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常规滤筒集尘器在反吹清灰时,存在滤筒下部清灰能量过盛而上部清灰能量不足的现象,导致滤筒上部清灰不彻底而下部易破损。提出了在滤筒内部设置气流导柱,引导反吹气流,改善滤筒内部流场的方案。采用数值模拟与试验测试相结合的方法,对滤筒反吹清灰性能进行了分析。结果表明:内置气流导柱的新型滤筒反吹压力分布更加均匀,滤筒中下部冲击压强下降至原型滤筒的65%,解决了过喷吹问题,滤筒上部形成冲击压强尖峰解决了欠喷吹问题。同等工况下,内置气流导柱的新型滤筒相比原型滤筒拥有更长的使用寿命,预估使用寿命可达到普通滤筒的8倍。 相似文献
Jonas Geldmann Marine Deguignet Andrew Balmford Neil D. Burgess Nigel Dudley Marc Hockings Naomi Kingston Helen Klimmek Alanah Hayley Lewis Carsten Rahbek Sue Stolton Claire Vincent Sue Wells Stephen Woodley James E. M. Watson 《Conservation Letters》2021,14(4):e12792
Work on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework is now well advanced and will outline a vision, goals, and targets for the next decade of biodiversity conservation and beyond. For the effectiveness of Protected areas and Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures, an indicator has been proposed for “areas meeting their documented ecological objectives.” However, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has not identified or agreed on what data should inform this indicator. Here we draw on experiences from the assessment of protected area effectiveness in the CBD's previous strategic plan to provide recommendations on the essential elements related to biodiversity outcomes and management that need to be captured in this updated indicator as well as how this could be done. Our proposed protected area effectiveness indicators include a combination of remotely derived products for all protected areas, combined with data from monitoring of both protected area management and trends in species and ecosystems based on field observations. Additionally, we highlight the need for creating a digital infrastructure to operationalize national-level data-capture. We believe these steps are critical and urge the adoption of suitable protected area effectiveness indicators before the post-2020 framework is agreed in 2021. 相似文献
饮用水管道材料可以影响管壁生物膜群落组成,其代谢功能的差异又会导致不同的微生物风险.以PE管和PPR管为实验对象,结合16S rRNA测序、非靶向代谢组学、流式细胞仪和激光共聚焦扫描显微镜等方法,探究不同塑料管材对管壁生物膜微生物群落组成、代谢过程和微生物量的影响.结果表明,PPR管生物膜中微生物多样性和丰富度明显高于PE管.PPR管生物膜中变形菌门和拟杆菌门相对丰度高于PE管,PE管生物膜中放线菌门和酸杆菌门相对丰度高于PPR管.PE管壁生物膜中微生物代谢产物主要为十五烷酸、棕榈油酸和乙底酚等物质,PPR管生物膜中微生物代谢产物主要有13-氧化ODE、间香豆酸、7-羟基香豆素和松三糖等物质.相比于PPR管,PE管生物膜中与微生物代谢产物相对应的代谢通路包括核苷酸代谢、脂肪酸的生物合成和嘌呤代谢等表达量显著上调.与PPR管相比,PE管生物膜厚度更厚、微生物量更多,活菌比例更高,容易导致更强的微生物风险.因此,建议以后深入探究不同材质的塑料管对生物膜形成的影响机制并提出相应控制措施,以确保饮用水塑料管网水质微生物安全. 相似文献
针对水污染治理目标的差异化需求,构建了一套水污染治理技术适用性评估方法。评估指标体系既包括反映水污染治理目标的评估指标,又包含技术本身的性能指标;在具体评估中,先采用层次分析法(AHP)对指标体系中每项指标赋权,再采用优劣解距离法(TOPSIS)对备选技术进行综合性能评估,进而筛选出满足水污染治理目标需求的适配性推荐技术。采用该方法对某海绵城市建设和某黑臭水体治理项目进行案例应用研究,考察所构建的技术适用性评估方法是否能够达到预期效果。这2个案例由于治理目标需求不同,构建的技术评估指标体系和评估指标权重不同,导致从同一技术储备库中筛选出的适配性推荐技术并不一致,表明AHP-TOPSIS技术适用性评估方法可以依据水污染治理目标需求的差异性筛选出适配性推荐技术。 相似文献
Laura Maxim 《Journal of Environmental Planning and Management》2019,62(2):229-247
The quality of science for policy depends as much on the robustness of available scientific knowledge as it does on the procedural settings and working procedures in safety agencies. Using a report on Bisphenol A as a case study, and a set of original criteria, we provide an understanding of procedural influences on the results of scientific advisory committees and about literature reviews for chemical hazard characterization. Expert elicitation revealed that three aspects are critically important for the results of the advisory activity and for the selected case study: the method used to combine different studies, the interpretation of the review results in terms of level of evidence and conclusiveness, and the choice of uncertainty factors. Our results also show how procedural settings and working procedures can promote the invisible influence of values and policy on scientific advisory activities. 相似文献
