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Abstract: Over the past 35 years, a trend of decreasing water clarity has been documented in Lake Tahoe, attributable in part to the delivery of fine‐grained sediments emanating from upland and channel sources. The overall objective of the research reported here was to determine the amount of fine sediment delivered to Lake Tahoe from each of the 63 contributing watersheds. The research described in this report used combinations of field‐based observations of channel and bank stability with measured and simulated data on fine‐sediment loadings to estimate fine‐sediment loadings from unmonitored basins throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin. Loadings were expressed in the conventional format of mass per unit time but also in the number of particles finer than 20 μm, the latter for future use in a lake‐clarity model. The greatest contributors of fine sediment happened to be those with measured data, not requiring extrapolation. In descending order, they are as follows: Upper Truckee River [1,010 tonnes per year (T/year)], Blackwood Creek (846 T/year), Trout Creek (462 T/year), and Ward Creek (412 T/year). Summing estimated values from the contributing watersheds provided an average, annual estimate of fine‐sediment (<0.063 mm) loadings to the lake of 5,206 T/year. A total of 7.79E + 19 particles in the 5‐20 μm fraction were calculated to enter Lake Tahoe in an average year with the Upper Truckee River accounting for almost 25% of the total. Contributions from Blackwood, Ward, Trout, and Third creeks account for another 23% of these very fine particles. Thus, these five streams making up about 40% of the basin area, account for almost 50% of all fine‐sediment loadings to the lake. Contribution of fine sediment from streambank erosion were estimated by developing empirical relations between measured or simulated bank‐erosion rates with a field‐based measure of the extent of bank instability along given streams. An average, annual fine‐sediment loading from streambank erosion of 1,305 T/year was calculated. This represents about 25% of the average, annual fine‐sediment load delivered to the lake from all sources. The two largest contributors, the Upper Truckee River (639 T/year) and Blackwood Creek (431 T/year), account for slightly more than 80% of all fines emanating from streambanks, representing about 20% of the fine sediment delivered to Lake Tahoe from all sources. Extrapolations of fine‐sediment loadings to the unmonitored watersheds are based on documented empirical relations, yet contain a significant amount of uncertainty. Except for those values derived directly from measured data, reported results should be considered as estimates.  相似文献   
We sutdied the application of the bacteria Azotobacter vinellandi on the treatment of effluents from pulp and paper industry. Two types of treatment employing this microorganism were studied: biological treatment isolated and combined with stages of pre- or post-treatment using ozonation or photocatalysis processes. In the biological treatment, the siderophores production by A. vinellandi had a major effect on the efficiency of effluents degradation. Among the different combined treatments, the best results were obtained with the photocatalytic pre-treatment.  相似文献   
According to the research from FM Global (Factory Mutual Insurance Company), most of the incidents that have occurred in semiconductor plants in the past two decades were reported as “Fire Cases”. They claim that the fires in wet chemical cleaning processes were mainly caused by heater failure. However, depending on the process conditions, electrical heaters are designed to turn off automatically when the temperature reaches a set point. Therefore, a thorough study of the situations related to possible fires in wet chemical cleaning processes is necessary.

This study focused on the incompatible behaviors of cleaning materials used in the wet bench stage. These results can be applied to determine the causes of fires in the wet bench stage from using reactive chemicals for cleaning purposes.

Another purpose of this study was to investigate the potential hazards of widely used chemicals (hydrogen peroxide, concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and isopropyl alcohol) within similar processes in semiconductor plants. Experimental data were also verified in order to establish a concentration triangular diagram, which could be used to identify a combustion, deflagration or even detonation zone. Finally, this study can provide basic design data for an inherently safer process to avoid potential hazards caused by dangerous mixtures, which may result in large property loss in semiconductor plants.  相似文献   

