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《Chemistry and Ecology》2006,22(6):479-488
Tin concentrations were determined in surface and core sediments from three hot spots along the Alexandria coast, namely: Abu-Qir Bay, Eastern Harbour, and Western Harbour. The mean concentrations in surface sediment were 2.434, 3.212, and 5.572 μg/g dry weight for Abu-Qir Bay, Eastern Harbour, and Western Harbour, respectively. A sharp decrease in tin level in core sediments with depth was observed in almost all locations except for core 4 in Abu-Qir Bay and core 17 in the Eastern Harbour, where the sub-sample at the 5 cm level recorded the highest tin concentrations. 相似文献
Bunge Michael Khknen Mika A. Rmisch Winfried Opel Matthias Vogler Susanne Walkow Fred Salkinoja-Salonen Mirja Lechner Ute 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2007,14(1):3-10
Background, Aims and Scope Sediments of the Spittelwasser creek are highly polluted with organic compounds and heavy metals due to the discharge of untreated
waste waters from the industrial region of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany over the course of more than one century. However, relatively
few data have been published about the chloroorganic contamination of the sediment. This paper reports on the content of different
(chloro)organic compounds with special emphasis on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), and chlorobenzenes. Existing concepts for the remediation of Spittelwasser sediment include
the investigation of natural attenuation processes, which largely depend on the presence of an intact microbial food web.
In order to gain more insight in terms of biological activity, we analyzed the capacity of sediment microflora to degrade
organic matter by measuring the activities of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes involved in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon,
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Furthermore, the detection of physiologically active bacteria in the sediment, particularly
of those known for their capability to reductively dehalogenate organochlorine compounds, illustrates the potential for intrinsic
bioremediation processes.
Methods PCDD/F and chlorobenzenes were analyzed by gas chromatography(GC)/mass spectrometry and GC/flame ionization detection, respectively.
The activities of hydrolytic enzymes were determined from freshly sampled sediment layers using 4-methylumbelliferyl (MUF)
or 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-conjugated model compounds and kinetic fluorescence measurements. Physiologically active bacteria
from different sediment layers were microscopically visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Specific bacteria were identified by 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing.
Results and Discussion The PCDD/F congener profile was dominated by dibenzofurans. In addition, the presence of specific tetra and pentachlorinated
dibenzofurans supported the assumption that extensive magnesium production was one possible source for the high contamination.
A range of other chloroorganic compounds, including several isomers of chlorobenzenes, hexachlorocyclohexane and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis
(p-chloro-phenyl)ethane (DDT), was present in the sediment. Activities of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes showed a strong
decrease in those sediment layers that were characterized by high contents of absorbable organic halogen (AOX), indicating
disturbed organic matter decay. Interestingly, an abnormal increase of cellulolytic enzyme activities below the organochlorine-rich
layers was observed, possibly caused by residual cellulose from discharges of sulfite pulping wastes. FISH revealed physiologically
active bacteria in most sediment layers from the surface down to the depth of about 60 cm, including members of Desulfitobacterium (D.) and Sulfurospirillum. The presence of D. dehalogenans was confirmed by its partial 16S rRNA gene sequence.
Conclusions Results of chemical sediment analyses demonstrated high loads of organochlorine compounds, particularly of PCDD/F. Several
years after stopping the waste water discharge to Spittelwasser creek, this sediment remains a main source for pollution of
the downstream river system by way of the ongoing mobilization of sediment during high floods. As indicated by our enzyme
activity measurements, the decomposition potential for organic matter is low in organochlorine-rich sediment layers. In contrast,
the comparably higher enzyme activities in less organochlorine-polluted sediment layers as well as the presence of physiologically
active bacteria suggest a considerable potential for natural attenuation.
Recommendations and Perspectives From our data we strongly recommend to explore the degradative capacity of sediment microorganisms and the limits for in situ activity towards specific sediment pollutants in more detail. This will give a sound basis for the integration of bioremediation
approaches into general concepts to reduce the risk that permanently radiates from this highly contaminated sediment.
