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生产安全事故应急管理实务及企业安全生产标准化建设培训 为贯彻落实《生产安全事故应急预案管理办法》(国家安监总局令第17号,2009年5月1,日起施行),认真学习国家安监总局办公厅2009年4月印发的《生产经营单位生产安全事故应急预案评审指南(试行)》,积极推进企业安全生产标准化建设,加强企业安全生产管理,提高企事业单位对生产安全事故应急应对能力,完善安全生产事故应急机制管理,掌握应对事故应急处置的有关措施,中国安全生产科学研究院(国家一级培训资质)决定举办“生产安全事故应急管理实务及企业安全生产标准化建设”培训班。  相似文献   
一、研究所简介 职业危害研究所是根据国家安全生产监督管理总局作业场所职业危害监管职能,适应我国职业危害防控新形势成立的集理论研究、应用研究、技术服务、产品开发、标准制修订等于一体的研究所,主要致力于作业场所职业危害防治策略和控制措施等理论与应用性研究、职业危害预防控制相关标准的起草、职业危害信息管理系统的研发、作业场所职业危害风险评估与管理,以及作业场所职业危害预防控制整体方案的设计、评估与改善等。  相似文献   
2009年11月10日,“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目——“特大型梯级水利水电工程安全及高效运行若干关键技术研究”课题六(中国安全生产科学研究院负责)和课题七(中国安全生产科学研究院参与)年度进展工作会议在宜昌中国长江三峡集团公司成功召开。范维澄院士、中国安全生产科学研究院刘铁民院长和张兴凯总工程师到会指导。  相似文献   
杨伟利 《环境》2007,(12):72-74
不久前,记者从中山大学举行的项目投资会上获悉,东莞市正在酝酿出台有关政策,对全市的餐厨垃圾进行统一回收,打击私炼"地沟油"等利用餐厨垃圾牟利的非法行为.东莞市的做法不失为根治非法炼油活动的捷径.  相似文献   
近年来粮食安全受到国家和社会的广泛关注,农地投入作为粮食生产的重要要素,是保障粮食稳定产出的前提。学者就农地规模对农户种粮投入的影响已进行了较多研究,但受农地流转的影响,土地要素更具多样化,土地规模与农户种粮投入的关系发生变化。随着农地流转在我国的快速发展,探析农地流转影响下土地规模对农户种粮投入影响的变化成为一个亟待研究的问题,对保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。考虑到地块的异质性,本文基于山东、河南、安徽三个粮食主产省622户农户1 284个地块的粮食生产数据从村庄和农户两个层次控制了生产要素市场价格、地块要素等非主观因素,进行多层模型回归分析。结果表明,农地流转特征及地块特征对农户粮食生产单位面积投入有显著影响。地块规模和转入地占比对农地投入影响为负,转入地占比越大,地权稳定性越低,农户投入积极性受到挫伤越明显,在转入地上的投入减少。随着转入土地面积的增加,农户从事粮食生产的机会成本增大,使其有更强的动力增加种粮投入,地块规模的负向影响程度降低。基于分析结果,本文得出以下3点结论:(1)规模化经营有利于降低单位面积种粮成本;(2)农地流转发生时,地块规模对种粮投入的影响发生改变,成片规模化经营将成为我国粮食生产的必然趋势;(3)提高土地综合条件可以降低投入成本,并提高农户投入积极性。要保障国家粮食安全,需从降低种粮成本、提高农户收益着手,建议鼓励农村土地流转,推动粮食规模化生产,同时也要注重增加财政拨款,建设高标准粮田,强化高标准粮田的农业基础设施建设,完善田间配套工程。  相似文献   
正"十三五"是中国开创未来的关键时期,是全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段。在十三五规划纲要中,低碳循环经济被明确为企业、产业、园区与社会发展的一个重要目标。循环经济是将物质生产与生活的线性模式转化为"资源—产品—废物—再生资源"的循环型发展模式,目的在于以较少的资源消耗和较低的环境成本,实现社会经济健康持续发展。可以说,发展循环经济是一场深刻的社会变革。它不仅要求社会主产  相似文献   
正环境保护部7月27日在京召开《关于对环境保护领域失信生产经营单位及其有关人员开展联合惩戒的合作备忘录》媒体通气会,介绍备忘录主要内容,回答记者提问。环境保护部副部长黄润秋出席会议并讲话。《关于对环境保护领域失信生产经营单位及其有关人员开展联合惩戒的合作备忘录》由环境保护部会同国家发展改革委、中国人民银行等30个部门联合印发,是环保领域贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于建立和完善失信联合惩戒机制,加快  相似文献   
规模养猪是专业化、集约化生产方式,也是农业产业化经营的发展趋势。如果养猪场产生的大量粪尿得不到妥善处置和充分利用,将对环境产生很大的危害。猪粪尿中含有大量的营养物质和生物质能,以猪粪尿厌氧发酵为纽带,充分利用沼液和沼渣作为发展种植业和渔业的肥料或饲料,形成“农林渔牧”生态农业体系,不仅有效促进农村经济发展、增加农民收入,而且能够保护生态环境、节约资源。剖析了小、中、大3类猪场以沼气建设为纽带发展生态农业的规律、生产模式、系统结构及其效果。结果表明,为了促进规模养猪健康发展,形成“农林渔牧”生态农业体系,养猪专业户必须增强节约资源、保护环境的社会责任感,政府要加强猪场污染物排放的监管,同时制定优惠政策引导和促进猪粪尿资源综合利用。  相似文献   
The methane concentration profile from -1.5m depth in soil to 32m height in air was measured in alpine steppe located in the permafrost area. Methane concentrations showed widely variations both in air and in soil during the study period. The mean concentrations in atmosphere were all higher than those in soil, and the highest methane concentration was found in air at the height of 16m with the lowest concentration occurring at the depth of 1.5m in soil. The variations of atmospheric methane concentrations did not show any clear