为了追求更好的森林管理效果,对相关森林政策的实施,不是仅仅停留在传统的狭义的行政管理部门上,同时还要涉及到经营者、市民以及当地居民等利益相关者,使他们都要以相互协调的方式参与到森林管理当中来.它是建立在一定的森林价值现基础上,基于科学原理并突破以往的技术层面而对森林进行的一系列更加合理的管理措施体系.本文以日本神奈川县的林业政策形成过程为例对森林治理问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   
以风干电镀污泥为电动处理试验材料,水为阳极电解液,柠檬酸-柠檬酸铵缓冲液为阴极电解液,施加25 V直流电压条件下电动运行5 d,研究了水、低浓度木钙和硝酸等预处理对电镀污泥电动过程的影响。结果表明,各处理的阴极电解液pH值变化平稳,都维持在3-3.5较理想的范围。而1%木钙、1%硝酸饱和预处理电镀污泥,明显改变了电动过程中电渗流和电流密度的大小,对电镀污泥Cu、Ni的去除率也有明显增加。其中,木钙、硝酸预处理后对Cu的去除率由对照的13.24%分别提高到19.05%和25.55%,即去除量分别增大3 516.35 mg/kg和7 457.62 mg/kg;木钙、硝酸预处理后对Ni的去除率由对照的14.68%分别提高到16.47%和28.85%,即去除量分别增大800.91 mg/kg和6 359.92 mg/kg。  相似文献   
中国工业过程大气铅排放特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
依据典型行业活动水平数据和排放因子,采用"自下而上"排放因子法构建了2000—2010年我国有色金属冶炼、钢铁冶炼、建筑材料生产和铅酸电池生产等工业生产过程大气铅(Pb)排放清单.结果显示,我国工业过程大气Pb排放呈逐年递增趋势,年均增长率为12.5%,2010年排放量高达14920.47t;有色金属冶炼过程为大气Pb的主要来源,比重高达66.7%,其中,铅冶炼过程对整个工业过程的Pb排放贡献达到29.0%.钢铁烧结过程大气Pb排放仅次于有色金属冶炼过程,排放贡献率达23.1%,其排放主要来源于粗钢冶炼.另外,由于产业集中度低和控制技术相对落后,导致建材生产行业和铅酸电池生产过程排放对周边的环境影响也不容忽视.受矿产资源分布不均及产业布局等因素影响,我国工业过程大气Pb排放地区分布差异明显,主要集中在湖南、河南、云南、河北和江西等省份.  相似文献   
Amanda Guidero 《Disasters》2022,46(1):162-184
Attacks against humanitarian aid workers have received increasing attention in the media, particularly high-profile incidents such as those against the hospitals of Médecins Sans Frontières in Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Concurrently, scholarly research has given rise to a number of articles, white papers, and books on humanitarian insecurity. Most of this work centres on external threats, neglecting the internal mechanisms that humanitarian organisations use to mitigate security situations. This paper builds on the existing literature by focusing on the decision-making processes of humanitarian organisations, drawing on data collected from 16 security managers or advisers. The findings reveal that several factors contribute to contextual uncertainty and complexity, including recipient perceptions, local government actions, the behaviour of other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the area, logistical issues, risk variance within a single location, and organisational mandate. Furthermore, the results indicate that NGOs utilise a combination of decision-making processes to determine how to manage security in high-risk environments.  相似文献   
污水生物处理系统中内源过程的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
污水生物处理系统的内源过程涉及到一系列微生物学、生态学机制和过程,因而对处理系统的各个方面都有重要影响.然而-目前对内源过程的认识还相当有限.本文首先在总结现有知识的基础上对污水生物处理系统中的内源过程作了定义,并对其区分为细胞和群落两个水平-随后,分别对内源过程中的细胞维持、解偶联、程序化细胞死亡、饥饿状态、高等微生物捕食等过程作了综述,总结了其在污水生物处理领域的研究进展.此外.文章还概述了细胞维持能量和细胞衰减速率的测定方法及其研究进展和存在的问题.本文的目的是通过综述现有的知识,推动对污水生物处理系统中内源过程研究的进一步发展.  相似文献   
A field study was conducted in the Taihu Lake region, China in 2004 to reveal the organochlorine pesticide concentrations in soils after the ban of these substances in the year 1983. Thirteen organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were analyzed in soils from paddy field, tree land and fallow land. Total organochlorine pesticide residues were higher in agricultural soils than in uncultivated fallow land soils. Among all the pesticides, ΣDDX (DDD, DDE and DDT) had the highest concentration for all the soil samples, ranging from 3.10 ng/g to 166.55 ng/g with a mean value of 57.04 ng/g and followed by ΣHCH, ranging from 0.73 ng/g to 60.97 ng/g with a mean value of 24.06 ng/g. Dieldrin, endrin, HCB and α-endosulfan were also found in soils with less than 15 ng/g. Ratios of p,p'-(DDD DDE)/DDT in soils under three land usages were: paddy field > tree land > fallow land, indicating that land usage inlfuenced the degradation of DDT in soils. Ratios of p,p'-(DDD DDE)/DDT >1, showing aged residues of DDTs in soils of the Taihu Lake region. The results were discussed with data from a former study that showed very low actual concentrations of HCH and DDT in soils in the Taihu Lake region, but according to the chemical half-lives and their concentrations in soils in 1980s, the concentration of DDT in soils seemed to be underestimated. In any case our data show that the ban on the use of HCH and DDT resulted in a tremendous reduction of these pesticide residues in soils, but there are still high amounts of pesticide residues in soils, which need more remediation processes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Community‐based natural resource conservation programs in developing nations face many implementation challenges underpinned by social‐psychological mechanisms. One challenge is garnering local support in an economically and socially sustainable fashion despite economic hardship and historical alienation from local resources. Unfortunately, conservationists' limited understanding of the social‐psychological mechanisms underlying participatory conservation impedes the search for appropriate solutions. We address this issue by revealing key underlying social‐psychological mechanisms of participatory conservation. Different administrative designs create social atmospheres that differentially affect endorsement of conservation goals. Certain forms of endorsement may be less effective motivators and less economically and socially sustainable than others. From a literature review we found that conservation initiatives endorsed primarily for nonautonomous instrumental reasons, such as to avoid economic fines or to secure economic rewards, are less motivating than those endorsed for autonomous reasons, such as for the opportunity for personal expression and growth. We suggest that successful participatory programs promote autonomous endorsement of conservation through an administrative framework of autonomy support—free and open democratic participation in management, substantive recognition and inclusion of local stakeholder identity, and respectful, noncoercive social interaction. This framework of the autonomy‐supportive environment (self‐determination theory) has important implications for future research into program design and incentive‐based conservation and identifies a testable social‐psychological theory of conservancy motivation.  相似文献   
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