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Globally, anthropogenic land-cover change has been dramatic over the last few centuries and is frequently invoked as a major cause of wildlife population declines. Baseline data currently used to assess population trends, however, began well after major changes to the landscape. In the United States and Canada, breeding bird population trends are assessed by the North American Breeding Bird Survey, which began in the 1960s. Estimates of distribution and abundance prior to major habitat alteration would add historical perspective to contemporary trends and allow for historically based conservation targets. We used a hindcasting framework to estimate change in distribution and abundance of 7 bird species in the Willamette Valley, Oregon (United States). After reconciling classification schemes of current and 1850s reconstructed land cover, we used multiscale species distribution models and hierarchical distance sampling models to predict spatially explicit densities in the modern and historical landscapes. We estimated that since the 1850s, White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) and Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) populations, 2 species sensitive to fragmentation of oak woodlands and grasslands, declined by 93% and 97%, respectively. Five other species we estimated nearly stable or increasing populations, despite steep regional declines since the 1960s. Based on these estimates, we developed historically based conservation targets for amount of habitat, population, and density for each species. Hindcasted reconstructions provide historical perspective for assessing contemporary trends and allow for historically based conservation targets that can inform current management.  相似文献   
The populations of many North American landbirds are showing signs of declining. Gathering information on breeding productivity allows critical assessment of population performance and helps identify good habitat-management practices. He (Biometrics (2003) 59 962–973) proposed a Bayesian model to estimate the age-specific nest survival rates. The model allows irregular visiting schedule under the assumption that the observed nests have homogeneous nest survival. Because nest survival studies are often conducted in different sites and time periods, it is not realistic to assume homogeneous nest survival. In this paper, we extend He’s model by incorporating these factors as categorical covariates. The simulation results show that the Bayesian hierarchical model can produce satisfactory estimates on nest survival and capture different factor effects. Finally the model is applied to a Missouri red-winged blackbird data set.  相似文献   
During the 1980s, the exponential growth of laughing gull (Larus atricilla) colonies, from 15 to about 7600 nests in 1990, in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and a correlated increase in the bird-strike rate at nearby John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York City) led to a controversy between wildlife and airport managers over the elimination of the colonies. In this paper, we review data to evaluate if: (1) the colonies have increased the level of risk to the flying public; (2) on-colony population control would reduce the presence of gulls, and subsequently bird strikes, at the airport; and (3) all on-airport management alternatives have been adequately implemented. Since 1979, most (2987, 87%) of the 3444 bird strikes (number of aircraft struck) were actually bird carcasses found near runways (cause of death unknown but assumed to be bird strikes by definition). Of the 457 pilot-reported strikes (mean = 23 ± 6 aircraft/yr, N= 20 years), 78 (17%) involved laughing gulls. Since a gull-shooting program was initiated on airport property in 1991, over 50,000 adult laughing gulls have been killed and the number of reported bird strikes involving laughing gulls has declined from 6.9 ± 2.9 (1983–1990) to 2.6 ± 1.3 (1991–1998) aircraft/yr; nongull reported bird strikes, however, have more than doubled (6.4 ± 2.6, 1983–1990; 14.9 ± 5.1, 1991–1998). We found no evidence to indicate that on-colony management would yield a reduction of bird strikes at Kennedy Airport. Dietary and mark–recapture studies suggest that 60%–90% of the laughing gulls collected on-airport were either failed breeders and/or nonbreeding birds. We argue that the Jamaica Bay laughing gull colonies, the only ones in New York State, should not be managed at least until all on-airport management alternatives have been properly implemented and demonstrated to be ineffective at reducing bird strikes, including habitat alterations and increasing the capability of the bird control unit to eliminate bird flocks on-airport using nonlethal bird dispersal techniques. Because the gull-shooting program may be resulting in a nonsustainable regional population of laughing gulls (>30% decline), we also recommend that attempts be made to initiate an experimental colony elsewhere on Long Island to determine if colony relocation is a feasible management option.  相似文献   