周利敏 《防灾技术高等专科学校学报》2008,(4):114-117
以往大部分文献从经济、政治和管理学等角度对“全能政府”与灾害危机之间的关系进行了探讨,过于重视政府角色的扩张,却忽略了非营利部门在灾害救助中的作用。本着社工非营利组织能发挥积极的“补充性(suplementary)”而非“替代性”作用的观点,本文围绕一个核心问题展开,即“社工非营利组织如何根据地震灾害的实际情况制定不同的行为策略,发展出一套组织生存法则”。虽然一些学者对社工组织在灾害救助过程中能否扮演重要角色或功能仍有质疑,但本文认为,社工组织通过“自省”(self-reflection)和“自我观照”(inner-understanding),制定正确的行为策略,就能将灾害危机化为组织发展契机。 相似文献
重庆市旅游资源开发与旅游产业发展对策 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文在列举了重庆旅游资源的优势和特点的基础上,阐述了旅游业对发展重庆经济的功能;并就重庆市旅游规划的格局,以及如何保持该市旅游业持续、健康地发展提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
Michel C. Boufadel 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1998,34(1):167-177
ABSTRACT: Unit hydrograph ordinates are often estimated by deconvoluting excess rainfall pulses and corresponding direct runoff. The resulting ordinates are given at discrete times spaced evenly at intervals equal to the duration of the rainfall pulse. If the new duration is not a multiple of the parent duration, hydrograph interpolation is required. Linear interpolation, piece-wise nonlinear interpolation and graphical smoothing have been used. These interpolation schemes are expedient but they lack theoretical basis and can lead to undesirable results. Interpolation can be avoided if the instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) for the watershed is known. Here two issues connected with the classic Nash IUH are examined: (1) how should the Nash parameters be estimated? and (2) under what conditions is the resulting hydrograph able to reasonably represent watershed response? In the first case, nonlinear constrained optimization provides better estimates of the IUH parameters than does the method of moments. In the second case, the Nash IUH gives good results on watersheds with mild shape unit hydrographs, but performs poorly on watersheds having sharply peaked unit hydrographs. Overall, in comparison to empirical interpolation alternatives, the Nash IUH offers a theoretically sound and practical approach to estimate unit hydrographs for a wide variety of watersheds. 相似文献
Burkhard O. Wagner 《Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung》1998,10(4):245-253
Zusammenfassung UNEP International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) wurde von der ersten VN-Umweltkonferenz 1972 geschaffen.
Sein Einfu? und Zusammenwirken in den 80ziger Jahren mit anderen internationalen Programmen der WHO, FAO, OECD und EG in der
Chemikalienkontrolle wird beschrieben. Nach dem Erdgipfel von Rio 1992 werden im VN-Rahmen drei neue Gremien gebildet, die
das Fachprogramm des Kapitels 19 der Agenda 21 (umweltfreundliches Chemikalienmanagement) umsetzen sollen: die United nations
Commission of Sustainable Development, das Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety und das Interorganization Programme
for the Sound Management of Chemicals. Der Erdgipfel brachte auch für IRPTC eine Neuorientierung. Seit 1996 hat UNEP Chemicals,
wie sich IRPTC nunmehr nennt, drei Aufgaben in sein Arbeitsprogramm aufgenommen, die beschrieben werden: das internationale
übereinkommen zum Prior Informed Consent, das internationale übereinkommen zur Kontrolle der Persistent Organic Pollutants,
und schlie?lich sein traditionelles Arbeitsgebiet des Informations-austausches über Stoffe wird weitergeführt.
Die Aussagen dieses Beitrages sind die Meinung des Autors. Sie müssen nicht mit der Auffassung des Umweitbundesamtes oder von UNEP Chemicals übereinstimmen. 相似文献
Die Aussagen dieses Beitrages sind die Meinung des Autors. Sie müssen nicht mit der Auffassung des Umweitbundesamtes oder von UNEP Chemicals übereinstimmen. 相似文献