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为了阐明人类活动对三峡库区第一大支流香溪河流域氮输入的影响程度,基于人类活动净氮输入(NANI)模型估算了2001~2015年间香溪河流域乡镇水平的人类活动净氮输入,分析了氮输入的主要来源及其动态变化.结果表明:时间尺度上,香溪河流域人类活动净氮输入(NANI)因氮素施用的变化而呈现先上升后下降最后上升的趋势,但2015年相对2001年的NANI下降了143kg N/(km2·a);空间尺度上,香溪河流域NANI整体呈现北低南高的分布格局,其中NANI输入强度差异较大的区域主要有昭君镇、峡口镇和黄粮镇.从人类活动净氮输入的组成上来看,氮肥施用仍然是最主要的来源(40.06%),其次为大气氮沉降(29.98%)和食品/饲料净氮输入(27.75%),作物固氮仅占净氮输入总量的2.21%.香溪河流域的NANI与人口密度和耕地面积比例极显著相关(P<0.001);而NANI与河流氮输出的相关性不显著,香溪河流域河流氮输出占NANI的比例仅为24.28%.因此,可以通过减少氮素施用降低流域尺度氮素净输入量,但该流域NANI与河流氮输出无直接的响应关系.  相似文献   
赤水河流域作为长江上游重要的水源涵养区,其生态环境状况及水环境质量备受关注。为了了解流域河水氮素来源,本次研究利用硝酸盐稳定同位素(~(15)N、~(18)O)示踪技术并结合流域土地利用类型空间分布分析了赤水河流域丰水期与枯水期干流及主要支流河水硝酸盐来源与转化过程。结果表明,流域水体NO_3~-浓度具有明显的时空变化,其中丰水期NO_3~-浓度要高于枯水期,喀斯特区域的NO_3~-浓度要高于非喀斯特区域。流域干、支流水体δ~(15)N-NO_3~-、δ~(18)O-NO_3~-季节性差异明显,丰水期支流δ~(15)N-NO_3~-差异较大,干流差异较小,而枯水期支流δ~(15)N-NO_3~-差异较小,干流差异较大。结合氮氧同位素和土地利用信息发现,丰水期支流NO_3~-受其土地利用方式的影响,其来源具有多样性;干流NO_3~-浓度则主要受支流混合作用影响。枯水期干流NO_3~-受流域人为活动影响较为显著,点源输入造成水体氮同位素分布范围较宽,主要来源表现为生活污水和土壤有机氮;而支流NO_3~-多表现为土壤有机氮来源,部分支流受流域内城镇影响,生活污水对河流NO_3~-贡献较大。流域水体氮污染控制应以农业面源氮流失为主,同时严格控制点源污染的输入。  相似文献   
基于水土流失的景观格局分析方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢爱刚  张镭  索安宁 《生态环境》2010,19(7):1599-1604
景观格局和生态过程是景观生态学研究的重要内容,但是很多研究只重视景观格局的研究,而忽略了生态过程的研究。文章针对水土流失这一重要生态过程,提出了基于水土流失过程的景观坡度指数和景观空间负荷对比指数,并对黄土高原泾河流域15个子流域的景观格局进行了分析,认为泾河流北部各子流域主要以水土流失的"源"景观为主,景观坡度指数大,空间负荷指数小,水土流失风险大;流域南部各子流域上游以"汇"景观为主,坡度指数大,中下游以"源"景观为主,景观空间分布不均衡,存在一定的水土流失风险;流域东部局部子流域主要以水土流失的"汇"景观为主,"源"景观相对较小,"源"-"汇"景观空间分布均衡,水土流失风险小。  相似文献   
Mixed-integer linear programs are proposed for siting development and conservation areas in watersheds, addressing economic objectives (development perimeter and proximity) and ecological objectives. Links between watershed hydrology and ecology need not be well defined. Parameters for the linear programs are obtained from linearization of the SWAT hydrologic model.  相似文献   
Humanity's future depends on the preservation of natural ecosystems that supply resources and absorb pollutants. Rural and urban productions are currently based on chemical products made from petroleum, which are responsible for high negative impacts on the Biosphere. In order to prevent those impacts, efficient public policies seeking for sustainable development are necessary. Aiming to assess the load on the environment (considering the gratuitous contributions of natural systems—a donor's perspective) due to human-dominated process, a scientific tool called Emergy Evaluation has been applied in different production systems, including crops and farms. However, there is still a lack of emergy studies in the context of watersheds, probably due to the difficulty of collecting raw data. The present work aims to carry out an assessment of Mogi-Guaçu and Pardo watershed, through the combined use of Emergy Evaluation and Geographical Information System. The agricultural and natural land uses were considered, while urban areas were excluded. Emergy flows (expressed in seJ ha−1 yr−1) obtained for all agricultural and natural land uses were expanded for the whole watershed and the emergy indices were calculated. The results show that the watershed has: low renewability (%R = 32%); low capture of natural resources through high external economic investment (EYR = 1.86); low dependence on natural resources (EIR = 1.16); and moderate load on the environment (ELR = 2.08). Considering a scenario where sugar-cane crops, orchards and pasture areas are converted from conventional to organic management, watershed's emergy performance improved, reaching a new renewability of 38%, but it is still not enough to be considered sustainable.  相似文献   
