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采用多元线性回归-分光光度法进行电镀排放废水中Cr3+、Ni2+、Zn2+的同时测定研究。以4-(2-吡啶偶氮)间苯二酚(PAR)为显色剂,探索了同时测定模拟电镀废水中Cr3+、Ni2+、Zn2+的实验方法,建立多元线性回归模型。根据实际电镀排放废水中Cr3+、Ni2+、Zn2+的质量浓度分布调查结果,设计了测定较低和较高浓度范围2种模型,分别对应不同水质波动程度的电镀企业废水,前者浓度范围设置基本覆盖大多数实际电镀排放废水中Cr3+、Ni2+、Zn2+的浓度,且具有较高精度。测定浓度范围较小模型对应水质波动较小的电镀排放废水,模型中Cr3+、Ni2+、Zn2+的质量浓度分别为0.32~0.44、0.32~0.50、0.72~0.84 mg/L,平均相对误差MR...  相似文献   
基于PDCA模式的化工企业安全文化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,化工事故屡次发生,给国家和人民带来了巨大的经济损失.为了减少化工企业的安全生产事故,有的通过HSE管理体系降低安全事故率,有的通过危险性评价来控制危险源.从文化管理的角度探讨化工企业的安全文化建设问题,以期减少化工企业的安全生产事故. 根据安全文化管理的优势以及化工生产的特点,引入PDCA管理模型,把化工企业安全文化建设分4个阶段,系统地讨论了化工企业的安全文化建设问题,并且形成了一套化工企业的文化建设体系,可供企业参考.  相似文献   
The global biodiversity crisis requires an engaged citizenry that provides collective support for public policies and recognizes the consequences of personal consumption decisions. Understanding the factors that affect personal engagement in proenvironmental behaviors is essential for the development of actionable conservation solutions. Zoos and aquariums may be some of the only places where many people can explore their relations with wild animals and proenvironmental behaviors. Using a moderated‐mediation analysis of a survey of U.S. zoo and aquarium visitors (n = 3588), we explored the relationship between the sense of connection to animals and self‐reported engagement in proenvironmental behaviors related to climate change and how this relationship is affected by certainty that climate change is happening, level of concern about climate change, and perceptions of effectiveness in personally addressing climate change. We found a significant, directional relationship between sense of connection to animals and self‐reported proenvironmental behaviors. Political inclination within the conservative to liberal spectrum did not affect the relationship. We conclude that a personal sense of connection to animals may provide a foundation for educational and communication strategies to enhance involvement in proenvironmental actions.  相似文献   
When designing a conservation reserve system for multiple species, spatial attributes of the reserves must be taken into account at species level. The existing optimal reserve design literature considers either one spatial attribute or when multiple attributes are considered the analysis is restricted only to one species. We built a linear integer programing model that incorporates compactness and connectivity of the landscape reserved for multiple species. The model identifies multiple reserves that each serve a subset of target species with a specified coverage probability threshold to ensure the species' long‐term survival in the reserve, and each target species is covered (protected) with another probability threshold at the reserve system level. We modeled compactness by minimizing the total distance between selected sites and central sites, and we modeled connectivity of a selected site to its designated central site by selecting at least one of its adjacent sites that has a nearer distance to the central site. We considered structural distance and functional distances that incorporated site quality between sites. We tested the model using randomly generated data on 2 species, one ground species that required structural connectivity and the other an avian species that required functional connectivity. We applied the model to 10 bird species listed as endangered by the state of Illinois (U.S.A.). Spatial coherence and selection cost of the reserves differed substantially depending on the weights assigned to these 2 criteria. The model can be used to design a reserve system for multiple species, especially species whose habitats are far apart in which case multiple disjunct but compact and connected reserves are advantageous. The model can be modified to increase or decrease the distance between reserves to reduce or promote population connectivity.  相似文献   
Determining the minimum area required to sustain populations has a long history in theoretical and conservation biology. Correlative approaches are often used to estimate minimum area requirements (MARs) based on relationships between area and the population size required for persistence or between species’ traits and distribution patterns across landscapes. Mechanistic approaches to estimating MAR facilitate prediction across space and time but are few. We used a mechanistic MAR model to determine the critical minimum patch size (CMP) for the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas phaeton), a locally abundant species in decline along its southern range, and sister to several federally listed species. Our CMP is based on principles of diffusion, where individuals in smaller patches encounter edges and leave with higher probability than those in larger patches, potentially before reproducing. We estimated a CMP for the Baltimore checkerspot of 0.7–1.5 ha, in accordance with trait‐based MAR estimates. The diffusion rate on which we based this CMP was broadly similar when estimated at the landscape scale (comparing flight path vs. capture‐mark‐recapture data), and the estimated population growth rate was consistent with observed site trends. Our mechanistic approach to estimating MAR is appropriate for species whose movement follows a correlated random walk and may be useful where landscape‐scale distributions are difficult to assess, but demographic and movement data are obtainable from a single site or the literature. Just as simple estimates of lambda are often used to assess population viability, the principles of diffusion and CMP could provide a starting place for estimating MAR for conservation.  相似文献   
