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采用申报登记和系数核定的方法。对固体废物产生、利用、处置、排放等情况进行全面调查。在综合分析的基础上,依据国家固体废物管理相关规定,确定工业固体废物、生活垃圾、危险废物处理存在的差距和主要环境问题,分析固体废物对环境安全构成威胁的事故隐患,提出固体废物资源化、减量化、无害化和环境安全建设方案。  相似文献   
基于源清单“Nudging”修正方法和XGBoost算法对徐州市2016年12月13个监测站点的PM2.5、PM10、O3、SO2、NO2、CO等6种污染物浓度预报值进行修正,并分析了修正前后模式预报改善效果.在源清单“Nudging”修正部分,本文结合IDW空间插值算法对SO2、NO2、CO等3种污染物浓度预报值进行修正,与修正前后模拟结果相比,采用同化源模拟的预报浓度值与观测值的相关系数提高了0.06~0.27不等,平均绝对误差和均方根误差减少的幅度较为明显,平均相对偏差(MFB)和平均相对误差(MFE)均在理想水平范围内,NO2修正效果最好,其次是SO2和CO.基于XGBoost算法的统计修正部分,本文结合WRF气象预报要素建立统计回归模型,对6种污染物进行统计修正,经滚动修正之后,预报偏低或偏高现象得到很大的改善,除了SO2之外,相关系数均提高到0.6~0.7左右,各项误差统计指标改进幅度非常明显.总体而言,本文采用的两种修正方法对中小尺度空气质量数值预报改进效果非常明显,反映了此优化方案的可行性和科学性.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the application of satellite images to characterize some aspects of the circulation dynamics of the Tinto-Odiel estuary using turbidity patterns as ‘natural tracers’. 15 images (Landsat TM and Spot HRV) were processed to provide synoptic, instantaneous views of the circulation patterns under different environmental conditions. In addition, a comparison was made between results of oceanographic field work, using biplanes and fluorescent tracers, and satellite image turbidity patterns used as ‘ground truth’ data for specific hydroclimatic situations. This approach allowed (1) the identification and mapping of dynamic processes of interest during a theoretical tidal cycle, (2) the elaboration of additional information on the ‘flow schemes’ at the mouth of the estuary with improved spatial and temporal resolution, and (3) the supply of basic data to improve the knowledge of exchange processes between estuarine and coastal waters. The results of this study are considered to be useful for the management of the estuarine system.  相似文献   
对垃圾填埋场渗滤液水处理工艺方案及相关技术进行了分析 ,针对合并处理与单独处理方案本身存在的问题 ,提出以渗滤液回灌技术作为合并处理中预处理工艺 ,削减单独处理方案中生化负荷并加速渗滤液水质稳定化的设想  相似文献   
针对目前应急响应方案存在无法适应区域特征的问题,从柔性的角度出发,提出具有区域针对性的应急响应方案生成方法。通过分析区域应急需求,总结方案中的柔性要素;采用层次网络的方式对应急响应方案进行建模,提出要素和要素之间关系的确定方法,并分共性和个性2部分表示应急响应方案柔性生成框架;模拟地震灾害情景,实现柔性应急响应方案生成方法的案例验证,结果表明:该方法可以反映区域特点,高效有序并有针对性地完成有关突发事件的应对工作。  相似文献   
首都圈是近年来北京沙尘暴天气日益严重的重要沙尘源区之一。研究区中大兴区代表的是华北平原北缘落叶阔叶林灌草丛典型区;怀来县代表的是桑干河、洋河盆地灌木草原典型区;张北县代表的是坝上高原西部干草原典型区。论文通过了解水土资源利用的变化情况,分析水土资源利用现状和存在问题;利用中国资源环境遥感数据库中的土地利用现状、中国1∶1000000土地资源图等数据,以水资源为最重要的限制因素,通过灰色线性规划模型,以防沙治沙和发展经济、实现区域可持续发展为目标,进行水土资源优化配置;结合不同区域水土资源利用的突出问题,将水土资源优化配置方案落实到空间;建立区域水土资源比较合理、有效利用的方案。大兴的重要措施是平原旱耕地转变为中覆盖度草地,怀来是陡坡地退耕,张北是提高草地的覆盖度。  相似文献   
钱资荡是金坛市目前直接饮用水源地,根据环境监测结果,它已处于中营养化后期。借鉴国内外先进的湖泊管理经验,运用系统工程的思想和方法提出了切实可行的金坛市饮用水源地保护方案。该方案由4个工程子系统组成,(1)截污工程:在岸丘桥和南州桥位置各筑一节制闸(而岸丘桥工程又是首选工程),以封住湖泊两头入流,杜绝污染物进入水源地的截污工程;(2)引水工程:是截污工程的配套工程,利用一游长荡 湖来补充水量,并对3个引水工程设想进行了系统分析,推荐涵管方案,同时将长荡湖作为该市战略水源地一并纳入保护体系中;(3)湿地生态处理工程:对进入荡区前的芦苇区进行综合整治,发展以芦苇为主的湿地生态处理工程;(4)环湖绿色自然保护带工程:包括建设围湖芦苇荡、环湖林带、绿色食品基地以及污泥处置。最后还提出了三级水域保护区范围、水域行政管理体系建设以及工程方案分步实施计划。  相似文献   