This paper develops a comprehensive and objective picture of bird distributions relative to habitats across Britain. Bird species presence/absence data from an extensive field survey and habitat data from the remotely sensed UK Land Cover Map 2000 were analysed in 36,920 tetrads (2 kmx2 km) across Britain (a 65% sample of Britain's c. 240,000 km2). Cluster analysis linked birds to generalised landscapes based on distinctive habitat assemblages. Maps of the clusters showed strong regional patterns associated with the habitat assemblages. Cluster centroid coordinates for each bird species and each habitat were combined across clusters to derive individualised bird-habitat preference indices and examine the importance of individual habitats for each bird species. Even rare species and scarce habitats showed successful linkages. Results were assessed against published accounts of bird-habitat relations. Objective corroboration strongly supported the associations. Relatively scarce coastal and wetland habitats proved particularly important for many birds. However, extensive arable farmland and woodland habitats were also favoured by many species, despite reported declines in bird numbers in these habitats. The fact that habitat-specialists do not or cannot move habitat is perhaps a reason for declining numbers where habitats have become unsuitable. This study showed that there are unifying principles determining bird-habitat relations which apply and can be quantified at the national scale, and which corroborate and complement the cumulative knowledge of many and varied surveys and ecological studies. This 'generality' suggests that we may be able, reliably and objectively, to integrate and scale up such disparate studies to the national scale, using this generalised framework. It also suggests the potential for a landscape ecology approach to bird-habitat analyses. Such developments will be important steps in building models to develop and test the sustainable management of landscapes for birds.  相似文献   
How and when migrants integrate directional information from different sources may depend not only on the bird’s internal state, including fat stores, but also on the ecological context during passage. We designed experiments to (1) examine the influence of stored fat on the decision to migrate and on the choice of migratory direction and (2) investigate how the integration of orientation cue information is tied to energetic status in relation to migration across an ecological barrier. Migratory orientation of red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus) at twilight was recorded using two different techniques, orientation cage experiments and free-flight release tests, during both fall and spring migration. During fall migration, the amount of stored fat proved decisive for directional selections of the vireos. Fat birds chose directions in accordance with migration across the Gulf of Mexico. Lean birds oriented either parallel to the coast line (cage tests) or moved inland (free-flight releases). Whereas only fat birds showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field, lean birds displayed a tendency to shift their activity in the expected direction, making it difficult to evaluate the prediction that use of the magnetic compass is context dependent. Fat loads also had a significant effect on the decision to migrate, i.e., fat individuals were more likely to embark on migration than were lean birds (true for both cage and release experiments). During spring migration, a majority of experimental subjects were classified as lean, following their arrival after crossing the Gulf of Mexico, and oriented in seasonally appropriate directions. The vireos also showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field regardless of their energetic status. Free-flight release experiments during spring migration revealed a significant difference in mean directions between clear sky and overcast tests. The difference may indicate a compensatory response to wind drift or possibly a need for celestial cues to calibrate the magnetic compass. Finally, this is the first demonstration of magnetic compass orientation in a North American vireo. Received: 15 December 1995/Accepted after revision: 24 March 1996  相似文献   
