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建设项目卫生防护距离的确定方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建设项目环境影响评价过程中的选址问题至关重要,卫生防护距离的可达性是必不可少的因素.以合成氨厂为例,探讨环境影响评价中卫生防护距离的确定方法,对无组织排放源、源强及参数的确定进行了说明.  相似文献   
大连高新区结合自身"创全国一流,建特色园区"的发展战略积极实施ISO14000环境管理体系。以大连高新区为例,阐述了实施ISO14000环境管理系统促进高新区可持续发展的可行性。  相似文献   
Seacliff State Beach, along the shoreline of northern Monterey Bay, California, has a well-documented history of repeated destruction and reconstruction of seawalls and park facilities. Seven times in 60 years the timber seawall has been destroyed by winter storm waves and subsequently rebuilt. The deficiencies of the wall, including (a) inadequate attachment of timber lagging to pilings, (b) inability of pilings or lagging to withstand repeated impact of waves and logs, and (c) inadequate height and internal drainage system have never been adequately addressed and each successive wall has essentially been identical to the previously destroyed wall.  相似文献   
中亚热带择伐阔叶林与人促阔叶林对比评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中亚热带现有强度择伐阔叶林在林分生长、直接经济效益上不如人促阔叶林;在群落结构、树种组成、物种多样性、直径结构等方面与人促阔叶林相近.  相似文献   
Oyster culture has a potential to generate income for coastal communities and to lessen pressure on natural overexploited populations. A project to transfer mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae raft culture technology to selected coastal communities in Margarita Island, Venezuela is being developed, and an optimum location selection technique was devised. To pick the variables or factors that determine site suitability, a bibliographic database was made, aspects of interest chosen, and the most comprehensive ones singled out, eliminating redundant ones. Twenty variables were grouped in criteria based on the way they influence the project. Variables were classified as intrinsic environmental, environmental extrinsic, logistic, and socioeconomic criteria. Thirty-five experts were asked to evaluate the factors and to score each according to their suitability weight. Logistic criterion received the highest values, followed by environmental extrinsic issues. A Geographic Information System using a base map compiled from 1:25,000 scale maps was developed. A thematic map for each factor was completed, dividing graphically the 3896-km2 study area into polygons of equal weight for each factor. The Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) was used to combine the variables. Resultant vectors in thematic maps were added to obtain smaller polygons with the same value sum. Finally, MCE was used to generate a final output: the optimum sites for oyster aquaculture resulting from the added values of over 3000 polygons in the maps, for the 20 criteria. Higher scores were reached in 13 areas covering 4.1 km2, those places having the optimum conditions for oyster raft aquaculture in the region. Additional locations meeting 75% to 70% of the demanded criteria for a final suitable selection cover 137 sites encompassing 37.5 km2.  相似文献   
以山东省某经济开发区环评为例,分析开发区内各功能区布局的优劣势条件及其合理性,提出对开发区内各功能区布局的调整建议,探讨开发区功能区布局的评价指标体系、调整原则、思路、方法,提出该开发区功能区布局的调整方案,并对提出的调整方案进行综合对比,最终给出较为合理的功能区布局调整方案,促进开发区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
We studied the changes in wetland habitats and waterbird communities between the 1980s and the 2000s at Chongming Dongtan, a Ramsar site in the Yangtze River estuary, an ecologically important region. This region is an important stopover site for shorebirds along the East Asian–Australasian flyway and is extensively used by waterfowl. A net loss of 11% of the wetland area was estimated during study periods at Chongming Dongtan. The change was dependent on wetland types: while the area of artificial habitats such as paddy fields and aquacultural ponds more than doubled, more than 65% of natural habitats including sea bulrush (Scirpus mariqueter) and common reed (Phragmites australis) marshes were lost over the two decades. An exotic plant species introduced from North America, smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), occupied 30% of the vegetated intertidal zone by the 2000s. Although waterbird species richness did not change between the 1980s (110) and the 2000s (111), 13 species found in 1980s were replaced by 14 newly recorded species. Moreover, there were more species with declining trends (58) than with increasing trends (19). The population trends of species were affected by residential status and habitat types. Transients, wintering migrants, and habitat specialists were more likely to show declining trends compared to those breeding at Dongtan (including year-round and summer residents) and habitat generalists. Furthermore, species associated mainly with natural wetlands were more likely to decline than those associated mainly with artificial wetlands. These patterns suggest that the loss and change of wetland habitats at Chongming Dongtan adversely affected local population dynamics and might have contributed to the global decline of some waterbird species. Because Chongming Dongtan provides stopover and wintering habitats for many migratory waterbirds, protection and restoration of natural wetlands at Chongming Dongtan are urgently needed.  相似文献   
关于推进山海关生态区建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对山海关区社会、经济、环境现状进行分析,提出了生态区建设的优势以及存在的困难和问题。从实际出发,对生态区的建设提出要统筹规划,分步实施,特别是在生态产业(农业、工业、旅游业)、生态环境、生态人居和生态文化等方面提出了切实可行的措施。  相似文献   
Abstract: This study evaluates the effects of urban land use on stream channels and riparian ground‐water levels along low‐order Inner Coastal Plain streams in North Carolina. Six sites with stream catchments of similar size (1.19‐3.46 km2) within the Tar River Basin were selected across an urban land use gradient, as quantified by a range of catchment total impervious area (TIA; 3.8‐36.7%). Stream stage and ground‐water levels within three floodplain monitoring wells were measured manually and using pressure transducers from May 2006‐June 2007. Channel incision ratio (CIR), the ratio of bank height to bankfull height, was also measured at each monitoring site and along stream reaches within the study area (12 urban and 12 rural sites). Riparian ground‐water levels were inversely related to catchment TIA (%). As TIA (%) and stormwater runoff increased, the degree of stream channel incision increased and riparian ground‐water tables declined. In urban floodplains (>15% TIA), the median ground‐water level was 0.84 m deeper than for the rural settings (<15% TIA). This has resulted in a shift to drier conditions in the urban riparian zones, particularly during the summer months. CIR was found to be a reliable surface indicator of “riparian hydrologic drought” in these settings.  相似文献   
珠海市是我国实行对外开放政策后最早创办的4个经济特区之一,具有资源丰富的特点。在正确处理人口、资源与环境协调发展的关系方面采取的主要对策和经验是:1.坚持土地管理的“五个统一”;2.坚持环境保护的“八不准”;3.坚持“开源”与“节流”并举,发挥各种资源优势;4.坚持依靠科技进步,走“高、精、轻、优”的特区城市发展道路。  相似文献   
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