Submission Editor: Dr. Henner Hollert (Henner.Hollert@urz.uniheidelberg.de) 相似文献
本文主要介绍了用~(210)Pb─~(210)Bi法测定海洋现代沉积速率和数据处理方法的研究。该方法测定的结果与~(210)Pb─~(210)Po法和阴离子交换-EDTA纯化-硫酸钡镭沉淀-α计数法(简称~(226)Ra法)以及厦门大学海洋系经研究改进的分离、纯化~(210)Pb的离子交换法的测定结果相当吻合。 相似文献
Jerry R. Miller Mark Lord Steven Yurkovich Gail Mackin Lawrence Kolenbrander 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2005,41(5):1053-1075
Sedimentation rates and sediment provenance were examined for lacustrine sediments deposited in Fairfield Lake, western North Carolina, during the past 111 years. Stratigraphic, radionuclide, and cartographic data indicate that sedimentation rates have increased several fold during the past three decades in response to localized development. The magnitude of increased sedimentation was surprising given limited development within the basin: 0.12 to 0.68 buildings/ha in 2000 in those parts directly delivering sediment to the dated cores. Thus, the analysis illustrates the potential sensitivity of watersheds in the southern Appalachians to changes in land cover. An approach that combined geochemical fingerprinting with sediment mixing models was subsequently evaluated to determine its ability to accurately estimate the contribution of sediment from (1) major bedrock formations that underlie the watershed and (2) potential sources associated with four land cover categories. Sediment sources in both analyses proved difficult to geochemically fingerprint to greater than 90 percent accuracy using data on acid‐soluble metals and selected isotopes of lead (Pb). The relative contributions of sediment from delineated sources, estimated by the mixing models, generally corresponded with known temporal and spatial patterns of land cover. However, the models were plagued by two significant problems — the chemical alteration of sediments as they were transported through upland streams to depositional sites within the lake and the loss of elemental mass. Thus, future investigations using the fingerprinting approach in this area of intense weathering, and presumably others, will need to modify the existing methods to more accurately elucidate changes in sediment provenance related to development. 相似文献
