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江苏省太湖流域一级保护区综合整治是治理太湖的重点工作,直接关系太湖湖体水环境质量。本文对一级保护区存在的污染问题进行全面分析,提出了严格控制建设用地规模、调整工业结构、优化城乡布局、调整人口结构等减小生态压力的途径,通过提高城镇污水处理能力、加快城镇管网建设、实施污水处理厂脱氮除磷提标改造、推进中水回用和污泥安全处置、完善城镇及乡村垃圾收运系统、治理内源污染等方法进行综合整治,为全面治理太湖水污染提供理论依据。  相似文献   
于2011年3月到2012年2月逐月对阜阳城区几条主要河流:颍河(A)、泉河(B)、西城河(C)、东城河(D)、南城河(E)、西清河(F)、中清河(G)、东清河(H)及三角洲(I)水体进行设点采样,研究各水体浮游动物的结构特征及多样性水平,并分析了各水体浮游动物的生物量与相应水体主要水质指标的相关关系。结果表明:浮游动物密度在各水体一年中出现两个高峰,分别在4—5月和10月,生物量也有两个高峰,分别比相应密度高峰晚一个月左右;这些高峰与水质指标具有相伴关系;各水体浮游动物生物量与相应水体主要水质指标(CODCr,、BOD、DO、TP、NH。-N)具有显著的相关关系。因此,阜阳城区各水体浮游动物生物量与水体污染程度有一定关系,可根据浮游动物生物量来判别相应水体水质,但鉴于水生态环境的复杂性,在监测水质时,其它生物因子也应综合考虑。  相似文献   
Despite the enormous cost of radiation decontamination, there has been almost no quantitative discussion on how much it would reduce the long-term external radiation exposure in the Evacuation Zone and Planned Evacuation Zone (restricted zone) in Fukushima. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of decontamination and return options and to identify important parameters for estimating the long-term cumulated effective dose (CED) during 15, 30 and 70 year period using data on land-use, population and decontamination in the restricted zone (about 1100 km2) in Fukushima.  相似文献   
通过对河北平原磁河流域包气带不同深度取样并对污染物含量的测定 ,确定了主要污染物及其在包气带中的分布规律。结果表明 :包气带可以将有机质吸附、降解 ;Cr(Ⅵ )和Cl-迁移能力强 ;SO4 2 -浓度较低 ;NH4 -N虽然在包气带中能够得到一定的降解 ,但由于其浓度较高 ,降解不完全 ,可能已对包气带构成污染  相似文献   
脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对上海滨海盐碱土的特点,借助土柱淋洗试验方法,研究了脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果,分析了不同石膏质量配比条件下(0%,1%,2.5%,5%和10%),土壤团粒结构和水力传导度变化以及盐碱土-脱硫石膏体系中的离子交换过程与效率.研究结果表明:加入脱硫石膏之后,盐碱土团粒结构得到改善,孔隙度变大,水力传导能力增强,平均导水系数是对照组的4~5倍,有效加快脱盐过程;在土柱开始淋洗的前6d内,离子交换过程表现最活跃,淋洗液的电导率和离子浓度急剧下降.添加脱硫石膏的土柱中钙离子优先置换出钠离子,平均脱钠效率达到对照组的1.8倍.钙钾离子交换和钙镁离子交换也同步发生,但规模明显小于钙钠离子交换.当脱硫石膏质量配比超过1%时,盐碱土的脱盐效果主要取决于原土中的交换性阳离子总量.随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著.在充分混匀的理想条件下,建议上海滨海盐碱土改良过程中添加脱硫石膏的质量配比高于1%为宜.  相似文献   
近距离上保护层开采最小安全岩柱厚度研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运用岩石力学知识和数值模拟方法,分析近距离保护层矩形掘进巷道周边的应力分布规律以及巷道塑性区范围的确定方法,并结合平煤集团五矿的保护层开采条件,利用FLAC数值计算程序对该矿近距离上保护层掘进期间不同岩柱厚度条件下的保护层底板塑性破坏范围进行数值模拟,在此基础上,提出合理确定保护层底板安全岩柱厚度的方法,现场观测结果表明,理论计算与数值模拟结果比较吻合,符合生产实际。  相似文献   
利用2021—2022年Sentinel-2卫星搭载的多光谱成像仪(MSI)遥感数据,通过SNAP遥感软件提供的植被生物物理参数处理模块(Biophysical Processor),反演了苏州消夏湾生态安全缓冲区的5种植被生物物理参数,包括植被吸收光合有效辐射比例(FAPAR)、植被覆盖度(FVC)、叶面积指数(LAI)、冠层叶绿素含量(CCC)和冠层含水量(CWC),开展植被生态环境监测评估研究。结果表明,该生态安全缓冲区2021年建成并投入运行后,植被覆盖度和生物量有所增加,区域植被冠层结构有所改善,植被生物物理参数从一定的角度反映了消夏湾生态安全缓冲区发挥了生态涵养成效。该研究方法能在大尺度上快捷、高效地反演植被生物物理参数,可为通过植被遥感动态监测评估生态安全缓冲区的生态功能提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
As pressures on coastal zones mount, there is a growing need for frameworks that can be used to conceptualize complex sustainability challenges and help organize research that increases understand about interacting ecological and societal processes, predicts change, and supports the management, persistence, and resilience of coastal systems. The Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework is one such approach that has been adopted in some coastal zones around the world. Although the application of the DPSIR framework has considerable potential to bridge the gap between scientific disciplines and link science to coastal policy and management, current applications of DPSIR in coastal environments have been limited and new innovations in the application of the DPSIR model are needed. We conducted a structured review of literature on the DPSIR framework as applied to the function, process and components of complex coastal systems. Our specific focus was on how the DPSIR framework has been used as a tool to organize sophisticated empirical scientific research, support transdisciplinary knowledge at a level appropriate for building understanding about coastal systems, and how adopting a DPSIR approach can help stakeholders to articulate and structure challenges in coastal systems and use the framework to support policy and management outcomes. The review revealed that DPSIR models of coastal systems have been largely used to support and develop conceptual understanding of coastal social–ecological systems and to identify drivers and pressures in the coastal realm. A limited number of studies have used DPSIR as a starting point for semi-quantitative or quantitative analyses, although our review highlights the continued need for, and potential of, transformative quantitative analyses and transdisciplinary applications of the DPSIR framework. The DPSIR models we reviewed were predominantly single sector, encompassing ecological or biophysical factors or focusing primarily on socio-cultural dimensions rather than full integration of both types of information. Only in eight of 24 shortlisted articles did researchers actively engage decision-makers or citizens in their research: given the potential opportunity for using DPSIR as a tool to successfully engage policy-makers and stakeholders, it appears that the DPSIR framework has been under-utilized in this regard.  相似文献   
Strømman et al. (2009) developed a method for dealing with double-counting in tiered hybrid LCA. Their algorithms identify overlaps of physical and monetary flows in the process and input–output parts of their hybrid data base, and then remove double-counted monetary flows in the input–output system using structural path analysis. Strømman's adjustment criterion is that the set of input–output paths to be removed should have the same monetary value as the process system flow that it overlaps with. I comment on Strømman's methods with respect to the accuracy of the correspondence between process and input–output systems. I argue that the set of double-counted paths to be removed from the input–output system is better selected on the basis of sector definitions than monetary value.  相似文献   
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