Objective: Although bus travel is one of the safest modes of transport, a substantial number of bus passengers in London are still injured in collision and harsh maneuver incidents, in particular emergency braking. It is not well understood how these passengers are injured. The objective was to better understand the injury mechanisms and develop countermeasures with a test and assessment procedure to prevent or mitigate these injuries.

Methods: The UK national STATS19 data were used to determine the size of the problem. Data, including CCTV footage, in combination with inspection of current buses, were used to determine injury mechanisms and identify features and areas in buses associated with more injuries.

An assessment system based on visual inspection was developed to encourage a reduction in the number of features associated with injury.

Results: The STATS19 analysis showed that three quarters of all injured casualties occurred in incidents where there was no impact, with this proportion rising for seriously injured casualties. Overrepresentation of older females was also seen.

The CCTV analysis and bus examinations highlighted issues with poorly positioned handrails, lack of compartmentalization (restraint), and objects with sharp edges and corners. It also showed that a much higher proportion of passengers seated in the area close to the middle doors and wheelchair area were injured compared to other areas of the bus. Factors contributing to this result were that this area contained more features associated with injury and that persons with reduced mobility have greater exposure in this area; that is, more vulnerable passengers currently sit in the less safe areas of the bus.

Conclusions: A novel analysis of CCTV footage has enabled a better understanding of injury mechanisms for bus passengers to be developed. In combination with inspection of current buses, this has been used to develop an assessment system to improve the safety of buses in London.  相似文献   
二氧化锰氧化降解五氯酚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵玲  彭平安  黄伟林 《环境科学》2006,27(7):1388-1392
以二氧化锰为氧化剂,研究了pH 4.12的水溶液中五氯酚氧化降解的反应动力学,并讨论了反应溶液的pH对反应动力学的影响.结果表明,五氯酚对二氧化锰的氧化作用具有较强的反应感受性.在pH一定和二氧化锰充分过量的条件下,随着反应的进行,五氯酚的降解速度变慢,遵循的不是简单的准一级反应动力学而是复合的反应动力学.此外,随溶液pH由3.5升高6.6,五氯酚的降解速度发生显著地下降.运用溶剂萃取和气质联用仪的分析方法,检测到2个主产物和1个次产物.其中,次产物是由四氯-1,4-氢醌与四氯儿茶酚组成的混合物;2个主产物是由五氯酚氧自由基偶合而成的二聚体,且是同分异构体.在观测到的表面反应动力学和降解产物的基础上,提出了五氯酚被二氧化锰氧化降解的反应流程图.  相似文献   
Mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture is a key national environmental policy objective in England. With the recent introduction of the new agri-environment scheme, Countryside Stewardship, there is an increased emphasis on the macro-spatial targeting of on-farm mitigation measures to reduce pollutant pressures, and a concomitant need to forecast the technically feasible impacts of on-farm measures detailed in current policy and their associated costs and benefits. This paper reports the results of a modelling application to test these limits in the context of the associated costs and benefits for the reduction of diffuse water pollution from agriculture for each Water Framework Directive (WFD) water management catchment (WMC) and nationally. Four mitigation scenarios were modelled, including pollutant source control measures only (SC), mobilisation control measures only (MC), delivery control measures only (DC) and measures for source, mobilisation and delivery control (SMDC) combined. Projected impacts on nitrate, phosphorus and sediment export to water, ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide emissions to the atmosphere, together with the associated costs to the agricultural sector were estimated for each WFD WMC and nationally. Median WMC-scale reductions (with uncertainty ranges represented by 5th–95th percentiles) in current agricultural emissions, were predicted to be highest for the SMDC scenario; nitrate (18%, 11–23%), phosphorus (28%, 22–37%), sediment (25%, 18–43%), ammonia (26%, 17–32%), methane (13%, 7–18%) and nitrous oxide (18%, 16–20%). The median benefit-to-cost ratios (with uncertainty ranges represented by 5th–95th percentiles) were predicted to be in the following order; DC (0.15, 0.09–0.65), MC (0.19, 0.09–0.95), SMDC (0.31, 0.20–1.39) and SC (0.44, 0.19–2.48). Of the four scenarios simulated, the SC and SMDC suites of measures have the greatest potential to deliver reductions in BAU emissions from agriculture, and the best benefit:cost ratio.  相似文献   
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