱,采用排放因子法建立了河南省2016~2019年城市和2016年高速公路机动车高分辨率大气污染物排放清单.结果表明,2016年小型客车和普通摩托车等汽油车是CO、VOCs和NH3的主要贡献源,SO2、NOx和PM主要来自重型和轻型柴油货车,国1、国3和国4标准车对污染物排放贡献突出,郑州、周口和南阳的排放量较大;高速公路8~10月的车流量较高,11月最低,城市主干道周变化和日变化分别呈现出明显的周末效应和双峰特征;排放高值区集中在交通网密集、交通流量大的城市中心及市区附近向外辐射的道路上,连霍高速和京港澳高速是高排放道路;轻型汽油车对臭氧生成潜势(OFP)贡献最大,乙烯和丙烯等5个物种对VOCs排放量和OFP贡献均较大;2016~2019年机动车保有量年均增长率为5.7%;与2016年相比,2019年VOCs排放增加2.8%,SO2、PM2.5、PM10、NH3、CO和NOx的降幅分别为76.3%、51.7%、50.3%、43.1%、16.7%和5.9%;2019年各污染物在控制政策下的实际排放量相对基准情景的减排比例在15.6%~82.4%之间.  相似文献   
为确定石家庄东部郊区交通干线附近O3生成光化学敏感性,利用2019年1月1日—2020年10月31日在线观测的NOx、NOy和O3等数据计算并分析了O3生成效率(OPE)及O3光化学敏感性的NOx临界浓度.结果表明:1交通干线附近O3光化学敏感性存在季节差异,春季主要受VOCs控制,整体OPE为2.6±0.3,夏、秋季节主要受NOx与VOCs协同控制,整体OPE分别为5.3±0.4和5.1±0.8;2NOx体积分数>11×10-9时,O3生成主要为VOCs控制;NOx体积分数介于6×10-9~11×10-9时,O3生成主要受VOCs与NOx协同控制;NOx体积分数<6×10-9时,O3生成主要为NOx控制;3O3生成敏感性存在日变化特征,10:00之前O3生成主要受VOCs控制,10:00—11:00是O3生成由VOCs控制转变为VOCs和NOx协同控制的过渡时段,12:00之后O3生成主要由VOCs和NOx协同控制,且午后14:00—16:00之间NOx对O3控制比例凸显.因此,石家庄O3治理不但要重视NOx与VOCs排放源的协同管控,尤其午后还需要对NOx排放源进行分时段精细化管控.  相似文献   
塔里木地块经历了前寒武纪陆核增生-地块奠基、早古生代边缘裂解-开合拼贴、晚古生代裂谷叠加-板块统一、中新生代盆山耦合-地貌定形的四大构造演化阶段,在天山、昆仑山、阿尔金山一带形成了六大含矿建造和多种成因类型的金属矿床.周边地区有前苏联中天山、西南天山、秦祁昆、古特提斯四条邻国和邻区的巨型洲际级成矿带通过.从已知的近千处矿床(点)、矿化点和物化探异常的宏观分析和局部重点普查找矿信息来看,塔里木地块周边的金属矿床远景可观,潜力巨大,某些成矿带有可能成为我国矿产资源的后备勘查基地.  相似文献   
通过对电暖器罩零件的结构、成形难点及工艺性能的分析,确定其加工工艺方案,在对成形工艺方案进行分析比较的基础上,设计了镶拼模具成形该零件,并介绍了模具的设计要点。  相似文献   
为研究城区及背景点夏季挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征的差异,于2020年7月在淄博市城区站点和背景站点在线监测环境VOCs,分析其污染特征和化学反应活性,运用正交矩阵因子分析模型(PMF)解析VOCs的来源.结果表明,城区点ρ(TVOC)和ρ(NOx)高于背景点,但ρ(O3)较低;城区点ρ(TVOC)和ρ(NOx)呈...  相似文献   
This study investigated the electrokinetic (EK) behavior of multiple chlorobenzenes, including 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene (TeCB), 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (i-TeCB), and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (TCB) in contaminated clayed soils. The effect of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) on the EK removal of the chlorobenzenes was studied. The largest removal was obtained when Na2CO3/NaHCO3 buffer was used as anodic purging solution without β-CD. The removal efficiencies were related to the aqueous solubilities of chlorobenzenes. With the same cumulative electroosmotic flow, greater solubility led to higher removal efficiency. The addition of β-CD inhibited the EK removal efficiency of all chlorobenzenes. The inhibition increased with the increase of β-CD concentration. With the same β-CD concentration, the inhibition increased with the rise of electric potential. It was found that the inclusion compounds between β-CD and chlorobenzenzes were less soluble than chlorobenzenes. The formation of the less soluble inclusion compounds reduced the aqueous solubility of chlorobenzenes and led to the partial immobilization of the chlorobenzenes that desorbed from soil. It was feasible to use the EK technology to remove chlorobenzenes in contaminated soils using water as the anodic flushing solution. The addition of β-CD was not recommended for the EK removal of chlorobenzenes.  相似文献   
This study develops a modeling approach for simulating and evaluating entrapped light nonaqueous-phase liquid (light NAPL-LNAPL) dissolution and transport of the solute in a fractured permeable aquifer (FPA). The term FPA refers to an aquifer made of porous blocks of high permeability that embed fractures. The fracture network is part of the domain characterized by high permeability and negligible storage. Previous studies show that sandstone aquifers often represent FPAs. The basic model developed in this study is a two-dimensional (2-D) model of permeable blocks that embed oblique equidistant fractures with constant aperture and orientation. According to this model, two major parameters govern NAPL dissolution and transport of the solute. These parameters are: 1) the dimensionless interphase mass transfer coefficient, K(f0), and 2) the mobility number, N(M0). These parameters represent measures of heterogeneity affecting flow, NAPL dissolution, and transport of the solute in the domain. The parameter K(f0) refers to the rate at which organic mass is transferred from the NAPL into the water phase. The parameter N(M0) represents the ratio of flow through the porous blocks to flow through the fracture network in regions free of entrapped NAPL. It also provides a measure of groundwater flow bypassing regions contaminated by entrapped NAPL. In regions contaminated by entrapped NAPL our simulations have often indicated very low permeability of the porous blocks, enabling a significant increase of the fracture flow at the expense of the permeable block flow. Two types of constitutive relationships also affect the rate of FPA cleanup: 1) the relationship between the saturation of the entrapped NAPL and the permeability of the porous blocks, and 2) the relationships representing effects of the entrapped NAPL saturation and the permeable block flow velocity on rates of interphase mass transfer. This study provides basic tools for evaluating the characteristics of pump-and-treat cleanup of FPAs by referring to sets of parameters and constitutive relationships typical of FPAs. The numerical simulations carried out in this study show that at high initial saturation of the entrapped NAPL, during initial stages of the FPA cleanup the contaminant concentration increases, but later it decreases. This phenomenon originates from significant groundwater bypassing the NAPL entrapped in the permeable blocks via the fracture network.  相似文献   
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