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2008年济南市刮起的“美国白蛾风暴”,让无数市民切身体会到了外来物种入侵带来的危害。值得注意的是,从环境法治建构与完善的角度来看,济南市美国白蛾暴发所折射的不单单是某一类害虫的治理防治问题,还应当引发起人们对整个外来物种入侵生态安全问题的思考。灾害暴发后,济南市政府所采取的诸如运用其天敌白蛾周氏啮小蜂进行生物防治,对白蛾幼虫进行有偿回收等制度都收到了很好的效果。但是,从更深层次对这一事件进行反思不难发现,现有防治外来物种入侵法律制度的疏漏与空白才是引发这一事件的始作俑者。因此对于外来物种入侵的治理和防范应该从“末端治理”回归到“源头控制”,即从对现有法律制度漏洞进行查找和填补的角度进行研究才有可能标本兼治,从根本上解决问题。  相似文献   
论述了滨海新区葛沽新农村示范镇建设的重点,预测、分析其在建设过程中可能出现的对农业生产、生态损益、水土流失等生态环境影响问题,并提出预防、减缓、补偿等控制对策。  相似文献   
随着塑料橡胶工业的发展,高新技术与传统产业的融合,橡塑材料的应用已经与人类生活密不可分,其覆盖领域包括汽车、通讯设备、建材、电子电器、包装、体育用品、医疗设备以至航天设备等各行各业。  相似文献   
北京市开展区域水环境合作探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析北京市地表水资源、水环境质量现状及存在的问题,得出生态环境用水严重短缺是制约北京市水环境质量全面改善的根本原因,并对此提出全面加强区域水环境合作、改善北京市水环境的基本思路,及与周边地区开展水环境合作的途径及建议。  相似文献   
<正>位于辽东湾之滨的辽河油田浅海石油开发公司,拥有得天独厚的条件。近年来,正以令人信服的脚步,在"生态浅海"的建设中踏实前行,已经呈现出"风景这边独好"的魅力和生机。  相似文献   
2009科博会中国工业“节能减排科技创新奖”近日在京揭晓。康佳集团、江西华电等20家企业分享了最具影响力企业、市场竞争力产品、最具投资价值项目等奖项。据悉,此次活动是为了促进节能减排科技创新、品牌自主创新和市场竞争能力的快速提升,以榜样力量推动中国工业节能减排科技创新健康、快速发展。  相似文献   
晋陕蒙甘能源开发区基本位于黄河中游粗沙多沙区,水土流失十分严重。在这一区域沙棘的种植实践表明,其改良土壤、保持水土、涵养水源、防风固沙和护路护岸等生态作用十分明显。沙棘各器官的营养价值十分丰富,通过对果、叶、枝等沙棘原料的有序开发,使企业获得了开发利润,农民获得了原料采收等方面的收入,为解决"三农"问题与和谐社会建设指明了新的方向。  相似文献   
Using the concentration gradient and combined pollutant exposure method, the single and joint effects of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) and cadmium (Cd) on polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube, an ecologically keystone species in estuarine and coastal environment, have been investigated. The results indicate that the toxicity of PHCs to P. aibuhitensis is stronger than that of Cd to the organism. There are positive correlations between the mortality of worms and the exposed concentration of single Cd or PHCs in solution. Similarly, the accumulation of Cd or PHCs in worms increased with increasing Cd- or PHC-exposed concentrations. All the correlation relationships can be described using unitary quadratic equations (Y or Z = aX^2 + bX + c). It is calculated, on the basis of these expressions, that the median lethal dose (LC50) ofP aibuhitensis exposed to a single Cd or PHCs is 793.4-13567.3 and 28.0-119.9 μg/L, respectively. The exposed time has some stimulative effect on the two pollutants and on the mortality of the worms. Thus, even a low concentration of a single Cd or PHCs may have strong toxic effects on the worms when the exposed time becomes longer. The accumulation of Cd or PHCs in worms differs with an increase in exposure time at the given exposed concentration of a single Cd or PHCs. Noticeably, the accumulation of PHCs in worms decreases with an increase in exposure time at the given high concentration of PHCs in solution. The joint effect of PHCs and Cd on P. aibuhitensis is very complicated and changes with the exposed concentrations of the two pollutants. At the given concentration of PHCs, the joint toxicity of the two pollutants on the worms changes from synergism to antagonism with an increase in Cd concentration. The accumulation of Cd in the worms significantly decreases with the addition of PHCs to exposure solution.  相似文献   
遥感在生态与环境监测中的主要应用领域   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
遥感是一种以物理手段、数学方法和地学分析为基础的综合应用技术 ,具有宏观、综合、动态和快速的特点。在解决宏观尺度的环境问题时 ,卫星遥感可重复获取多种空间、不同时相和不同波谱分辨率的地球信息 ,是适宜于调查和研究这些主题的唯一的、最有效的工具。本文通过对遥感在环境与生态监测的主要应用领域进行概要阐述 ,旨在抛砖引玉 ,推动遥感在环境与生态监测中的广泛应用。  相似文献   
Ecological effects of crude oil residues on weed rhizospheres are still vague. The quantitative and diversity changes and metabolic responses of soil-bacterial communities in common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), jerusalem artichoke (Silphiurn perfoliatum L.) and evening primrose (A colypha australis L.) rhizospheric soils were thus examined using the method of carbon source utilization. The results indicated that there were various toxic effects of crude oil residues on the growth and reproduction of soil bacteria, but the weed rhizospheres could mitigate the toxic effects. Total heterotrophic counting colony-forming units (CFUs) in the rhizospheric soils were significantly higher than those in the non-rhizospheric soils. The culturable soil-bacterial CFUs in the jerusalem artichoke (S. perfoliatum) rhizosphere polluted with 0.50 kg/pot of crude oil residues were almost twice as much as those with 0.25 kg/pot and without the addition of crude oil residues. The addition of crude oil residues increased the difference in substrate evenness, substrate richness, and substrate diversity between non-rhizospheric and rhizospheric soils of T. officinale and A. australis, but there was no significant (p〉0.05) difference in the Shannon's diversity index between non-rhizospheric and rhizospheric soils of S. perfoliatum. The rhizospheric response of weed species to crude oil residues suggested that S. perfoliatum may be a potential weed species for the effective plant-microorganism bioremediation of contaminated soils by crude oil residues.  相似文献   
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