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香港九龙弥敦道,逸东智酒店二层翡翠厅,2011年11月14日上午9时已是座无虚位,来自两岸四地的政府官员、专家学者、企业界代表等200余人齐聚一堂,在此间召开第19届海峡两岸及香港、澳门地区职业安全健康学术研讨会。 相似文献
Distribution and contamination status of chromium in surface sediments of northern Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The distribution, enrichment, accumulation, and potential ecological risk of chromium (Cr) in the surface sediments of northern Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan, China were investigated. Sediment samples from ten locations located between the river mouths and harbor entrance of northern Kaohsiung Harbor were collected quarterly in 2011 and characterized for Cr, aluminum, water content, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total grease, and grain size. Results showed that the Cr concentrations varied from 27.0 to 361.9 mg/kg with an average of (113.5±87.0) mg/kg. High Cr concentration was observed near the Jen-Gen River mouth. The mean Cr concentration was high at 255.5 mg/kg, which was at least 2 to 7 times than that of other sites. This might imply significant Cr contribution from upstream receiving tanneries wastewater into the Jen-Gen River. The spatial distribution of Cr reveals relatively high in the river mouth region, especially in Jen-Gen River, and gradually diminishes toward the harbor entrance region. This indicates that the major sources of Cr pollution from upstream industrial and municipal wastewaters discharged along the river bank; and Cr may drift with sea current and be dispersed into open sea. Moreover, Cr concentrations correlated closely to the physical-chemical properties of the sediments, which suggested the influence of industrial and municipal wastewaters discharged from the neighboring industrial parks and river basins. Results from the enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index analyses imply that the Jen-Gen River sediments can be characterized as moderate enrichment and none to medium accumulation of Cr, respectively. However, results of potential ecological risk index indicate that the sediment has low ecological potential risk. The results can provide valuable information to developing future strategies for the management of river mouth and harbor. 相似文献
我国台湾地区在过去的经济发展过程中创造出骄人的经济奇迹,但同时也因为滥用资源和忽视环境保护而造成了一些污染。1994年桃园RCA公司因工业废弃物造成土壤及地下水严重污染和2004年中国石油化学公司所属台南台碱安顺厂土壤戴奥辛污染含量世界第一等事件,均给民众生命及身体健康造成重大伤害。近些年来,在台湾地区政府部门及民间团体的努力下,岛内民众的环境保护意识得到进一步增强、环境保护工作取得很大进步。 相似文献
<正>五月五日午,天师骑艾虎。蒲剑斩百邪,鬼魅入虎口,这是一首端午节防疫保健习俗的古民谣。端午节是我国2000多年来民间传统节日,与祖国大陆相比,端午节在台湾要隆重许多,这方便给时下十分热门的台湾游增添了旅途的乐趣。台湾同胞习称端午节为五月节,每年节日当天,除了赛龙舟、吃粽子等共同的习俗之外,还有不少与中医药有关,十分有趣且值得借鉴的防 相似文献
正9月4日,台湾地区爆发一起地沟油事件,已查明有超过800吨劣质油品流入台湾及港澳地区,200余家企业受影响,其中不乏味全、台糖、康师傅、旺旺、85度C等知名品牌。很多人都认为地沟油是从地沟里捞出来的那种黏腻腻、湿嗒嗒、肮脏、恶心的油脂,经过再加工端上我们餐桌的。其实不尽然,目前实际遇到最多的是餐厨废弃油脂,特别是煎炸废弃油,那些反复加热或高温煎炸后的"回用油"危害更加严重。餐厨废弃油脂经过滤精炼,杂质可以滤除,微生物指标可以合格,水分指标也可以合格,颜色也可以变浅,一切可以看起来很正常,但是,多次加热和氧化所带来的巨大危害是无法去除的。 相似文献