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Reaction zone structures and propagation mechanisms of two representative flames established in stearic acid (CH3(CH2)16CO2H) particle clouds have been investigated. The reacting zone structure was examined by using a micro-electrostatic probe and a high-speed schlieren system. A distinct difference was observed in the ion current fluctuations recorded across the two representative flames propagating through the clouds of the same total mass density of particles and different mass densities of the particles smaller than 60 μm in diameter. When the mass density of smaller particles was high, a single peak was recorded in the ion current fluctuation. On the other hand, when the mass density of smaller particles was low, multi-peaks of various heights and widths were recorded. In the former case, the single peak was considered to be attributable to a unitary and a relatively thin flame started burning in vapor generated by the evaporation of smaller particles in the preheat zone. The flame propagation mechanism in this case was inferred to be similar to that of a usual hydrocarbon–air premixed flame, although the reaction zone thickness is much larger than that of the premixed flame. In the latter case, the multi peaks of various shapes were considered to be attributable to strong combustion at blue spots far behind the schlieren front. The flame propagation in this case was inferred to be supported by the heat release due to combustion at the blue spots.  相似文献   
有毒化学品事故安全区域的划分及人员疏散   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对有毒化学品事故,要求能迅速地对可能产生危险的区域进行辨识,尽快地确定安全区域的范围并告知有关人员进行疏散.笔者在分析应急救援指南(ERG)、立即致死浓度(IDLH)、紧急反应计划指南(ERPG)、关心浓度限值(LOC)等方法的基础上,采用有毒化学品的各种暴露极限浓度对初始隔离区、防护区、热区、暖区、冷区进行了划分,并对事故影响范围内人员疏散的原则进行了界定.该原则既能够满足现场救援的实际需求,又能保证周围群众及现场应急处置人员的人身安全.  相似文献   
研究了活性炭对甲苯废气的吸附穿透过程及热空气解吸过程.穿透曲线实验结果表明,在常规空塔气速范围内,传质区高度基本在5.06~9.75 cm,传质区不饱和度在0.4~0.7.在动态运行情况下,活性炭对甲苯的饱和吸附容量在0.16~0.24 g/g.热空气吹脱实验表明,适宜的脱附工况条件为脱附温度180 ℃、脱附空气流速0.106 m/s、脱附时间40 min.  相似文献   
The concentrations of metals in the buried marine sediment and groundwater were differently affected by land reclamation. Nine metals (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in sediment and coastal groundwater from reclamation areas in Shenzhen were examined. The gradually decreased concentrations (V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn) in sediment and relatively higher concentrations (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Cd) in groundwater within reclamation areas were observed. The increase of V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu and Cd concentrations in groundwater within reclamation areas subsequently after land reclamation should be resulted from the mobilization of these metals accumulated in the sediment. These metals appear to be easily mobilized from solid phase to solution phase after reclamation. The physico-chemical changes such as reduction in pH and salinity in water environment induced by land reclamation appear to be responsible for metal mobility in the sediment-groundwater system.  相似文献   
近岸海域区域环境质量综合评价体系构建及应用实例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了适用于我国现阶段海洋环境质量监测现状的基于水、沉积物和生物三大介质污染状况的近岸海域海洋环境质量综合状况评价体系,包括评价指标体系的选择、评价及等级分级标准的确定、评价流程的确定等内容。用所建立的综合评价体系对锦州湾海域进行了评价,评价结果表明,锦州湾海域总体状况较差,受到了严重污染,与锦州湾海域的实际污染状况相符,验证结果表明了该综合评价体系的适用性。  相似文献   
Littoral zone is a special land/ landscape type. As an important kind of land resource in support, the use of littoral zone is vital to eastern coastal areas in China. And the research on littoral zone relates to the key theory of landscape ecology. Based on the theory of landscape ecology, the littoral zone was divided into four types: mud flat, sand beach, bench, and biological flat. The distribution of each type in China is pointed out. As a typical open system, littoral zone has six landscape ecological characteristics: (1) high sensitivity to disturbance; (2) distinct edge effect; (3) spatial aggregation of natural resources; (4) frequently spatial oscillation; (5) obviously spatial heterogeneity; and (6) noticeably spatial differentiation. Some proposals are also put forward on the land use and development of littoral zone for environmental protection and environmental management.  相似文献   
随着城市的快速发展,城市生活垃圾对环境的危害越来越大,已经成为影响城市居住环境的重要污染源,如何进行城市生活垃圾的收集与处理显得至关重要。米东区作为乌鲁木齐市新型工业城区的代表,其经济虽然取得了飞速发展,但其城市居住环境却未得到足够地重视。鉴于此,围绕乌鲁木齐市新型工业城区的生活垃圾分类收集和处理现状展开了社会调查,选取乌鲁木齐市米东区作为靶区,随机选取70户人家进行了入户问卷调查,对调查结果进行了统计分析,得出了乌鲁木齐市米东区家庭生活垃圾分类收集及处理的特点,进而指出了新型工业城区垃圾分类工作存在的主要问题,根据影响城市家庭生活垃圾产生量的因素,针对如何更好的实现垃圾的分类收集工作提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
中碳合金钢退火状态可旋性良好,累计变薄率为80%,未见裂纹出现。强力旋压属局部连续塑性成形工艺,很适宜大直径筒形件塑性成形。变薄旋压中碳合金钢筒形件,与卷焊成形相比,可强化组织性能,降低筒体重量,提高使用效果。试验旨在探讨中碳合金钢筒形件旋压成形的稳定性,通过变形区三向接触面积塑流试验研究,筒体变形体积与力能的分析,以及优化工艺参数和确定合理工艺过程,旋出了高精度筒形件,同时进行了批量旋压生产。  相似文献   
黄河下游影响带地下水资源评价及合理开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论文研究黄河下游影响带(河南段)地下水资源评价及合理开发利用问题。在概要介绍河南省黄河影响带水文地质条件基础上,运用FEFLOW建立研究区三维地下水流模型,计算出地下水多年平均补给资源28.35×108m3/a和可开采资源量19.43×108m3/a。重点阐述新增9个水源地的开采条件,并通过地下水模型预测新增133×104m3/d开采量条件下,浅层地下水位最大降深小于20m,开采5~10年后地下水趋于稳定,新增开采量的62.58%来自黄河水的补给。研究表明,黄河对研究区地下水具有重要的补给作用,新增地下水开采量是有保证的。同时阐述了研究区地下水可持续开发利用的对策。  相似文献   
吕连宏  罗宏  张征  杨帆 《环境工程》2010,28(2):114-117
垃圾焚烧技术兼具环境效益和经济效益,环境风险评价的结论是该类项目选址的关键问题之一。在分析中国城市生活垃圾排放现状和生活垃圾焚烧项目环境风险的基础上,分析了二恶英风险事故的环境影响及环境防护距离的计算方法与传统卫生防护距离的差异,并以秦皇岛生活垃圾焚烧发电厂为实例进行了计算。结果表明:在不同工况下人体经呼吸每日最大摄入二恶英的量均远小于允许摄入量参考标准值,环境防护距离确定方法更为科学和人性化,有利于消除公众对此类建设项目的误解。  相似文献   
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