pattern both temporally and spatially, although they exhibited a more steadystable state than those in soil. During the seasonal variations, the methane concentrations at different depths in soil were significantly correlated (R^2〉0.6) with each other comparing to the weak correlations (R^2〈0.2) between the atmospheric concentra- tions at different heights. Mean methane concentrations in soil significantly decreased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the decreasing production rates and the increasing methane oxidation rates, which was caused by the descent soil moisture with depth. Although the methane concentrations at all depths varied widely during the growing season, they showed very distinct temporal variations in the non-growing season. It was indicated from the literatures that methane oxidation rates were positively correlated with soil temperature. The higher methane concentrations in soil during the winter were determined by the lower methane oxidation rates with decreasing soil temperatures, whereas methane production rates had no reaction to the lower temperature. Relations between methane contribution and other environmental factors were not discussed in this paper for lacking of data, which impulse us to carry out further and more detailed studies in this unique area.  相似文献   
As an important traditional labor-intensive industry of both India and China, the cocoon silk industry has long made great contributions to the ecological environment protection, rural economic development and the increase in export income of both countries. India is not only a very important cocoon silk trading partner, but an important production competitor of China. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the production and trade of the cocoon silk between China and India; however, China relies heavily on Indian market, which leads to a tendency of further deterioration in the silk trade environment between both countries. The present article makes an empirical study of the cocoon silk resources of the two countries and the scale, product mix and market structure of China-Indian silk trade from 2001 to 2007. Overall silk trading volumes from China to India and market concentration rate are on the increase because of the superiority of Chinese cocoon silk production over that of India. Owing to scattered market share and export that mainly focused on raw materials product, there has been a phenomenon of price reduction and quantity increase. India carries out fierce competition with China in the international market and even imposes antidumping sanction on Chinese silk, which are key factors restricting further increase between China-India trade. Based on the abovementioned facts, the authors aim to put forward suggestions for steadily developing the production and trade of China's silk.  相似文献   
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