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The studied agriculture-pasture interlacing zone has its specific natural conditions,at which the natural systems are unstable ,their self-regulation capability is low and the equilibrium is easily broken, and hence the habitat is fairly vulnerable.During last 20 years the increasing population and livestock ,over-reclamation,over-pasturing,over-deforesting, and other intensified negative human activities in the zone resulted in coarsening of surface soil,decrease of organic mater content in soil, reduction of vegetation coverage ,variation and degradation of flora structure, and hence in desertization of the land, although average of gales and sandstorms some decreased and the climate tended to be better in the region.However, the frequent sandstorms occurring in the springs of last and present years has attracted much attention.Investigations confirmed that the main cause for the phenomena is the unreasonable human activites rater than the natural factors.  相似文献   
Introduction The eutrophication of fresh w ater has becom e a m ain w ater environm ental problem in the w orld. The m ain negative im pacts of fresh w ater eutrophication are w ater quality deterioration and the decrease of hydrophytes and aquatic specie…  相似文献   
The role of water pricing for managing water resources is widely recognized in many areas of the world because of the increasing scarcity of water resources, a high competition between water uses and environmental degradation. Based on the analysis of cost of water, this paper explores which types of cost should be reflected in the water pricing enhancing the sustainability of water resources. The principle of full cost pricing in which the cost should include supply cost, opportunity cost and externalities is proposed as a means to achieve the sustainability of water resources. In a case study of Beijing, low water price is analyzed as one reason for unsustainable water consumption. Thus water pricing justified is necessary and pressing. It is proposed to justify water price in phased manner and eventually towards full cost pricing. The assessment of impacts on water resources by raising water price shows water pricing could alleviate the conflict between water supply and demand. This paper concludes that water pricing can play an effective role in enhancing the sustainability of water resources in Beijing.  相似文献   
FieldmeasurementsofdisociationofammoniumnitrateataBeijingsiteShenJi,ZhaoQianxueResearchCenterforEcoEnvironmentalSciences,C...  相似文献   
Wang  Xu  Ma  Yu  Chen  Hongwu  Wen  Gang  Chen  Shoujun  Tao  Zuyu  Chung  Yong-Seung 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2003,3(2):67-79