Food restrictions early in life can have adverse effects on the development of adult avian song structure. Nutritional deficiencies during brain development are thought to impair the growth of neural circuits responsible for learning and production of song in adulthood. Thus, the quality of song may reflect the quality of the singer due to the costs associated with neural development early in life. Recent investigations have focused on domesticated laboratory strains of zebra finches where early dietary deficiencies have significantly reduced the complexity of song and its sexual attractiveness. Domesticated zebra finches may be more sensitive to the early effects of moderate under-nutrition on song complexity than their non-domesticated counterparts. In an aviary experiment with non-domesticated zebra finch stock, we found that song complexity when measured by a linear combination of six variables was reduced in food-restricted birds, with syllable rate and maximum syllable frequency as the principal variables affected. The restriction had no effect on learning accuracy when song phrases of experimental birds were compared to those of their fathers.This result demonstrates that early nutrition may differentially affect the development of neural processes that influence learning accuracy and song complexity. While the finding of negative effects of dietary restriction on song complexity is robust for zebra finches and is not an artefact of domestication, it does not explain why some nutritionally stressed populations of wild zebra finches have more complex songs than those from other regions of Australia characterised by greater food availability.  相似文献   
植物保护品在农作物上的使用会导致鸟类和哺乳动物接触有毒化学物质。在欧盟,关于此类暴露的风险评估均以当前(2009)欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)颁布的指导性文件为依据,与之前的版本相比,该文件在理论风险评估的可实现性方面有所提高(SANCO/4145/2000)。自从7年前实施2009 EFSA 指导性文件以来,基于此已经对众多植物保护品的毒性进行了成功地评估。然而,在今后的修订版本中仍然存在需要改进的重要方面。这篇焦点文章讨论了目前方案的风险评估经验,包括输入参数的保守水平和监管当局的解释以及如何在不远的将来对指导性文件进行修订提出建议。明确了推进指导文件的几方面建议,例如与生态相关的鸟类和哺乳动物生殖端点的推导和情境风险评估中建模方法的使用。在完善现有数据库方面,本文也有所强调,包括校对全欧洲相关焦点物种和扩大食物残留数据库。为了能够在将来形成一个真实可用的指导性文件,强烈建议在产业、监管和欧洲食品安全局等部门之间进行开放和建设性的沟通和交流。这样的合作也将鼓励会员国之间的融合,从而减轻产业和监管机构工作负荷。
精选自Amy C. Brooks, Mike Fryer, Alan Lawrence, Juan Pascual, Rachel Sharp. Reflections on bird and mammal risk assessment for plant protection products in the European Union: past, present and future. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 565–575, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3719
对豫东黄河故道湿地鸟类自然保护区现状进行了调查,并提出了生态保护规划。  相似文献   
Dry atmospheric deposition contributes a significant amount of phosphorus to the Everglades of South Florida. Measurement of this deposition is problematic, because samples often are contaminated to varying degrees by bird droppings and other foreign materials. This study attempted to detect and remove the outliers in phosphorus (P) flux rates measured from dry deposition samples. Visual inspection of the samples, recorded in field notes, found that 30.1% of the samples contained animal droppings and frogs. Some of the samples with droppings and frogs (2.3%) had P values greater than 884 μg P m−2 d−1 (a value twice the standard deviation of the raw data mean), and were removed from further analysis. Outlier detection statistics based on a linear regression were then used for additional data screening. Eight stations in the network of 19 were removed because high contamination precluded the use of the regression model. Of the remaining samples, 15.7% were identified through the regression procedure as contaminated and were removed. The 11 station mean for P dry deposition was 85.8±79.0 μg P m−2 d−1, prior to the regression analysis, and 74.8±75.1 μg P m−2 d−1 after removal.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the impact of small boat traffic on reaction distances of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus), in the marine waters of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, British Columbia, Canada. Observers on moving boats recorded the minimum distance the boat came to murrelets on the water, and any disturbance reaction (fly, dive, no reaction). Out of the 7500 interactions 11.7% flew, 30.8% dove and 58.1% exhibited no flushing reaction. Using a product-limit analysis, we developed curves for the proportion of Marbled Murrelets flushing (dive or flight) as a function of reaction distance. Overall, the majority of Marbled Murrelets waited until boats were within 40 m before reacting, with 25% of the population reacting at 29.2m. A stepwise Cox regression indicated that age, boat speed, and boat density (loaded in that order), significantly affected flushing response. More juveniles flushed than adults (70.1 versus 51.7%), but at closer distances. Faster boats caused a greater proportion of birds to flush, and at further distances (25% of birds flushed at 40 m at speeds > 29 kph versus 28m at speeds <12kph). A stepwise logistic regression on diving and flight responses indicated that birds tended to fly completely out of feeding areas at the approach of boats travelling >28.8 kph and later in the season (July and August). Other secondary variables included; boat density and time of day. Discussion focused on possible management actions such as the application of speed limits, set back distances, and exclusion of boat traffic to protect Marbled Murrelets.  相似文献   
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