滇池污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施后环境效益评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对滇池草海污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施前后水质、底质及水生生物的监测和分析,评价工程实施后对改善草海水质,减轻内源负荷及对水生态恢复的环境效益。结果表明,疏浚工程直接去除了草海污染底泥层,随污染层分别去除TN、TP20 538 t和1 716 t。疏浚后草海水体透明度由0.37 m提高到0.80 m,水体中的TN和TP由疏挖前的8.91 mg/L和1.07 mg/L降低到疏挖后的8.15 mg/L和0.69 mg/L。疏浚后新生界面层促使形成新的水—沉积物的平衡,水质与底质条件改善以及水下光照条件超过沉水植物恢复的需求,是疏浚后水生态呈现恢复趋势的机理。 相似文献
不同粒径泥沙理化特性对磷吸附过程的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以北京大兴南海子湖表层沉积物为研究对象,测试分析了0.147~0.246 mm(细砂)、0.074~0.147 mm(极细砂)、0.0385~0.0740 mm(粉粒)和<0.0385 mm(粉粒粘粒混合物)4种粒径泥沙对磷的吸附行为,并采用相关分析及逐步回归分析探讨不同粒径沉积物中有机质(OM)、Fe、Al、Ca、Mn和TP含量对磷吸附过程的影响。结果表明,二级动力学方程和Langmuir模型能较好地描述南海子不同粒径泥沙的吸附动力学及等温吸附过程(R2>0.90)。粒径对单位质量泥沙吸附磷量具有明显影响,粉粒粘粒混合物>粉粒>细砂>极细砂。总体上,泥沙有机质(OM)、TP、Fe、Al、Ca和Mn含量随粒径的减小而增大,且粘粒对其影响较大。不同粒径泥沙(OM)、Fe、Al、Ca和Mn含量之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),且均对单位质量泥沙最大吸附量(Xm)和饱和吸附量(Cse)具有正效应,其中Al含量对该参数的影响更为显著。这说明泥沙对磷的吸附行为可能受到粒径和化学成分的共同影响。 相似文献
药品和个人护理用品(Pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs)在环境中广泛存在,威胁生态环境和人类健康,受到越来越多的关注.本文综述了固体基底中PPCPs的检测方法,总结了国内外污泥、土壤、沉积物等基底中PPCPs的污染现状,并对PPCPs的进一步研究进行了展望.结果表明,PPCPs的检测方法朝多样化和趋优化的方向发展.污泥样品中PPCPs种类多、浓度高(μg·kg-1—mg·kg-1),土壤和沉积物中虽然浓度不高,但是总量不可小觑.目前,固体基底中的PPCPs还需要更全面和更广泛的研究. 相似文献
采用气相色谱质谱法测定了太湖沉积物柱状样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)含量,探讨了沉积柱中有机氯农药的垂直变化特征及可能的来源.研究结果表明:沉积柱中OCPs浓度为0.88 4.73 ngg-1(干重),平均值为2.17 ngg-1;DDTs 、HCHs、六氯苯的残留量均较高,其中 DDTs为0.101.32 ngg-1,平均值为0.57 ngg-1;HCHs的浓度为0.251.99 ngg-1,平均值为0.65 ngg-1;六氯苯为0.501.35 ngg-1,平均值为0.92 ngg-1.3个湖湾的沉积柱表层DDTs含量最高,有明显的表面富集现象,成分分析表明,太湖可能着存在着DDTs类物质的输入. 相似文献
太湖贡湖湾是无锡和苏州重要的水源地,对其周边主要入湖河流的重金属含量进行调研,并对生态风险进行评价十分必要。通过分析环贡湖湾主要河流表层沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Cd、Ni金属元素的含量特征,利用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价其生态危害,同时考察了重金属间的相关性,旨在为预防和治理贡湖湾重金属污染提供科学依据。研究结果表明,各重金属元素含量平均值为w(Cu):(36.26±1.21)mg/kg,w(Zn):(116.53±7.01)mg/kg,w(Pb):(90.76±2.39)mg/kg,w(Cr):(76.46±3.48)mg/kg,w(Cd):(3.22±0.11)mg/kg,w(Ni):(34.04±2.19)mg/kg,通过对比《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-1995)和沉积物重金属环境背景值,发现贡湖湾周边河流的主要污染是元素Cd和Pb。由潜在生态危害指数RI可知,4号点位(小溪港河口)污染最重,达到强生态危害。单因子潜在危害系数值表明各点位表层沉积物主要生态风险因子是元素Cd,达到中等危害程度。各元素生态风险影响程度从高到低依次为:Cd> Pb> Cu> Ni> Zn> Cr。生态修复工程对重金属生态危害降低起到了一定的作用,但是小溪港流域的变化较小;重金属相关分析表明,Cu-Cr,Zn-Pb之间呈极显著正相关的关系(R2<0.01),具有较好的同源性。 相似文献
对上海淀山湖代表性表层沉积物中的重金属、磷、PAHs及OCPs等典型污染物质进行了分析和风险评价。其中总磷含量范围为1 072~1 229 mg/kg,以无机磷为主,生物可利用磷含量较高,对水体富营养化具有潜在的威胁。重金属Cu、Cr、Zn、Pb的平均含量分别为25.5、34.1、244.5、32.2 mg/kg,污染程度大小依次为ZnPbCuCr,潜在生态风险程度依次为PbCuZnCr。∑PAHs、∑OCPs含量范围分别为617.1~843.2 ng/g以及22.03~28.94 ng/g,风险结果表明PAHs和大部分OCPs均未超出ERL值,生态风险水平低。 相似文献