With observational data spanning 1961–1999 from 90 meteorological stations in Xinjiang, China, the spatial and temporal characteristics of sandstorms and strong winds, and the contribution of strong winds to the occurrence of sandstormsare analyzed. Moreover, the dominant wind direction and minimumwind speeds during sandstorm periods are discussed. The research shows that although possessing similar climatic trends, sandstorms and strong winds in Xinjiang have opposite geographical distributions, i.e. places with more sandstorms show fewer strong winds. The contribution of strongwinds to sandstorms in northern Xinjiang is larger than that insouthern Xinjiang. The dominant wind directions clearly indicatethe paths of the weather systems that introduced the sandstorms.The minimum wind speeds in the sandstorms were over 10 ms-1in northern and eastern Xinjiang and in the Turpan and Yanqi Basins of southern Xinjiang. In Tarim Basin of southern Xinjiang,however, the minimum wind speed was about 6–8 ms-1, and even 6 ms-1 at its southern edge.  相似文献   
对2013年1月于北京城区采集的40组道路灰尘样品用激光粒度仪进行粒度测定。结果表明:北京城区冬季道路灰尘频率曲线呈单峰态或双峰态分布,单峰型峰值粒径为112~237μm,双峰型第一峰值粒径为189~286μm,第二峰值粒径为42~57μm。道路灰尘平均粒径为183μm,分选性差,呈极不对称的极正偏宽峰态到窄峰态,属砂土。道路灰尘是局地灰尘和区域灰尘的混合物,且主要为跃移或短时悬浮颗粒物,对大气悬浮颗粒污染物的贡献量不大。研究4种不同道路类型灰尘发现,平均粒径从大到小顺序为快速路支路次干路主干路,分选系数与偏度为快速路主干路次干路支路,峰度无较大区别,细颗粒含量主干路次干路(支路、快速路)。主干路灰尘污染贡献率更高,对大气环境和人体健康的危害潜力不容忽视。  相似文献   
对北京市地面监测站点的CO浓度进行分析,探讨其浓度水平、变化趋势和时空分布特征。2014年春、夏、秋、冬四季北京市CO平均浓度分别为1.06、0.87、1.34、2.17 mg/m3。CO浓度均呈双峰型变化,第一个峰值出现在07:00-09:00,主要由交通早高峰的排放引起;第二个峰值出现在23:00左右,主要受交通晚高峰排放和夜间边界层高度降低的挤压效应的共同影响。从空间分布来看,全年整体呈现南高北低的分布特征,尤其是秋、冬季较为明显,体现了工业布局和区域传输对CO的影响。从全年来看,湿度对CO浓度的影响最大。对2014年冬季北京市的一次高CO浓度分析结果表明,此次过程是由本地排放和区域传输共同造成的,气象要素中地面气压对CO浓度影响最大。  相似文献   
2013年北京市臭氧时空分布及预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2013年1-12月北京市O3小时浓度监测数据,探讨了北京市O3的时空分布特征,并建立了O3回归统计模型。结果显示:2013年北京市O3 8 h全年平均为84.75 μg/m3,O3超标日主要集中在5-9月份;O3日变化呈现单峰型分布,一般在15:00、16:00左右达到峰值,且存在明显的周末效应,空间分布上,中心城区O3浓度相对较低,生态植被优良的北部、西部山区站点浓度较高;建立的O3回归统计模型对北京市2013年O3 8 h临近预报的级别准确率在75%以上,能较好地反映O3浓度变化趋势。  相似文献   
以3座北京市某区代表性区级污水处理厂为研究对象,综合《城镇水务系统碳核算与减排路径技术指南》、《污水处理厂低碳运行评价技术规范》和《IPCC 2006 年国家温室气体清单指南 2019 修订版》碳排放核算方法,采用定量统计、相关性分析及敏感性分析等手段对污水处理厂正常运行状态下碳排放核算和影响因素进行特征分析和规律识别,并提出针对性减排路径建议。结果表明:C厂C-TECH工艺的吨水碳排放强度为三厂最低1.35 kg CO2eq·m−3,处于我国较低水平,接近“双碳”目标要求;而B厂改良SBR工艺的单位污染去除碳排放强度较小,其COD碳排放强度为3.16 t CO2eq·t−1,TN碳排放强度为36.44 t CO2eq)·t−1,TP碳排放强度为176.69 t CO2eq·t−1,处于我国中上水平,从效能角度更接近“双碳”目标要求。不同工艺产生的温室气体、进水水质波动及用电消耗导致三厂碳排放强度上存在差异,但各工艺的主排碳因子均为间接碳排放 (A厂、B厂和C厂中分别占73%、59%和59%) ,间接碳排放的主贡献因子为电力消耗 (A厂、B厂和C厂中分别占33%、40%和40%) 。相关性分析发现,各水厂碳排放强度还与N2O造成的直接碳排放有较大相关性,3座水厂年排放N2O 2.48×104 t CO2eq,A厂、B厂和C厂中相关性系数值分别达到0.68、0.87、0.66。敏感性分析表明,整体碳排放强度对电力消耗、N2O排放和药耗的变化更为敏感,药耗中葡萄糖溶液和多效高分子除磷剂对碳排放强度影响较大。以上结果表明,北京区级污水处理厂应从优化曝气系统、水泵效能等节电措施和调整水厂加药模式等节药措施上实现减排。  相似文献   
系统对比分析了中国(未涉及港澳台,全文同)和韩国扬尘污染治理的法律体系、质量标准以及管理办法。结果表明:韩国早于中国出台了大气污染防治的相关法律,且空气质量标准中的具体限值也更加严格。在中国,针对扬尘污染进一步细化的法规政策或管理办法均由地方政府负责制定并实施,而韩国的地方政府则全部依照韩国环境部制定的政策开展监管工作。因此,中国的扬尘政策相对灵活,针对重点区域可以适时地出台一些防治计划或政策。以北京市和辽宁省为例,比较了中、韩两国针对扬尘污染的具体控制措施。与韩国的政策相比,中国的扬尘污染管理办法中一些量化的规定仍不够详尽,还存在较大的改进空间,但一些先进管控手段的运用则十分值得推广。  相似文献   
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