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齐青青  张泽中  高芸 《环境工程》2016,34(4):156-160
为了识别城市化对郑州市水系结构产生的影响,采用变化度方法对郑州市水系结构的主要结构指标进行分析。评价结果表明:郑州市水系结构整体变化度V0为1.705,变化程度达到变异状态。研究成果建议:郑州市生态水系建设不仅要生态治理,扩充水源资源和拓宽水面,而且要借着水系建设之机,进行郑州市生态水系结构的重塑。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,随着经济发展与户籍制度约束的放松,我国出现了大量农村劳动力流向城镇的现象,吸引了学界的广泛关注。本文主要综述关于劳动力流动驱动力及其影响方面的国内外研究。和其他工业化国家一样,我国劳动力流动趋势也与工业化进程相一致,同时与我国不同阶段的国民经济战略相关。劳动力流动的驱动力分为宏观和微观因素,我国宏观经济战略、户籍制度,以及微观个体及其家庭所面临的收入、福利、风险等因素相互交织,共同作用。在劳动力流动与收入差距的关系方面,不同学者分别从劳动力市场供需、商品市场供需和一般均衡模型出发得出了不同的结论。结合中国国情,国内学者一般认为促进劳动力流动有助于缩小城乡差距。在劳动力流动与经济增长的关系方面,二战后,刘易斯、费景汉、拉尼斯和乔根森等人不断发展完善了二元结构模型,80年代后,重视微观基础的新古典主义增长模型兴起,学者开始在此基础上研究劳动力流动与经济增长及经济周期的关系。本文还总结了国内测算劳动力流动对经济增长贡献率的不同方法和结果。对劳动力流动的研究已取得丰硕成果,但我国城镇化和劳动力流动尚有相当大的空间,把农村剩余劳动力全部转移至城镇,会面临更大的制度挑战。如何调整制度,更好地推进这一进程,仍是未来学术研究的一大热点。  相似文献   
日照因"日出初光先照"而得名.地处中国大陆沿海中部、山东半岛南翼,现辖东港区、岚山区、莒县、五莲县、日照经济开发区和山海天旅游度假区.全市陆域面积5310平方公里,总人口283万.近几年,日照市在工业化、城市化进程不断加快的情况下,通过严格执法,加强环境管理,有力的控制了环境污染;通过引导企业大力发展循环经济,增加废弃资源的综合利用,保护生态环境,取得了明显的成效,全市污染物排放总量和入海量呈下降趋势,近岸海域水质稳定在国家一类标准.先后荣获"国家环保模范城市"、"国家卫生城市"、"国家园林城市"、"中国优秀旅游城市"、"全国绿化模范城市"、"全国生态示范市"、"国家可持续发展实验区"、"中国人居环境奖"等荣誉称号.  相似文献   
Rural-urban land conversion is currently a common social economic phenomenon during the process of economic development and rural urbanization in China. Rural-urban land conversion is positively effective as far as social and economic benefits are concerned (Yang, 2002), but its negative effect is also evident, resulting in such problems as low efficiency of rural land configuration and loss of social welfare. Consequently, farmers should also have an equal chance to enjoy the social welfare enhanced by land conversion. Based on the theories of welfare economy, this paper puts forward policy suggestions by discussing the welfare changes of various interest groups, builds the model of welfare distribution, and analyzes the conditions of maximizing social welfare. The absolute and opposite value of social welfare is closely related with the speed of rural-urban land conversion, and governments should give farmers and collectives fair compensation to make up for the utility loss caused by land expropriation, which are conclusions drawn from this paper. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for regulating targets and evaluation criteria, realizing the mechanism and implementation of public polices during rural-urban land conversion.  相似文献   
在Carlino-Mills区域增长模型的基础上,通过引入农地非农化变量,应用两阶段最小二乘法(TSLS)和普通最小二乘法(OLS),利用中国232个地级及以上城市1999年和2005年两个时间段的截面数据,从一个整体的视角分析了人口、就业与土地非农化的关系.分析结果表明:①城市人口与非农就业相互影响,非农就业对城市人口的影响要大于城市人口对非农就业的影响;城市人口与第二产业就业呈正相关关系,而与第三产业就业呈负相关关系;②城市人口和非农就业对农地非农化有显著的正的影响,城市人口对农地非农化的影响要大于非农就业对农地非农化的影响;农地非农化与第二产业就业正相关,与第三产就业负相关;③就业非农化高的地区,农地非农化将有所减缓,人口城市化高的区域,农地非农化则加剧.根据上述研究结果,本文提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   
Along with the economic development and the acceleration of urbanization, urban construction land expands rapidly in China, and has resulted in a series of socio-economic problems. This article summarized the major points of controlling the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land in the academic circle, and analyzed the problems of regulating the expansion of construction land from three aspects. First, this article analyzed the relationships between socio-economic development and urbaniza- tion from the historical viewpoints, and pointed out that the expan- sion of construction land is a historical phenomenon which will be surely appeared in the development of human race. Second, the authors utilized two-sector model to analyze the importance of urbanization in the socio-economic development from the academic angles. At last, the authors utilize four-quadrant model and bidrent curve model to analyze the influence that brought by the strict control of construction land expansion. Through analysis, this article drew some conclusions. First, the expansion of construction land is a phenomenon which will surely appear in the social development. It is impossible to accomplish the national modernization on the basis of dualistic structure between urban and rural areas. Second, under the function of rent gradient gap, strict control of construction land expansion will not only obtain the anticipated effects, but also cause a series of socio-economic problems, such as land-levying contradiction, the appearance of limited property right house, and being dependant on lease instead of expropriation. Third, unreasonable policies and governmental behaviors are the roots of the unchecked and rash expansion of urban construction land. Based on these conclusions, this article proposed that three transformations should be realized to regulate the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land: transfers from quantity regulation to quality regulation, from direct regulation to indirect regulation, and from single-measure regulation to multi-measures regulation.  相似文献   
随着我国城市化进程的飞速发展,新一轮地铁建设热潮正在全国各大城市兴起,目前准备建设和在建的城市有武汉、成都、西安、杭州、沈阳、郑州等,它为促进城市经济和社会的快速发展起到了重要作用。但是,由于地铁深埋地下,环境封闭,人员密集、复杂且流动性大,其通风排烟和人员疏散受到很大制约,一旦发生事故和突发事件,  相似文献   
石小敏 《绿叶》2010,(Z1):101-103
各地搞城市化都是一个模式,拆迁、占地、贷款、土地财政——这种高房价、低收入的城市化模式,全国铺开能解决分配不均?难。重点还是应该在改革上,深化改革才是我们的出路。前30年飞速发展的一大启示是,在中国,大的根本性的制度改革需要自上而下的推动,然而现在那种突破性进展的制度改革基本上看不见了。  相似文献   
旨在研究中国大陆城市化水平的省际差异及其分类。通过对2008年中国大陆31个省(市、自治区)城市化水平的因子分析、聚类分析及内部协调性分析,结果表明大陆地区的城市化发展水平呈现东高西低态势,城市发展走向集群化,城市化发展水平高的省份其内部协调性也高。由分析可知,城市化发展的省际差异是由区位、经济拉动和政策导向3个主要因素影响而成的,进而提出协调发展的对策。  相似文献   
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