住房价格能够影响居民的居住决策,进而影响其通勤碳排放。为研究住房价格与通勤碳排放的内在关系,构建住房价格影响个体通勤碳排放的理论模型,并利用“个体—街道”两水平线性模型,对济南市居民出行调查数据进行实证检验。研究发现:(1)通勤碳排放呈现出“中心低碳化、外围高碳化”,且外围趋于分化的空间格局。(2)住房价格通过虹吸效应影响居民的碳排放。具体表现为住房价格与碳排放负相关,外围低房价吸引居住者,而居住者的远程机动通勤导致外围高值碳排放;但住房价格的边际增碳程度随着远离市中心而先缓(距市中心 5 km)后增(距市中心5 km及以上)。(3)外围工资收入对虹吸效应起调节作用。工资水平较高的外围区域有利于实现职住平衡,抑制了虹吸效应,进而分化为碳排放的冷点区,工资水平较低的外围区域则分化为碳排放的热点区。研究认为,应通过多中心空间发展战略、提高居民的就业可达性、优化针对公租房的公共交通供给等措施,引导居民低碳通勤。  相似文献   
宋宁  张凯山 《环境科学学报》2013,33(12):3391-3398
针对我国城市能源供需矛盾日益恶化、环境污染日益严重的现状,优化城市机动车能源结构,缓解城市机动车对传统能源的使用压力,减少尾气排放,具有十分重要的意义.因此,本文以成都市为例,采用线性优化技术,通过确定各种车用能源生命周期内的能源消耗及排放、各种能源车辆的经济成本等,分析得到成都市整个城区范围内能耗最低、排放最小的各种能源机动车数量比例.结果表明,成都市各种能源机动车的数量比例随所选目标函数的不同而有所变化.为实现总能耗最小,各种能源机动车的比例按汽油、柴油、纯电动、电力/汽油混合动力、CNG单燃料、CNG/汽油双燃料、LPG单燃料、及LPG/汽油双燃料等划分应分别68.6%、11.4%、3.7%、6.1%、5.0%、5.0%、0.1%、0.1%.与机动车数量比例优化前相比,优化后总能源消耗量、石油消耗量分别平均减少了11.5%、13.8%.除PM10及SOx排放量有所增加外,其他气体的排放均有所减少,如CO2、VOC、CO及NOx的平均排放量分别减少了10.6%、13.5%、13.5%及16.5%.这是因为机动车能源结构优化后,纯电动汽车及混合燃油汽车的比例有所增加,由于这两类汽车都需要经常充电从而增加了电网的压力.而我国发电技术主要采用火力发电,发电过程将会产生大量的PM10及SOx.本研究的成果可用于环境决策者制定有效的交通能源政策,达到城市可持续发展的目的.  相似文献   
Addressing onsite sampling in recreation site choice models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Independent experts and politicians have criticized statistical analyses of recreation behavior, which rely upon onsite samples due to their potential for biased inference. The use of onsite sampling usually reflects data or budgetary constraints, but can lead to two primary forms of bias in site choice models. First, the strategy entails sampling site choices rather than sampling individuals—a form of bias called endogenous stratification. Under these conditions, sample choices may not reflect the site choices of the true population. Second, exogenous attributes of the individuals sampled onsite may differ from the attributes of individuals in the population—the most common form in recreation demand is avidity bias. We propose addressing these biases by combining two the existing methods: Weighted Exogenous Stratification Maximum Likelihood estimation and propensity score estimation. We use the National Marine Fisheries Service's Marine Recreational Fishing Statistics Survey to illustrate methods of bias reduction, employing both simulated and empirical applications. We find that propensity score based weights can significantly reduce bias in estimation. Our results indicate that failure to account for these biases can overstate anglers' willingness to pay for improvements in fishing catch, but weighted models exhibit higher variance of parameter estimates and willingness to pay.  相似文献   
Coral diseases have increased in frequency over the past few decades and have important influences on the structure and composition of coral reef communities. However, there is limited information on the etiologies of many coral diseases, and pathways through which coral diseases are acquired and transmitted are still in question. Furthermore, it is difficult to assess the impacts of disease on coral populations because outbreaks often co-occur with temperature-induced bleaching and anthropogenic stressors. We developed spatially explicit population models of coral disease and bleaching dynamics to quantify the impact of six common diseases on Florida Keys corals, including aspergillosis, dark spots, white band, white plague, white patch, and Caribbean yellow band. Models were fit to an 8-year data set of coral abundance, disease prevalence, and bleaching prevalence. Model selection was used to assess alternative pathways for disease transmission, and the influence of environmental stressors, including sea temperature and human population density, on disease prevalence and coral mortality. Classic disease transmission from contagious to susceptible colonies provided the best-fit model only for aspergillosis. For other diseases, external disease forcing, such as through a vector or directly from pathogens in the environment, provided the best fit to observed data. Estimates of disease reproductive ratio values (R0) were less than one for each disease, indicating coral colonies were below densities required for diseases to become established through contagious spread alone. Incidences of white band and white patch disease were associated with greater susceptibility or slower recovery of bleached colonies, and no disease outbreaks were associated with periods of elevated sea temperatures alone. Projections of best-fit models indicated that, atleast during the period of this study, disease and bleaching did not have substantial impacts on populations and impaired rates of population growth appeared to be attributable to other stressors. By applying epidemiological models to field data, our study gives qualitative insights into the dynamics of coral diseases, relative stressor impacts, and directions for future research.  相似文献   
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