西北地区种植业需水分析——以泾河流域为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用面积定额法估算泾河流域31个县的农作物需水量,从农作物需水结构着手,探讨农业用水存在的问题。结果表明,泾河流域农作物需水量总计740 543.20万m3,农作物需水占总需水量的比例较高,为41.58%。粮食作物需水定额较经济作物高;就具体作物而言,菜、瓜类、水稻、棉花等需水定额较高,向日葵、薯类、胡麻等较低。各县(区)单位面积需水量差异较大,平均值为4 583 m3.hm-2;泾阳县最高,为5 682 m3.hm-2,定边县最低,为4 022 m3.hm-2。由于事先设定大多数作物的需水定额不随县(区)的改变而改变,因此需水量与作物结构密切相关。农业用水浪费严重,使泾河流域农作物实际用水量远高于需水量的理论计算值。为此,提出合理利用泾河流域农业水土资源的4项对策:调整种植业结构;多角度实施农业节水;完善农业水土资源优化配置定量方法;退耕还林还草,发展生态林牧业。  相似文献   
宁夏灵武市庙梁子沟流域把沙漠化治理与经济产业开发相结合起来,形成了具有特色的"外围草方格固沙,四周乔木林防风,核心发展经济产业"的水土保持综合治理模式、"五位一体"的经济产业发展模式和"水保搭台、政府导演、各部门协助、全社会参与同唱一台戏"的运行管理模式,在宁夏风沙区及周边同类型地区水土流失治理和开发中值得推广。  相似文献   
We measured denitrification at 15 sites during 1 year in a agricultural catchment in Brittany, France. Our objective was to assess the relative importance of heterotrophic denitrification on the fate of excess nitrogen at the catchment scale, and to quantify the relative importance of riparian areas on the N2O emissions. Using the C2H2 inhibition technique, denitrification rate on soil core and denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) were each determined, for samples taken from two soil layers: 0–20 and 20–40 cm. Denitrification rates, ranging from 0 to 417 mg N m−2 d−1, were significantly higher in riparian areas than for hillslopes (median of 24.87 against 10.38 mg N m−2 d−1). However, since denitrification rates are significant in the hillslope and given that hillslope surface area is much greater (79% of catchment surface), this domain could be responsible for half of the overall denitrified nitrogen (N). Also, the 20–40 cm deep soil layer was found to account for more than 46% of the denitrification. The DEA indicates the potential for denitrifying activity by the soil under non-limiting conditions, measured values ranged from 76.48 to 530.63 ng N g−1 dry soil h−1. The ratio N2O/(N2O + N2) was about 60% with no clear spatial or temporal trends. Soil moisture appeared to be the main limiting factor for denitrification at the field scale. The results suggest that, for this catchment, denitrification is a major route for nitrogen removal, but a significant proportion of this removal occurs as N2O.  相似文献   
基于参与式社区评估法的泾河流域景观管理问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
参与式社区评估法既兼顾了景观管理中的地理变量,同时还将社会经济因素纳入了考虑范畴,是深入进行问题分析客观有效的方法之一。本文采用参与式社区评估法,运用问题矩阵和问题树分析,对泾河流域景观管理中存在的问题和利益相关者的认知进行了分析。研究发现,绝大多数利益相关者认为土壤侵蚀已成为第一严重的问题,其次是土地生产力低下、自然灾害、植被破坏等。尽管当地公众已经认识到了土壤侵蚀的严重危害,但在安排土地利用方式时,却很少考虑土壤侵蚀带来的危害,仍然从事着自给自足的粮食生产活动。  相似文献   
本研究采用美国农业部农业研究所开发的SWAT模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对茫溪河流域非点源污染进行了模拟研究,构建了适用于茫溪河流域的非点源污染模型,对流域的非点源污染进行了模拟和分析。模拟结果显示:茫溪河流域污染特征以非点源污染为主;东茫溪河水系的泥沙、氮、磷等负荷均大于西茫溪河水系;单位泥沙负荷最大的区域为流域东北部、东部和东南部一带的深丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要泥沙输出区;氮、磷负荷最大的区域为茫溪河中下游一带的平坝、浅丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要氮、磷输出区;研究区内泥沙、营养物质的输出具有很强的时间规律,有机氮、有机磷的输出在雨季(6月~9月)会出现高峰,因此雨季是流域内非点源污染源输出的重点时段。  相似文献   
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